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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Tex, not trying to start a fight, but did he say he wanted them to be 'junior republicans', or just that he didn't like funky haircuts? Yeah, camp counselor seems like a position where a hairstyle wouldn't matter much, unless maybe the kids attending came from more conservative families, and he thought THEY would have an aversion to long hair, mohawks, hair dyed blue, etc. I am just wondering if by his use of the term 'conservative' to describe hairstyles, you are reading too much into it. Maybe, maybe not. Just askin'.
  2. Here is the background story that appeared before he was indicted. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...5-2004Oct5.html
  3. http://www.cnn.com/2005/ALLPOLITICS/01/07/...er.indicted.ap/ Former Hillary Clinton campaign official indicted Friday, January 7, 2005 Posted: 7:09 PM EST (0009 GMT) WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's former finance director has been indicted on charges of filing fictitious reports that misstated contributions for a Hollywood fund-raising gala for the senator, the Justice Department said Friday. The indictment, rare for a political campaign, was unsealed in Los Angeles charging David Rosen with four counts of filing false reports with the Federal Election Commission. The charges focus on an August 12, 2000, dinner and concert supported by more than $1.1 million in "in-kind contributions" -- goods and services provided for free or below cost. The event was estimated to cost more than $1.2 million. The FBI previously said in court papers that it had evidence the campaign deliberately understated its fund-raising costs so it would have more money to spend on her campaign. The indictment refers to Clinton only as "Senator A." While the event allegedly cost more than $1.2 million, the indictment said, Rosen reported contributions of about $400,000, knowing the figure to be false. The indictment charged that he provided some documents to an FEC compliance officer but withheld the true costs of the event and provided false documents to substantiate the lower figure. In one instance, Rosen delivered a fraudulent invoice stating the cost of a concert associated with the gala was $200,000 when he know that figure was false, according to the indictment. The actual cost of the concert was more than $600,000. Each of the four counts of making a false statement carries a maximum penalty of up to five years in prison and up to $250,000 in fines upon conviction. Rosen's attorney, Paul Mark Sandler, did not return a call asking for comment. Mrs. Clinton's lawyer on campaign finance matters, David Kendall, had no immediate comment. The businessman who hosted the event, Peter Paul, has told federal authorities that it cost more than $1 million and that he had been surprised when he saw that most of the contributions were not reported. The money raised at the fund-raiser went to Mrs. Clinton's campaign, the Democrats' national Senate campaign organization and a state Democratic party committee. The joint fund raising made the rules more complicated, because the gala raised both "hard money" -- funds given to candidates subject to federal limits -- and unlimited "soft money" that was unregulated and unlimited under the former campaign finance law. If the the cost of the event was underreported, the committee would have spent less of the coveted hard money, contributions that unlike soft money could be used to cover Clinton's campaigning costs. Federal law governing such joint fund-raisers was designed to prevent joint committees from circumventing restrictions on the contributions given directly to candidates. Most allegations of campaign finance irregularities are handled administratively through the FEC, although the Justice Department has investigated such matters in the past. During President Clinton's administration, a Justice Department campaign finance task force charged more than two dozen individuals and two corporations with fund-raising abuses from the 1996 election cycle. Many of the charges involved Democratic fund raising. In addition to his Clinton effort, Rosen has raised money for several other high-profile Democratic candidates, including former presidential hopeful Wesley Clark. Most recently, he was named to the fund-raising team of Donnie Fowler, a candidate for the Democratic National Committee chairmanship.
  4. "He could get up to 25 years in prison and fines of up to $500,000." Not he WILL get 25 years, but that line merely describes the maximun penalty. Stop taking things to the extreme all the time.
  5. My biggest memories of Burke were the many throws from the outfield to the plate that he just dropped, before the Hunter incident. It cost the Sox a few games that I can remember.
  6. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jan 7, 2005 -> 10:05 PM) I have never understood how bouncers and the places that hire them don't get sued or charged more often. I have seen guys get beaten to near death outside of bars and clubs plenty of times by bouncers. The cops show up, get a 'report', call the ambulance and haul them away, end of story. Kinda like the mantra used in 'Roadhouse' : "Be nice. Take it outside, and be nice. If the customer won't go, escort him, but be nice. If you need help, one of the others will help you, but be nice." Got thrown out of a bar once by a bounce. I think I broke my wrist then. It was either then, or a few hours later on the mechanical bull at Fred's Dance Barn. I kinda don't quite know which it was.
  7. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 7, 2005 -> 05:45 AM) We have polling palces set up weeks before the election for early voting. Drop in, quick and easy. I don't like early voting. I don't like it being made 'easy', just so lazy assholes can take their sweet time to vote. It is a right and responsibility to vote, the polls are open for a long time on the voting day, and it is not like that day just 'sneaks up' on anyone.
