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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. When I come home from work, regardless of how good or bad the day is, it makes me smile when I see my dogs either at the top of the stairs barking for me or to be waiting at the door if they heard the garage door open, barking for me when I get home. I know they will pass on, but for now, they are part of my 'pack' and look up to me. I do my best to honor that devotion by being the best human to them I can be. I rescued each from an abusive situation and I know they have a better life because of me. I will have a day of pain, and a few weeks of feeling bad, when the day comes, but I will do it again. In fact, the wife and I have decided that when our oldest dog passes, we would adopt the oldest dog we have at the shelter, so that no matter how little time they have left, they can live it in our home instead of a cage. That will also hurt, but I can live with that.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 25, 2014 -> 02:48 PM) Excellent post. I can picture some of the out of touch white Republicans I know spitting out the drink as well when you tell them what you do. The Republican party truly is a joke right now. Then you know some real tools. About the only thing he could tell me he does that would make me pause would be to say he is the recruiting director for the KKK. Seriously, why would anyone be surprised at what he does, enough so that you would ascribe racist intentions to it?
  3. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 25, 2014 -> 09:30 AM) Damn Alpha Dog. I generally like your posts and I really hope this one was done in jest. I'm black and I don't want free stuff but I would like it if Republicans could do without the whites only club. There may not be a sign that says it but if you look at a RNC, you see a sea of salt. I was at a posh wedding a couple of years ago. White rich people galore and definitely Republicans. They asked me what I did for a living and most of them practically spit out their drinks because they probably expected me to say I was unemployed or worked as a janitor. They are simply out of touch, that's why they can't win. Half in jest. But was your reply of "It's not a huge mystery. Just about every policy the Republicans have is not beneficial to lower-income people." and mine really that different? { edit, just realized that you didn't post what I pasted here.} Most of the issues that don't revolve around getting something from the government are semantics and framing. Raising minimum wage? Sure, might help some who get it, but many others wold be let go and even more still would have their hours cut, so wouldn't see any real benefit at all. Immigration reform? How does that hurt any person here of minority status? How does keeping out an illegal mexican hurt the poor hispanic/black.white person here? it doesn't. In fact it could help them by having more jobs available for them. War on women? Please, that is a made up piece of crap by the DNC. Not wanting to pay for birth control is not some oppressive patriarchy RNC idea to keep women in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. And if I recall, a majority of the offenders in the news the last year or so have been Democratic office holders. (Filner, Weiner, etc.). I also recall a study done around the last Presidential election (trying to find link, but my google-fu isn't that good) that tried to find out why religious, family oriented hispanics kept voting for Democrats, and the self reported answers trended to 'we get more stuff from the Dems'. As for the whites only club, look at many of the liberal institutions, clubs and even blogs that claim to espouse inclusiveness. They are whiter than my ass in most cases. I don't disagree that it happens. I have seen it a few times, and am happy I haven't seen it more. I've seen it the other way a few times as well.
  4. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 11:25 PM) Didn't watch the video, but do you expect the police to allow him to shoot first? I said they were in a tough position but I would hope that the cop would have been able to tell that it was a toy gun before blasting away. There is still much not released or known. Did the gun have the required orange tip on it? What interaction, if any, did the cop that appears in the top left have before the shooting? Are there other angles? And I would so like to hear the person who reported it under oath. I truly believe that the dead guy was swatted by the 911 caller.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 04:49 PM) It remains a huge mystery as to why minorities are largely repelled from the Republican party. Because the Republicans don't give them free stuff, silly.
  6. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 11:49 AM) She seems to be quite a bit more conservative than the likes of McCain/Romney/Christie. Is being a female Hispanic really going to fool moderate liberals into voting for her?? MAybe it will fool the idiots that vote for identity politics only? You would have a woman and a minority in one candidate. They can check off two boxes on their to-do list!
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 24, 2014 -> 01:09 PM) The case of the young black man being gunned down in a Walmart for having a bb gun that he picked up off the shelf was posted previously in this thread. The grand jury just came back with no indictments. http://gawker.com/no-indictments-against-o...hoot-1638642197 Ohio happens to be an open carry state. While I realize that cops have a dangerous job, and they were told that there was a possible active shooter, from the video that was released, it looks like they just shot first. You see the guy's head turn and then he is down. Also, the person who called in the shooter to 911 has been accused by many of 'swatting' the guy. If I was the family of the dead guy I would be trying that avenue of relief by going after him.
