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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. I think Frank is an AWESOME first name. Not that I am biased in any way towards that name or anything...
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 26, 2014 -> 01:51 PM) Wow, I'm legitimately surprised by that. I thought it was a long shot at best. They went to the NLRB. No surprise there. Maybe SEIU is smelling union dues or something and nudged them on which way to go...
  3. Israel is putting their air defense on high alert for the immediate future as they think there is a possibility that the plane was hijacked with the ulterior motive to use it to deliver chem or nuke weapons into Israel.
  4. QUOTE (dasox24 @ Mar 13, 2014 -> 03:26 PM) I tend to agree with GoSox. I like the Young signing, but the odds of him becoming a high-level starter aren't good. I think he provides good depth. He could be a decent starter. But he's definitely a guy that's just holding down a spot until Emery can find a better DE. But he is immediately better than what they HAD, so it is an upgrade. All they needed was 'average' last year and they were in the playoffs.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 13, 2014 -> 01:14 PM) We donate to them as well. Usually we do Oxfam, Red Cross, one or two local food banks, and we donated to the charity alpha is associated with last year. I, and the dogs and cats, thank you for that! Red Cross, Lung Cancer and Alzheimers gets money from me as well.
  6. Helpsavepets.org My wife and I volunteer there and last year we placed 1000 dogs and cats in new homes. In fact, I will be bugging you all in the next few weeks about a comedy show we are hosting for a fundraiser in Aurora. One of the raffle prizes is 4 seats in the Home Plate Club section! it will either be a door prize going to one of the 200 tickets to be sold or a general raffle prize. Depends on what else we get donated before the show.
  7. Only in America can a guy donate $100 million dollars to build a hospital and be protested by the very people it will help, and employ. Why? Because he is an evil Republican!!!!! I fully expect that all these nurses will refuse jobs in the new space on principle, as well as refusing care should they ever require its services. http://freebeacon.com/blog/koch-brother-do...t-not-a-parody/
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 11, 2014 -> 08:13 AM) Which is an impressive level of cognitive dissonance, because you somehow wrote this post without saying anything about what the Florida Foundation is, does, or why exactly Ms. Maddow decided to bring them up. That doesn't matter. She went out of her way to make a very dubious connection between the Koch brothers and that foundation, without mentioning that it is the same level of connection her employer has. If the Koch brothers are evil because of it, so is her employer and all the other companies that have the same level of connection.
  9. S Rachael Maddow went all gonzo one night on her favorite target, the Koch brothers. Her claim was that a fund they had, gave money to the State Policy Network. The SPN is 'affiliated' with the Florida Foundation for Government Accountability, along with hundreds of other groups. If you were in any way affiliated with tnem, you were bad. What she failed to mention was that Comcast, which owns MSNBS is also affiliated with the Florida Foundation. Hmmmm. There is the truth, then there is the truth you don't tell people. both sides are pretty good at letting you only hear the side they want you to hear. She is as big a liar as any of them.
  10. Story just gets messier and messier, with the parents also claiming that the father of the boyfriend rooutinely brought the kids home drunk, and there is a phone message left by the girl to the mom that is pretty f***ed up. And it seems as if she tried to break the parents up, as well as accusing the father of being a little too 'friendly'. The girl, and family, is messed up. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-25...unk-3-30am.html
  11. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 7, 2014 -> 03:38 PM) He is passionate about something he was involved in, and frankly it's great to be that way and to have helped. WIth that said, he was still wrong about the topic, I couldnt care less about being told "f*** you" I agree. Not the first time, or last time, someone told me that. I guess he did get a little butthurt about his group being branded by the actions of 'some'. Now he knows what its like to be a Republican. Or conservative. Or in the Tea Party.
  12. QUOTE (ptatc @ Mar 6, 2014 -> 02:52 PM) My favorite example of this is George Lucas. He has adopted kids and his comment is routinely "I earned my money, how did you earn yours." He started a a clean up kid for Carol Shelby then worked his way up to racing for him. I started bean walking and detasseling when I was 11. My rule with my kids is that if you are in a full time sport there is an allowance based on grades. When you are not in season, it's time to earn your own spending money. I agree with the stay away from fast food concept. My job throughout college was working at Balmoral race track. Did the bean-thing at 11, spent some savings on a riding mower and mowed lawns for a few years, lied about my age and got a job at Dairy Queen when i was 15 flipping burgers and making cones. Started working summers for my dad at 16, and that was a b****. Dad didn't want anyone working for him to think I didn't earn my job, so i got every s*** detail there and always had the hardest jobs to run. After a while I got them because he knew I would get them done. Did that job summers until I got out of college. Everyone should have to do fast food or retail at least once, and experience the torture.
