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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsarticl...S-SOUP.xml#soup
  2. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ Dec 22, 2005 -> 12:45 AM) Sure get your $1.98 gallon of milk. Oh by the way your also helping shell out to subsidize all the millions of dollars being spent on Wal-Mart employees who are on welfare, getting food stamps and getting all sorts of state and federal aid because their greedy company doesn't pay them enough and provide them with benefits. Maybe you are exempt from helping pay for that welfare but I'm pretty sure my taxes help pay for that. Nobody is holding a gun to their heads and making them work at WalMart. If they need more money, get a different job.
  3. Seriously, what is the problem with drilling in ANWAR? Might disrupt some caribu? SO WHAT? I agree that we should be trying to find some kind of alternative fuel. I would love to tell OPEC to shove their oil where the sun don't shine. But in the mean time, we need oil, it is there, and I don't give a f*** about caribu.
  4. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Dec 20, 2005 -> 04:48 AM) I love the outrage and the anger over something that has been going on for years. Whats the difference, one president actually admitted doing it. BTW Apu if you want to find that perfect democracy that would never ever spy on their own people, I would start by eliminating the partners in the Echelon network England, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. I am sure the French and the Russians today dont spy on their own, but then again they do. Actually outside of fairytale would you find a single country in the world, if not in modern history that hasnt performed survelliance /spying on their own people. But I guess thats ok because its not the hated George Bush. Now who is behind the biggest upgrades and push to Echelon. Was it Bush in a post 9/11 push of fear and anger. No it was President Clinton. Echelon and spying on your own people is not something new. The system was built in the 70's, and the biggest upgrad happened under Clintons watch. Only a fool would believe that this is something unique to the evil republicans and their leader George Bush cooked up. Clinton seem to love this spying thing. I guess its okay if a Dem orders the spying I wonder how many these companies gave to the Clinton campaign fund. I am pretty sure that all US presidents have acted in this manner. They have all had some sort of survelliance in some sort of manner behind the closed doors. Do you really believe that the military under FDR wasnt spying on japanese americans, or that Eisnhower or JFK didnt do the same thing. Come on. The only difference is today we have better technology. What is the difference between those presidents and Bush. Bush admits it. Why because he feels he is doing it for the best interests of the US. Just like all of the presidents before him probably thought. Get over the conspiracy theories and the "OMG MY RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED". Let me sum it up for you everyone is spying on you. When you go to work and you send an email or use the computer your company is spying on you. I work as a security engineer at my company. We watch every single thing every one of our associates do(email, call detail, internet, im, fax transmissions). I can pull up an IM conversation in session, and see Jimmy trying to pick up random internet chick on company time. And everyone of our users have volunteered for this. Because they click on a little I agree icon(acceptable use policy). Then when we are firing them for surfing for porn, or sending our patents to our competitors. They cry about their rights. I am sure that most have done this at their work and dont think about it. If you use any electronic mediums to communicate you should pretty much assume that it isnt safe. Why because the government is listening to you. No because your neighbor with some smarts in electronics can spy on your cell phone calls, or your home cordless phones. Your email is open to the world, your computer probably has had some spyware on it and has sent out some of your personal information. Your web browsing is being documented probably by others. BTW make sure you triple sooper dooper shred your documents or someone will do some dumpster diving and steal your info.Yes this is the Assume the worst, and then lose the paranoia for a few minutes and put down the Orwell chronicles and figure that maybe just maybe this doesnt have anything to do with you. Are these intercepts by your neighbor, unintended personelle illegal. Yes. But you go ahead and try and catch them. You try and pinpoint someone who is passively intercepting your information. In the end this has been happening for years, stop watching "Enemy of the State" and drink a beer. Go back into the matrix neo, its ok.
  5. As long as you are not pretending that this is a Republican-only trick, I agree with you. Both sides do this, it sucks, and is the best reason ever for a line item veto for the President.
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 06:15 AM) As far as Pelosi running to the NYT, well it doesn;t appear that it would have done much good seeing as the NYT appeased the administration an sat n the story for a year. Potentially saving the 2004 election for GWB in the process, btw. As for you intimation that Pelosi could have just "leaked a memo" somewhere, as if that were her modus operandi, please list for me the memos Pelosi has leaked to the press thus far so I can better understand this point. Thank you. My point merely being that her hatred of all things Bush should have led her to find some way to make her reservations known if they were that strong. Instead, she waits until the cat is out of the bag, then says 'oh yeah, I was worried about that, I told him!'.
  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Dec 19, 2005 -> 12:29 AM) Let me add this interesting bit of infortmation. Not only is Sen. Feingold at the forefront of those taking GWB to task for his disregard of the law and the US Constitution, he was also asking questions that are nor pregnant with meaning back during the confirmation hearings of Alberto "Abu" Gonzales for Attorney General. Deceitful, arrogant bastards from top to bottom. Of course, Everybody Does It® Feingold would get his panties in a bunch if the President said "Bless you" after someone sneezed. I seem to recall seeing that leaders of both parties were notified quite often of the goings on, and noone seemed to want to voice an objection then. Or at least not publicly. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/12/17/...D8EIA4MG0.shtml Not saying that it is OK because some Dems knew it was going on, but wondering why they didn't say anything if they thought this was so bad? To get all indignant like they didn't know this was happening is simply pure politics. Sure, Pelosi SAYS she had reservations at the time. You know that is a lie, because if she did, her pure hatred for Bush would have sent her running to the NY Times, or leaking a memo somewhere. Why did they not insist on hearings for this? They insisited for hearings over Iraq, this certainly seems just as important.
  8. When will the investigation on who leaked this info begin?
  9. QUOTE(juddling @ Dec 16, 2005 -> 04:51 PM) All Hail Teri Hatcher's Passion Wagon
  10. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Dec 13, 2005 -> 04:02 AM) They arent alleged anymore, they are his victims, since he was convicted. Anyway, did anyone see how many copies of his book he sold? 300 copies. Yeah, his message is reaaaaallllllllllyy getting out there. I only meant alleged since I can't personally verify the pictures. Just covering my butt, so to speak.
  11. Have a look at his alleged victims. http://www.homestead.com/prosites-prs/took...amsvictims.html
  12. QUOTE(Soxy @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 10:35 PM) Technically, procreation is the first rule of nature. Preservation in and of itself does not pass along one's genes and allow the species to survive. I thought the first rule of nature was don't talk about nature?
  13. QUOTE(SoCalSouthSider59 @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 07:11 PM) My sentiments exactly, and let's add child molestation to the death penalty as well, the lowest and most disgusting kind of crime that can be committed......... Murder 1 = Death row Rape = Death row Child molestation = Death row Walking around in Chicago in shorts in December = Death row
  14. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:55 PM) Texas executed 4 people last month. Gang on gang murders are #1 in most cities, these guys already face the death penalty standing on the corners, protecting their turf. Do you think they will suddenly drop the guns and pick up knitting needles if they thought the state might execute them in a year? GMAB I would hope that if the excutions start coming a bit more quickly...than maybe...just maybe a few people in the next generation would think twice before hooking up with a gang. Besides....as you say...they already face a death penalty standing on the corners but there is one difference......the goverment kills you it doesn't miss and take out the 7 year old playing in his living room!!!!!
  15. QUOTE(bmags @ Dec 12, 2005 -> 03:44 AM) it's been that way for a looong time thou... yeah this is very very scary to me. I'd hope the world intervenes at this point. When the world intervenes, via the UN, all they do is issue a resolution about how bad Isreal is and nothing about the other side. You know, if they would just quit trying to destroy Isreal, most of the problems would just go away.
  16. It seems as if Joe is the Democratic version of McCain.
  17. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 10, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) I'm sure if they had the missiles and helicopters to shoot into apartment complexes, they'd be just as "civilized" as the Israelis. I hope you meant for that to be green, otherwaise that was a very lame attempt, especially for you.
  18. I like it! Have a few people I would like to send that to!
  19. EvilMonkey

