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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. And when you spend the whole election campaign saying "I have a plan", but when asked about your plan,can't come up with anything, that's progress.
  2. http://insider.washingtontimes.com/article...07-120137-5865r It seems Mr. Earle may have done the same thing he is accusing the Hammer of doing.
  3. QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 03:55 PM) They just tore down a refinery in Blue Island. Didn't that one blow up, or was that onein Indiana?
  4. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Oct 8, 2005 -> 06:33 AM) Companies have been closing refineries rather than building them. There's an empty refinery in Alma, Michigan. Unused. They could reconstruct on that land. They could, but I would bet that the local towns would fight it. While there needs to be a balance between the refinign capacity needed and environmental concerns, not every little snail darter is worth the stopping of a refinery. As for reusing ones that have been closed, they would pose the same permiting hurdles as building a new plant would, unless they only just recently closed. Otherwise, except for the infrastructure, it is still starting at square one.
  5. Why does there need to be several different 'blends' of gasoline for one state? I think the number is 7 for Illinois. If one blend runs 'short', well, prices just go up! The limiting of the different blends SHOULD do alot to help ease shortages. I don't think profit has been the problem, it has been desire to go thru all the hurdles that are required by the EPA and such, and every community practicing NIMBY to its fullest. Not that I blame people for disliking a refinery in their back yard, but they do have to go somewhere, and like it or not, the hurricanes DID show that the refineries we do have need to be more spread out. As for the length of vote, get over it. If roles were reversed, it wouldn't be an issue with you, or the MSM. And how quick do you think they would repeal this were they to get back into the majority? IN fact, I would bet that if they become the majority party soon, that within a year, they will find a way to change the fillibuster rules so they can't be used against them. Politicians are politicians, whatever party it is. But seriously, what is your specific problem with this bill? 1) Is it that they are actually going to build new refineries? If so, why is that a BAD thing? 2) Is it that they are 'limiting' state's abilities to control how many different fuel blends they make? If so, why should there be more than 2 or 3 blends in any state? Or for that matter, in the damncountry? 3) Is it that the Republicans used whatever tactics they used to get their fellow Repubs to vote the party line? If so, why not the outcry when Democrats routinely vote party line on a wide range of issues? The first article you linked to mentions no special break to the oil companies other than limiting the amount of fuel tyoes and ways to speed up the permit process. Before this bill, the process could almost be endless! What, may I ask, is your objection to this?
  6. He needs to be back, and he needs to retire in a Sox uniform.
  7. I didn't like it when Lee did it, I don't like it when they do it. I'm all for a Jenks fastball upside his half empty head.
  8. http://www.livejournal.com/users/shiroioji/114944.html
  9. Take note of AJ after hitting the homerun(s). Run the bases like you have actually hit one before instead of staring at it. Oh wait, you didn't hit one today. Oh well.
  10. QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 03:44 AM) I grew up with WLUP. I even am wearing a WLUP T-shirt in my Junior class picture. From Brandmeier, Dahl, Sky "let's get jaked and blow chunks" Daniels, Bob Stroud, The Loop Rocks Family Album, etc. It's what almost 30 years of rocking? I grew up with the Loop also. Met Steve Dahl, and was on Brandmeier's show once (my wife won a jamacia trip from the show), have the albums and t-shirts. They just lost it somewhere. I do listen once in a while, and it seems like they are getting better, plus there is talk of Brandmeier coming back. Who knows, maybe they can rock again.
  11. 100.7 down by Plainfield here blows the other classic rock wannabe's out of the water. Problem is I can't get it north of I-88
  12. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 4, 2005 -> 01:51 AM) Hitler.. is that you? Coming to conclusions about an entire fan base, hell one of the biggest fan bases in the country, because of two people who you interact with occcassionally. That seems real smart. As for the movie, I have never seen it, and will never see it. Jimmy Fallon and Drew Barrymore are two of my least favorite people in the world for what they have done, I hate the producers, the writers, everyone who took part in that film. God what I would do to kick Jimmy Fallon in the nuts. Get off your f***ing high horse. Did I call you a prick? No, but I might after this. Hitler? How original. Grow up and learn that every criticism of your team and/or it's fans in general is not a personal assault on you. Until then, you just add to the idiocy known as red-sux-nation.
