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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 27, 2005 -> 01:02 AM) LCR, I understand your points, but I don't think I explained mine correctly. I guess that posting them in the post with the Baptist bigots (this group, not all Baptist, or Baptists in general) tends to color them a bit more that I mean to do. I think my basic point was more like this: If I were to come out and say that I don't think gay couples should adopt children, I would be accused as being insensative, homophobic, intolerant, etc. , where that is not the case. I don't care about gay people. You can be gay, or not be gay, I don't care. You want to live together, fine with me. I don't have aproblem with gay marraige either. Welcome to the same headaches as heterosexual couples! I don't want any amendment prohibiting gay adoptions, I just don't think they are right. I can respect gays, but don't have to accept it. So why would I be the bad guy? Hmmmm, not sure if this says it right either. Maybe it is just an observation that SOME gay people (usually the most vocal!) who scream about intolerace towards themselves and their lifestyle, are also the most intolerant of others who disagree with them, however slight. Take David Orr, for example. He gets all kinds of hell for not issuing marraige licenses. He is all for it, but doesn't want to break the law, since it currently is not legal. So, he gets a boatload of crap from the vocal minority, making him out to be a bad guy. You know, I think it is just the fringe element on all sides that just make everybody seem petty and ignorant.
  2. I have about 3000 extras of just White Sox player. Only problem, they just got put into storage over the weekend. I am in the middle of selling my house and moving, and they probably won't be brought back to me until mid-august. PM me later if you still need some then, and I will have them all back by then. I have been on a quest to get White Sox team sets from as many years and sets as possible. No where complete, but if you ask my wife, I have waaaay too many. This is what I am looking for if you have extras of any around. Good luck! http://www.sportscardfun.com/trader/twojudds.asp
  3. I am not sure how to phrase this, so I am sure it will come out wrong and I will be attacked for it, but where does the line for 'tolerance and respect' end? Sometimes, groups trying to promote those things cross over into 'acceptance'. I can tolerate and respect others, but I don't have to accept them. (For the record, I have no problem with gays, etc.) If it were my religious belief that homosexuality is wrong, I can tolerate them for being different, respect them as human beings, but in no way do I have to accept their lifestyle as normal, when to me, it would not be. So then I would be looked down upon as the intolerant one, which wouldn't be the case. A while back there was a post about a handbook a school put out that tried to make homosexuality out as a good thing. I think that is just wrong. You don't have to say it is a bad thing, but to simply promote it as an acceptable lifestyle is wrong, when there are alot of people who don't think it is. I think alot of people are more 'in the middle' on homosexuality in general than most people think. I personally don't care one way or another. You are gay? Good for you. You are not? Fine. But if my religious beliefs were that homosexuality is wrong, maybe gay people should just be tolerant of me? NOTE: The extremists of that Baptist Group, or even James Dobsen are way beyond acceptance, and I am in no way implying them in my question of acceptance. The lunatic fringe on either side of these type of issues rarely deserve tolerance or respect.
  4. And so it begins................................. http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/m...politan/3239024 June 23, 2005, 11:35PM Freeport moves to seize 3 properties Court's decision empowers the city to acquire the site for a new marina By THAYER EVANS Chronicle Correspondent FREEPORT - With Thursday's Supreme Court decision, Freeport officials instructed attorneys to begin preparing legal documents to seize three pieces of waterfront property along the Old Brazos River from two seafood companies for construction of an $8 million private boat marina. The court, in a 5-4 decision, ruled that cities may bulldoze people's homes or businesses to make way for shopping malls or other private development. The decision gives local governments broad power to seize private property to generate tax revenue. "This is the last little piece of the puzzle to put the project together," Freeport Mayor Jim Phillips said of the project designed to inject new life in the Brazoria County city's depressed downtown area. Over the years, Freeport's lack of commercial and retail businesses has meant many of its 13,500 residents travel to neighboring Lake Jackson, which started as a planned community in 1943, to spend money. But the city is hopeful the marina will spawn new economic growth. "This will be the engine that will drive redevelopment in the city," City Manager Ron Bottoms said. Lee Cameron, director of the city's Economic Development Corp., said the marina is expected to attract $60 million worth of hotels, restaurants and retail establishments to the city's downtown area and create 150 to 250 jobs. He said three hotels, two of which have "high interest," have contacted the city about building near the marina. "It's all dependent on the marina," Cameron said. "Without the marina, (the hotels) aren't