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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. you need to step away from TV news and get XM radio for your truck.
  2. http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/21/now-irs-...ls-still-exist/ I hope Democrats realize that by ignoring this they just give the next Republican admin a get-out-of-jail-free card. I can just see the clamor for computer info from President Walker's Chief of Staff over some supposed misstep and 'whoops! sorry, hard drive crashed, no backup. Oh well.'
  3. QUOTE (farmteam @ Jul 14, 2014 -> 09:42 AM) He's been talking generally about personal attacks. Gaystapo is a personal attack. I had been talking specifically about the politics of personal destruction. IE trying to get your target fired, ostracized, excommunicated and so on. Calling the extreme gay activists that hunted down the Mozilla guy the Gaystapo isn't going to get them fired from their job or cause them to lose any business.
  4. Want to pick different than you, but I have to say Abreu makes a statement in his quest for 50 HR.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 13, 2014 -> 09:12 PM) So, maybe an explanation? Dog whistles, projection, ghosts.
  6. And yet, nobody has disputed what I posted.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 12, 2014 -> 02:18 PM) No, we just laughed at you because you did it in the very post where you complained about how bad it was. I was genuinely hoping you'd done it on purpose because that would have been epic until I read this one. Where did I get personal in there? I challenged him to dispute what I had said. I didn't say 'you can't because you are an idiot'.
  8. QUOTE (Feeky Magee @ Jul 12, 2014 -> 03:29 AM) Dude are you a parody Why not dispute what I said instead of the personal attack? Because you can't. You KNOW that gay marriage supporters went full tilt after the Mozilla guy, for a political donation. personal destruction of your 'enemy'. Not enough to disagree with them, have to bring them down! Show me where Clinton and the whole Democratic machine didn't go all out to try and destroy all the so-called bimbos that accused Bill of misdeeds. You can't, because they did it. The worst you can do is claim that Republicans do it too, as if that somehow makes it OK.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 11, 2014 -> 06:04 PM) yeah that was pretty great Wasn't it? All those people filled with love and compassion who tried to help the Mozilla guy find new employment because of a private donation he made years before? Yeah, nothing personal there.
  10. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 11, 2014 -> 10:28 AM) Here you go Alpha, another example: http://guyism.com/sports/axelle-despiegela...l-facebook.html People are too damned sensitive. Yeah, and I didn't mean to imply that it was limited to politicians, but all over the spectrum. Like the gaystapo going after anyone that opposes gay marriage with personal attacks, trying to get them fired and so on. There is just this need to 'destroy' your 'enemy' on a personal level instead of just winning the idea or issue.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 11, 2014 -> 07:28 AM) Interesting that you'd pick Rush Limbaugh given the obvious parallel to this idiot from VA. Rush called Sandra Fluke a slut and demanded that she provide him with sextapes because she was demanding that "we" pay for her slutty slut pills. Leaving aside the fact that Rush et. al. completely misrepresented the testimony Fluke actually gave, he clearly had no problem immediately attacking her personally and even demanding something very similar. The other example you used was Christie's Bridgegate. On what level is that a personal attack? It's an inquiry into his abuse of the powers of his office. That would be like saying investigating Blago and covering his crimes were a personal attack. It just doesn't make any sense. eta: as for twitchy, it's frequently directed to personal attacks at people the conservative movement doesn't like. Again, I said who makes more, not who makes none. Seriously, I know it helps your talking points if you leave off things I said or change them, but nowhere did I say that Rush was a paragon of virtue and never says anything bad. However, compared to Ed, he is a saint.
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 10, 2014 -> 09:02 PM) Lol, yes, dumb vitriol is emblematic of liberal politics, never conservatives! Political talk radio doesn't exist, and neither do things like twitchy. Benghazi #neverforget No, but apparently reading comprehension is, at least with you. I said personal vitriol. Listen to Rush and Ed schultz, see who makes more personal comments. Not even close. You can listen to Ed for one segment and he will personally insult any host of conservative figures a dozen times. Rush will criticize what they do, but the personal stuff is few and far between. I also did say that Republicans were getting into it lately as well, and that that wasn't right. Although not sure what your hangup is with twitchy. I have looked at it. Is it wrong when it publishes stupid tweets? It doesn't make them up, so not sure of your point there. All of twitter is a cesspool, easy to make fun of. That must be the easiest job. edit: See, I did it here with my first line, snarked right back at ya. Too easy with you. I will withdraw that sentiment here, but leave it there since I am guilty of it as well. The sentiment still stands, this personalization of things has gone too far, not sure if it can ever be put back in the bottle.