  13. QUOTE(redandwhite @ Oct 3, 2005 -> 02:46 PM) Can you explain this? and for the record, I am not taking this personal, and really don't give two s***s about what some schmo on a message board says about the Red Sox, but want to hear his reasoning for what he is saying. My feelingings come from two different sources. The first are 2 people whom I interact with almost daily who are Red Sox fans. There is point where your fan loyalty causes blindness, it happens to all teams. To hear these guys, Pedro was the second coming of Christ, Nomar (before the trade) was the best shortstop in the history of the game, and Manny and Ortiz should have their names just printed on the MVP ballot every year since noone even compares. Hell, they were even trying to say that David Wells was a better pitcher then anyone on the White Sox. C'mon, maybe in his prime, 100 lbs. ago, but this year? Yeah, right. When you point out how other people have had better seasons, or the error in their logic, it is like talking to a 5 year old, as they devolve into insults or anything else to deflect you from the fact that they are a little over-zeaolus, kinda like you have been in this thread so far. The second was from a week I spent in Boston for work this summer. There was a sports bar almost next door, where I spent most of my nights. It just happened to be during a Yank-me series. Maybe I just had a bad sports bar, but the people there were just bad. Boorish behavior, harrassing a few people that were there in Yank-me hats, and after the Red Sox lost, the bar almost emptied out. At least they watched the game, unlike alot of Cubs fans I know. Oh, and I hate that damn movie, too. Leave it to an SNL vet can make Red Sox fans look like bigger losers than Cubs fans. And I am sick of seeing them and the Yank-me's in all theprime spots. We have a huge market here also, and not everyone wants to see the wrong Sox, or the Yank-mes, play.
  14. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 11:37 PM) That is a legit question, but one with an easy answer. Tell me what is a bar and what is a restaurant? It is not easy to differentiate between the two in many cases. Does the neighborhood bar which also does a good portion of its business in food sales escape the ban while a corporate restaurant (which also has a bar area) has to comply? To classify as a bar would a business have to stop serving food? There are way too many cases where bar and restaurant is one and the same. To try and come up with a regulated definition of a bar vs. a restaurant would be a nightmare and impossible. The concept here is that if all places are affected equally, then the effects should be spread across the board. Of course, some would be more affected than others, but that happens any time public policy is implemented. We as a society adapt. Actually Rex, alot of towns HAVE determined what is a bar and what is a restaurant. I know that Bloomingdale will not allow a BAR to open, but a restaurant if free to apply for a booze license. While I don't know what the specifics are, I do know that thay have a definition for what is a bar, and what is not.
  15. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 30, 2005 -> 09:02 PM) If the yanks and redsox used a porta potty, there would be fans there to talk about it. I HATE the Red Sox. The fans have been worse this year than Cubs fans!
  16. http://www.newschannel5.com/content/katrina/14488.asp African-Americans Question Red Cross’s Diversity The Red Cross has been praised for its tireless efforts assisting storm victims in Middle Tennessee. But there are concerns in the black community that the organization lacks diversity, especially in an effort helping mostly black evacuees. A number of minority churches and groups are offering to help, but say they've been left out. The Red Cross Shelter in Franklin opened its doors to storm victims last week. It’s only one of two shelters in Middle Tennessee. The other is in Nashville. Both shelters are in suburban areas, and the volunteers are predominately white, while the evacuees are almost all black. Some members of the African-American community say that’s not good enough. “When you're different and you're the lone person, you do feel different. When you're in crisis you like to have some familiarity there,” says Joyce Searcy with the Bethlehem Centers of Nashville. Searcy says she tried to open up her community center as a shelter, but could not get approved by the Red Cross. It already had a list of 63 churches and community groups. Searcy adds, “You know that big headline that we were gonna have six thousand evacuees and the list of shelters in the newspaper were in the suburbs and so the question is: why aren't these in our community?” The Red Cross says it’s because the other groups were already on a pre-approved list. Their facilities had already been checked out, and the volunteers, already trained. But Reverend Enoch Fuzz says in times like this, the volunteer corps should be more diverse, “Who in Brentwood would know where a black beauty shop or barber shop is?” asks Fuzz. The Red Cross acknowledges most of it’s volunteers are white, but says training is open to anyone. Since then, Joyce Searcy went through training, and is signing up others. A number of black churches are helping evacuees on their own even though it isn't through the Red Cross. Also they are assembling teams of 50 take turns volunteering at the Red Cross shelters.
