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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(WhiteSox311 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 03:17 AM) N...NERDS i have many baseball cards also and a dinkly little 30 card holding case dedicated just to mr. Thomas HEY, I deserve respect! I mean, nerds deserve respect! If collecting cards makes me a nerd, oh well. Been called worse! http://www.sportscardfun.com/trader/twojudds.asp
  2. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Aug 30, 2005 -> 02:58 AM) I've got a baseball signed by Bryan Ward, James Baldwin, Keith Foulke and Chad Bradford. That thing's gotta be worth thousands..... ...... of Dinars!
  3. QUOTE(TheBigHurt @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 09:06 PM) But now I have come to find certain cards as personal trausures, not as money. This is the best way to do it. You don't get all worked up over 'book value' and all that other crap. Enjoy them. Get a case and mount them on the all like art. I took a whole bunch of assorted cards of Sox players, different brands, years and players, and glued them to a backing board, put a matte board around the edges and framed it. I have it hangin in my office at work, so anyone that comes into my space sees that first!
  4. QUOTE(rudylaw @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 10:13 PM) I almost have the entire 1959 team. I have been buying them off of ebay very cheap. Cool stuff to have. I have the 1958 team set, as well as 1966 and 1976 thru 2005. Still working on the early 70's though. Had to put a stop to the collecting since I moved earlier this month. No time, or money!
  5. QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 29, 2005 -> 04:23 PM) do you not realize that pat robertson is a member of the christian coalition...i think thats basically why people are calling him out on it...i know thats why i thought it was ridiculous do you not realize that a large portion of those doing the 'calling out' of Robertson equate the christian coalition with Bush and Republicans in general? THAT is why people are calling him out on that.
  6. I wonder where the outcry was when George Stephawhateverhisnameis called for the assassinaion of the leader of a country? http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2005/8/24/122804.shtml Wednesday, Aug. 24, 2005 12:23 p.m. EDT Stephanopoulos Urged Foreign Assassination Christian Coalition founder Pat Robertson prompted a firestorm of media outrage on Tuesday after he suggested that the Bush administration should assassinate a foreign leader who posed a threat to the U.S. - in this case, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. But when senior Clinton advisor George Stephanopoulos publicly argued for the same kind of assassination policy in 1997, the press voiced no objection at all. Fresh from his influential White House post, Stephanopoulos devoted an entire column in Newsweek to the topic of whether the U.S. should take out Saddam Hussein. His headlined? "Why We Should Kill Saddam." "Assassination may be Clinton's best option," the future "This Week" host urged. "If we can kill Saddam, we should." Though Iraq war critics now argue that by 1997, the Iraqi dictator was "in a box" and posed no threat whatsoever to the U.S., Stephanopoulos contended that Saddam deserved swift and lethal justice. "We've exhausted other efforts to stop him, and killing him certainly seems more proportionate to his crimes and discriminate in its effect than massive bombing raids that will inevitably kill innocent civilians," the diminutive former aide contended. Stephanopoulos even offered a way to get around the presidential ban on foreign assassinations: "If Clinton decides we can and should assassinate Saddam, he could call in national-security adviser Sandy Berger and sign a secret National Security Decision Directive authorizing it." The Stephanopoulos plan: "First, we could offer to provide money and materiel to Iraqi exiles willing to lead an effort to overthrow Saddam. . . . The second option is a targeted airstrike against the homes or bunkers where Saddam is most likely to be hiding." The one-time top Clinton aide said that, far from violating international principles, assassinating Saddam would be the moral thing to do, arguing, "What's unlawful - and unpopular with the allies - is not necessarily immoral." Stephanopoulos also noted that killing Saddam could pay big political dividends at home, saying the mission would make Clinton "a huge winner if it succeeded."
  7. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 09:24 PM) howard stern said it best the other day... if president bush has time to meet with jerry falwell and ride bikes with Lance armstrong, how come he doesnt have time to meet with a mother who's son died fighting in the war. the b.s. answer is that if he met with her, he'd have to meet with everyone... blah, blah, blah. Because Lane and Falwell didn't call him a liar, evil doer, hitler, etc. Get real. Noone in their right mind would meet with her now. If he was going to do it, he should have doen it right when she started. But now, no way in hell. And yes, if he met with her now, you would have a new group of people camped out there evry other week looking to talkwith the pres.
  8. Did it to both knees. Left knee playing tennis in high school, right knee in intramural basketball. Was going to dunk a ball in an actual game (previously had only done it in practice) and hit a loose floorboard on my way to the hoop. Only my knee didn't want to go back in. They took me out on a stretcher with the kneecap stuck way out to the side, and it was that way for over an hour. At the hospital they gave me laughing gas as a muscle relaxer, then after about 5 minutes, the doc just touched it with her pen and it snapped right back in. Hurt like hell when it did! I still played sports for a while after that, volleyball and tennis, but after a fewmore years, the lack of cartilidge just got to be too painful. Golf and bowling are about all I can do pain free now. Take care of it now, or it willonly get worse for you. A brace may help. And good luck.
  9. http://www.boston.com/news/local/new_hamps...to_lose_weight/ Woman complains about doctor's advice to lose weight August 23, 2005 ROCHESTER, N.H. --A Rochester physician says he's outraged at being called on the carpet for telling a patient she was obese and needed to lose weight. "It's an epidemic in the United States, and it's croaking us," Bennett said. It's a lecture he said he gives to many of his overweight patients. "It's your weight ... and there's dozens of programs," Bennett said. "You don't have to come here and be my acolyte. You can join Jenny Craig. You can go see Weight Watchers." Bennett said he tells obese patients their weight is bad for their health and their love lives. But the lecture drove one patient to write a letter to the Board of Registration in Medicine, which passed it on to the attorney general's office. Bennett said the attorney general's office tried to get him to settle the matter by agreeing to attend a medical education course, which he refused. "Did I sleep with somebody? Did I give somebody drugs? Was I careless? No. End of story," Bennett said. "That should have been the end of it." Now, other overweight patients are coming to Bennett's defense. "What really makes me angry is he told the truth," patient Mindy Haney said. "How can you punish somebody for that?" Haney said Bennett has helped her lose more than 150 pounds, but, at first, she didn't want to listen. "I have been in this lady's shoes. I've been angry and left his practice. I mean, in-my-car-taking-off angry," Haney said. "But once you think about it, you're angry at yourself, not Dr. Bennett. He's the messenger. He's telling you what you already know." "I'm sorry," Bennett said. "If she's watching, I'm devoutly sorry to have offended you. I didn't mean to offend you. I meant to tell you the truth. And that's what I tried to do." The medical board would not comment, but member Kevin Costin said, "Physicians have to be professional with patients and remember everyone is an individual. You should not be inflammatory or degrading to anyone." _________________________________ You would think with skin as thick as hers she would have not been offended by a doctor pointing out what would be in her best health interest. I hate whiny ass people like this. Go cry into a cream puff, have a heart attack and spare us all.
  10. I find it ironic that Kerry calls for when he can't even set a timetable for confirming a Supreme Court nominee. That HAS to be many steps easier than winning a war.
  11. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Aug 21, 2005 -> 01:59 AM) That sucks, WTell, but it doesn't sound like it was the greatest job anyway. The best way to get back at them is to find a better job you're happy with. Evil, great story, and way to put your shmuk boss in his place. If he had any integrity he'd have admitted he was being an ass and needed it to be pointed out to him. I understand WilliamTell's frustration. At that time, I had bought a house 6 months earlier, and had been married for about 2 months, so I had alot of things on my plate. I actually didn't get 'fired' for 2 more weeks, but that was because MY boss refused to fire me, until the higher-ups threatened to fire her instead. Didn't have the balls to do it himself. He knew he was an ass, and in the end he got it also, when the President closed the factory and moved everything to a place by Tijuana. So he was either out of a job, or had to move down there!
  12. EvilMonkey

