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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:32 PM) So a woman who goes to Yale Law and is considered one of the best lawyers in the country is a carpetbagger solely because her husband decides to run for President? Sexism and misogyny for the win! Carpetbagger because they shopped for a state to give her the best chance to win office, moved there and then ran. Now if she were to have ran in Arkansas, slightly different story. And I have no idea WHAT planet you are on where she is one of the 'best lawyers in the country'. No political experience? (also it's "then" and "there") In what world does Hillary Clinton have no political experience? Additionally, being a lawyer and the wife of a governor and president gives you - I'd think - SOME insight into the world of politics. No? What office did she hold prior to carpetbagging her way into the NY Senate? NONE. Benghazi is hilarious. HILLarious. http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/benghazi.asp That link says nothing about them falsely blaming a movie for the terrorist actions. Nice try. And Walker is literally a joke who almost got recalled by his own constituents. And Martinez's state was one of just TWO states to lose jobs in 2014. Good luck with that. Walker won 3 elections in like 4 years, against everything the Democratic machine could throw against him. And why do you hate latino women?
  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:15 PM) Now if we're talking about coaches making millions, then that's a discussion worth having. This is about the only thing you said I can agree with. However, since you can't read, I DID mention that in the post you had referred to. " 6 figure salaries for professors and even higher for admin and some coaches?"...
  3. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:15 PM) literally every word of it is factually incorrect. I think Jenks was right. What are you smoking?
  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:12 PM) I honestly don't think I've ever read anything more hilariously out of touch and detached from reality at that. Show me just what you think is wrong with what I posted. Besides you not liking it. She was a carperbagger, Bill cheated and she looked the other way, she had no political experience before than and got their on name recognition, Bengazi happened, people died and they wrongly blamed a movie. And Walker and MArtinez are governors and running states.
  5. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:09 PM) professors deserve their salaries. Professors are the 1%.
  6. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 07:03 PM) they... they... yeah they are all trash candidates! Walker and Martinez have at least had experience running something (states) with some success, whereas Hillary has experience being a doormat for her cheating husband so she could ride his coattails to political office. Carpetbagger, that is her. And her most notable happening as Sec. State was getting people killed in Bengazi and blaming a stupid internet film for it.
  7. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 05:03 PM) Would you rather raise taxes to fund universities, or cut universities public funding so that the offsets in tuition will be balanced by raising revenue to pay for tax cuts to help pay for raised tuition? How about lowering the cost of tuition? 6 figure salaries for professors and even higher for admin and some coaches? More admin staff than teachers? Quit trying to figure out how to afford the high prices, figure out how to get the prices down.
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 23, 2015 -> 02:36 PM) Christie hasn't got a shot these days. He's gone off the deep end with his cronyism. He hasn't lost weight. His national poll numbers are pretty terrible. What does it say about your party that you can't get a decent candidate? Yeah, because Rubio, Walker, Martinez, all trash. No chance. How good will Hillary look when it comes out that Bill was schtooping underage hookers on Jeffrey Epstein’s sex island? All you will have left then is Elizabeth 'I AM Indian, honest!' Warren.
  9. I deal with many businesses and see both the ups and downs. I see some companies flourishing and I see some struggling to get by. My own business here is running level, not good but not bad. I get squeezed by vendors raising their prices every few months, and customers screaming at ME if I try to keep pace with that. The home health customers of mine apparently have a host of new regulations put upon them as of Jan 1, and they seem to not be liking them so far. One complained that they had to devote one employee to doing nothing but keeping up with the new reporting requirements. My customers in the service industry seem to be doing well. The real estate agents, inspectors and related businesses don't seem to be enjoying this as of yet (although the new home builder customer I have seems to be bucking that trend). As for me personally, doing slightly OK, if that makes sense. I have expenditures and costs under control, and have managed to accumulate my safety nestegg to a point that I can live my life and not be constantly worrying about next month's mortgage payment. However I DO still worry as my wife's job is in insurance, and with every change I cringe not knowing if or how it will effect her employment.
