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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Texsox @ Dec 1, 2005 -> 04:57 AM) You still do business cards? ANYTHING (almost) for the almighty green!
  2. I own a printshop. I got a call today from a person who said they found my number in the phone book under 'printers'. They then proceeded to ask me if I print business cards. Well, gee, that's a tough one. Here's your sign.
  3. 1) No Mayo. Burger King always puts it on my chicken sandwich, even when i tell them not to multiple times. Can't stand it! Almost got arrested once because of mayo, that evil condiment! 2) Squash. Just the smell makes me throw up. 3) Shrimp
  4. Wow, no typos in the post title this time! http://www.opinionjournal.com/diary/?id=110007605
  5. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/11/17/D8DUIHK80.html OK, some points: - This is the FIRST time ever a resolution on human rights in North Korea has been introduced. The FIRST time? What have these people been smoking all these years! - North Korea's representative rejected the draft, accusing the EU and the United States of misusing human rights issues for political purposes. - Pyongyang's opposition was backed by 21 other countries including Russia, China, Cuba, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Myanmar, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe. OK, now I expect Cuba and Venezuela to just take the opposite side of us on anything, but Egypt, Russia and several others? - Many objected to the General Assembly targeting individual countries with resolutions about human rights violations. I guess all the resolutions targeting Isreal don't count, since they don't recognize Isreal as a country? Or, unless they target the eeeevil United States. That's ok, too. Is it time to blow up the UN yet and start over?
  6. NOt sure on the data they used to describe 'heavier discounts', but after my wife, sister-in-law and mother-in-law all went out Friday, they each thought the pricing was not as deep as last year. I just looked at the ads online, and I also didn't notice anything that stood out to me except for the sub-$400 laptop.
  7. $1.91 in Reed Springs, MO this morning. I will be filling up before I head home tomorrow!
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 25, 2005 -> 12:59 AM) Last year, for a Boy Scout Order of the Arrow Pow Wow, one of the leaders shot a deer early that morning, at first light, and we showed the boys how to field dress and process the deer. I was standing there and noticed the entry and exit holes and started walking away quickly before the first cut. A couple of my Scouts started laughing at me, thinking I was too squeamish to watch. Instead they got to learn about gut shot deer. Edward was under time pressure to have a deer and took a less than ideal shot. Um, not a pretty sight. Apparently you got the last laugh!
  9. I used to hunt often with my dad, but our schedules haven't fit for a while (he always seems to be out of town for work!), so it has been aty least 5 years since I have been hunting. Problem is finding space to hunt. I still fish, though not as often as before. My son goes fishing alot with my dad, usually somewhere on the Kankakee river. Right about now, I wish I had my gun. I am at my in-laws about 15 minutes outside of Branson, MO, and there are about 5 or 6 deer just sitting out there begging to become dinner. I wonder if I can remember how to gut a deer?
  10. QUOTE(SnB @ Nov 24, 2005 -> 04:16 PM) At least jessica raked in the big bucks the last 2 years or so.......nick hasn't had anything to do for 5 years. Who's he going to mooch off now? HALF! HE should get half of everything from her. If the situation were reversed, you would here about how all the wealth aquired during their marraige was because of her support for him, and without her, he wouldn't have been as appealing to consumers, etc. She would be broke if he didn't rein her spending in once in a while, he should get half!
  11. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 23, 2005 -> 03:12 AM) I'll admit to feeling a trace of moral superiority. Only a trace? Must be having an off day.
  12. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 22, 2005 -> 04:57 AM) But what pisses me off, is the sharks jumping on her. The outrage was way out of scale for what she said. Each side looks for a small misstep and jumps with all feet. A simple statement, she's a moron would have been enough. Tex, I think both Rex and I traded a statement a while back that sums up alot of what we see today. manufactured outrage. It seems like each side is just waiting for something to get pissed off about, and when it happens, they go balls out trying to 'get' the other side. As to who started it first, kinda like the chicken and the egg argument. It would be great if there WAS some civility in politics.
  13. http://ethioforum.org/News/article/sid=265.html Looks like they plan more protests for Carter. Apparently they think he didn't do what he said he was going to do, and instead looked the other way.
