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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. It will be important for this team to kick some serious Tiger ass in the first meeting, just to set them straight. If the Tigers win the first game, or even the first series, the Sox are toast against them the rest of the year. But in the overall picture, I believe all games are important. Sure, it is a 'marathon', but you had better run it fast. And actually, I thik JR will be LESS inclined to trade if we have a big lead, but rather more inclined if the lead is only 2 or 3 games, or if we are behind by only 2 or 3 games.
  2. I heard that too. He sounds like the guy. Just hope he is mentally stable enough in case he has a poor outing. We have had enough head-case pitchers.
  3. I'm not tellin' what's really in there. :puke
  4. I found this place after seeing HSC (I think it was her) mention it on the MLB boards. I was tired of listening to the same ol' crap from the same 'ol people over there, so came here. Like this crap better! And I have recruited someone just recently, jakeharris3 (I think he has 2 posts so far). Pretty easy to do, he works for me, so I told him to come here or he was fired! Well, ok, I didn't say that, but I did tell him about Soxtalk because he had the same complaints about the MLB site as I did. I like this place!
  5. I wouldn't say every, but you would probably be close. I have met a few politicians that I could trust to a reasonable extent. While I didn't like him too much as a senator, Paul Simon seemed pretty genuine.
  6. I think it is more like it is the Republican time honored tradition to offer a head on a platter. The Democrats just say they are sorry and expect everyone to forgive and forget. But that only works for Democrats. Trent Lott tried that, and it didn't work. The only Democratic head to be served lately was Toracelli (?), the Senator out east who was forced to withdraw from the election by the 'people in charge' because he would have lost if he ran to the end.
  7. How come when it is a conservative or Republican that does something 'wrong', the Democrats call for them to resign, but when it is a Democrat, they just say they are sorry and expect all to be forgotten? For all who think Rumy should resign, do you also think that Kofi 'I'm the biggest crook in the world' Annon, should resign for presiding over the biggest scandal in the world? All the suffering that the poor Iraqui citizens were suffering weren't at the hands of the embargo, but rather Kofi and his crony's fleecing the system for all they could, while claiming to be interested in helping those poor, poor people.
  8. I worked for 2 summers in a meat packing plant, and since machinery is used to grind up most of the mean, especially stuff used in hot dogs, it just makes sense to use a metal detector. You never know when a screw falls off, or a gear breaks, or a stray bullet makes its way into the grinder.
  9. f*** BILLY BEANE! Opps, did I say that? Well, YES, SCREW HIM, AND HIS BOOK!! If it gets to that point where he is looking to unload salary, who would want to deal with him after that book, and risk being a chapter in the next book? Make a deal if reasonable, but have someone other than KW decide what is reasonable!
  10. First time on an airplane was for a work trip to Arizona. My seat was by the window, behind the wing where I could see the engine. Like Texsox said, headphones work great for keeping out all those little noises that freak out novices or otherwise nervous people. My flight had alot of turbulance, so that didn't help, and then when the plane landed, right after topuching down, the engine cowlings flipped off the engine! Or at least that is what I thought happened. I guess it was a part that flaps back to assist with braking. I almost screamed, not knowing what the hell was going on! I grabbed the seat so tight I hurt my fingers, then looked around and noticed I was the only one freakig out. Not good. Even now, knowing what happened, I am still uneasy about flying. Headphones work, and a good book occasionally. Or booze, if needed. Good luck!
  11. This Judge's unofficial nickname is Let'em Go Leo. Go figure.
  12. Stripper (to Chris): "How old are you?" Chris: "Old enough to know that you're a whore!"
  13. BOTH SIDES SPIN!!!! http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial...h_as_the_right/
  14. Gee, those seats look higher than the seats at our park. I wonder if they have any local columnists that comlpain about how high the seats that they themselves never sit in are?
  15. KW does not make the call on the rotation. Are you one of those that also believed KW was managing from the hallway during the 'Manual experience'? Ozzie needs to win, WANTS to win, and for some reason, HE feels that Danny is the choice for now. I hope he changes his mind soon. I would like to see Cotts get his chance. If we are going to have to put up with growing pains, I would at least like for there to be a potential upside. Danny can't get the ball over the damn plate! Until it is 3-0, and then grooves a fastball.
  16. Some of those ideas, like freebies for people with different last names, or the ones designed to tweak the Flubs, sound like they came from Bill Veeck!
  17. They probably missed it originally because Paulie doesn't play in Boston or New York. Good catch on your part!
  18. While watching Koch's throws in the 9th, they sure seemed alot faster than the 90 or 91 that was showing on the TV screen. Is that gun off?
  19. Nobody said he should be censored, but if he has a right to say that, don't we have the same right to tell him we think he is full of crap? But I think everyone is giving this writer too much credit. I bet if you check him out, he belongs to some sort of campus political group, and was merely trying to score points with his similar-thinking peers. That, or was auditioning for Jason Blaire's job.
  20. It's sad that you had a name ready to go with my description. But anyway, good luck with WCIU, Jeckle. I get the picture fine, but whenever they put up graphics on the screen, my sound gets all weird.
  21. Jeckle, welcome here! I am also fairly new here from the MLB Sox board, and let me just tell you that it is SO refreshing here. You can actually have discussions with people, without the same poster (you know who I am referring to) jumping in at every opportunity to try and shout you down. Even in the 'political' section, there tend to be lively 'chats', but so far, I haven't seen them devolve into the personal attacks, and mindless repetition of wornout catch phrases that is all to prevalent there. So have a cold one, and enjoy all things White Sox! EvilMonkey
  22. Can't these Indian weenies HIT the ball? All these wussie hits tonight, must be a record or something.
  23. Why is it that when Sox pitchers miss the strike zone, they miss it by sooooooo much that there is no chance the batter will swing at it? How about missing maybe an inch or 2 outside, instead of a foot and a half? DAMN that is frustrating!
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