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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. BBQ. Is there anything it can't make better? http://legalinsurrection.com/2017/04/pales...dreds-drop-out/
  2. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 24, 2017 -> 09:08 AM) Here is where I got my start: http://www.cdwjobs.com/ShowJob/Id/987145/S...y-Level-Inside/ They hire a ton of people, same with CH Robinson, Coyote etc. Entry level sales, work your ass off and move up. I havent seen these jobs slowing down at all, which is why its confusing when new grads cant find a job. I have a psych degree and I am in tech sales. I made 23k out of college in base salary and worked my ass off to make more. Even my tiny company has 3 open entry level sales jobs. https://www.coyote.com/logistics-jobs/#logi...cs-jobs-section https://chrobinson.csod.com/ats/careersite/...mp;c=chrobinson Rock, I know this is a generalization, but I swear it seems like every damn kid I see today under 24 claims to suffer from anxiety, have panic attacks or are otherwise mental midgets. They can't handle sales jobs. They would have to talk to people, be nice, etc. After spending most of the teen years with online relationships, how do they handle real life interactions? They don't, hence panic attacks and anxiety. I see it with most of my younger son's friends (18) and even with some of the older son's friends (23).
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 21, 2017 -> 09:25 AM) Well it seems awful a guy taking a U-lock to the head, but we do know you taught us the victim was there for a fight and a fight is what he got so he deserved it. I'm sure rabbit is working on what exactly the victim's profession is. It may be unsettling, and more reason to think being a victim of a crime is more than warranted. Wrong. They guy that got hit was there for a rally. The person who hit him showed up there in response to the rally, so he was the aggressor. Just like the chick who got whacked. or are you suggesting that people just shouldn't have rallies anymore?
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 21, 2017 -> 07:41 AM) https://21southnews.com/2017/04/21/who-is-e...sorericclanton/ Reddit lies, lol. He's NOT a professor at SF State. He got his MA there. He's an adjunct professor at Diablo State. At any rate, God help anyone with social media in the future. These guys are contacting all the universities he studied at, going through his LinkedIn, just hope that nobody gets on the wrong side of those alt-righters. One of the student from DiabloValley College says that “He notice, Professor Clanton is a dislike Donal Trump and he would involve 2016 Election result protests in Bekeley or San Francisco elsewhere, but couldn’t confirmed. We call again to DVC and asking Professor but no one give answer and refuse to further question. And some people call DVC but they do not respond about Professor Clanton to anyone. Eh. He is still a teacher, and not a Trump fan, who committed violence. And planned on more, as they dug up records of him receiving from Amazon the day before over a dozen of the bike locks he used to hit that guy. pretty sure he passed them out among his 'friends'. For peaceful purposes, no doubt. As for those alt-rights you are complaining about, ask judge Bork how he fells about having his past drug up? Don't act like this is new.
  5. QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 20, 2017 -> 11:57 PM) Reddit has identified the Antifa guy who hit a free speech enthusiast in the head with a "u-lock" bike lock that left the guy hospitalized (happens 0:15). The guy is Eric Clanton and he is a Philosophy professor at San Francisco State University. He has since deleted multiple social media accounts. Why is it important that you note he is a philosophy professor? Are all philosophy professors violent, is that what you are saying? You are just posting that out there as a gotcha, you hypocrite! Sorry, gotta keep the post count going. They going cray cray in the D thread about something and are almost even with this one.
  6. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 04:36 PM) Take out Obama and Biden and the group of former Presidents/VPs would still probably vote to remove Trump. Bush 41 and Bush 43 both think he's trash. i believe the proposal was for all living former presidents, vps and the current vp. but yeah, depending on who is in office, could be very bad.
  7. So A Democrat has introduced a bill to amend presidential removal procedures. In short, he wants to have a panel made up of former presidents and VPs to decide. yeah, Obama and Biden deciding on whether Trump should serve as president. Very funny. http://thehill.com/homenews/house/329206-h...oval-procedures
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 03:09 PM) I appreciated the break in the general discourse. You're welcome.
  9. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 03:36 PM) My agenda is anti-fascist, and anti-white supremacist. Whats yours? And if you go to a rally of either of their looking for a fight, and get one, you are wrong. They can speak too, however bad they are. That is my only defense of them.
