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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 29, 2014 -> 06:37 PM) I can't figure out how you guys think this somehow gives you an out. Because if you want to pass laws that will only screw with ME instead of gangbangers and criminals, then they laws do nothing except screw with ME. Then when they don't work, you will b**** and moan that we need yet MORE laws to stop the gangbangers, and whatever you propose will again only screw ME, and so on, and so on. Gangs don't give a rat's ass about waiting periods, magazine restrictions or gun free zones. They just serve as points to catch otherwise law abiding people with serious penalties should they forget something.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 29, 2014 -> 06:35 PM) If we just focus on the metro areas, Sydney and Melbourne have about 4 million people each. The murder rate in Sydney is about 1 per 100,000, the murder rate in Melbourne is closer to 5. A metro area in the U.S. with a similar population is Phoenix. It reported 123 murders per 100,000 people last year. Another similar comp in size is the San Francisco Metro Area, with 70 murders per 100,000 people. Same sized cities. We're gunning ourselves down like crazy, they don't. What is the gang activity in those 4 cities?
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 29, 2014 -> 06:30 PM) I agree. But if you're going to make fun of how pathetically weak our ability to control where people take guns is, which is what laughing at the "gun-free zone" signs is, then it certainly seems like any reasonable person would say "hey what happens if we tried something a lot stronger". Like armed guards in schools? Sure, let's do that. Except when that was last proposed many on the anti side s*** their pants at the mere thought of a gun in school, regardless of who was possessing it.
  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 29, 2014 -> 06:27 PM) Great, so you'd be in favor of much stronger measures? In favor or removing the signs, perhaps.
  5. Funny how in his rantings the killer mentioned that he seeked out a gun free zone. Guess those pesky signs didn't deter him very much.
  6. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:43 PM) Balta comes through with one of the best posts I've ever read on a message board. Awesome. Well stated. I especially liked 3, 4 and 5. Not "oh good," but Martinez meant we are numb to this s*** now. It's like "Oh, only 7? That's sad, but it's not really a huge deal. Talk to me when it's 50, 100, a sports stadium of thousands." Didn't answer the question tho. What would you have passed that would have prevented this? 3 month waiting period? Crazy knows no time limit. 2 round magazine? He stabbed half his victims. I don't know what the CA background check entails, but I do know that there are many people it rejects, including lots of recently retired military.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 28, 2014 -> 04:19 PM) A couple things worth noting. 1. He didn't have a high capacity magazine. He was forced to reload multiple times. This almost certainly saved lives, his ammunition was distributed amongst dozens of clips. 2. He didn't have an assault weapon. Based on the much higher rate of wounded compared to the recent ones that involved such weapons, again, probably saved lives. 3. Your statement of a "very strong" mental health check shows just how weak the mental health checks are. 4. Wow, one gun a month? I mean, amazingly stringent there. 5. Um, his family actively called the police on him believing him to be a danger to himself and to others. Yes, I think confiscation seems like it would have made sense in this case. If that's not a case for confiscation I don't know what is. The thing that really ought to be realized is how absolutely, ridiculously, pathetically weak the restrictions are in, as you call it, one of the most gun-hostile states in the country. And that's again not even counting his ability to drrive to Nevada. So everything 'worked' until you get to your point #5. Then it was either the cops who missed something and/or were lazy and didn't want to do the paperwork, or the parents who didn't go far enough when they called the cops. Perhaps he wasn't investigated more because he was from a rich family? So perhaps 'money' got him out of some of the rules the little people have to follow?
