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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I was there also. Was going to try and find you all after reading your post about playing cornhole(?), but got there too late. Would have been nice to put a few faces to some posts. Anyway, this was the first game I have taken my son to that the Sox have lost. He was 6-0 the last 3 years, and 1-0 this year, until today. I don't think Garland did that horrible, but he was by no means great. I just don't get Cotts, or especially Jackson's, lack or urgency in throwing strikes. First pitch needs to be a strike. if it is not, the second one HAS to be. Jackson needs to go. Cotts can be OK, he has the stuff, just needs the confidence. Jackson is washed up and needs to be put out to pasture.
  2. I don't really like Arod that much either, but this just showed desperation by the Red Sox to me. Takes real guts by Varitek to hit someone when you are wearing what almost amounts to riot gear. If I recall, Arod then grabbed Variket in a headlock. Arod didn't start the fight, Varitek did. How is getting sucker punched by a catcher wearing padding a bad role model? Arod shold have grabbed the mask and pulled it tight, then let go. What baseball SHOULD do is change the rules for fighting. If you leave the bench, $100,000 fine, no appeal. This way, the batters can decide if it is worth it for him to go after the pitcher 9 on 1. The players usually look like pussies when they run in from the bullpen or something. Fine 'em all, no appeal.
  3. I will be taking my 10-yr old son to the game on Sunday. Second time for him, 4th for me!
  4. Even Billy Koch gets people out once in a while. So Wasdin has a game. We got 3 runs, so far.
  5. That is supposed to be Politte's job. He can and does throw in the mid to upper 90's.
  6. My breath doesn't stink!
  7. I have been driving the tri-state from 394 to 290 every day for the last 14 years, and I have seen it all and experienced it all. The idiot lane changers, the shoulder riders, the jerkoffs who stay in the lane that is ending, right up to the end, and expect YOU to let them in, the trucks that act like cars are gnats, the 45-MPH people in the left lane, the semi's that ride in the left lane, and yes, the damn gapers! I can see the accident just fine at 65, why can't you? My personal worst: how come an accident 5 or 6 miles into Indiana backs traffic 6 or 7 miles INTO Illinois? I am always hearing about an accident by Broadway, and here I am stopped in traffic wa past 159th. Doesn't Indiana have jobs for it's own citizens? Aaaaarrrrgggghhh! I swear, from 163rd to 394, every other car has that damn Hoosier license plate.
  8. I have 2 boys, my brother has 2 girls. I think that I have the easier route, except that the brother-brother fights seem to be more intense than the sister-sister ones, for now. besdies, I don't think I could do it if I had the girls. I was the NICE boy while growing up, and I know what I got away with. I think I would kill every date my daughters ever had!
  9. Wow, this is a pretty slow month for quotes, so far. C'mon people, GET FUNNY!
  10. I just saw that I only had 1 post on here. Now i have 2! Also, someone please give up the name? I have been reading this piecemeal as things get posted, and I don't want to reread all these pages again to figure it out. Please help a lazy, EvilMonkey!
  11. I have noticed it earlier, just never decided to post about it until now. And SEALgep, you are right, I have also noticed Uribe doing that as well when looking down to third.
  12. Quick! Have JR try to set up the deal as added incentive to keep him here!
  13. Well, that would explain it. It sure looks wierd on TV though.
  14. Maybe Carlos can't do 2 things at once, you know, like chew gum and pat his head? I guess he can't run (or jog, or even walk) to first and still admire his homers at the same time.
  15. When I see Mags at bat on TV, he is always squinting and blinking rapidly, like he can't see clearly. Anyone else notice this? If he DOES need glasses, just imagine how much better his avr. would be if he cold actually SEE the ball!
  16. Naw, i am not suprised that they are idiots, i think it goes without saying that most of them are by default! I actually like the hunger strike-burger one. I am just sick of the race card being played, and then TAKEN BACK, when they discovered that the girl was white. I am also sick of everyone calling for people to lose their job for one mistake. As noted in the article, Dymally made a HUGE error by not checking his facts before shouting 'racism!' Should he be fired as well? Geeze, everyone there deserves to be slapped.
  17. Anyone else read this story? http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor.../ap/girl_s_name To excert the last few paragraphs: Democratic state Assemblyman Mervyn Dymally, who had scheduled a protest by civil rights organizations, canceled the demonstration after an apparent mix-up over the girl's racial background. Dymally was quoted in the San Jose Mercury News Thursday saying the child was "a little African-American girl. Would he (Riordan) have done that to a white girl?" The girl is white, with blond hair. Dymally did not return telephone calls. His office issued a statement Wednesday calling Riordan's remarks to the girl "outrageous and irresponsible," then issued another statement Thursday saying, "To err is human; to forgive is divine." "Race is not a factor in this issue," Dymally said in Thursday's statement, adding that Riordan had apologized a second time. "It is time for us to move on." So, if he makes this comment towards a WHITE girl, well, that's OK, everyone makes mistakes. but if he had make it to "a little African-American girl", he should lose his job? Maybe this Dymally should lose HIS job by being such a reactionary, and not doing his homework before trying to pull the race card. I am so sick of seing CRAP like this going on.
  18. Flasoxjim, you forgot to mention the few posts in there where it was brought up that Ndorkable did the same thing to another poster (keaddy, i think), and people were saying that it was nice he got his own crap thrown back at him. For those who posted and wonder why he upsets people so much, it is that he is a megalomaniac who stalks people around the board, pretends to be the board police and generally makes an ass of himself. Heaven forbid you ever get on his bad side. He follows you from post to post just to throw insults at you. He uses the same lame replies to answer most anything. HIS opinion is fact, yours is wrong. He claims to have offered to meet several people, all of whom have 'backed out'. Then, he fails to show up for this guy. He was very quiet in that post once the guy posted his first name, and just enough personal info to show he knows something. Or at least to think he knows something. I still look at the mlb boards once in a while, but I came here to get away from his crap. Nice to see his crap being thrown back at him.
  19. WOO HOO! See Willie hit! See Willie score! I wonder if it is time to take him off the bench on my fantasy team? Hmmmm.
  20. It was a double header. The second game was a forfeit, but I don't remember the outcome of the first. I was too busy watching the disco records flying out of the upper deck and outfield like lethal frisbees!
  21. I was there! Didn't even know what was gong on. My old man's bowling league had a 'trip' scheduled for that night, and they didn't know what was going on either. It was VERY funny listening to all these dads get pissed at the idiots that were throwing the records, and then later trashing the field. They also cheered when the cops came onto the field and started bsuting heads. Saw a few people get whacked good, as we had seats pretty close to the field by first base. It was an experience I will never forget.
  22. PLAY WILLIE! Or play with your willie, whatever gets your rocks off, just put Willie in SOMEWHERE and let him play. Benching him for 3 days, then one game of 0-3, then benching again for 3 more games will NOT get results. Tell Willie he has the next few weeks to get his stroke back, then he won't be afraid every time he goes 0-4. And force the issue with stealing by making him go. Maybe tell him he has to run on the first 2 or 3 pitches or make him do pushups like Willie Mays Hayes!
  23. When Kruk has balls enough to blast Bonds, Griffey or Soso for doing the same or worse, I will give that comment the respect he is seeking. Yes, he mentions them in passing at the bottom of the story, but until he makes one of the big guys front and center, he is just a big wuss.
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