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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Rios and Alexei worth more than the crap prospects that writer thinks they are worth.
  2. I predict that whoever we get for Rios and/or Ramirez, Greg will think we didn't get enough, even though it will be more that what he mentions is possible to get in a trade.
  3. I tried to buy a 1999 isuzu Amigo like I had back in the day a few months back. They had it listed for $3900, which was a few hundred higher than it should have been, but not too far out of line. I drove it, handled nice, looked good, and the convertible top was in excellent shape. Now the part everyone hates, getting to the price. Since I knew it was a bit high, I made an offer of $3200, figuring on meeting somewhere in the middle around $3500 or so. They wouldn't budge. Now I'm thinking this is a stick shift car, which not many people drive anymore and had already been sitting on the lot for months, they should be itching to get rid of it. So instead of paying cash, I offered to let them finance it if they came down to $3500. I could always pay it off after a few months and be done with it. They seemed agreeable with it and went to work the math, came back with a price per month that would have worked out to an interest rate of 85%! I just got up and left. Didn't NEED a car, just wanted one. I can wait. The dealership was Gregory Hyundai in Highland park, just so you know. Bigrus, that Focus hatchback is a nice ride. Good call.
  4. Should have used a picture of him cowering in fear inside the boat instead of what looks like a modelling shoot. Maybe in handcuffs covered in dirt and blood.
  5. With Manson they didn't go out of their way to make him look cool. The cover with the bomber asswipe looks like it could be TigerBeat. A difference between reporting and trying to find the 'softer sife of bombing'. Poor guy was failed by his family and lured into blowing up people for Islam. Almost as if they are trying to do PR for the guy. That is where your outrage, faux or otherwise, is coming from
  6. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 04:41 PM) I think we agree, but there are certain things you have to just "give up on" until we evolve as a society much more than we have. Why don't you try sporting a toothbrush mustache for a few days in public and see how society reacts? Is it fair? Nope. Does that matter? Not at all, as I guarantee you'll get laughed at by some, and profiled and dubbed a racist by others. In high school I had long hair, tinted glasses and used to wear an Army jacket. I would get stopped by our school security at least twice a week and frisked for drugs, based on how I looked. By junior year I was wearing different clothes and no Army jacket, stopped getting searched. It happens.
  7. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 03:13 PM) Well in fairness after he said stop-and-frisk was justified he did actually acknowledge it violates young black men and said these kinds of problems for black people actually exist and aren't new which is more than I could say for most other articles like that. (He posted that because he is trying reeeeallly hard to not appear racist in any way)
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 02:56 PM) They'd have gotten used to it eventually, they have no choice. Yeah, but it was high school, only dated for about 2 months, then moved on to someone else.
  9. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 02:51 PM) The last girl I dated before the current one was black. She was very sweet and my mother met her and loved her. She still asks about her and talks about her. On the other hand, my stepdad was never a fan of the concept from the get go. I don't know if there was anything the girl could have even done to make him feel comfortable about it. He never met her, but I am not sure he ever cared to. I dated a black girl in high school, and it wasn't easy. My dad was polite but said the bare minimum to her, and to me while we dated. And her brother was a banger-wannabe threatened me daily. Most of my friends seemed cool with it, but we got funny stares when we went out. This was back in the early 80's.
  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 02:14 PM) Example. Yeah I know that's goofy ass Ted Nugent but that's the most recent example I could think of off the top of my head and definitely not the first time I've seen that. Also: when I hear prominent conservative types like Nugent, or Hannity, or Gingrich bring up Chicago as a counter-example (actually a non-sequitur) my first thought is "and what have YOU tried to do to help? Where've you been?" The answer to that is absolutely nothing whatsoever. Well when they try and help with the schools, they kept that troll Karen Lewis telling them 'thanks for your money, but your white cracka ass has no business telling us how to school OUR children, pay us and leave'. or words to that effect. Why would they want to interfere when their motives are always questioned and they are perceived as only open wallets?
