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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 5, 2014 -> 10:03 AM) First of all Dennis Prager is a bigot who hates Muslims. Even the Anti-Defamation League has called him out on it. There is a ton of garbage in this video that is wrong and spun to make Israel the good guys and Palestinians the evil people. Second you should never get all your info on this situation from a 5 minute video. I don't care if Dennis Prager made it or Noam Chomsky. What Jenks mentioned in his second paragraph is Ethnic cleansing. Which I'm against. OK, what is wrong? All you did was play the race card hard and fast there. "he's a bigot! OMG!" The basics of the video are that JEws are there, and all the neighbors want to kill them. They tried a few times and lost. They have made peace agreements and had them broken.
  2. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 5, 2014 -> 09:35 AM) This is like a propaganda video from the IDF. While like jenks said he left a few things out, do you dispute any of the things that were in it? The very compelling point was his last questions. If the jews were to announce that they would fight no more and lay down their arms, what would happen? And if the Palistinians were to announce that they would fight no more and turned in all their weapons, what do you think would happen?
  3. If the UN really wanted to solve this they would go in and disarm Hamas and occupy the country themselves, instead of setting up all these bogus schools and hospitals that serve dual purposes as military hiding places and ammo dumps. If Hamas stopped lobbing rockets at Israel forever, what do you think Israel would do? They would just go on about their lives and not worry about Gaza. If Israel were to stop responding to Gaza rocket attacks, all that would do is encourage more attacks from Hamas. Pillay is about as anti-Israel as you can get. While in his own statement was forced to admit that Hamas stored rockets in UN schools, he has NEVER, not even once, called them to the carpet for it, never a resolution, nothing. Just silence. The world either needs to disarm the bastards and let the Palis try and make something other than bombs and bunkers, or just back off and let Israel wipe every last Hamas member out. And really, why wouldn't they sign the 'truce'? Did you even read the story? Free all prisoners, let them bring in more cement and ball bearings to rearm, let them move freely into Jerusalem, don't spy on us, don't watch us and oh, give us money for an 'industrial zone'. And what would Israel get? Hamas still refuses to recognize their right to exist. And the moment they break the cease fire, they would simply say the jews started it and the compliant UN and media will take them at their word.
  4. The botox must have finally made its way into her brain. Pelosi goes apes*** on the floor, and then lies about it afterwards. Between her and Shelia Jackson Lee saying 'We never tried to impeach Bush' when she was the co-sponsor of a bill to do just that, it wold be a close race for the dumbest idiot on that side of the aisle. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/pelosi-chas...w.google.com%2F
  5. QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 1, 2014 -> 04:11 PM) Israel is indubitably committing war crimes. What an awful situation over there, all perpetuated by US policy. War is not a crime. Civilian casualties does not = war crime. Defending yourselves from rockets is not a war crime. Having a rocket defense system is NOT a war crime (there was someone in the UN suggesting that because Israel wouldn't SHARE its Iron Dome with the Palis, that they were committing war crimes). Deliberately targetting civilians IS a war crime. And that is what Hamas does all the time. Examples of war crimes: - murdering, mistreating, or deporting civilian residents of an occupied territory to slave labor camps - murdering or mistreating prisoners of war or civilian internees - forcing protected persons to serve in the forces of a hostile power - killing hostages - killing or punishing spies or other persons convicted of war crimes without a fair trial - wantonly destroying cities, towns, villages, or any object not warranted by military necessity - The use of chemical or biological weapons (which are also covered under other treaties and such as well)
  6. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 1, 2014 -> 09:20 AM) How does the US let this nonsense happen? Doesn't this de-legitimize the UN? http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2014/07...Dome-with-Hamas They de-legitimized themselves a long time ago. it is just time to end this. Really, what good does it do? Humanitarian aid? Every time they do something all you get are stories about skimming money, corruption, rape and sop on. All they are good for is giving Muslims a stage to criticize Israel.
  7. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Jul 28, 2014 -> 07:37 AM) Yeah, I feel bad for hetero males in Kazakhstan if she is hot enough to make them go that crazy. Maybe the rest of the team is so ugly that she is a 10 by comparison.
  8. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 05:58 PM) No, Canada sends over people to take jobs that pay well over minimum wage that Americans actually want. Judging the refugees by the crime they are fleeing is kind of weird, wouldn't you say? If you are fleeing cartels and drug lords and want to work job in agriculture and manual labor the US doesn't want you. If you are just wanting to come and take a primo job from an American? Welcome! War help? Hispanics make up the ethnic group with the most Medal of Honors, that would be ahead of the Canadians. http://www.prb.org/Publications/Articles/2...USMilitary.aspx http://spotlightepnews.com/2011/05/19/hisp...ion-needs-them/ Latinos serving in the US services. Not the Mexican Army fighting anywhere, other than trying to disarm locals who fight back against the cartels. We have had this discussion many times. if you want to improve the guest worker program to fulfill those AG jobs, then fix that system. I don't see these 'kids' taking those jobs, do you? And a serious question for you, what are the age ranges for these kids you see? I hear some stories that say they are in their teens, so not exactly the poor 'little' kids that you hear about on TV. As with all politically charged stories, whatever preconceived biases the reporter has always seems to filter into what they do or do not tell you.
  9. I often think that Dunn needs glasses as well.
  10. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 12:34 PM) Japan's economy struggled when their population growth stagnated. So you think Americans are not f***ing enough? Maybe the economy is reason enough then to overturn Roe v Wade. We need more kids, it is your patriotic duty! Protect the economy!