  13. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Mar 6, 2014 -> 03:12 PM) Where did "the movement" get the trucks and tools to do that? Since they did "most" of the work. How much money did they raise for the rebuilding of homes and businesses? Wait, I found it. A laughable 1.4 million. Hell they couldn't clean up the parks they took over. There were several towns that spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix them after they left.
  14. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Mar 5, 2014 -> 04:28 PM) Well, and for Rachel Maddow.
  15. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 5, 2014 -> 02:10 PM) As it is for most men. Well played.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 5, 2014 -> 01:40 PM) <!--quoteo(post=2937662:date=Mar 5, 2014 -> 02:30 PM:name=NorthSideSox72)-->QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 5, 2014 -> 02:30 PM) <!--quotec-->That is an incredible stretch. Even looking at BushCo's foreign policy in the worst possible light, I fail to see a connection. I'll stick with what I said, if we ignored some of these talking heads, we'd all be better off. Wow, you're 100% right, I completely fail to see a connection too...except perhaps in a different sense. Considering she was asked a question about her work on Iraq and answered about Iraq, it is definitely an incredible stretch to reach the point of saying "Maddow blames Bush for Crimea". It's also impressive how few of the "Maddow blames Bush for Russia" articles actually include either the video or the quote. The decisions of our generation on national security are determined more than anything by what the George W. Bush administration did. That is her line. That says what we do is all because of Bush.
  17. The father of a friend she is staying with is a lawyer and is bankrolling her case. He hired another lawyer (although it doesn't say if it was one from where he works or anything) and has supposedly spend about $13k so far, which was also requested in the lawsuit. And denied. She lost round one.
  18. Rachael Maddow says the whole situation here is Bush's fault. Nice to know he still lives rent free in some people's heads.
  19. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 27, 2014 -> 10:49 AM) Funny note on Arizona... it only exists as a state because of slavery. As part of various machinations before and during the civil war, the New Mexico territory was split in two (more or less). Arizona was aligned with the Confederates and allowed slavery, New Mexico was Union and did not. The sarcastic part of me looks at that today, with Arizona being so much more fiercely socially conservative than New Mexico, and you wonder if it is just in-born. Did you just equate conservatism as being pro-slavery?
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 4, 2014 -> 01:29 PM) Military solutions aren't appealing for the west right now, and punitive measures will just result in more of the same from Russia (though the west has more ammo there than Russia does). Going the route of making the west seem like a better deal seems like a smart investment to me. Also worth noting, some of that money is IMF, not just US funds. Obama is still card-hoarding with Keystone, and this isn't what he's going to use it for. That is the more relevant issue at hand, not whether or not it would have an effect (which, you are right, it wouldn't). Wouldn't the mere fact that we aren't invading them make us look like a better option?
  21. I would like for them to have NOT offered a billion in aid.
  22. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Feb 27, 2014 -> 01:11 PM) Or a Muslim business owner refusing to serve a woman who isn't in a burka? You already have Muslim cab drivers in Minneapolis that refuse to transport people carrying booze or with service animals.
  23. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 27, 2014 -> 12:10 PM) I little perspective on the money. My daughter spent just over $100,000 in four years at U of I. That would be over six years of working full time at $8 per hour. Time to do something about that high cost of education then.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 26, 2014 -> 03:23 PM) These laws are a reaction to court cases in Colorado and New Mexico where state courts have found that sexual orientation is a protected class based on state law. It's not exactly necessary because Kansas, Arizona and Georgia don't have that listed explicitly as a protected class, but it's a way of providing clear instructions to the court that anti-gay bigotry is a-okay in their state. I was referring to the glut of laws in general here, not this specific incident. We have way too many laws for way too many things, in general. I know why they passed it there in KS.
  25. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 26, 2014 -> 12:22 PM) Really? Do you have evidence of a glut of Kansas lawsuits involving gay people not able to use the caterer of their choice? I think we should be reigning in the amount of laws that we create, not creating more superfluous ones. But thats just me, maybe you want more unnecessary laws. More govt restriction, right? No, I agree that we have way too many laws on the books as it is. I think all these idiots that get to Washington, or the state capital as the case may be, feel the need to justify their time by making s*** up that doesn't need to be.
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