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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 24, 2014 -> 12:59 PM) As long as you own a gas mask. And armed security.
  2. So in the aftermath the family has come out and says that they hope this changes the way Americans deal with terrorists by not paying ransom. Apparently they asked for a boatload of money for his return, and while a few European countries came thru using intermediaries to facilitate the deal, the US said no. I am sorry for your loss, but in no way, shape or form should the US government be paying terrorists for the return of kidnapped victims, unless by paying them you mean a bullet between the eyes.
  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 11:38 PM) Great points. I appreciate them. But can I ask ... Did you see the cellphone video? You didn't see any point the suspect could have been tazed rather than killed? I read everything and you know what? Some other people agree with me. I know cause I've read their comments on twitter and some of the links on there as well. I saw the video with my own eyes and I saw several spots they could have knocked the guy down. Why real bullets?? Do you truly believe the deceased guy would have stabbed somebody had he gotten tazed? Why does it have to be death is all I'm asking? How close do you think you need to be to use a tazer? 21ft or less? Then look at the video I posted a page or so back.
  4. http://youtu.be/9igSoJHEdUo
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 12:42 PM) 21 feet seems a little far to be in "imminent" danger though. These guys also have their guns out and basically shoot immediately. http://www.bladefighting.com/21footrule.htm
  6. Maybe we need to get Emmanual Lewis to OK the definition change for redskins like he did with 'f**' on South Park.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 20, 2014 -> 04:02 PM) There are multiple AmerIndian groups that have worked to get the name changed. Why is that not sufficient to stop using a racial slur? Why is it so important to some to continue to use racial slurs? As you are so fond of saying, 'links please'.
  8. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 20, 2014 -> 03:51 PM) The people who are targets of it - as well as people who feel that they've gotten a pretty s***ty shaft already from this country - are offended. Lots of them. In fact from what I've read, just about every AmerInd person or leader that's been asked is offended. Serious question, do you have a link to this supposed percentage? I hear people saying that all the time, but nobody ever provides evidence. You have the same dozen or so groups that speak out about it, so of course you hear them. I know I have read stories where some Indian leaders have said pretty much that they don't give a s*** about the name one way or the other, but can't remember where I saw them. I will try and look for them.
  9. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 20, 2014 -> 02:24 PM) James Foley is beheaded by ISIS. This is beyond horrifying. The other journalist there will have the same fate. The inhumanity of this and the other beheadings depresses me beyond no end. I am so freaked out by this and the Ferguson situation and the economy here and globally, not to mention Putin and the North Korean bastard asshole, it makes me think things will never get better in the world, that our world's best days are over. Can anyone get me off the ledge? But don't mention Islam or Muslims or else you will probably be called a racist. (Even though it isn't a race.)
  10. Have you seen who the MOntana Democrats have picked to run for the open Senate seat now that Walsh withdrew in disgrace?
  11. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 19, 2014 -> 06:06 PM) Once again, this (the released convenience store video) is "hindsight" and not probative or admissible later for evaluating Officer Wilson's reactions at the time of his first contact with Brown. At no point was the cigar situation an armed robbery, where an imminent/deadly threat or force was involved. He didn't say it was a reason for the officer to do anything, but that it showed that Brown was capable of doing just about anything at the moment, so using logic to try and understand HIS actions is pretty useless.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 02:17 PM) Or your teenager daughter sneaking in at night after curfew, or vice-versa. Well my teen SON knows I have a gun and will shoot to defend myself and them, so when I say "I am armed and will shoot you", he would know from simple self preservation to say "dad, it's me!", or something similar.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 01:05 PM) also fwiw, a customer at the convenience store called the police, but the owners and the employees didn't. Maybe didn't think it was worth the hassle to report a $20 (or however much some gas stations cigars would be) theft. More like he didn't want people revisiting him for being a snitch. There was a story somewhere where he came out and wanted people to know that he didn't call the police or give them the security tape, they just took it.
  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 11:36 AM) Now you're making a huge presumption. That's exactly the kind of thing that's not admissible in a court of law. Why would someone who would boldly take cigars from a store walk down the middle of the street if he was afraid of the police or being caught? You JUST robbed a store, and minutes later a cop tries to stop you. Why is it a stretch to think he thought 'oh s***, he's going to try and bust me!'? And was just referring to a possible motive for him to fight the cop, if that's what happened.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 18, 2014 -> 09:23 AM) Is there any credible evidence or even PROOF so far the officer KNEW about the cigars/robbery? If there is, I haven't seen it provided by the police department. Otherwise, we still basically have a situation where an officer is just clearing "innocent" civilians out of the street for blocking or obstructing traffic and got himself into a dangerous confrontation which quickly escalated and spun out of control....albeit a very big civilian, but one a police officer has been trained to deal with, presumably. Whether the cop knew about it or not, HE knew about it, and when the cop tried to stop him for blocking the street, he could have thought he was busted and let the same rage he used on the shop keeper take over. Training or not, you see some guy half a foot taller and 100lbs heavier than you coming at you, gun gets drawn. Especially if he had displayed anger/violence before then. Wish we had video of that encounter as well as the robbery.