    Blood Donor

    I haven't done it too much lately, but have done it often.
  13. I had a situation vaguely similar a long time ago. I used to run the office of a furniture factory. The 2 owners were away on business and left the illegitimate brother in charge. Orders were a bit slow, so he set his assistant upstairs to the office to tell me to 'spool the orders' so the factory can get a head start. On the system we ran, you can't do that when everyone is on or it crashes the system. I told her that I can't right now (it was 2pm, orders coming in, phones busy, etc.), it would have to wait 20 or 30 minutes. She went back and told him I said 'No'. Five or ten minutes later, he came upstairs and started swearing at me very loudly to 'spool the f***ing orders now!'. I was at the time standing next to the lady that does that so I looked at her and said" Barbara, please spool the orders now, like JIm asked". You could see the fear in her eyes as she keyed the commands and hit enter. 30 seconds later, the system crashed, and 600 factory workers had to go home early because they could no longer access the computers to ship, change fabric rolls, enter orders, etc. I supposed the smug look on my face is probably what did me in, but I tried to warn him amidst his swearing, but he would not have any of that. I was technically 'downsized' 2 weeks later, but that was just a cover up (my immediate boss told me so). DOn't worry too much about it, if you did nothing wrong. It feels like s*** for a bit, depending on how much you liked the job, but it will pass. Good luck in your job hunt.
  14. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 19, 2005 -> 02:27 PM) Alright, I'm gonna have to go with the comedic look at this. How do you miss a ship that isn't moving? They took target practice with the El Rukins, Latin Kings and other American gang members. Looks like they learned well, miss your target and kill bystanders.
  15. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 18, 2005 -> 12:54 PM) Apparently Rush Limbaugh is insinuating that Cindy Sheehan faked her sons death. I think he is implying that her level of grief may be faked to further her own agenda, not that Casey never died.
  16. EvilMonkey


