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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 26, 2014 -> 10:29 AM) The better question is would we draft a law that specifically states Jews dont have to provide services for Skinheads? The answer is no. This law is unnecessary. You can already deny service to anyone for any reason provided that they are not a protected class. Last I checked gay people are not a protected class, so the question is, why is Kansas wasting their tax payer money on this bill? The law is nothing but hate, its to make people feel unwelcome. Its classic tyranny of the majority. because despite not being listed as a protected class, people ARE suing and wasting courts time and taxpayer money.
  2. Would we be having this conversation if a Jewish baker refused to bake a cake for Hitler's birthday for a group of skinheads?
  3. Tex, you don't have a hoo-ha and are not liberal ENOUGH to have a valid opinion about anything relating to women (birth control, abortion, motherhood, etc.) so give it up now.
  4. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 19, 2014 -> 03:16 PM) http://dailycaller.com/2014/02/19/chicago-.../#ixzz2tnqEJHEs lol, I liked this comment: "Headline in 5 years: Chicago's crime predicting computers are racist." Sounds like profiling to me, just with a computer.
  5. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 18, 2014 -> 01:18 PM) Let's say it hypothetically did happen. It would be a nice start.
  6. OK, I read an interview of Lorne Michaels from Sat Night Live where he said they make fun of Republicans because they have more of a sense of humor. According to him, republicans are more likely to laugh with the skits than Dems are, who he said tend to take everything personal. Thinking about the humor angle, I heard on the radio this morning that several Democratic groups are REALLY pissed at AshleyMadison.com due to a billboard that makes fun of a few Democrats. Here is the billboard.
  7. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 13, 2014 -> 08:08 AM) I assumed you were coming out. Tom Selleck in those tight shorts and red ferrari must have done something for ya He was pretty hot for the period. But it is more the beautiful house, the lagoon and private beach and just the whole place. Saw an ad recently that it is now for sale for about $9 million I think. All I need are the right numbers in the Powerball drawing this week...
  8. Either a lot of people never thought about it, or don't want to think about it at all. Or my selection of a TV Hawaiian mansion just threw everyone off.
  9. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 12, 2014 -> 01:44 PM) I blame Bush. http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/12/justice/loui...cted/index.html Notice how it never refers to him as a Democrat?
  10. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 6, 2014 -> 09:47 AM) Yesterday SS2k5 posted elsewhere about his opposition to a GOP policy that was one of the best reasoned, well articulated arguments I have read in a while. I hope he shares it here. (hint hint) Also, I was mostly in agreement with the GOP proposals on immigration. Hmm, SS2k5 agreeing with the left and my agreeing with the right. Is this a harbinger of doom? I saw it. The particular policy he was ranting about is one where I would wager that most people on BOTH sides don't really care about, but it is more the vocal minorities on each side staking out their ground and bringing the rest along with them, or trying to.
  11. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 04:12 PM) Zimmerman needs to go the f*** away. I agreed with the outcome of the trial, even as unfortunate as the circumstances were, but he's still a piece of s*** human being that needs to be removed from the limelight. +1
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 06:07 PM) The CBO found that unemployment overall would decrease, and that some people will voluntarily choose to leave the work force because they can still have health care. This doesn't mean more long-term unemployment or more people stuck on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. Where you see economic dependency, I see enhanced freedom and agency and something that's a baby-step closer to how the rest of the modern world functions. 'enhanced freedom' on the government dime.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 04:52 PM) I think it was about 8 weeks afterwards before she was doing the stairs, IIRC. So, could she she could barely walk correctly for a couple years, or was she doing stairs at 8 weeks and never got better than that?
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 03:15 PM) Artists and Obama volunteers: the only people who would like to do something else! You never, ever hear about people saying that they'd start their own business and become the vaunted Small Business Owner/Job Creator if they didn't have to stick to their job to get health insurance. It's lazy moochers all the way down. Most people are not entrepreneurs, geniuses, artists or novelists. Most people don’t have big ideas. Most people get by and advance in small steps, not giant leaps. Jobs are the principal way people improve themselves, their lives and the lives of their families, and leave their children better off than they were. More long-term unemployment, even the unemployment of people who leave the workforce willingly in order to “pursue their dreams,", means more people stuck on the lower rungs of the economic ladder. That does wonders for income disparity, which this administration seems to bring up every other week. Where I see people mired in economic dependency, you see reliable Democratic voters.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 12:41 PM) My mother taught middle school for >25 years. In her early 60's when she was not eligible for Medicare, she had a knee replaced after several years of it causing a lot of problems. After the replacement, she could barely walk correctly for a couple years and frankly she should have retired. But she couldn't, because she couldn't get health care on the individual market, so she basically taught her class from a chair for the next couple years until she became eligible. Please call more people like this lazy asses to their faces. Please. I will call the people who will quit their jobs to 'follow their passion' or whatever lazy asses all I want. 'Struggling artists'? Get a job. Why should I subsidize your crappy art. You want to spend your years volunteering for Obama, or Greenpeace or whatever? Fine, don't expect me to help pay for your insurance. And your mom should be pissed at her union for not taking care of her when it comes to insurance. And the doc who did her knees so bad she could barely walk.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 5, 2014 -> 09:50 AM) The NYT editorial board also has a piece out pushing back against the idea that this will "cost jobs" or raise unemployment/underemployment Freeing Workers From the Insurance Trap They also point out that what the CBO is saying is that millions of Americans will be empowered over this and won't have to take or keep a job just for health insurance benefits. In other words, it's a step in the right direction of disentangling employers and health insurance. So that means that the rest of the taxpayers get to subsidize their lazy asses so they can follow their dreams or some other such crap. Entangle it all you want, just don't make taxpayers pay for it.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 29, 2014 -> 02:15 PM) While this is certainly true for some...you have to admit, for a lot of them, these programs open doors that would otherwise be completely shut. They get access to tutoring, resources, leadership, and facilities that even regular students don't get, they constantly have people looking over their shoulders, these types of programs are a path to take people who might not have focus and give them a chance to have a life. The commercials are right on this...very few athletes even on the football teams of the big-name programs actually ever play a down in the pro-leagues. For the ones that actually WANT an education, yes, they have a lot of doors that can open for them.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 29, 2014 -> 02:03 PM) If you look at the other side of it...how many people would never get an actual university education if this happened? With the classes that some of these 'student athletes' take at various colleges, not sure if they are really getting an education.
  19. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jan 29, 2014 -> 09:42 AM) Now you're backtracking. I've already said the scholarship is out of proportion to the revenue generated. The revenue generated pays for all the OTHER sports that don't make money. Like women's basketball, wrestling and so on. Why do you hate women's basketball?
  20. So then they will have to pay income taxes on their education 'benefits'. And union dues on top of that. Have fun with that.
  21. MADD has morphed into a don't drink group. I think they would be fine without the driving part. Duke was right about the founder expressing reservations at the direction the group has gone and distances herself from it.
  22. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 24, 2014 -> 11:37 AM) Where did you get that? I was looking for the one with a 20 round clip. I'm not sure if they do those anymore. That might be too many many rounds in the clip is my guess. Bass Pro Shops in Bolingbrook.
  23. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 22, 2014 -> 08:30 PM) This is actually very good advice. A novice or a person that is simply nervous or aiming at a moving target is liable to unload a clip and not hit anyone. You won't miss with an unchoked shotgun PLus, EVERYONE knows the sound of a shotgun being 'pumped' for action. That alone is enough to scare some people into just turning around and leaving fast.
  24. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 22, 2014 -> 10:15 PM) I've only seen them with 10 rounds max. Mine I got last year has a 17 round clip.
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