    eBay feedback...

    My experiences are similar to alot of those here. I have sold occasionaly, and left feedbackonce payment was received. I had bought alot more, and refused to leave feedback if it was not left for me first. I have left a few neutrals and negs over the years, and as you might expect, if you do that first, the sellers tend to go bonkers. Oh well. The worst was some baseball cards I had bought. After paying promptly, and waiting 3 weeks, no cards. So I emailed the seller asking for a shipping status, and got back a response that was very lengthy and verbose, but basically said that since I didn't want to pay for 'premium' shipping, I would get my cards when he got around to it. They showed up a week later, so I left a neutral about the slow shipping, and got back this: [/quoteSELLER BEWARE , DONT SELL HERE WONT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS THEN BLAMES SELLER. kpfields ( 4494) Apr-17-00 07:01 269565293 Reply by twojudds: can you say 'attitude'? ask for status, get back 'didn't pay for that service'
  20. I wonder how long it will take Al -Jazera to have that tape loop running on their channel? All manufactured outrage aside, that was a pretty stupid thing for him to say. The only reason HAS to be that he is 'testing' the waters for Hillary to formulate her 'position'.
  21. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Dec 3, 2005 -> 02:56 PM) That's bulls*** and you know it. You're basically sitting there and acting as though AP reporters are rubbing their hands together saying "If I call it The President's party, this'll bring down the whole administration!" I hear Democrats complain about media bias. I hear Republicans complain about media bias. In the end, I don't think most media is biased. Just lazy. REx, most of the time I might agree with that statement, but adding that phrase was not laziness. Whoever wrote that had an agenda, and wanted to make sure Bush's name got tied into that scandal.
  22. I have often posted here about how I feel themedia is quick to point out the ® in politicians when they are accused of wrongdoing, and ignore the (D) when they are accused. Here is a story that seems to take it to a new level. http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051128/pl_af...HNlYwMlJVRPUCUl The sample line I am complaining about is WHY was that mentioned? There will always be republicans in government. 20 years from now, will they still be representing George Bush's party? This is a new low in reporting, I think.
  23. A Black Knight pinball machine, and a Galaga machine. I love those two games.
  24. EvilMonkey

    Ric Flair

    QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Dec 2, 2005 -> 11:20 PM) Those robes don't come cheap or off the rack, buddy. The Nature Boy has to be extravagant. The $65,000 for clothes was for HER. But since you mentioned it, I wonder how much those robes really are? Hmmm...
  25. EvilMonkey

    Ric Flair

    I like how the judge ordered him to pay $20,000 a month, based on their previous living expenses, but later in the story it says how they were living waaay beyong their means, which is why they are in trouble with the IRS. $65,000 a year in clothing? Hey, buy off the rack for once.
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