  8. QUOTE(hammerhead johnson @ Jan 7, 2005 -> 04:12 AM) Dude, that's awesome. I worked at a sumbarine joint from 1994-1999. One time, a dude asked for extra hot peppers on his beef, so I honored his request. He came back all pissy & told me that I didn't put enough on. Okay then. I think I put a good 8 ounces of gardiniera juice on it & he came back looking for a fight. I have never, ever gotten pissy with people at restaurants. I can definitely appreciate what they have to put up with, as I was one of those people for damn near 6 years. I worked in the food industry a long while back as well, so I put up with alot. But a simple request as 'no mayo' 3 times, someone back there was screwing with me. There ARE assholes everywhere, and in this case, there was at least one there that night. Too bad there isn't a smilie throwing a chicken sandwich.
  9. I assaulted a Burger King employee, sort of, many years ago. I hate Mayo, ordered a chicken sandwich with no mayo. It came with mayo. I was nice, took it back and asked for a new sandwich. Don't want to piss them off and have them spit on your food or anything, so I know enough to be polite. Second sandwich had mayo, so I took that one back, was a little more rude, but still kept the language civil. They hand me the third sandwich, I sit down, open the bun, and what was there? You guessed it, mayo! So from my seat, I threw the sandwich at the counter person, then let loose with a long string of x-rated words calling out the cook, counter person and anyone that even looked at my chicken sandwich. The cook ran out the back door, possibly afraid that he may be the target of a flying chicken sandwich, I don't know. Just glad this was in the late 80's. I got free food coupons! If it were to happen today, I think I too would end up in the back of a cop car for assault with a deadly sandwich. Gee, and they always thought it was the calories and chloresterol that would kill you.
  10. More great info about the glorious UN. http://news.scotsman.com/latest.cfm?id=3944374 5:45pm (UK) Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition' By Jamie Lyons, PA Political Correspondent United States President George Bush was tonight accused of trying to undermine the United Nations by setting up a rival coalition to coordinate relief following the Asian tsunami disaster. The president has announced that the US, Japan, India and Australia would coordinate the world’s response. But former International Development Secretary Clare Short said that role should be left to the UN. “I think this initiative from America to set up four countries claiming to coordinate sounds like yet another attempt to undermine the UN when it is the best system we have got and the one that needs building up,” she said. “Only really the UN can do that job,” she told BBC Radio Four’s PM programme. “It is the only body that has the moral authority. But it can only do it well if it is backed up by the authority of the great powers.” Ms Short said the coalition countries did not have good records on responding to international disasters. She said the US was “very bad at coordinating with anyone” and India had its own problems to deal with. “I don’t know what that is about but it sounds very much, I am afraid, like the US trying to have a separate operation and not work with the rest of the world through the UN system,” she added. Note the line where this idiot said that coalition countries don't have good records on responding to international disasters. What rock does this person live under? And where was the UN's 'moral authority' when Saddam was gassing his own people, Sudan was at civil war, etc?
  11. http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?News...Cr=tsunami&Cr1= Annan cuts short holidays to oversee massive UN relief effort after Asian tsunami Kofi Annan 29 December 2004 – Secretary-General Kofi Annan is cutting short his end-of-year holidays to return to United Nations Headquarters in New York tonight to oversee the world body's relief efforts after the devastating tsunami that struck Southern Asia, killing some 80,000 people, injuring hundreds of thousands more and affecting millions. He will meet tomorrow morning with UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland and the heads of other agencies involved in the relief effort, which officials have called unprecedented and possibly the largest ever launched by the world body. Over the past two days, Mr. Annan has spoken to the leaders of the nearly one dozen countries hit by the disaster to see what they need most urgently and has also been in touch with leaders of major donor nations to review the international relief effort and to underscore the UN's coordinating role, his spokesman said today. Earlier today Mr. Annan discussed the situation with United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. In an interview on CNN last night, the Secretary-General called for a generous response to the flash appeal that the UN will launch on 6 January, warning that the emergency relief phase for the catastrophe together with the recovery and the reconstruction phase will require billions of dollars. "The needs are enormous. They need food. They need clean water. They need shelter. They need medication," he said. "We need to begin worrying immediately about the non-food items, sanitation, clean water, to ensure that epidemics do not set in. And so they need lots of help and are looking to the international community to respond and respond generously." I guess it took Kofi 3 days to decide top cut his vacation short and do his job or providing relief, which is SUPPOSED to be the one thing that the UN actually does well.
  12. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Jan 4, 2005 -> 12:39 AM) Outlaw alcohol? That would stop some of the uglier segments of the population from gaining entry into the reproductive pool at least. OUCH!!! PAINFULL COLLEGE MEMORIES SURFACING!!! MAKE THEM GO AWAY!!! Or as Homer Simpson would say....Mmmn, beer. The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.
  13. But shingo did it for years in the pros, even if it was Jap ball. nathan has been minors and benchwarming. While the Japanese league may not be equal to MLB, it is better than the minors here.
  14. Also, remember that Nathen has only dopne this for one year. Every team has had relievers that are great one year, then disappear from the scene the next. While he was good last year, he needs to do it again. I also agree with EvilJester about Mike Jackson being a revolving door for inherited runners scoring. He just downright sucked.
  15. EvilMonkey