  17. Seriously, unless there is something new in there, do we really need to see these again? People have been charged, things have been or are in the process of being fixed. All these will do is further inflame the idiots who can't realize that these are photos from when this originally happened. I can see Al Jazera claiming these photos as evidence of even more abuse going on. Tell me how this helps or does anything other than piss off some closed-minded dumb-as-dirt muslims, or provide new anti-war posters for the Casey's mom the media-whore?
  18. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 2, 2005 -> 09:00 PM) Actually...interestingly enough...at least according to the author of the book Freakonomics, which Bennett was trying to cite, what Bennet said is actually wrong. Bennett in fact seems to have basically made the assumption that Black people commit more crimes, so removing all of them would cut the crime rate, when in fact, the authors of that text found that race was not a significant factor in their regressions on the crime rate. This block from MMFA Here is the full text of Mr. Levitt's response to Bennett's remarks. OK, according to Levitt, Then how does this jibe with his comment? http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/prisons.htm I think Levitt tried to keep race out of it as much as possible to keep the race-baiters of the world (Jessie & Co.) from drowning out whatever message he was trying to get across. Even if you said that half the black males that were listed here were innocent, they would still outnumber any other group there.
  19. Is what he said wrong? Abort every black baby, there is that many less people around to have the possability to committ crime. Even ignoring the fact that he was tring to discredit someone elses arguement by making an equally ridiculous statement, since what he said was basically true, why is that a bad thing? About every white baby and crime will go down too! I did like Bill's comment while defending himself, saying that he will never take take a moral judgement from Teddy Kennedy! Yeah, Teddy, we all know what a pillar of virtue you are to lecture others on moral responsibility.
  20. I wasn't commenting on his personal contributions, but the fact that he help to get them government money. I guess that is only a bad thing when it is a school, and the money wouldn't be going to help the Teacher's Union members.
  21. Be careful with online logo design places. They may give you something that looks great, but be a b**** to print. I own a printshop and have to deal with a wide range of things brought in to me from the extreme beginner designing a full color lettehead in Powerpoint, to the 'professiona' online design houses. I am doing one now from an online place. They designed the lady a 2-color, 2 sided business card, using 2 non-standard colors, bleeds on all 4 sides, flood printing on the back and used 6pt type on the front. Gonna cost her over $200 for 1000 cards! And then letterhead and envelopes, oh man. For the one Tex mentioned, just beware of thier starter package. It says 'unlimited colors', so alot of people go for the gusto and add lots of color. But remember, color costs more to print. Business cards can be had cheaply, but letterhead and envelopes in color are pricy. If you have an idea of what you want, I can get you a one or two color logo designed for about $100. And I take into consideration the fact that you need to PAY to print things with it. If you are not that sure what you want, show me what you like, and what you don't like, and we could go from there. Oh, and good luck with the company!
  22. How about we send Marte home on an extended vacation? His spot can go to someone else.
  23. Congrats on the closing. I just closed on mine in early August. The sense of relief is just emormous. But now comes the move! And then the painting, because the wife doesn't like the colors and wants to make the house 'hers'. And then the new furniture, because the old stuff doesn't match the new paint! Been there, doing that! And good luck!
  24. http://www.reviewjournal.com/lvrj_home/200...ws/3594772.html What is the minority leader doing, arranging for FEDERAL grants to go to two Las Vegas pastors?? Isn't that like a capital ofense for libs?
  25. You may laugh at this, especially if you remember the routine from the Kids in the Hall (?) show when it was briefly on here. "I'm squishing your head!" http://isfullofcrap.com/oldcrap/2005/09/senate_follies.html
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