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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I just hope the Sox don't get screwed like last time they were in the playoffs by having 11am start time during the week. That sucked last time. We have the best record in the AL, we should get the choic game times. f*** the Yank-mes or those OTHER sox.
  2. Maybe we should change this to a fire Harold Baines thread. What the hell is a bench coach for if not to tell the manager when he has left his brain in the clubhouse, or to remind him that Marte sucks with runners on base? How about hiring a bench coach with some managerial experience, so Oz can stop listening to his gut all the time and managing like a ROOKIE. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, but he needs someone who has done it to bounce ideas off of once in a while.
  3. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Sep 28, 2005 -> 12:32 AM) So if she's protesting the president and you say it doesn't matter. Maybe she's acting on her conscience, God forbid? Geez, that would be downright principled. If she was so principled, she would have refused help from those that would just cheapen her message, such as Move-on, etc. THAT would have been the principled thing to do. She may have started off there, but she has since gone on a journey that will leave her a bitter old woman for the rest of her life, with little or no respect from a LOT of people.
  4. QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 11:08 PM) Are there really any serious democrats rallying around her, and what you don't think George has lost credibility among the American people? http://search.huffingtonpost.com/mt/mt-sea...earch=karl+rove Democrats don't seem to have enough balls to do anything that would risk them losing their credibility, that's why they're stuck with their 49% of the popular vote. http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=politics&id=3382521 Both sides have people involved in the background, trying to keep themselves out of the limelight. From the article... and
  5. Tex, EIB doesn't tell Rush what to say, they just pay him to talk! As for casey's mom, there isn't a democratic talking point she hasn't made. It is like she has a crib sheet of everything ever said about Bush and republicans in general, and is just reciting them from memory. I am sure she didn't just come up with all this on her own. At some point, if her quest was really about her grief over her son, don't you think she would have told the move-on.org people to get lost, and that by them trying to join forces with her, they are bastardizing her message? She had sincerity when she was sitting in the ditch by herself. Once all the Bush-haters joined in, it has corrupted her message into just another political rally. As for her getting paid, what is she living on? Hubby divorced her because she is wacko, she isn't 'working', so she is getting money from somewhere.
  6. But Tex, that means that she would have to take personal responsibility! Don't you know that it is always George Bush's fault? On another note, the story is also illustrates a good reason for immigrants here to LEARN ENGLISH!
  7. Well, regardless of who took over who, she is sucking that teat for all it's worth. When the Moore-ons are done with her, she will end up a pathetic shell of a woman that noone will listen to, wondering where her 15-minutes went to. As for the Swifties, I didn't recall seeing very much about them that was positive, unless you watched Fox or listened to Rush.
  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 03:09 AM) Do you think everyone has the skills to manage the media and the individuals that surround situations like this? Did y'all think the Swifties were also media whores? They collected millions to tell their story? C'mon, Tex. She has practacly taken over Michael Moore's website. She doesn't have to know how to use the system, she has more than enough enablers to help her.
  9. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 27, 2005 -> 01:49 AM) So Kap, you think she's in this for the money and it's not about losing her son? :headshake Save this thread and when your kid is old enough to serve his country, pull it out and see if your opinion changes. I belive it is a mix of both. While she probably started out over the grief of losing her son,, she has deformed into a self-serving, all-devouring media whore living off the attention she is getting by being outrageous. Her son was the hero here, not her.
  10. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 09:33 PM) And you're right about the way the schools are split. A lot of Joliet kids go into Plainfield and a lot of the Shorewood kids go into Joliet. I just moved into that area, and while my boys go to the Plainfield middle schools, they will be going to Joliet West HS. I am Plainfield in address, but Joliet in city services. Plainfield doesn't have enough high schools to handle all the development yet. It is all messed up.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 26, 2005 -> 07:02 PM) Sheenan being arrested at the White House I wonder where that cop'd hand is? Could that be why she is smiling?[/color]
  12. the Beckett.com has the price guides online, and I think you can still get one card checked for free. But if you log out and then back in, you can get another one checked as well. The Bowman Chromes are a good bet, as others on here have said. The pitfall is that most rookies are short-printed, so harder to get. Thankfully, a few of the companies are no more (or at least out of baseball cards). i think Donruss and Playoff had their licenses revoked, so that is two down, and Topps has reported that they were going to limit the amount of set they would produce this coming year. I'll believe it when i see it, though.
  13. We will have to agree to disagree here on the first step. While I am all for changing the method of funding for schools, I think the attitudes of parents and children need to be changed first, or the money will just be wasted. With the right attitudes from those two groups, lack of money CAN be overcome. You should right a column on different ways to change funding for schools! I bet that cold keep you in columns for a year, since you have that 450 word limit. Damn papers tryin' to keep tha man down!
  14. Ihave to agree with G&T. Your column makes it appear that the only thing needed to fix the schools is more money. There are alot more problems than just lack of funding. All the money in the world will not fix the apathy that alot of parents have towards their own kids education. You mention that most don't seem to want to pay, but it is about more than money. They have to CARE. Ask your parents how many times they have called parents to tell them about how thier kids are not doing well, only to be berated by the parents, or told to mind thier own business. My mother works in a grade school, and part of her duties is to call parents to schedule meeting with them and the teachers for the kids that are failing, or in need of discipline. She commonly gets the "I don't have time", even though they offer evening and early morning hours to meet. You MAKE time for your kids. Basically, there are three parts to getting a quality education. You DO need money to help secure good facilities and teachers. You also need the kids to WANT to learn, and the parents to have an interest in their kids learning. There are poor districts that give an excellent education, as do many private schools that pay teachers alot less than most public schools. But if the kids and parents don't give a damn, the hallways could be gold plated and the kids would still fail. By the way, I like your style, and admire your choice of profession.