  8. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:24 PM) But no question the fact this lunatic could get guns so easily played a huge part in this awful crime. Well you have what turned out to be a crazy person in one of the most gun-hostile states in the country who managed to get a gun. California right NOW has everythign the so-called moderate anti gun groups claim would prevent this. Universal background checks? Check Very strong mental health requirements for gun ownership and possession? Check Full registration? Check Waiting periods before purchasing a firearm? Check Magazine restrictions? Check Assault weapons bad? Check Handgun registration? Check One gun a month? Check Handgun Safety Certificate required to buy a handgun? Microstamping requirement? Check Tell me, what more could have been passed, short of confiscation? Not to mention that they could have at ANY TIME 5150'ed him and put him under involuntary supervision for a brief bit, which would have triggered a notice in the state system that he had guns and had them removed.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 28, 2014 -> 02:27 PM) It's about his view of women as objects and his sense of entitlement to their bodies and affections. It wasn't that he couldn't get a date, it was that he felt he was entitled to the most attractive white girls because he was a wealthy, white Alpha Male. He was Jewish and Chinese. Not exactly Aryan Nation material.
  10. So Google, they of the constantly changing logo, has just the plain, regular logo for today. They change it for Arbor day, Einstein's birthday, labor day, but not memorial day? Are they afraid of offending someone in another country? Or do they do that on purpose so people will talk about it?
  11. QUOTE (Jake @ May 26, 2014 -> 10:08 AM) I know it gets political in a hot hurry, but that line - "you don't think it'll happen to your child until it does" - it's hard not to feel something when you hear that from an anguished parent He blames lax gun laws in one of the 3 toughest states in the country. Should blame the shooter. Should blame a mental health system. Should blame the parents. Should blame his biology for having a f***ed up chemical imbalance or whatever made him crazy. The gun didn't shoot itself. And as people seems to keep 'forgetting' he also stabbed half his victims. Maybe he should also blame that evil cutlery lobby.
  12. QUOTE (Jake @ May 26, 2014 -> 09:30 AM) FWIW, I never understand the relevance of pointing out whether a given crime was gang related. It's as if those don't count If it is gang related it is not likely that they are raving NRA lunatics who had valid concealed carry permits or purchased the guns legally. So no matter what laws you would pass, short of confiscation, it wouldn't have stopped those.
  13. Maybe a lot of people care about it, feel sad, remorseful or hurt about it but don't feel the need to post on a comment board about how sad, remorseful or hurt they are to prove that they are more caring? It is just more fodder for a political argument. He was a lefty! He was brainwashed into a Teabagger by the NRA! He had mental health issues, that needs to be fixed! He had easy access to guns, we need to take everyone else's away from them! You can't predict something like this! The police should have stepped in when the family noticed problems! My kids right to not be shot trumps YOUR right to protect yourself! Go ahead, just pick one and start, they have all been said already. Or just stay with the one you used, the NRA has won.
  14. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ May 22, 2014 -> 04:44 PM) Its just completely glossing over the fact that the most brilliant kids already get all of the advantages in school, thus they dont need a purely fictitious award. Thats my point. Yup. They get all the advantages of the star QB or basketball player.
  15. QUOTE (Soxfest @ May 20, 2014 -> 05:37 PM) I like how media saying Hillary Clinton's brain injury is off limits to talk about but EVERYTHING on Sarah Palin was ok. Pot meet kettle. It's always different. With Bush, golf = baaaad. After Obama's run, Democrats can never ever b**** about how much a President plays golf ever again. With Palin, they can have reporters rent houses next to them and stalk them, that's OK, but ask a hard question of Hillary and you are waging a war on women. Johnny Mac's age and health were fair game when he ran for prez, off limits for Hillary.
  16. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 20, 2014 -> 04:58 PM) They are rewarding exceptionalism. It's not like they got rid of the awards. yeah, but they doing in it smaller more private groups, so as not to hurt the feelings of the D students.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 20, 2014 -> 01:44 PM) This country sucks. http://eastgreenwich.patch.com/groups/scho...ls-honors-night yeah, can't reward exceptionalism or anything. That would hurt someone's FEELINGS. Can't do that, because they are all just such special kids. Just another step down the participation trophy road...
  18. Marcus will actually hit something today besides hit foot with a foul ball.
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