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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 11:17 PM) Well, I guess in a way it's comforting to know that even when likely thousands of Americans are lying dead in an abandoned shell of an American city, the Bush Administration still puts Rewarding its campaign contributors at the top of its list of priorities. I mean, if Halliburton and Bechtel can't turn a profit, what is this world coming to? FYI, the Shaw Group is headed by Jim Bernhard, chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party. That's really rewarding his fellow conservatives!
  2. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9221534/ While I think he is a pud in most cases, here he did something with his money, instead of asking everyone else to do so. Maybe John Kerry can donate the use of one of his several houses that are empty for most of the year.
  3. QUOTE(The Critic @ Sep 11, 2005 -> 02:57 PM) Maybe people are saving their money for playoff tickets. ...that doesn't explain why EvilMonkey couldn't give one away, though.....I'd speculate, but I don't want to draw myself into a "Personal Attack Spanish Inquisition"..... EDITED to apply the proper green font. Maybe because I am evil? But I wasn't always that way, you know.
  4. i tried to give away one, with a patio party ticket, for free yesterday. Good luck.
  5. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 10, 2005 -> 11:17 PM) Well, I guess in a way it's comforting to know that even when likely thousands of Americans are lying dead in an abandoned shell of an American city, the Bush Administration still puts Rewarding its campaign contributors at the top of its list of priorities. I mean, if Halliburton and Bechtel can't turn a profit, what is this world coming to? The operative word in there is SOME. Lots to go around, and some of them are bound to go to Bush supporters. And also, whenever it is brought up that the eeeeevil Haliburton is working on a recovery effort now, it is not brought up that they were awarded the contract, over a year ago, thru a competitive bid process.
  6. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 9, 2005 -> 11:28 PM) I have an unconfirmed story saying that CNN has filed a lawsuit against government agencies that have been seeking to bar press organizations from showing pictures of the cleanup/recovery of the disaster in New Orleans (a few days ago, FEMA said that they didn't want people taking photos of bodies, etc.) If I remember right, during 9/11 the media didn't want to show pictures of the bodies and such. Something about not wanting to 'inflame the populace'. How come they DO want to show the bodies now?
  7. If anyone was actually considering my offer, too late, ticket gone. Thanks for loking, go Sox!
  8. OK, the guy in charge is telling me that the ticket still includes the patio stuff before the game. Beer before noon anyone?
  9. OK, long story. Was signed up to do a patio party with a bowling league I am in. Was supposed to be a June game. However, not enough people signed up for the bus ride, patio, etc, so it got postponed until this Saturday. We are still way short, and the Sox are not letting our group out of the tickets, so we are going to the game, sans bus ride and patio food. Then to top things off, with the switch to a day game, Juddling cannot go to the game with me as originally planned. My older son has a birthday party to go to, and since we have just moved into our neighborhood, it is more important that he goes to the party and makes friends. Wife can't go, watching the younger son. I have gone thru a list of 7 friends, 5 relatives and even 3 of my customers, no luck. I have no idea where the seats are (last year they were lower deck, between 1st and the outfield, not bad), will not get the tickets until I get to the stadium and you would be stuck sitting by me. All it will cost you is a beer and a hot dog. And I promise, no political talk, unless you start it! First to pm me? I'll ne here for a few hours. Go Sox!
  10. i follow baseball MUCh more closely due to my fantasy baseball playing. I used to not care a lick about other teams. I can now tell you who everyones closer is, best rbi guy, stolen base threats, I know about rookies before they play, etc. It already went up this year, and got started later than usual due to MLBPA trying to get more money. I will not pay much more than I am now. Especially if I don't win this year!
  11. personally, I don't care. Someone else on here brought up the idea of confirring the same 'benefits' of marraige on civil unions and just leave it at that. The thinking behind that was that people who seem to care about it, have a definition of marraige that wouldn't work if it were 2 same sex people involved. Another poster brought up 'so what, how are you hurt by that'. Well, I think they are hurt by the dilutiing of the idea/institution. And yes, divorce and adultry don't help either, I know. That would get around all the 'defense of marraige' acts, but still accomplish the same goals. Seperate but different, you say? Yes, because they ARE different. Why is the gay community hung up on the word marraige?
  12. getting the talk back to Arnold and CA, didn't the voters there pass the referendum defining marraige as a man and a woman? If that is the case, then the state lawmakers are going against the very wishes of their constituants by trying to get a law passed that goes against the voters. Is the majority right? Who knows. However, the lawmakers were sent there to represent the people of the state, and the people voted for marraige to mean a man and a woman. Why do these reps think they know better than their voters? Leave it to Dems to think that they know what the people want and need, even when the very people tell them otherwise. Arnold is just following the lead of the voters in California by vetoing this bill.
  13. The same news report I saw last night that mentioned this also mentioned that Toyota was recalling over 1 million Tacoma trucks for a serious defect that could lead to the front wheels disconnecting from the steering system. How come you didn't mention this one also? Could it be because Toyota isn't an American comapny?
  14. If Paulie can remember to KEEP using center and right field once in a while instead of always pulling the ball, he may be worth the money. Up until this last month or so, Paulie was all about the pull. You can tell he is trying to use the other parts of the field, and his swing looks smoother as a result. If he stays with the Sox, they should be showing him video clips every day of how successful he is when using the whole field.
