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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://www.4q.cc/chuck/ Just keep hitting refresh. Some are good, some not.
  2. http://truthlaidbear.com/gopleadershipquestions.php Contibute your input on the questions that you think should be answered by the candidates aspiring to be House Majority Leader for the GOP. Some good ones here that I sure would like to see answered.
  3. I remember buying two very different albums for my first purchases, The Beetles Hey Jude, and Led Zeppelin 4.
  4. If it is AGAINST THE LAW to have a cracked windshield and something hanging from your rear view mirror, why SHOULDN'T he be given a ticket? You can get pulled over for not wearing your seatbelt, and in some places for talking on a cell phone, so why not the window? Come on,if he was breakng the law, he was breaking the law.
  5. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 14, 2006 -> 04:11 AM) Wait. what am I not following here? Part of what led to the demise of the group was the public and legal pressuere brought upon the group and it's publication during Dinesh D'Souza's editorship over calling a girl's mother (she happened to be hispanic) and telling her that her daughter was using birth control, and then publishing that same information along with the girl's identity in their campus rag. The story made national news at the time, either in a story in Newsweek or Time (I can't remember which). Evil, do you know the year ROTC was banned from campus? I don't. But while saving the ROTC program may be Alitos; stated goal in interacting with the group, it is not even a blip on the radar in their first decade of activity. ROTC wasn't banned outright, but when their building was burned down by peace protestors, the admin took its time to try and find them a new place. If it had been a minority student association building burned down, there would have been new quarters almost the next day. But for the ROTC? Nothing. Just delays, excuses, etc. So, when the protestors in effect 'kicked them out', the admin did not help them to get back in. As for what you are not following, you are making a common mistake you make in these discussions, in that you take everything as black or white. Everything except evil (not me) that is. Just because one editor did something wrong does not paint the whole group as wrong. I mean, just because there were a few really bad apples in that anti-war group Kerry belonged to, doesn't mean that EVERYBODY that was in that group was bad, does it?
  6. OK, now it was against the law for an 8th grader to own a gun, and against the law for him to bring it to school, and he probably broke a whole host of other laws while he was at it. What do you want to bet that this brings forth a renewed call for more gun control legislation?
  7. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 04:21 PM) I would think its a real big deal if someone claimed membership to a group who's sole purpose was keeping his alma mater white and male - The supposed all male and white club had female and minority members. Its stated goals were to bring ROTC back to the campus (their building was burned by some protestors, and they weren't given a new or substitute building to use),and to end the LOWERING of admission standards to meet an informal quota system set up by some more liberal members of the administration. Wanting to make sure people don't get in BECAUSE they are black or women is alot different that not wanting them in at all.
  8. I think if Bush gets another chance to nominate someone maybe he should nominate Teddy himself! Let's see him stand up to the same kind of attacks he and his ilk seem to like spewing. I wonder what publications Teddy subscribes to that have statements in it that would make him 'guilty by association'? I am sure there would be questions about Mary Jo, and who knows what else. Maybe even into questions about where his family money came from to begin with? And yes, Fla, I understand the difference you mentioned. But the underlying idea is still the same, In a partisan way, those against Alito were quick to condemn his wife's acts as a mere ploy, but yet steadfastly defend Sheehan, who is as big a publicity-whore as there ever was.
  9. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jan 12, 2006 -> 11:50 PM) Remember Mrs. Alito running out in tears? Might be a publicity stunt. Check this out from Time's website.... http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...1148113,00.html So the wife of a man being grilled by alot of very inept Senators leaves in tears over the anguish her husband is experiencing, and it MAY be a political ploy. However, the grieving mother of a war veteran uses her 15 miutes of fame to become a shill for all things liberal and she is merely 'expressing her grief'? Hmmm.
  10. How old ARE you? 'skool'? 'wud'? 'tousnami '? 'prolly'? Do you ever plan on getting a job beyond McDonalds? All that aside, I hope some of the good 'ole boys in Georgia somewhere stop them on the way down and introduce them into the pleasures of squealing like a pig.
  11. I'm playing hold'em right now online, and i have been dealt a 10-4 for the last 5 hands. I wonder if the dealer is shuffling?
  12. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jan 11, 2006 -> 01:44 AM) Baloney (I don't know how to do the trademark symbol) Yeah, that was a big one. For him. I always like 'there's your opinion, and then there's the truth', or 'reading comprehension is a skill. Learn it.'