  10. The less they do the better off we seem to be most days.
  11. Once again, the people screaming the loudest about global warming have no problems spewing out millions of tons of pollutants to fly private jets to an exotic destination to feel important. Why are they not online conferencing?
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 22, 2015 -> 04:39 PM) such as explicitly and categorically refusing to allow anyone nominated for various positions (e.g. head of the CFPB) to come to a vote in the Senate. Which side controlled the Senate until recently? How many votes for everything did he NOT bring to the floor?
  13. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 22, 2015 -> 08:26 AM) If Mexico had somehow held onto that land we might not have had such a poor neighbor to the south and west of our border. That's a load of bull. They STILL have tons of oil yet manage to f*ck that up because of graft, corruption and incompetence.
  14. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 21, 2015 -> 06:47 PM) Just so you're aware, 81% of voters approved of the speech, and 72% approved of his policy proposals for the next two years. So it's... actually... the GOP... that's out of touch. Wah wah. Link And he promised 'free stuff' to 90% of the country, so the results are not surprising.
  15. Next year they should just not invite him to speak in front of them on TV. The law only says that he has to deliver it to congress. He can do that in an email.
  16. The same people who are freaking out about how this movie 'glorifies violence' or is somehow a recruitment tool for the military sure have no problems liking movies that make the military look bad. It's a damn movie, not a documentary. However I am sure Moore wouldn't know the difference since he wouldn't know a fact if it bit him in his fat ass.
  17. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 19, 2015 -> 12:17 PM) psst .... until the season starts, and all players are signed to there teams. the sox are not WS favorites. i say the sox are Wild Card contenders. He said "World Series contenders", not favorites. Nice try.
  18. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 15, 2015 -> 02:03 PM) I'm trying to find out if it's even real. You can see a body still wrapped in white near the end of the video. But if it is, then yes, that's what i'm doing. Moron suicide bomber ends up killing his own. That's what I thought, just helping GoSox out a bit. Love it when terrorists have 'work place accidents'. No OSHA for you!
  19. QUOTE (LDF @ Jan 15, 2015 -> 01:43 PM) not for the yrs he wants. there will teams willing to spend that money next yr. this yr, the major teams are really trying to load up, maybe more than necessary. the reason is, i think it is b/c of the sox. what the sox have done was to silently improve themselves so much, that other teams are to play catch up. look at their lineup, look at the first 3 in their rotation, the #4 and 5 pitchers, don't forget Rodon being groomed in the wings. this sox team is very Dangerous now. that is why i am sooo excited. I share your enthusiasm, I just think with over a dozen pitchers looking for $10mil+ per year, the market will be a little tight.
  20. With the amount of big-money pitchers that will be available next year, it may be in Jeff's interest to sign an extension with the Sox. There are only so many teams that can afford the big contracts. And if he goes to FA, there will be at l;east 6 pitchers all looking for that big money. Who's going to pay it? You can always find one or two stupid clubs, but now you have to find 6. Its going to be a numbers game, and it may actually favor the Sox for once.
  21. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 15, 2015 -> 12:14 PM) I honestly don't get the point of posting this. Reveling in their stupidity of glorifying a murderer?
  22. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 10:06 AM) I feel this way about ALL organized politics. At some point in time, whether in the past, present or future, some piece of those religions will commit terrible acts in the name of their (party)god.
  23. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 10, 2015 -> 09:07 AM) I'm sorry but this is all kinds of bulls***. There are so many different sects of Republicans/conservatives/Democrats/liberals, and some of them are racist/prejudice/violent, it is not the fault of the rest of them for not controlling the bad ones.
  24. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Jan 9, 2015 -> 04:21 PM) I mean, I guess the surprise of the attack and the getaway car being there and ready could explain that. But jebus Christmas, this girl was holding people hostage in a store surrounded by law enforcement and helicopters. How did she get out?!?!? My wife's cousin lives in Paris and they are forcing everyone to remain indoors. She said it is crazy Well, she didn't look like the other guys, so a quick change of clothes and she could possibly blend in with the captives.
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