  14. http://www.startribune.com/stories/384/5738416.html
  15. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 05:18 AM) I'm sure the two of us can agree that what she did was f***ing moronic. Yes. Open mouth, insert foot.
  16. http://news.com.com/Week+in+review+Sonys+s..._3-5959672.html
  17. Just because he's 'been there', doesn't mean he knows better than anyone else. So because he has 'been there', does that make his opinions beyond criticism? While his character should be, his opinion should be fair game. According to that logic, you can't be the CIC unless you have 'been there'. Sort of like how the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq contains 23 'reasons' for the attack, but it always gets distilled to the WMD. You can thank sound bite news clips for that one. Although you are right, it was a bonehead move. It is not who they vote in that will be the problem, it is what terrorist group(s) will try to take over FROM the elected people once we DO leave. Yes, if they elect bad people, that is there choice. Us Americans do it all the time.
  18. Valentine's Day, 1989. Wife and I are living together in Bridgeview, I worked in Lisle and she worked in Matteson. I had planned to leave work early that day and propose to her at her office. It snowed that day. Alot. So, I leave a bit early. I go outside, and there is a car stalled in front of mine in the lot. After about 20 minutes of not finding out whos car it is, I get about 20 of the guys from work to come out and we push the car out of the way. It helped that there was snow on the ground!. I go to the flower place a mile down the road where I had reserved a dozen roses, and it is crowed, of course. I finally get there, they can't find my flowers. I start to get a bit agitated, and finally they find them, so I leave, now way behind schedule. I go to the lot, someone double-parked on me! I go screaming into the shop and some guy sensing that i was in near panic moved his car for me. Off I go to Matteson! And down comes the snow!!!! Slower and slower traffic moves, closer to her quitting time we get. It is now 4pm (she leaves at 4:30), and I am pulling into the parking lot of her work, and I see her leaving the lot going home. I just stare at her leaving, thinking "Oh crap!" Actually, other words filled my brain, but you get the picture. Anyway, I turn back around just in time to turn my wheel to avoid hitting several cars, turn around, and chase her down on I-80 and I-294. This was before cell phones, so I finally managed to get her to pull over, and I proposed on the shoulder of I-294. I supposed I should be lucky I saw her leave, as her work let her go at 3:30, and she called my work to say she was leaving early. My co-worker told her that she couldn't leave, she had flowers being delivered, so she waited until they kicked her out at 4. Just be prepared for anything to happen, and good luck.
  19. http://www.local6.com/irresistible/5323408/detail.html
  20. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 04:03 AM) Actually he is rebuilding from the bottom up which is his strength. That could be huge. I dislike his rhetoric. TEX, how is it building anything other then scepticism when he says "We have a plan", but when asked what that plan is, either cannot or will not tell. He actually said that they 'don't have to' tell their plan now since they weren't in power. Well, how can you convince someone YOUR plan is better than the other guys when you won't say what it is to begin with?
  21. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 02:45 AM) The fundies are about fear, hatred, being against something, and believing their morality is the only valid way to live one’s life. Kinda like Howard Dean when he refers to anything Bush, with fear, hatred and believing that morality (the Dem way) is the only valid way. I just heard his quote this mornign that went somethign like "We don't have to come up with ideas to help the country because we aren't in power". What a loser. If you have an idea, speak up. If it is a good one, and the other side rejects it, just bring that back up come election time. But no, instead it is utter hatred of all things Bush and the belief that their way is the only way. HOWEVER, I DO agree with the last 3 paragraphs of your post. I think that is one of the signs of the apocalypse!
  22. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 03:06 AM) Do we have any guys who are ready to replace Garland in the rotation? No. Do we have any guys who are ready to replace Rowand? Yes. Who, Anderson? He did well in his brief appearances, but so did McCarthy in his second stint. Seems most people on here were pretty upset he didn't make the playoff roster(s). He would be as ready to come up for good as Anderson.
  23. QUOTE(SoxFanForever @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 01:45 AM) What is a "deabeat"? Geeze.....ok, arthritic fingers missed a key. Deabeat = deadbeat.
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