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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jan 22, 2014 -> 02:32 PM) Glocks are pretty easy to use, however there is no safety. Beretta IMO is bulkier. You can put a bullet directly into the chamber and it's ready to fire. You can't really go wrong with glock IMO. If you have kids though, the no safety might be a deal breaker. Yeah, what this guy said. The Glocks are pretty reliable and they have several styles depending on how big your hand is so you can get one that fits right. but beware, they come with those evil assault clips that hold 17 rounds. They have a new Glock coming out in a .380, but I haven't heard much about it yet.
  2. EvilMonkey

    2014 TV thread

    QUOTE (juddling @ Jan 16, 2014 -> 04:41 PM) As it's only been 2 episodes I'm still not sold on it yet but CBS's Intelligence with Josh Holloway has been OK so far..... Isn't is just 'Chuck' with less comedy?
  3. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 16, 2014 -> 08:19 AM) If you add "or lack thereof" to the end of that quote, right there... That is what I wish everyone would keep in mind when discussing global warming, no matter where on the scale of the argument you reside. If everyone understood that simple point, you could have a decent discussion about it. So in other words, weather happens.
  4. EvilMonkey

    Food thread

    A bar out here in Plainfield called McBrides has the best $4 hamburger ever (on Sundays). Just awesome.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 11, 2014 -> 10:02 AM) "People not dying because of money" = progress to me, and = a darn shame to a great humanitarian like Duke. If people don't die when they get sick, how will they ever learn not to get sick? I think this girl is a little farther gone than just 'sick'.
  6. "But we’re not going to play God, we’re not going to let Children’s Hospital play God and pull the plug. If her heart stops beating, and if it stops beating while she’s on the respirator, we can accept that. She’s done fighting, and she can go home,” Sealey said. Hello? You have her on a respirator and all sorts of machines, you ARE playing God because without them she would be even more dead then she is now. 5 different doctors, including 3 outside docs 'requested by the family' said there is nothing more there, nothing more to do. Time to let that part go and commence your lawsuit. I am truly sorry for your loss.
  7. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 7, 2014 -> 02:34 PM) the parents should be forced by the state/hospital/etc to take their kid off life support? individual rights! how about forced to pay for it themselves if they want to expend medical care to a dead person? Although right now there is no indication as to who IS paying for the bills, the hospital (which means everyone else in the form of higher bills), insurance, the family or some mysterious benefactor.
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 6, 2014 -> 08:12 AM) I think she's brain dead in the sense of there's no detectable brain function and currently all functions of the body including respiration are being driven by instruments. However, if blood is being pumped through the body and respiration is being sustained artifically then oxygen is being moved through the body to keep the tissues alive. That doesn't mean the brain can function, that doesn't mean there isn't significant damage already, but it is probably enough to slow the deterioration of tissue from this point. However, you're 100% right that there's no hope of recovery. At some point, yes, people will have to let go...but the question of how you can force people to do so is not open and shut. As I said, when it was a white woman in Florida, a significant part of the country thought a condition almost this bad which had gone on for half a decade should continue to be maintained indefinitely regardless of the cost, to the point that there were widespread protests and we had the remarkable spectacle of the Senate Majority leader, a trained M.D., giving a diagnosis on the Senate Floor based on a highly edited couple minute clip of video. I understand completely that the family does not want to let go and I completely agree that there's a point the hospital will need to force them to do so. But it's not a decision that should be made lightly and if the family wants to fight for now, they have that right. if the original question had been proposed by a poster with a more liberal bent, would you keep bending over backwards to keep bringing Terry Shiavo into this? Somehow I don't think so. Will you have the same reservations when Obamacare starts deciding not to pay for life extending treatment? i mean, how you can force people to let go is not open and shut....
  9. OK, maybe not the most caring way he could have phrased that question, but really, who IS paying for that? if it is on the public dime, at what point do we accept medical diagnosis that she is indeed dead and beyond recovery?
  10. Should be able to revoke ballots due to sheer stupidity.
  11. QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Jan 2, 2014 -> 02:54 PM) When I said "they die off" I was actually talking about Wal Mart and their ilk that rely heavily on desperate/dumb enough to work for them. No employees, no Wally World. As a general rule I won't work for any company that has a marketing department. Ever. Then those companies won't be around long. Even if it is just the owner wearing another hat, you have to have marketing.
  12. So then we need to open more gun ranges and have more gun classes. But with the guvmint making ammo so expensive and ever increasing rules, regs and restrictions on ranges, they make it harder for people to be responsible gun owners.
  13. I still have a bottle of Polo somewhere in the back of my closet...
  14. People in this admin tend to fail upwards if possible. But since the various states didn't get kickbacks, it will take some serious juice to keep THEM from going after their money.