interested. With the marina, (the hotels) think it's a home run." Since September 2003, the city has been locked in a legal battle to acquire a 300-by-60-foot tract of land along the Old Brazos River near the Pine Street bridge as well as a 200-foot tract and 100-foot tract along the river through eminent domain from Western Seafood Co. and Trico Seafood Co. Eminent domain is the right of a government to take private property for public use upon payment of the fair market value. The tracts of land would be used for a planned 800- to 900-slip marina to be built by Freeport Marina, a group that that includes Dallas developer Hiram Walker Royall. He would buy the property from the city and receive a $6 million loan from the city to develop the project. Freeport Marina would then invest $1 million in the project and contribute a 1,100-foot tract of land, valued at $750,000, to it before receiving the loan. Western Seafood spokesman Wright Gore III said the wholesale shrimp company was disappointed with the Supreme Court decision, but believes the ruling does not apply to the city's eminent domain proceedings. He said there is a provision in state law that allows residents of a city to a circulate a petition to call a vote on whether the city can take property using eminent domain. "(This) is far, far from over," Gore said. "(We) would have liked to have seen a victory on the federal level, but it is by no means a settled issue." Gore said Western Seafood's 30,000-square-foot processing facility, which sits on the 300-by-60-foot tract, would be forced to close if the land were seized. That facility earns about $40 million annually, and Western Seafood has been in business in Freeport since 1946, he said. City officials, however, have said the marina will still allow Western Seafood and Trico Seafood, which did not return telephone calls or e-mail Thursday, to operate their facilities. In August, U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent ruled against a lawsuit filed by Western Seafood seeking to stop the city's eminent domain proceedings. The seafood company then appealed its case to the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, a request that initially was denied. The appeals court then decided it would take the case, but not rule on it until after the Supreme Court made a ruling on the New London, Conn., case. _____________________________________________________________ If this new project will 'create' 150-200 new jobs, how many will it eliminate from the Western Seafood? And will the new jobs pay as well, or will they be minimum wage jobs such as bellhops, maids, etc? And the deal struck here sounds fishy. City steals land, sells to Marina Group. Marina Group then gets a loan to build marina, plus donates land BACK to city. If this project is such a good thng, why can't the Marina Group just BUY the land from Western? Anyone with waterfront property should just sell now, before the local governments try to steal it for a park or a memorial, or worse yet, a strip mall.
  5. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 11:10 PM) Not only that, but Maddux deserves the benefit of the doubt from the umpire a lot more than Contreras does. You are wrong. Contreras deserves THE SAME strike zone as Maddux. What is this, segregation? Seperate, but equal strike zones? If it is a strike for one guy, it damn well should be a strike for the other guy. Experience should not factor into how 'big' your strike zone is. Does the rule book say the strike zone is from point A to point B, unless your name is Maddux, Pedro or Santana, then you can add 4 inches to every side? I don't think so.
  6. OK, I am outta here. I will be the one with an empty seat next to me. GO SOX!
  7. QUOTE(JUGGERNAUT @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 05:12 PM) I don't have a lot of time to write today but I wanted to share the links with new & old Sox fans. Good reads today. I'll be there today! Wish me luck on getting a HR ball in what looks to be a World Series bound year. Telander said it. Not I. http://www.suntimes.com/index/sox.html http://www.dailysouthtown.com/index/dspro.html http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...eball/whitesox/ http://www.dailyherald.com/sports/whitesox.asp I'll write more later. GO 50-22 2005 CHICAGO WHITE SOX !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing would make this weekend any better than a against Prior. Sweeet! good reads! GO SOX! Wave to me in the UD!
  8. I'll check back in about 15 minutes, then I am outta here! GO SOX!
  9. QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 04:55 PM) SOX Game Wedding Decisions decisions. you can ALWAYS find a wife in the clasifieds.
  10. QUOTE(Adam G @ Jun 25, 2005 -> 04:35 PM) ""The BIG Lie: "We are not on some fishing expedition here at all to derail the Bolton nomination." --DemocRAT Senator Christopher Dodd Well no kidding they're trying to derail the Bolton nomination. Bush went way out of his way to pick the absolute worst candidate for UN Ambassador he could find. If we're going to blame someone for not getting an Ambassador confirmed, blame the White House for nominating the most unconfirmable extremist around. This is from someone who voted for Bush in 2000, by the way. [/OT] And why would he be the worst? I would think that someone that stood up for America would be a GOOD think. So what if he is abrasive. About time some of these diplomats got told to thier face that they were jerks, instead of bending down and kissing ass all the time. So, you want the ticket or not?
