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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Sure, let's see those states come up with the remaining $7 billion or whatever the amount was. Once California tries to go to its single payer route for insurance they wont have money for a pack of gum, much less any climate stuff. My whole big complaint here is the money. It's one thing to send LNG to some s***holes so they can stop using coal. Send food to a nation having problems feeding its people. But we send them money, you never know how much gets siphoned off at every stop along the way. The UN has a very bad history of this. Hell, every government has a very bad history of this. It's always about the money. States are free to curb their emissions all they want. They don't need a signature on some piece of paper to do that. Have at it! My objection is always that we end up sending ungodly amounts of money to unaccountable people where it gets stolen and misused. Invest in solar! Explore for more natural gas! Keep phasing out coal! (Phasing out, not stopping cold turkey) Keep researching nuke power! Capitalism will get us there once someone figures out a way to make money, without stealing it from other governments.
  2. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 10:57 AM) Three responses: 1) Seat belts or child safety seats, helmets for motorcycle riders 2) Firearms, 1792 law passed..."Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That each and every free able-bodied white male citizen of the respective States, resident therein, who is or shall be of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is herein after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia...That every citizen, so enrolled and notified, shall, within six months thereafter, provide himself with a good musket or firelock, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints, and a knapsack, a pouch, with a box therein, to contain not less than twenty four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or firelock, each cartridge to contain a proper quantity of powder and ball..." 3) Broccoli and Spinach (see the article below) http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyin...nd_constitution Providing health checks, nutritious food and vaccinations to kids under the age of 12 is really a form of tyranny? How so? And mandatory automobile insurance, at least general liability insurance to protect others (if not yourself): You disagree and think it should be a personal choice to pay or not to pay??? Providing healthy food? No. Forcing them to eat it under penalty of jail or huge fines? yes.
  3. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 1, 2017 -> 02:06 AM) This is the fundamental difference between Republicans and Democrats. The Democratic argument is that it's a fundamental responsibility of government to keep the people of a country as healthy as possible...with better family health leading to better parenting leading to each succeeding generation attaining higher educational levels and more success (at least theoretically). The problem comes when you decide that you know better than someone else as to what is good for them. It is not the government's responsibility to keep the people healthy, just keep them safe from outside harm. When you decide to outlaw salt and Big Gulps because YOU decide it isn't a good thing, you are being a tyrant. And you use the threat of violence to enforce that. You are not the parents of Americans, You are not kings or rulers, you don't get to dictate how people lead their lives like that. I also dislike when the religious part of the R party starts trying to dictate morals (I mean there is a point, no child porn, incest, beastiality, etc.) , but I really hate it when you try and tell me I can't eat or drink something 'for my own good'. My response to that is usually to say go f*ck yourself and then have a beer and a steak. "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." C.L. Lewis
  4. That would be sweet! I can beat 150's in my sleep as well, but those 650's tend to elude me more often than not.
  5. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 30, 2017 -> 11:46 AM) Democrats never took the idiotic position of declaring war against the entire world media and 'deep state.' They also never argued Donald Trump wasn't the rightful president because he wasn't born in America. Republicans spent so much time opposing the Obamas, they actually forgot how to govern with a majority. Heck, they have control of every single branch of government and can't even repeal Obamacare after promising those who voted for them in 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2018. Four separate elections and 23 years (since resisting the Clintons originally) to somehow come up with a bill 50% less popular than the most unpopular president in the history of these United States!!! 'vast right-wing conspiracy' comes to mind.
  6. QUOTE (raBBit @ May 30, 2017 -> 11:07 AM) Why is it when someone disagrees with a specific belief they have to answer for a whole political party who they may or may not agree with or identify with? At the least, why is it someone who disagrees with something has to respond to all of your irrelevant tangents? It's a deflection. It's pretty simple here. I, and many others who have come out of the woodwork to speak out against your's and Reddy's opinions, believe in equality of opportunity. You and Reddy believe there is not equality until the outcome is entirely equal. That will never happen. You and Reddy are not fighting a losing battle, you are fighting for something that has no basis in reality. It's not going to happen. You are looking to get others on your side, but in action, you are just pretentiously arguing an altruistic, utopian dream is attainable (it's not) and the first step in achieving it is putting down others based on their race, gender and orientation is essential to achieving this. This contributes to divisiveness and makes white people who have relevant life experience, we know you two have had most provided for you, very much questionable to their unjust systemic discrimination based on race as opposed to wealth. Unfortunately, institutions have followed suit in contributing to the race and sex based discrimination but at the end of the day, it's a blatant departure from equality. No holier than though standing and personal opinions of yours is going to change that. Democrats never have to answer for the party. Some low level state rep from a district nobody ever heard of before could make a sexist joke and suddenly the President and every republican has to renounce him and say sorry , but a Democratic president can cigar-f*** an intern and he is just a lone wolf.
  7. So you have come out of the closet as a 1% white privileger. Now what. You want a participation trophy?
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ May 23, 2017 -> 01:51 PM) Fake news. /green Why would anyone ever hire a man again! On a less sarcastic note, nowhere to they reveal their data that led to such conclusions. They try to claim apples to apples, but never get as close as comparing job fields. Sales' is a pretty big field, and a pharma sales person should make more than Mary Kay. You do have the fact that women tend to be less aggressive in seeking higher pay such as raises for concerns of appearing 'b****y', and there appears to be some truth to that. I only have antedotal evidence contrary for me. i have always hired whoever could do the job. My hires in the design field have been primarily women, but I have hired a few guys. A woman was the highest paid of that bunch. My sales people were all paid the same base regardless of sex, the woman actually earned more in commissions. My press operators have all been guys. One woman applied and she did OK, but the guy was far and away the better choice as he also knew basic repair. Looking back my general customer service hires were 50-50, the best and highest paid one was a woman whom I left in charge whenever I was out. I was disappointed when she moved as I was hoping to promote her even more.
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 22, 2017 -> 04:06 PM) You were referring to that? he isn't saying 'you are gay, OFF TO CONVERSION THERAPY!'. Like ss2k mentioned however, you have some liberals who want to send all sorts of people to reeducation classes or such things because they said some 'bad words'. One worker in a place says somethgin that can be deemed 'homophobic' and the whole place has to be 're educated' and sent to sensitivity training. No options.
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 22, 2017 -> 03:48 PM) Mike Pence would like to psychologically and physically torture people that I love. He wants to deny them basic rights. There's no bridge-building there until he gives up his bigotry. Are there any viewpoints you'd consider to be unworthy of discussion and "bridge-building"? Do you condemn what John Brown was trying to do? Mike Pence once supported the use of federal funding to treat people "seeking to change their sexual behavior." Pence never stated that he supported the use of electric shocks or "gay conversion" therapy.
  11. QUOTE (Reddy @ May 22, 2017 -> 01:10 PM) This just in. Privileged straight white male calls rape charges "frivolous". In other news, the sky is still blue. This just in Maybe-not-priviledged, I-don't-know-or-care make on message board gets butthurt by bad words.
  12. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 22, 2017 -> 03:34 PM) They got no where by "walking out" on the issue. Just like #hashtag activism. Oh, they got good feelz for it, but what did it accomplish? Did it 'raise awareness'? No, everyone interested is aware already the first 1000 times you did stupid stuff.
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