  15. QUOTE (juddling @ Dec 28, 2013 -> 06:54 AM) Wasn't quite sure where to go put this story...here is as good a place as any.... Robber's family upset customer shot robber...... adric white robbery The family members of a robbery suspect that held a store employee at gunpoint in Alabama are lashing out at the Good Samaritan who shot him and stopped the robbery. Adric White, 18, was shot five times after he allegedly tried to hold up a Family Dollar store in Mobile on Nov. 12. FOX10 spoke exclusively to both the unnamed Good Samaritan and the family members of White. They're livid that their son was shot while pointing a gun in someone's face. “If [the customer's] life was not in danger, if no one had a gun up to him, if no one pointed a gun at him - what gives him the right to think that it's okay to just shoot someone?” a relative, who wished to remain anonymous, told FOX10. “You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.” But when the suspect pulled out a gun at about 5:30 p.m., the Good Samaritan did too. “He had the gun to his head. He had him on his knees,” said the Good Samaritan, who wished to remain anonymous. “I drew my gun on him and I said 'Hey don't move.' At that point he swung around and before he had a chance to aim the gun at me I fired. I didn’t want to shoot him.” The man shot White five times. He was taken to USA Medical Center, where he remains in police custody. The local news station had previously interviewed White's parents, but they called later demanding that the video not be aired. White was out of jail on bond after previously robbing The Original Oyster House at gunpoint just a little over a month before he robbed the Family Dollar. Accomplice Tavoris Moss, 19, was also arrested in the Family Dollar robbery. “[Criminals] tend to think that they are the only ones with guns," the Good Samaritan told the station. "I’ve been legally carrying my firearm for a little over four years now, and thank God I’ve never had to use it until, of course, last night. It just goes to show it's good to have a concealed carry. You never know when your going to need it.” Police said that the Good Samaritan who opened fire was justified and broke no laws. In a perfect world i would like to think that newspapers and such give these families opportunity to decry their criminal offspring's death so that we can see just how f***ed up of a family that they came from, where they would be pissed that someone fought back against their gansta offspring. However I fear that they report this to try in some warped way to make guns and responsible gun owners look bad. If you are to believe that family, that bystander should have just walked on and ignored the fact that an innocent clerk had a gun to his head by a robber, simply because it wasn't at HIS head. And I am sure there are more than a few posters here that agree with that sentiment. Can you imagine the guilt you would feel if you found out the next morning that he was shot dead, all because you didn't do something? I hope it is less than the joy you would feel over not having used a gun to save a life. I hope people like White and his family just stop procreating. Darwin can't catch up to them fast enough. Wonder if some anti gun group will try and out the samaritan.....
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 11:37 PM) That's a great way of saying "I've got nothing" edit: also remembered this Guns & Ammo freak-out when one of the editors published an article support some very mild forms of gun control edit2: also, too, the harassment of the "pajama boy" from an OFA ad about Obamacare to the point where the National Review has written at least six articles on it at this point, his name and address have been widely published and he's had to try to delete his entire online presence thanks to the hordes. All because he appeared in an image in an ad. But, hey, liberals. This guy at least worked for OFA. The woman who happened to be in the stock photo that was on healthcare.gov was just some random model who has been heavily harassed. Again, damn liberals. Harassment? They were laughing at him. Oh wait, that is bullying now, sorry. NOT Just curious what threats you are referring to. I used Bing and Google and got nothing. If you are referring to twitter, just forget it. Twitter users threatens everyone and everything, it doesn't count anymore. For every pajama boy threat you could find there, I could find 3 wanting to rape Michelle Malkin or kill Ann Coulter.
  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 12:07 PM) Regardless it's ridiculous to pretend that conservatives never try to get people fired or send death threats because of what they said. Eta not sure why it took me this long to remember the Dixie chicks fiasco. Also the boycotts of businesses that say happy holidays, all of that ridiculous anti-French stuff, etc. They just seem to be following the rules that liberals set up.
  18. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 20, 2013 -> 04:21 PM) I honestly had never heard of Twitchy before your post earlier today, but remind me of a time when a celebrity or TV personality has been suspended/fired from a show for making a remark that can be considered negative towards a conservative or conservative minded person. I just checked out Twitchy and all I can see is them making fun of the stupid tweets people make and point of craziness. Sample 'posts', or whatever you call them: Rut-roh! New individual mandate delay spells trouble for Pajama Boy [Photoshop], Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen calls out Mariah Carey over gig for Angolan president, Quack-up: How CNN website originally quoted Obama saying ‘we screwed it up’, Place your bets! Will someone ask Obama about ‘Duck Dynasty’ at today’s presser?, Barney Frank joins CNBC as contributor, hilarity guaranteed to ensue, MSNBC ‘reporter’: Criticism of OFA #PajamaBoy is cyberbullying; Mockery dons a onesie, TMZ’s Harvey Levin calls A&E’s suspension of Phil Robertson ‘outrageous’ and so on.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 11:23 AM) A school in San Francisco received death threats over a fake story about an atheist teacher suspending a student for saying merry Christmas. Erik Loomis and a professor at Kansas university faced serious pressure and the UK professor might be fired for his comments about the nra. That guy on msnbc was just fired for saying offensive things about Palin. Bashir resigned, after being suspended. Sure, we all know he was told to, but he still did it. And Phil's comments were made in a print interview. Bashir's were made on TV, where the decency standards are supposed to be a bit higher. I have no idea what you are referring to in the other two, will look them up later.
  20. EvilMonkey