  15. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2005 -> 07:29 PM) What if they gave a counter-protest and no one showed up? The organizers of that rally were expecting 20,000. The article you reference says that about 100,000 showed up to see the media whore (Casey Sheehan's mom), while the earlier article says an estimated 300,000 showed up. Pretty big difference.
  16. Here is a picture of the crowd. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/0.../r324680482.jpg here are some other pics taken at the rally, just fyi. http://flickr.com/photos/michellemalkin/
  17. I'll wait until the Parks director determins how many people were there. We saw the supposed stats about attendance at the million man march, and all the other supposedly huge marches that in actuality had way less than the organizers claimed.
  18. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Sep 24, 2005 -> 07:01 PM) Hmmm. Oh s***. Someone's argument just got ripped to shreds. And how many of those hits came when the Sox were up by 7 runs? His RBI were usually in meaningless situations. In tight games down a run or two, he rarely came thru, from my memory. If you dig up stats that say otherwise, I will recant. But I know I have screamed many times at Maggs striking out with runners on when down a run or two. His homeruns always seemed to remind me of Sam-me Soso's, almost meaningless because they happen when you are up 7 or down 7.
  19. Maggs was anything but clutch. Sure, he got his hits and rbi, but I have seen way too many strikeouts or weak-ass grounders with runners on in crutial situations for my liking. Kinda like Paulie this year. If that slowpoke could hit at all with runners on, he SHOULD have about 150 rbi this year. Dye is OK, a healthy Maggs would be slightly better, but with Maggs, you don't have other people on the team. Glad he is gone. I sorta miss Lee, but I think Pods will help us once we get to the playoffs, more than Lee would.
  20. In honor of Pirate Day, caption this! ( Hope this works!)
  21. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) The eventual ensuing investigation may be full of s*** and unwilling to probe too deeply, of course. MAY be?
  22. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Sep 15, 2005 -> 01:20 AM) Sorry, God= religion. Religion must stay out of public schools. It's in the Constitution. No, it is not. Plus, many of the state constitutions expressly mention God at least once. Illinois is: We, the People of the State of Illinois - grateful to Almighty God for the civil, political and religious liberty which He has permitted us to enjoy and seeking His blessing upon our endeavors...... Texas: Article 1 - BILL OF RIGHTS Section 6 - FREEDOM OF WORSHIP All men have a natural and indefeasible right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences. No man shall be compelled to attend, erect or support any place of worship, or to maintain any ministry against his consent. No human authority ought, in any case whatever, to control or interfere with the rights of conscience in matters of religion, and no preference shall ever be given by law to any religious society or mode of worship. But it shall be the duty of the Legislature to pass such laws as may be necessary to protect equally every religious denomination in the peaceable enjoyment of its own mode of public worship. Even the godless state of California mentions God in the preamble: CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION PREAMBLE We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure and perpetuate its blessings, do establish this Constitution.
  23. http://www.canada.com/montreal/montrealgaz...e3-653eb1ca790e Border guards abandon posts IRWIN BLOCK The Gazette Sunday, September 11, 2005 It started with the shooting Friday night of a New York State trooper near Plattsburgh. When an alert was sent to Canadian customs agents in Quebec warning of an "armed and dangerous" suspect, some 50 employees walked off the job for four hours at about 15 of 44 border crossings just before 9 a.m. yesterday. The result was long lines for Canada-bound traffic of up to 90 minutes at St. Bernard de Lacolle, the busiest crossing in the province, officials reported. It took management staff at the checkpoints about two hours to clear the backlog and process waiting cars, said Dominique McNeely, a spokesperson for the Canada Borders Services Agency. "The established procedure was followed and there was at one point a significant line-up," McNeely said, confirming the delay of up to two hours. No cars were waved through, he said. The agents, members of the Customs and Excise Union, returned to work at 1:50 p.m. after it was confirmed the suspect, Vladimir Kulakov, 47, of Plattsburgh, who fled on foot, was arrested in Chester, N.Y. He was driving a stolen pickup truck on Friday night. With two state troopers in pursuit, Kulakov abandoned the truck and fled into the woods. Trooper Sean Finn, 34, located the fugitive in a grassy area when the shots were fired. The trooper was struck on the left side of his head and in both hands, and has since been released from a hospital. The suspect is to be arraigned on attempted murder, resisting arrest and other charges. Meanwhile at the border crossings, the protesting agents were exercising their right under the Canada Labour Code to withdraw services if they feel their life or health is threatened. "We're not armed, we're not going to be a target," said Jean-Pierre Fortin, a union spokesperson. The union wants the federal government to supply border agents with sidearms. Ottawa says the agents' bulletproof vests, telescopic batons and pepper spray are sufficient.
  24. I'm seeing alot of 'manufactured outrage' in this post.
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