  8. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 19, 2014 -> 11:38 AM) They just need to dangle a minority out there that actually has a shot. You can't keep trotting the likes of McCain and Romney and expect to win an election. Susan Martinez
  9. QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 12, 2014 -> 04:06 PM) Didn't want to start a whole new thread since this was not a life and death case of brutality like Ferguson, but this police brutality thing has to be discussed in America. Three cops tackle an 80 pound high school girl cause she won't give a teacher her cell phone. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/us...phone.khou.html Here's how this incident should have been handled ... Teacher/principal: Give me your cell phone; you can pick it up in my office after this class is over. You were not supposed to be using it in class." Kid: "I will not give up my cell phone." Teacher/principal: "It's against the school rules to use a cell phone in class. As a result of your not complying, please give me your parents' phone number now and sit in my office until your parents get here." Then when parents get there, inform parents their darling has been suspended. I would think that would have diffused the situation without the cops getting involved. That said, if the cops needed to be called, the cops should have also talked to her and not brought her to the ground trying to get a frickin cell phone. The response was quite inappropriate for this situation IMO. It's not like the cell phone was a bomb. There was no danger. The kid could be suspended a week or month later after cooler heads prevailed. Those cops should be fired for taking the kid to the ground over such a petty thing. So she thinks she is above the rules? OK. Greg, you left out the part where she ran away from everyone when they tried to take the phone. How are they supposed to know what she does or does not have on her? Maybe she is running because she has drugs, or a weapon that could get her arrested. She escalated the situation by running.
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 04:47 PM) ok have any actual announcers said that they aren't going to use Pro-Football, Incorporated's pseudonym? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/25/e..._n_5709023.html ESPN Announcers To Use Their Judgment When Referring To Washington Redskins http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2014/...o-say-redskins/ If CBS announcers don’t want to say the arguably offensive name of the Washington NFL team, they don’t have to. If they want to, they can. That’s the word from CBS Sports Chairman Sean McManus, Unfortunately, Roger, not wanting to wade into that mess, has said the NFL won't say anything if announcers refuse to say it. If they do refuse, Snyder should sue. I bet there can be a very craft legal thing there somewhere where they are damaging his brand by not affording it the same airtime and recognition as other teams brand.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 02:52 PM) So why is it ok for people to criticize Roger Goodell's decisions on like the Ray Rice suspension? "Not give us your opinions and biases"? Because they don't work for the NFL? Not sure what you are saying here. You and I can criticize him, or the Redskins, all we want. Our paychecks aren't dependent on the NFL. If some announcers were, well that isn't too good either. Same for when Costas went all off about guns in his broadcast. He is paid to announce sports, not tell the world he wets his pants at the sight of a gun.
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 02:54 PM) yeah, that sort of ignores that the job of the color commentary is to give us opinions and biases, or when they give their opinions on reviews, play choice, strategy, etc. Supposed to comment on the play that just happened.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 02:40 PM) The team doesn't have any sort of right to demand that others use the name instead of a different but clear reference to them. Unless there's something specifically in the TV/announcer contracts with the NFL, the NFL can't dictate that. What would they dictate, anyway? Announcers shorten teams' names all the time: "Chicago really needs to stop the run here!" "The Pats need a quick turnover to stay in it!" "Washington is playing great on defense tonight." Maybe they should just start calling them by their official corporate name, Pro-Football, Incorporated. The NFL is all about sameness in regards to things like that. Uniforms, etc. They can insist that the teams be called by their names if they want to. They have the leverage. While you are right there are times when they shorten names or just say the city, there are specific times they do say the full names, like end of quarters and such. Say the name. That is your job. Report on the game, not give us your opinions and biases.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 02:20 PM) "The Washington NFL team" pretty clearly identifies what they're talking about. But that isn't their name or brand. Cry all you want to, but for now the name is the Redskins and as a member of the NFL with that name they have every right and expectation to be called that name, not some made up feel-good version that people want to use to feel good about themselves. At least as far as broadcasts go. Go call the Yankees the New Your Baseball team and see how that goes over. They have money, time etc. invested in the name/brand and to not use it is to dilute it. Unless they started referring to all the teams as something else, like The New England NFL Team' or something, it is just wrong.