  11. Why did she not get her ass out the car? WHy should the RR be punished because she panicked? And in neither of the stories does it say how her car became 'stuck' on the tracks. Did she stop while on them? Then she is an idiot for not making sure she had enough room to clear the tracks before crossing. Did her car stall? Then she should have hit the brakes BEFORE her car coasted onto the tracks. Was she pushed onto the tracks by the boyfriend? The he should be the one paying. Where is her responsibility here? Yeah, I feel sorry that she is f***ed up for life, but it seems like a large portion of that is her own fault.
  12. UD, section 538, row 8 (just to the left of home plate). Not bad for the UD. FV $32, yours for $15 and a beer. PM me if interested, but FYI, I am leaving at noon. GO SOX!
  13. I know not too many people go to games by themselves, but anyone want 1 ticket, sec 538, row 8? I had one person cancel out on me, now I have on eleft over. FV $32, Yours for $15 and a beer. PM me if interested, but I am leaving at noon. GO SOX!!!!
  14. Didn't he withdraw from the Presidential race a while back over a plagerism issue or something?
  15. You know, Kip is gonna be mad that you beat him posting this news.
  16. QUOTE(winodj @ Jun 24, 2005 -> 12:22 PM) I'm sorry the "They do it more/worse" doesn't wash with me. How is it everything is black and white for this administration except this issue? http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/24/politics...agewanted=print Today's New York Times showed that doctors assisted in these sessions. That is a practice common during the Third Reich by the way. It's not "They do it worse", it is "What we do is not torture". Pulling out fingernails, that's torture. Sleep deprivation is not.
  17. When Gitmo gets like this, feel free to b****. http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/19/internat...=rssnyt&emc=rss I wonder if they picked up the guide book at Borders?
  18. Damn, usually I just seem to end posts. This one didn't even get started!
  19. I love how every time a conservative/Republican says or does anything that the liberals think is wrong, they immediately call for their resignation. That must be because they can't defeat them in the elections.
  20. Instead of wondering why The Cell wasn't sold out, the writer should have instead wondered why Wrigley WAS sold out when their team sucks ass. It has increased stadily, and 24,000 for a WEDNESDAY DAY GAME is pretty good. It is only a problem when compared to the beer garden up north.
  21. I was catching several games today on my XM, and stopped on the Twins broadcast today, since I have 3 Twins players on my fantasy team. The XM baseball package is pretty cool, allowing you to hear the broadcasts of other teams, including the local commercials. Well, a Twins commercial came up, and in it, the announcer was doing a sort-of rhyme, that was basically about Torri 'b****' Hunter crashing into the wall and stealing a homer away from Frank Thomas. There was one more part, also dissing the Sox, but I can't recall that one, I was too busy avoiding a deer on I-394. If it was a broacast clip replaying an actual out, that would be one thing, but this just didn't sit right. I hope someone on the team hears that commercial, and uses it as 'bulletin board material'.
  22. QUOTE(winodj @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 07:39 PM) Judging from WV's history of what Klan actions there were, probably not. The Klan was very weak in the Mountaineer State. May not have been a 'hotbed', but if he was responsible for even one, wouldn't that be enough?
  23. QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 09:34 PM) the people of WV obviously don't have a problem with what he did over 60 years ago... why do you? in fact i've heard that he's been a long-time, strong advocate for the african american community. in my mind, he's a symbol of how "certain" people can turn their lives around and become decent citizens. He can say he is sorry all he wants, but as long as he keeps trying to equate his Klan membership as 'a fraternal group of elites', he is still lying. That is like a rapist saying 'sorry I raped you, it was just youthfull indescretion that got taken too far. But it really wasn't that bad'. He is sorry, just like Ted Kennedy is sorry about Chappaquidick because it ruined his chance to become President.
  24. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Jun 20, 2005 -> 04:44 PM) Lott, BTW, is still one of the Senators who has refused to give his support to the lynching-apology resolution adopted by the Senate. Byrd was one of the co-sponsors. I wonder if Byrd was responsible for any?
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