  13. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 10, 2006 -> 06:12 PM) Another troll we don't hear from anymore is Incorgbl, I do miss knocking his pompus ass around. In fact, he has been the only poster here I really didn't mind calling out. Incorgbl is one of the main reasons I came here from the MLB boards. It was fun to argue with him. At one time, I had a list of Incorgblisms written down, so I could reply to him with is own words when he was full of s*** (which was often!) He was also the impetus in picking this screen name, as he called me a monkey once, and during my Family Guy viewings, it just came to me. So I became EvilMonkey, and have been throwing my crap around ever since. And as much as I disagree with some of you over in SLP, I love you guys! And gals! OK, you can end this thread right here, since I seem to have a habit of bringing them to a halt.
  14. Another example of where a line item veto could have come in handy. Bush signed it because it was with a must pass bill to fund the Justice Department.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 9, 2006 -> 11:16 PM) Victory is mine! Maybe I should have terrorized someone other than Chris.
  16. Let's see. Kennedy claimed "In an era when America is still too divided by race and riches, Judge "Alioto" has not written one single opinion on the merits in favor of a person of color alleging race discrimination on the job. In fifteen years on the bench, not one." I guess he is never one to let facts get in the way of a good soundbite. Or maybe it was the alcohol talking.... http://committeeforjustice.org/contents/al...liberties.shtml
  17. http://www.capitaleye.org/abramoff_recips.asp?sort=R Just thought you may want to see just how many people Abramoffakuh could reach.
  18. I seem to recall Shumer saying that the Robert's nomination required more time because of his lack of paper trail. However, now it seems he has changed his tune, and that HAVING a paper trail now requires more questioning. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...av=rss_politics [/quoteAll judicial nominees are required to respond to senators' queries, Schumer said in a speech in Washington. "The obligation, however, is greater for some nominees," he said. "It is greater when a nominee has taken a clear position on a legal matter."
  19. QUOTE(WCSox @ Jan 8, 2006 -> 08:08 PM) I went to a high school in the Chicago area that was probably 30-40% black when I was there. There, saw my best friend get the crap kicked out of him because of the color of his skin. I also saw several race-realted fights in the locker room and was the target of racist verbal abuse at the hands of several African-American students. Don't tell me that I don't know anything about racism. I experienced similar incidents back when I was in high school in the early 80's. I was involved in one where I happend to be the only white buy in the locker room at the time, and was 'saved' by two of the big, black gym teachers who walked in after only a few blows. I had witnessed several more over my 4 years, thankfully none of them too severe.
  20. QUOTE(RME JICO @ Jan 8, 2006 -> 05:17 PM) Here is a weird coincidence. The Bears last 4 coaches have all won the Coach of the Year award, and they all were off the team within a few years, with some have horrible years the following year. I really hope Lovie breaks this trend: COTY Kiss of Death? Ditka 1988 - next year 6-10, fired after 1992. Wannstedt 1994 - 3 yrs later 4-12, fired after 1998. Jauron 2001 - next year 4-12, fired after 2003. Smith 2005 - ?? No coach has lasted longer than 4 years after winning the award. How many coaches on ANY time last longer than 4 or 5 years? They don't seem to have a very long shelf life.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jan 8, 2006 -> 02:49 AM) I would advocate a "directed-aid" sort of program, where given the massive size of the government failure in this case, the government would try to bail out the people who didn't plan for the failure. We didn't do that, so some of the cash will be wasted. But if you even estimate that 50% of the people receiving the aid will use it to help themselves out of this mess, while 50% don't, then those who use it to help themselves will justify the expenditure. There should be ways for the government to raise that number if their goal is not to enrich campaign contributors, but you just can't ever expect 100% of the people to behave rationally, because they're people. So then you are penalizing the people who actually prepared for disaster. THEY paid for insurance, why should they NOT get any aid that is available? Maybe they bought the insurance instead of going out to eat twice a week, or buying those extra packs of cigarettes? The money going to help the people who did NOT plan comes from all of us, including the people who DID prepare, so under your plan, not only did they 'pay' for themselves to be covered, they are also 'paying' for the selfishness of those who didn't. Just a thought: if means testing os OK for receiving relief aid, is it also ok for receiving medicare benefits and social security benefits? I mean, there are people getting both that clearly don't need it since they had the foresight, luck or skill to prepare.
  22. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Jan 7, 2006 -> 04:31 PM) Ok. Keep your blinders on. And you keep your horns showing and hatred flowing.
  23. Do you have any idea how many people the President sees in just one day? He could have met someone several times and not remember it. Most politicians wouldn't. They would rely on staff to give them notes about people they are meeting, so they sound like they remember.
  24. Just a quick story I found about Rep Moran who sponsored Murtha's town hall. I have to agree with the premise here, if this guy was a Republican, the whole nation would have heard about him by now. http://www.jewishworldreview.com/michelle/malkin070502.asp
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