  15. If they are supposed to be sports REPORTING, then they need to mention the name as long as it is the Washington Redskins. Otherwise they are editorializing instead of reporting. The masses just want the news, the score, the facts. We don't give a s*** how you as a writer 'feel' about anything. And the NFL needs to tell its announcers to do their jobs are report the games. If players get fined for expressing opinions and such during games by even wearing an 'unapproved' headband, then announcers need to be fined for not using the official name of one of the teams they are broadcasting.
  16. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 4, 2014 -> 08:59 AM) There are two telltale signs that a politician is an asshole? D and R With very few exceptions, I will agree with that.
  17. QUOTE (ptatc @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 04:21 PM) I didn't know this and it's a shame. Why is it that all of the elections are now becoming vote for the lesser of two evils rather than someone you could really get behind. Money. And not because someone is rich, but because people use money to buy influence or audience with politicians, and it all ends up the same eventually. Need to cut the pay, cut the benefits, hell make them stay in their own state except for a few times a year. With technology they can teleconference anywhere they need to be. Make it harder for lobbyists to get a hold of them, keep them in district, where locals can keep an eye on them.
  18. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 2, 2014 -> 12:51 PM) Sadly in this country, and particularly this state and city, "he's rich" is worse than "this dude straight up lied to you AND is taking your money away!!" And the person telling you that 'that guy is rich, and that's bad!" is also rich. (yeah, not as rich as the other guy, but rich compared to you and me)
  19. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Aug 31, 2014 -> 11:07 AM) Sorry to bring this up again but I was researching both candidates for Illinois gubernatorial race. (Can an admin change my spelling error in the title?) Part of me wants to see a Republican in Springfield just to shake up the Illinois democratic machine. That being said, Rauner just seems like your run of the mill, typical, rich asshole Republican. How is it that every time an election comes up, where the incumbent should be clearly voted out that Republicans fail to produce a quality candidate? Why does being rich make him an asshole? Seriously, Quinn is just bad. Not saying Rauner is much better, but Quinn is bad. Intellect of Biden, and zero likability.
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 27, 2014 -> 04:42 PM) Heard somewhere this might be a hoax tape. In this day and age, you really truly cannot believe anything you hear in the media. Yeah, CNN, who lambasted people for running with 'unverified' medical reports about a broken eye socket jumped in head first with an unverified audio tape, because, you know, it COULD be real.
  21. Many years ago while trying to get a return flight back from Vegas, we were sitting there waiting for our plane to land so we can board. The airline announced that because some OTHER plane had broken down and was unable to be fixed, they were giving OUR plane to the other people who were inconvenienced. We would have to wait for a replacement plane to land in about 2 more hours, and oh yeah, it is smaller so 50 people or so will have to wait until tomorrow. So now not only were the first plane of people pissed that they were late, they were making a second plane of people pissed as well, and then 50 more of them even MORE pissed by missing the flight entirely. I started off with actually quite polite conversations with people asking them why they were doing this, and pissing off twice as many people, and it soon devolved into screaming at everyone involved asking them if they had even heard of customer service or if they thought that was only something they had heard about in stories, and so on. This was pre-9/11, or I would have been in jail. However at the time, I was getting applause from the stranded masses. Also had an incident similar to Greg's with the coat, where some guy wouldn't move his coat for my mother in law to put her bag up top. So I got up and moved it, put her bag up and sat down. He glared at me the whole flight and 'accidentally' bumped into me at the baggage claim area. I just laughed. I hope the lady who threw the water gets charged with battery. Not sure what law the guy would have broke. Airline rule, sure, but a law?
  22. Snyder should just make an offer for all the people who want the name changed. Come up with a billion dollars and he'll change the name. After taking out enough to cover all the things that will need to be changed (uniforms, signs, etc.) the rest gets donated to American Indian causes. Then people can put their money where the fauxrage is. Or not.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 24, 2014 -> 01:11 PM) He absolutely does. Law enforcement resources aren't infinite, so there absolutely must be a choice of the level of resources to commit to fighting any particular crime. Which is why he is going to waste, I mean invest!, resources into investigating the beheading by ISIS.
  24. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 24, 2014 -> 06:30 PM) I thought I had already commented. This is one area that Dems and Reps who have ever hired a workforce agree. Short of DNA tests there isn't a foolproof system. And most small business owners can't be expected to be experts on the tens of thousands of different birth certificates out there. Correct. But there ARE some where you just KNOW they are fake. If Illinois or Wyoming is spelled wrong on the DL, it is probably fake.
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