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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. http://www.belleville.com/mld/belleville/n...al/12853598.htm I have done some printing for 2 state reps (not election stuff), and it took me 6 months to get paid on one ($700), and 10 months on the other ($850) and that oone was shorted by almost $100. I know what these guys are going thru.
  2. QUOTE(GreenSox @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 03:39 PM) We have a lot of young outfielders in the minors; we should use the surplus to strengthen weaknesses, like offense. We also seem to have a surplus of pitchers, and several more in the minors that can be of trade value. PLus, more teams are looking for pitching, so we may be able to get a premium for some of ours. Has Garland's stock even been higher? Don't get me wrong, I like Johnny, but for the right player, I think we could replace him.
  3. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 09:21 PM) Money doesn't matter. Base does. I live in a county where every Dem candidate lost narrowly, not because we weren't spending enough money, but because our base vote program didn't produce base votes. That's not from a lack of money - that's a lack of outreach. In many elections, money = outreach. More money = more people see and hear your message. Of course, if your message still sucks, the point is moot.
  4. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 13, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) Hi Kyyle - Stop and think about what you just said. It implies that every day you begin your life all over again with a tabla rasa; that you respond to everyone as if you knew nothing about them. Life (online and off) just doesn’t work that way. Now, if you mean being unwilling to let go of some past personal conflicts with someone or bringing up subjects which have no bearing at all on the current discussion – yes, I agree, not nice. But neither of those situations apply in this particular case, do they? I’m always interested in the dissonance between what we say, what we say we believe, and the ways we actually behave. So are you implying that people with a "literalist interpretation of the Bible" as a "bulwark for your moral views on some contentious social issues" can't have a sense of humor?
  5. Arizona Detroit - W Houston Indianapolis - W Minnesota NY Giants - W San Francisco Chicago - W Baltimore Jacksonville - W Kansas City - W Buffalo New England - W Miami Denver Oakland - W NY Jets - W Carolina Green Bay Atlanta - W Washington - W Tampa Bay St. Louis - W Seattle Sunday Night Cleveland - W Pittsburgh Monday Dallas Philadelphia - W
  6. Ah, the Religion of Peace. What a wonderful thing.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 01:02 AM) I was worried, because our founding fathers knew that our well regulated militia, which guarantees I can keep my rifles, would kick some army's ass. I'd be shocked if a bunch of citizens with rifles couldn't wreck havoc with any army. Note: I'm not for taking away guns, but for taking away the justification that we have a well regulated militia. There isn't an army out there today that can stand toe to toe with the US for every long. China could wear us out with a war of attrition. C'mon, didn't you see Red Dawn? Our citizens wold kick ass! "Wolverines!!!!!!"
  8. I try to avoid public washrooms if I can, but if I can't, I ALWAYS wipe the seat first with some TP. What was he thinking?
  9. Last year sometime Rolling Stone had a big spread on the island with lots of detailed pictures and stories about the various groups that tried to find the treasure. They had some pretty detailed maps of the known tunnels and traps, and of the things they pulled up when they tried to drill. If you can find it, it is a good read.
  10. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 05:32 AM) How do you know that he does? Because she said so on the post that got locked. Just wondering why. I know I piss off a few people, but didn't think I got to anyone that bad, my stuff isn't that good!
  11. QUOTE(Mercy! @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 02:20 AM) Hey! How come KipWells doesn't educate us about all this neat Canadian stuff? Because he is too busy talking about American politics. And why do you have ME on ignore?