  16. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Aug 14, 2014 -> 07:34 AM) The first big mistake was that the Ferguson police force was not built to resemble the community. Ferguson is 75% black, and I haven't seen exact numbers on the police force other than it being referred to as "mostly white". There is built in tension because there is such a disconnect there. That isn't to say that white officers can't build relationships with the community and serve them. From time to time you see stories about white police officers in various communities stopping to shoot hoops with black kids or help them out in different ways. That apparently wasn't happening here. I've seen eyewitness accounts that claim the kid was shot in the back. Forensics will very easily prove or disprove that claim, but if it's true, then that should be an easy murder charge for the officer. Also, if it is true then I think the state needs to take control of the local police department and clean house. A radio report I heard had the police force being 25% black in Ferguson. But you have to look at WHY the makeup of the force is that way. Do they not have applicants or are they rejecting applicants. You know, snitches get stitches, and someone from the hood becoming a cop might not bode well for them. Maybe they don't WANT to be cops there.
  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 10:31 PM) the Occupy protests around the country were almost universally met with heavy police resistance (remember the UC Davis pepper spray cop?) Any time there's a WTO or G8/G7 summit, there's a lot of protesters and a similar police response. What's different here, imo, is that it's a single, geographic community that is protesting, not people coming in from all over like with the Occupy/WTO/G8 protests. From the story I read of the 20 or so people arrested the first night of looting, all but 2 were from communities other than Ferguson, with one being from as far away as Texas. You have many people here trying to take advantage of the situation for whatever reason.
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 13, 2014 -> 04:45 PM) That's great, doesn't really help the fact that police may have executed a black teen, which has become all too common. Really? Just how common are they? Daily happenings? Weekly? Several times a year?
  19. On one hand, if the media leaves the area, Al and Jessie are likely to follow. No cameras, no blowhards.
  20. QUOTE (ptatc @ Aug 12, 2014 -> 07:20 PM) How ever many were on the track during the caution. I didn't see the beginning of the race so i don't know how many were in the race. They all had to go by him. You are aware that he wasn't in the middle of the track when 'all the rest' went by him, right?
  21. Wonder why some are assuming Tony was 'filled with rage' at that other driver. Perhaps he was laughing at the fool jumping out of his car in the middle of a race. Or perhaps he didn't think anything because the accident that preceded it was really a nothing event, not like he 'took him out' on purpose (meaning the initial crash here).
  22. The police account was that the guy tried to take an officer's gun (bad for him if true), and the officer shot him as he was running away (bad for cop if true). That was the first story that said why the police had stopped/arrested/questioned him to begin with, since by most accounts so far he was a model kid looking to escape the craphole he was in by getting an education. And still no excuse for rioting. I don't care if the cops all lined up in full gear and dared you to. The businesses that got looted did nothing to that kid. Stealing booze from the Quikmart doesn't bring 'justice' to anyone. And nice of that guy to bring up Travon at least twice in his very short screed and tries to excuse acting like animals as somehow justified.
  23. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 6, 2014 -> 02:26 PM) Hopefully without taking a side too strongly here...one thing seriously bothers me about this claim and the repetition of it. Let's say that the citizens of Gaza, through any variety of elected leadership, wanted to have any military resources whatsoever, to protect their territory and all the things that come with it. Where would they put it? This is one of the most densely populated areas in the world. It's almost physically impossible to have any sort of installation that isn't within the explosion radius of a large missile that isn't also within range of a school/hospital/day care facility, just because everything is within that range. If a missile installation is installed anywhere within Gaza, it by definition has to be using everyone around it as human shields because there is literally no open space. The alternative hypothetical...let's say that Hamas wanted to avoid putting children in harm's way so they declared their intention to develop a standard military base. Anyone think that would be allowed? So it's a catch-22. The only scenario that is acceptable is a completely disarmed population under the complete authority of Israel. Anything else is either prohibited or using human shields. So when I read this claim, I read it as claiming that these people should have no right to any sort of military or self defense of any kind, because that's what it translates to in a physical sense. So they just store rockets inside UN schools because they don't have a specific base just for them? They instruct citizens to NOT leave the launch area because they really wouldn't have anywhere else to go? That is your defense? If Hamas wanted to avoid putting children into harms way they could open up the myriad of tunnels they built to the public, like bomb shelters. But they don't.
  24. http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/ndtv-exc...-rockets-571033 Real good. Yeah, these people want peace and care about innocent people getting killed, for sure. And these are a bunch of Indian reporters reporting this, not some secret Jew sympathizers.
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