  13. QUOTE (Jake @ Jul 10, 2014 -> 08:28 PM) In what way is some weirdo trying to get someone to illegally distribute nude pictures/videos of a woman emblematic of liberal politics? Because he calls himself "left-wing?" Because of the 'personal' nature of it. Unfortunately even some republicans get in on that now, although I think more from a 'they do it, we should too' aspect. Clinton's took this mode into turbo. Remember the 'bimbo squads'? Bill wasn't at fault because these bimbos fell on his dick, no. They must be destroyed! Just look at any conservative politician that even looks like they might be interested in running for higher office. The media starts digging then. How many days were spent in the media cycles on 'bridgegate'? more than Bengazi, for sure. Doesn't make either right. This guy is an asshole for trying to make this personal, to destroy her, to make her a 'target' as he says. Seriously dude, he didn't f*** your wife, kill your mom and piss on your dog. She legally hunted a lion. I get that you don't like that. I don't get the level of hatred towards her from him especially, as he wants to be a representative of a group of people in this country.
  14. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 10, 2014 -> 04:54 PM) If you believe her, the animals are sedated in the majority of those pictures because she's traveling with a vet or park ranger. The animals that are actually dead were killed for population control purposes or she paid a pretty handsome price to do it (the money going back to preserving the conservation area). The specifics of her story don't even matter. it is the specifics of the responses to it. And I am not even talking about that cesspool known as twitter, where anyone with a remotely similar name has been getting death threats.
  15. This story right here is what is wrong with American politics in general and liberal politics specifically. This guy should be ashamed of himself. Especially if he has a daughter. But instead, he probably is proud of himself for being a good little liberal warrior. These politics of personal destruction are going to kill us all. You don't have to agree with someone's beliefs, actions, etc., but this constant trying to get people fired or worse is just wrong. Imagine if a Democrat had said this? OMG!!! WAR ON WOMEN!!!! MYSIGNO-WHATEVER-IST!!!! HE SHOULD RESIGN AND LOSE HIS PENSION!!!! Yes, I think this guy probably should resign, but I am not going to start a petition or twitter war about it. If he has no problem trying to get porn about a 17 year old, who knows what he can do. At the very least, I hope his next opponents bring this up at every stop and he never makes it into office. http://freebeacon.com/politics/left-wing-l...ollege-student/
  16. But if Boras had done ANY negotiating on his behalf, going back to college wouldn't be an option, would it? Signing an agent ends your college status, i thought. That would leave what, Independent league? Joliet Slammers?
  17. QUOTE (juddling @ Jul 9, 2014 -> 10:40 PM) Former "Chocolate city" mayor Ray Nagin going to prison..... couldn't have happened to a bigger douchebag......have fun in prison........ “I just let him know he has spiritual support, and this was like a new-day lynching,” said Mr. Smith, an elder of the civil rights movement in New Orleans. So putting a corrupt government employee in prison is now lynching, because he is BLACK? Mr. Smith, save your lynching comments for real instances of racism. you cheapen it by your over the top accusations that are out of place and uncalled for.
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 8, 2014 -> 09:23 AM) I blame it on the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club. HEY! They are OUT of the gun business. Now it is p*ssy and porn, two things that NEVER hurt anyone.
  19. Did both you guys just completely ignore what I wrote? Firing them is the FIRST step. You can't fix it if you don't know what is wrong, because they are lying and covering it up.Then you put someone in there who WANTS to fix things, and doesn't give a s*** what group they piss off in doing so, be it unions or white collar management ( who can be made into ex-management). And then you fix it Fire people, reorganize, close certain buildings if needed. Money should not be the problem. Culture and a too large contingent of people not providing medical care most likely are.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 7, 2014 -> 04:52 PM) You guys are misreading that as a defense of the administrators or an argument that they shouldn't be fired. My argument was that firing them won't fix the problem because it's not as simple as administrative corruption. But you have to know there is a problem before you can fix the problem. And if those in charge keep insisting that there isn't a problem, and keep hiding the problem, then how can it ever be fixed? Fire those that are covering it up, jail where appropriate, identify the problem, then you can figure out ways to fix it. The VA gets tons of cash, has a large staff and many facilities. Despite the influx of patients, there is no reason they should be so backlogged, unless they are too top=heavy to survive. Considering that may of those top=heavy positions are 6 figure spots and just as likely to be political patronage as not, yeah, they are pretty boned.
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