    Alright begin

    QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 20, 2013 -> 04:12 PM) May we return to rampant consumerism now? No, you may not.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 20, 2013 -> 01:44 PM) You know what else he did? He compared it to bestiliaty. No, it's really not. By saying it was a sin, like adultery and other things, sure. Like comparing the Cubs and Yankees as baseball teams.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 19, 2013 -> 03:45 PM) It doesn't take a 25 minute speech to say something non-offensive about Jim Crow. When asked about the Jim Crow south, he related a couple of personal anecdotes that are literally classic racial stereotypes of African Americans from that period and before. The fact is that just waking up each day in Louisiana in the 1950's and 60's, he was witness to explicit and legal racial oppression. Yet he's willfully blind to that, and instead likes to imagine it as happier times for everyone, and then goes on to decry welfare, which itself just gets into another racial stereotype. He could have said "I didn't personally see things as that bad where I was, but [...]" Instead he chose to describe how happy they all were, singing songs in the field, the happy negro stereotype that goes back to at least Uncle Tom's Cabin. Why did he have to go any further than "I didn't see anything badwhere I was"? Why does he have to add a 'but'?
  23. EvilMonkey

    Alright begin

    Very possible that that word does not mean what you think it means.
  24. EvilMonkey

    Alright begin

    Liberal response from you?
  25. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 19, 2013 -> 09:24 AM) He did get suspended by MSNBC and then had his show canceled. Also apparently he had a show on MSNBC. That was more of a case that his show sucked and it was a convenient excuse to cancel it. They gave it to him to begin with even with all his previous documented incidents, so I can't see where one more made a difference.
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