    Hollywood, Fish and Sweat. Fish was from my college drinking days ('he drinks like a fish!'), Hollywood someone coined after the Frankie Goes To Hollywood group (my legal name is Frankie), and sweat was because I sweat at room temp.
  17. I was doing 95 down I-57 in my month old 1988 Daytona Turbo, with T-tops, when I hit a duck. It cracked my windshield, and almost killed me as my girlfriend in the seat next to me almost jumped im my lap from fright. I was OK, until she landed in my lap, then we swerved pretty damn fast and ended up in the median. Thankfully only a duck, my windshield and the front bumper were hurt.
  18. EvilMonkey

    Six Feet Under

    I watched it regularly, until this season. I just can't get into it this year. I know it is supposed to be a messed up family, but just watching all those people do such idiotic things just gets boring. Nate is better off dead, his character was an ass. Enough with the flashbacks from David. Someone needs to b****-slap the Ruth, AND Claire. And Federico, well, he is just an idiot.
  19. I would ask for the money. All of it. You will then see what kind of frind that person really is. I got tickets for this Saturday's game from my uncle, but couldn't use them because after several false starts, we finally sold our house and are moving this weekend. The uncle is out of town, which is why I got the tickets, so instead I gave them to someone who I can (usually!) trust, Juddling! Enjoy Bill. I will be cusring you with every box or piece of furniture I move! Oh, you could also report that 'friend' to the IRS for not reposting income, if you were so inclined. That could make for some interesting times at the next BBQ.
  20. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 09:22 PM) Well, I would put Michael Savage ahead of AAR. But I was just being snarky. That's why they pay me the big bucks. I would put him ahead of most people as well, except maybe Randi. But we have digressed from the point. IS AAR going broke or not? Also, I have heard them SAY they have MADE PLANS to pay the money back, but not that they HAVE paid the money back. Regardless, I think they suck. And FWIW, I don't think any of the mentioned 'conservative' radio hosts are much better.
  21. In DuLuca's column it talked about KW and the trading deadline. One of the paragraphs in the story talked about the pursiut of Griffey and it had a quote from Griffey's agent saying that Griffey has 5 or 6 teams that he's willing to drop his no-trade clause for and the Sox AREN'T ONE OF THEM. So....F U Griffey.....STAY THERE IN CINCINATTI AND ROT IN LAST PLACE for a team that is showing signs of going nowhere anytime soon....while the Sox go to the playoffs (and hopefully more!!) I would be curious as to which teams WERE on his list. Probably the same old teams....the Yank-me's or the Red Sox. Once again......FU Ken Griffey JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger :finger
  22. If I wasn't moving, I would help you. Extremists like this do noone any good. That is just downright disrespectful. Maybe someone should hunker down on them, maybe bow their necks, and hit them with a can of corn to make them go away? Then we could go hang wiffum at the funeral to pay our respects.
  23. QUOTE(winodj @ Aug 5, 2005 -> 01:50 AM) I'd definitely call Al-Qaida a more hateful group. Fred Phelps group that wants the statue in Laramie Wyoming that says that "Matthew Shepherd got what he deserved." A more hateful group. Aryan Nation. A more hateful group. But maybe its just me. You guys are always so damn LITERAL, when it suits your needs, of course. You know what I meant, and I explained it a little bit more to Balta. Notice that I added ON THE AIR, because I knew it was just a matter of time until one of you posted something like this.
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 10:51 PM) So Michael Savage can say that Bill Clinton survived his heart surgery because "Hell was full", Rush Limbaugh can claim that Democrats are losing elections because they are "Aborting their own voters", Sean Hannity can refer to a marijuana lab as a "secret liberal lab", and Bill O'Reilly can say that homeless people were dying in a heat wave because they were "mentally incapable of taking care of themselves", and you can't imagine a more hateful group of people? HATE, Balta. While I will agree with you that Savage is pretty full of it, he is not a conservative. Same for O'Reilly. If conservatism were to backslide in popularity tomorrow, O'reilly would be a liberal next week. And Savage has come outright and said he isn't a conservative. Listen to Rush, and even Sean, and while there message may be that libs suck, and the libs have secret labs, they usually tend to TALK most of the time. I hear Randi Rhodes, and it is a wonder she hasn't died from ulcers and a heart attack. There is another guy I catch once in a while, but the name escapes me, that is just so filled with hate it is a shame. When Bush was at the press conference for the Supreme Court nominee, Rhodes was just going ballistic. She all but accused Bush of being a CURRENT cokehead, lambasted white males in general, and was downright just filled with hate. I really don't know how people can listen, at least to her. I have heard Savage before, and he is similar in many ways. No idea how eitherone gets listeners. Rush gets them from reputation, and Sean comes off as Rush Lite, and O'reilly, well, I have no explination for that one. And to answer your question, yes, I still can't imagine a more hateful group of people (at least not on the radio or tv airwaves!).
  25. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 4, 2005 -> 04:30 PM) The right-wing blogosphere has been trying lately to push a scandal involving funds diverted by the guy who founded the company and was forced out for improper business dealings, but I don't think it'll be going anywhere just from the looks of it. You mean like in this post? http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37898 I listen to Air America once in a while on my XM. I have no idea how they stay on the air. I know the 'message' doesn't speak to me, but my god, if there a more hateful group of people in the world, I don't know where they would be. They really need to lighten up a bit.
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