  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Jul 27, 2014 -> 12:40 PM) Try to explain what makes Canada different without saying white, English speaking, and provided safe haven to Americans avoiding the Vietnam draft. Long continuous border? Same Backs us in every war? Same Allows American companies to build factories and employ laborers for less wages? Mexico Another point to consider is immigration has increased into countries like Mexico, Nicaragua, Belize, and others. People are trying to escape the real hell holes. Not everyone is trying to reach the US. Some believe only really lazy people looking for handouts are willing to walk 2,000 miles for an crappy welcome and an uncertain future. Walking 2,000 miles and they are termed lazy and not wanting to work. Seriously? Tex, did you even read my reply to that to ss, or are you just mono-focused as well? Canada is different because they DON"T send over people to take farm jobs, welfare etc., and don't have their government encouraging it either. They don't have Canadian drug lords shooting at border patrol agents across rivers. They send troops to fight beside us. But despite all that, I would still be opposed if they were sending 30k unaccompanied kids a day over the border. it would just be so unexpected that it may take an extra moment to notice it.
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 26, 2014 -> 08:40 AM) Why is Canada like our 51st state and you'd not have as much of a problem with Canadian immigrants as you would with Mexican or central American immigrants? All I am saying is that it would be so unexpected of Canadians that I would probably not notice it at forst. But once reports get out of 30k a day coming over, that has to end as well. And as usual, you selectively read what you want to see. I put down that I would be opposed to more than just brown people coming over. White, green, yellow, I don't care.
  13. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 25, 2014 -> 05:21 PM) So to me it seems like nothing more than cloaked racism. That is the problem, if you can't see criticism as anything other than racism. Can someone hate what Obama is doing just because they think it is f***ed up, or does it always have to be because he is black? While not denying that there will always be some people that think that (Obama bad because black, immigrants bad because brown, etc.), to assume that all reactions are because of that is just as bad as what you accuse others of. I would be as pissed if they were from Croatia, France or Germany. I might give Canada a break for a bit, as they are almost like our 51st state, but even that would get old pretty fast.
  14. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jul 24, 2014 -> 02:39 PM) well, if they are using an illegal workforce they should be arrested and put on trial. if they were really 'fooled' use that as a defense. just like if a drug dealer said they thought they were buying baby powder, but it ended up be cocaine - because they were 'fooled'. OK, maybe you were 'fooled', let the jury decide. OK, so when they present a real SS card but the number belongs to someone else, you want to jail them for that as well> I am all for screwing employers than knowingly hire illegals, however there has to be some discretion here. I have hired enough people in my time that I have seen a few fake SS cards and even a few DL's that looked pretty suspicious. I have even had one I thought was legit come back to me as not when I used the fax-check thing we had to do to verify the person. It isn't as cut and dry as you may like it to be.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 24, 2014 -> 01:03 PM) Another example of the personal nature of liberal politics!!! http://centraloregoncoastnow.com/2014/07/2...ned-parenthood/ Can you even read, or do you just parrot things automatically? The second line of what I wrote and you quoted is "Unfortunately even some republicans get in on that now". No where did I say only liberals do this s***. Reading comprehension, learn it. (That personal enough for ya?)
  16. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 22, 2014 -> 03:24 PM) Even Italy only has a fourth of the gun murders per capita that the USA does. You're literally more likely to die by gun homicide in the USA than you are in Palestine (we're a lot less likely to get killed by missiles, though, so there's always that). Twice as likely to die by gun homicide here than in the Congo. No two places are directly comparable, but we are a buttload more violent (particularly, violent w/ guns) than anywhere else that fancies itself as "developed" or "modern" in the world. Our loose gun laws are the very reason that people can say gangs are some strange, incomprehensible, not worth including in any estimate thing because they just always have guns. Chicago has 'loose' gun laws?
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 21, 2014 -> 11:00 PM) Now people are just shooting each other left and right each and every weekend. It shouldn't be this way. In about 3 neighborhoods, perhaps.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 21, 2014 -> 10:30 PM) I liked Rahm's statement, too. But damn ... little kids just want to be little kids and live and play. To die at 11 years old is just ridiculously sad. That kid would have better off never being born. She has to exit the earth at 11 because of a stray f***ing bullet? Just beyond sad to me. Would it have been better if she got hit by a car? drowned in a pool? It sucks any way you look at it. I see where the grandma demanded that anyone who knew something to come forward. Good luck with that. Something about snitches and stitches comes to mind...
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 21, 2014 -> 10:08 PM) OMG. Hearing about the 11 year old child who died doesn't affect your heart? Seeing the grandmother cry doesn't affect you? Realizing a young girl has to leave the world for this reason makes you blast me?? Wow. Love this part of the story ... Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy blamed weak gun laws for the spurt of holiday violence. "There has to come a tipping point where this changes," McCarthy said then of the violence. "The illogical nature of what's happening here -- that government can intercede and prevent this from happening is overwhelming. And I refuse to think otherwise in a great country like America that we can continue to allow this to happen -- not just on a state, but on a federal level." p.s. The truck line is unacceptable. Do you want me to send you an accounting of what I drive and my annual income? My spending habits? Sad. Dude, you seriously need to stop listening to the news. get books on tape for all i care. If the news makes you like this, stop listening. As for McCarthy's weak gun laws statement, he can kiss my ass. I swear he craps his pants every time he thinks of anyone other than a cop with a gun. I would bet big money that 99% of those shooters used illegally obtained guns and have records a mile long and should have been in jail and not ABLE to commit those shootings to begin with. but the political gasbags won't put those guys in jail, instead prefer to bust minor drug users and waste resources on seat belt laws and crap. Rahm's comments actually made a little more sense, "Everybody says, 'So what are you going to do?' As if there's a single thing that's going to resolve this problem," Emanuel said. "It is a communitywide problem, which requires a communitywide solution.".
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