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 02:52 PM) God damn openly defending violent white supremacists who attacked a woman who hadn't attacked anyone. That you can see in that few seconds of clip. Just what the f*** to you think she was there for? Decoration?
  11. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 02:40 PM) Also, just to be clear on this. This woman never touched the guy who punched her. She didn't grab him or anything. There was a scrum when a group of white supremacist attacked defended themselves from antifa protesters. This dude singled her out, ran up to herwas trying to get involved in one of the scrums (I like that word), saw her coming for him and punched her in the face. Then he ran away oi find someone else to punch. I corrected your post a bit. Yeah, she was just a poor, innocent bystander on her way home from picking up medicine for her ailing grandmother. She ran up to the scrums, looked like she tried to kick one of the people on the ground, had her hands at the ready, then saw this guy and got whacked. Antifa has been pushing the violence envelope and it just looks like the other side figured if they were going to get blamed for violence even when they didn't do it, might as well get their pound of flesh, so to speak. Not saying the situation there as a whole is right, but also have no problems with her getting hit.
  12. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 01:37 PM) You said her Inglourious Basterds quote showed she was looking for violence so we shouldn't feel too bad, then compared it to Trumps grabbing women by the p****. Of course Trump claimed he did do that. She had no weapons or anything to "scalp" these people. Hey they are just words right? Look at the video she has open hands when this guy is loading up, and she tries to grab his arms to defend herself. Then after that let everyone know the "unsettling" news this woman also did porn, which according to another post posed questions about her character. Never once mentioning the character of the punchee. Why don't you just say what happened to her was wrong and should never have happened, and you hope this person that did this is punished severely? It isn't democrat vs. republican, left vs right. It's right vs. wrong. yes, she should have never went there looking to instigate violence. She should be punished severely.
  13. On a side not the R thread just passed the D thread for post count. Not sure that has ever happened.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:59 PM) That was a joke post but now I'm really curious as to whether you actually believe there's no such thing as an "unarmed" person I know it was a joke, but your mocking tone suggested that there is no basis for fists being weapons. They can be. She was there to get into a fight. She got into a fight. her being a porn star doesn't matter in that, him being some white supremacist doesn't matter.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:50 PM) my fists are registered as lethal weapons in 32 states and 14 countries. I am never truly "unarmed". http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-38992393
  16. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:41 PM) Wow. Are you really so worried about being punched by a 120 pound girl, you would punch her in the face first, then run away? If you are going to run away anyway and are that scared, why not run before she has a shot at you? You are assuming he wasn't running to hit someone else. Nice try.
  17. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:37 PM) She had no weapon and the tough guy ran away once he punched her. Fists are weapons, your point is moot.
  18. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:31 PM) This is rich since you posted this and apparently think striking woman is no big deal: Consider it a 'blow' for equality. She stepped into the playing field, abandoning the protections afforded by the traditional customs of interactions between gentlemen and ladies. She went looking for a fight, and got one. Just because she has a vagina doesn't give her a free pass. Doesn't matter who the hitter was. Damn straight. Dick or p****, you go after someone looking for a fight, you get a fight. What if she had a weapon? Would he have been OK to hit her then? What if he was a gay black social worker instead of a white guy with bad politics? Antifa has a history of putting its female members up front and hiding behind them so that when they get hit in the ensuing clashes they can cry to the media about hot a woman got hit. Screw that, they are there for a fight. They got a fight.
  19. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 12:21 PM) Yes it was. She did porn, therefore, while punching anyone in the face is probably wrong, let alone a woman, hey she makes dirty movies, perhaps punching her isn't so heinous . Exactly the same as bringing up the guy on the airplane's past which you called a gotcha. Nice try. You aren't above it all. You are what you supposedly hate. His exact words were "Apparently she's a porn actress too. Unsettling.". I see nowhere in there where he claims this makes it OK to hit her. That appears to be a fabrication on your part or some personal vendetta. The fact that she was there for a fight and was trying to hit HIM made it OK to hit her. perhaps the 'unsettling' part was a comment on her looks...
  20. QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 18, 2017 -> 11:51 AM) ??? Trump is living rent free in his head and he can't comment without it somehow relating to trump. he is not alone on this forum, or Facebook, or Twitter.
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