  12. Diet Pepsi Twist (the lemon one,not that crappy limeone!) candy corn XM radio (although Johnny B gets listen again!)
  13. Maybe it wasn't all just about being poor after all? http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...1801632_pf.html full post at link [quotewashingtonpost.com France Says Extremists Are Enlisting Its Citizens Police Assert Some Trained in Mideast Could Attack Paris By John Ward Anderson Washington Post Foreign Service Wednesday, October 19, 2005; A15 PARIS -- French police investigating plans by a group of Islamic extremists to attack targets in Paris discovered last month that the group was recruiting French citizens to train in the Middle East and return home to carry out terrorist attacks, sources familiar with the investigation said. One French official said the extremists were using a virtual "underground railroad" through Syria to spirit European and Middle Eastern citizens into and out of Iraq. A senior French law enforcement official, who declined to be quoted by name because he was speaking about classified information, said French citizens had undergone terrorist training at camps in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. "There's always been an enormous jihad zone to train people to fight in their country of origin," the official said. "We saw it Afghanistan, in Bosnia, in Kosovo, and now we're seeing it in Iraq." What's new, he said, is that the French cell under investigation "is linked with networks in Iraq, right now, through an individual based in Syria. Now we're finding camps in Syria and Lebanon, and it's the same pattern, training in explosives and chemical weapons, which is an obsession of the jihadists." .....] Seems like they had planned for this, and maybe the kids getting themselves killed was just a convenient excuse to start with? France is doomed. They had better start bowing to their Muslim overlords now.
  14. I wish someone would have stepped up and taken TO up on his offer to have it out right there. And then, TO breaks his hand throwing a punch, but missing and hitting a locker instead. And THEN gets his ass handed to him by whomever he missed. Woulda been sweet.
  15. This has been one of the more interesting posts of late. Dog pile, on Mercy! anyone? Or is that Captain Fact-check?
  16. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 03:30 AM) How bout Mid 80's Nickelodeon with Double Dare and You Can't Do That On TV. Now THAT was the tits. No, these are the tits.
  17. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 02:20 AM) No, that isn't the case at all. What we have is a named, international, multi agency, auditing board giving the information and their accusations. We also have an unnamed UN board member confirming and discussing possible UN actions and what they would like to do with all the contractors, not just Halliburton, if those accusations are true. It is tough to keep track without a scorecard. Tex, while it may indeed contain accusations about other contractors, the story as linked mentions only Halliburton. Also, if the audits are still continuing, as reported, why say these things now? You have the whole figure put out there, and only the name of Halliburton, when there may be other contractors involved, and the final tally may be less. Releasing this info to the public serves no good except to inflame an already tense region even more, and to tweak Georgie.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 7, 2005 -> 12:05 AM) No one on the UN board is also on the audit team, I'm not certain where you are picking that up. There was one UN board member who gave background information to the reporter, but the UN Board member did not wish to give him name, to avoid the appearance it was an official announcement from the UN. So we have yet another unnamed source giving info that is presumed to be true.
  19. If the UN really cared about things over in Iraq, wouldn't they have approached Halliburton quietly and tried to resolve the matter instead of supplying more 'ammunition' to the bad guys? WHat good does releasing this info do except make Bush look bad and help the terrorists? And do we really trust what the UN has to say about the US after all the crap we have (rightly!) been giving them?
  20. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Nov 5, 2005 -> 09:17 PM) Football players can get cut at any time and their contracts aren't guaranteed. That is what signing bonuses are for.
  21. They already 'punish' states by withholding federal money if states don't lower alcohol limts for DUI's, or have speed limits they don't like, so why would this be different? They are not saying the states CANNOT do this, just that if you want to do it, you get no money for it.
  22. Maybe Kofi's son and the others should repay their money first, as a sign of good will. Any other companies they care to name, or just the ones that can somehow be used to try and hurt our efforts over there? Sure, anything to undermine the effort.
  23. Atlanta Miami - W Detroit - W Minnesota Oakland - W Kansas City Tennessee - W Cleveland Carolina Tampa Bay - W Cincinnati - W Baltimore Houston Jacksonville - W San Diego NY Jets - W Chicago - W New Orleans Seattle - W Arizona NY Giants - W San Francisco Pittsburgh - W Green Bay Sunday Night Philadelphia Washington - W Monday Indianapolis - W New England
  24. QUOTE(YASNY @ Nov 2, 2005 -> 11:14 AM) What country do you live in? Because in this one, currently, the husband doesn't have any rights whatsoever. You are wrong. He has the right to pay for 18+ years. And if the kid isn't his, and he finds out later, he STILL has the right to keep paying, because according to the courts, since he acted like the dad, he is the dad, regardless of any possible deception that may have been in play.
  25. http://www.sysinternals.com/blog/2005/10/s...tal-rights.html Long read, very technical read. To nutshell it, Sony has some anti-copying technology on some CD's that install what amounts to Spyware, using the same techniques and programs as the bad guys do. The EULA doesn't mention this, and if found, basic removal can cripple your system. I can see class action lawyers goin crazy on this, if they can understand it.
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