  15. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 04:05 PM) We could get into the nature vs. nuture debate in all this, but I don't think it would make a difference. Sounds like a bad Eddie Murphy/Dan Akroyd movie to me.
  16. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 02:20 AM) You know what, if there is a commission, could we get some people from Mars to do it? I'm so burned out by frickin' political commissions whose first goal is to make it a DEM or GOP mistake. If we could somehow find a group of experts who have zero, nada, zip, no political leanings, aspirations, or axes to grind, it just might to something useful. Emphasis added by me. If I get the chance, this gets nominated for post of the year.
  17. So let's see. On the right, we have "The locals screwed the pooch and because they folded under the immense pressure of the situation by not minimizing the damage in the first place, they are to blame". On the left, we have " Yeah, the locals screwed up, but it's all Georgie's fault, since FEMA dropped the ball big time AFTER the fact." It seems to me that both of these are true, and are not mutually exclusive. If the local people would have done thier parts to any degree of competency, the damage to human lives would have been cut dramatically, lessening the things that FEMA had to take care of. I am not saying that FEMA would have done much better had the locals done their jobs, but there sure would be alot more people alive if the governor, mayor and NO director of Emergency Services did their jobs. All the Bush bashers on here are quick to criticize the FEMA director for getting his job from a 'buddie', and then screwing it up. And rightly so. However, the same goes for the NO Director of Emergency Services, who was personally apponited by the Mayor, and screwed up.
  18. Here is who you can blame. EVERYONE! http://www.thresholdstate.com/threshold/3966/who-to-blame And then go give money, or blood, or something.
  19. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 03:03 AM) I was thinking it would be nice if more Senators volunteered their professional services, then I remembered most are attorneys Maybe they can be used to sue God, or Mother Nature? After all, Jessie Jr. wants Bush to stand on a pile of rubble, and say to God, we know you did this, and we are holding you accountable!
  20. QUOTE(winodj @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 02:11 AM) I'm not saying you're wrong but the primary responsibility for an evacuation of a federal disaster area lies with FEMA. And being too poor to leave means walking 60 miles in 24 hours to relative safety. Is that something you could have done? Blame Terry Ebbert, head of NO Emergency Operations. I believe there WAS an evacuation ordered. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/0...flpc21109012015 Here is a link that shows about 200 school buses that COULD have been used to get the poor people out of town. The mayor odered everyone to evacuate, then didn't help them do so. SOunds alot like an unfunded mandate. Yet AFTER the hurricane, you have the mayor pleading for people to send busses. Well MR. Mayor, you just let 200 busses get flooded because your Emergency Response person, that you personally appointed, f***ed up. I am sure that NO also had public transportation system, which included BUSES. Why were they not used to ferry out the poor? Again, because LOCAL people in charge screwed up. These people should have been out of town before the hurricane hit. Here is a link that has a quote from the supposed leader of NO emergency management. http://www.breitbart.com/news/2005/09/01/D8CBPBCG0.html The quote I am referring to is this one: Now, I am not saying FIMA didn't screw up. Blame willgo a long way here over alot of people and agencies. HOWEVER, why didn't Mr. Ebbert step up and take control? It seems like he was just prepared to sit there and let hings happen as they may. If he had any balls not swept away by the hurricane, he would have tried to assert some control. However, since he didn't seem to know what to do BEFORE the hurricane, I guess asking him to assert leadership AFTER the fact would be a bit much. Oh, and FYI, they had at least 48 hours notice that NO WAS going to be hit hard. At 72 hours out they were given a 70% chance to get hit hard.
  21. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 01:33 AM) "who's dirty?" i crack up at that line everytime The one where they run thru a list of girl's names before they find the right one is a pretty good blonde joke on film.
  22. QUOTE(whitesoxfan99 @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 01:37 AM) And where would you like them to stay, what would you like them to eat. Wouldn't almost any OTHER situation be better than stranded on the roof of a house, or wading waiste deep if filthy water? Worry about your life first, then the rest. If you are dead, food just doesn't seem to matter much.
  23. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 10:40 PM) From a press release from Senator Mary Landreiu... The people deserved better from their local government. What were their emergency plans? Wait for the feds to bail them out? Why wasn't the city evacuated? Why are their pictures of hundreds of school busses sitting in flooded parking lots, when those same busses could have been rented, or otherwise used, by the LOCAL governing bodies to take all the people out who supposedly couldn't get out on thier own? And just a thought, if you are 'too poor to leave', why can't you just walk away? I mean, what would you be leaving behind?
  24. I like the Bacardi & Cola ones, especially where they help a lovely lady get a stain out of her dress with some club soda.
  25. QUOTE(JoshPR @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 05:13 AM) Got anydoubles you'd like to send over? I mean if you don't want doubles, I'm trying to make a scrap book of the SOx teams. I got complete 1987, 1989,1990, 91, 92, Missing 2 from 93. After that i only have one or 2 cards of each year. I'm missing almost all of the 1988 seasons cards and some 86. Got a few 85 season. Before that nothing. Just asking I have lots, but for the next month or so, they are in my parent's basement. My basement is filled with boxes, extra furniture and everything that wouldn't fit in the garage. Drop me a PM later, and after I get cleared out, we'll see what we can do.
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