    Relief Aid

    Ok, in all seriousness, you are living in a fantasy world if you think that Bush could have said or done ANYTHING that would have changed people's minds.
  16. EvilMonkey

    Relief Aid

    I think the tsunami did the 'f***ing' here...not Bush. EM
  17. EvilMonkey

    Relief Aid

    What good would 'making a statement' do? About as much good as all those pretty ribbons on the back of cars. Nothing. We donated money, sent troops to help (which costs money), and our individual citizens will end up donating even more money, supplies and help. We are the first country everyone turns to for help, but the last one they want to help in kind. Did Florida get 'relief' from India, or Spain for all its hurricanes? I have no problem helping, but if our help isn't 'enough' , they can go get f***ed. Oh wait, they already are. :finger
  18. EvilMonkey

    Jim Rome

    I remember the time he kept egging on Chris Everett, by calling him Chrissy. Everett told him one more time, he was going to kick his as on TV. He got that asshole grin going and said 'OK Chrissy'. Then Jim flipped over the table on the set and went after him, Rome went running behind his staff like a big pussy. Be an ass if you want, but at least have enough nuts to back it up. Rome sucks too.
  19. They never asked Moron-oti to kiss up to Reinsdorf, they just asked him to put his chubby away when dissing the Sox and Bulls. He goes way overboard in his criticism, as he lets his personal anger get in the way. The Cubs can be 'aggressively outbid' for a free agent, but Reinsdorf 'grossly underbids'. And that is a tame example. Noone wants reporters, etc to tell us Garland is really Cy Young, when we allknow he isn't. However, he also is not the second coming of Jamie Navarro. He constantly calls Frank the Big Skirt, but didn't criticize Sosa too bad until the last year or so, when it became the fashionable thing to do. He is a contrarian by nature, saying things just to get a stir, but when it is regarding the Sox or Bulls, he digs extra deep. I am glad he is gone. I think he is an arragant pissant.
  20. 28 out of 600,000 cars had a problem? That is like .000046%. There is a higher defect rating for electric knives, boat motors and child car seats.
  21. In the Sunday Trib, there is an article about how the Cardinals offered Renteria a package that included DEFERRED MONEY. I wonder if Moron-oti thinks the Cards lowballed him. I also remember, but can't find the article to back it up, that when Boston tried to resign Nomar, they had alot of deferred money in the offer as well. Just wanted to let people know that JR wasn't the only guy that uses deferred money.
  22. That's all bulls***. It was all about the Benjamin's. The agent just wants to make it seem like it wasn't.
  23. http://www.roadragecards.com/index.htm It would save my voice on those cold morning tollway drives. Although some mornings, I REALLY wish I had brought my paintball gun!
  24. How do you come to that conclusion from ANYTHING posed above? The president doesn't go because it would be a media event every time he did, and if he were to miss one, someone would be sure to be offended. Kerry went after the elections, and goes to those that happen to be his constituents. He realized that if he went during the elections, some would have seen that as pandering, whether it was or wasn't. Even now, some hardcore will see it as pandering, especially if he made any sort of announcement that he was going there. If he were a truely honorable man, now that he has lost, he would let the President know what his secret plans were for ending the war, so he could stop going to those funerals.
  25. Gee, I guess terrorists really keep their word! NOT!!!!!
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