  11. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 16, 2013 -> 01:44 PM) Watch Sean Hannity for like 90 seconds see also: "the blacks are gonna riot" and associated comments Are you not watching the news, Keith? I know they are mostly opportunists, anarchist, occupy assholes and so on, but they are doing it in the name of Trayvon. They showed a picture of about 15 people surrounding and jumping on a minivan. I wouldn't blame whoever was in there one bit if they would have just floored it and got out of Dodge. And no thanks on watching Hannity.
  12. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 15, 2013 -> 11:03 AM) If you ask the question in reverse, we ask the same question The go ahead and put the same restrictions on voting that there currently are on guns.
  13. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 15, 2013 -> 10:04 AM) Unfortunately for Twitter, there is this: http://tampa.cbslocal.com/2012/05/23/zimme...-white-officer/ A year before killing Martin, Zimmerman tried to get a white officers pension revoked for beating a black homeless man and covering it up. Because that sounds like something a guy who hates black people would do. Don't forget he has a black grandmother.
  14. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 15, 2013 -> 10:02 AM) Nothing points to Zimmerman being a racist, no matter how badly people wish he was. Really? twitter thinks otherwise.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 14, 2013 -> 12:03 PM) Well, if this happened in New York Zimmerman would probably be in prison, but in Florida, he didn't technically do anything wrong. If Zimmerman's name more reflected his Hispanic heritage none of this media circus would have happened either. George Sanchez instead of Zimmerman and this case never make any news outside of Sanford, and we never hear of the made up term 'white Hispanic'.
  16. So far this is a typical Soxtalk thread regarding Sox player values. Our guys are all worth s*** until they get traded, and then its we never got enough.
  17. If you use Friday's for game one, I will take Rios for game 2
  18. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:48 PM) And if you are going to chose to follow people with a loaded gun, you should probably be a little more prepared to deal with potential altercations than Zimmerman was. I'm sorry, but when you choose to carry a firearm, there is a very implicit responsibility you take on, especially if you are going to carry that firearm while pursuing those you suspect to be criminals on foot. This is like me deciding I want to make a piece of furniture myself because it takes 12 weeks for the store to deliver it to me. I decide to use all the fancy power saws and tools. Then I am surprised when I saw my finger off. You honestly don't see the exponential increase in the possibility of danger and generally horrible altercations when you start encouraging untrained individuals to carry firearms and approach suspected criminals? You honestly don't see the exponential increase in the possibility of danger and generally horrible altercations when you start attacking people who are following you because you think they are crazy-ass crackers?
  19. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:21 PM) Were those sidewalks on private property? Do you need a permit to be on the those sidewalks? Was Martin engaging in some kind of illegal behavior by walking on the sidewalks? Prior to Zimmerman following Martin, Martin was not breaking any laws. Zimmerman followed him. Martin ends up dead. That death is a tragedy. he was UNRECOGNIZED by the neighborhood watch. He called reporting someone he didn't know walking in the dark and rain, in an area where there had been recent breakins and followed. I see zero wrong with any of that.
  20. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:17 PM) So because teenage kids are idiots, you are going to keep parroting idiocy? If you think they are in a super small minority, you must be living in a bubble. There was even a Facebook page about killing Zimmerman with 6000 likes before it got shut down. You thihk Al Sharpton is just going to let it go, or is he gonna start screaming that justice wasn't served and knowingly or not encourage someone to administer justice for Tarvon?
  21. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:13 PM) Walking on the sidewalk. He's not walking on people's lawns and peering in windows. He's not walking up the driveway of a house where you know the owner is on vacation. He's just walking around the neighborhood... on the sidewalk. While it's unreasonable (in my opinion) to call the police in that situation, it is certainly a better option than following him around and creating a confrontation. I don't know how the jury comes out on this. I think there's a decent chance the self-defense argument sticks given the level of the burden. But I think Zimmerman will be paying the Martin family a significant amount of money if there's a civil trial with a reduced burden. The other point that cannot be driven home enough is this: Martin was not breaking the law. Zimmerman followed a 17 year old kid while carrying a firearm. Zimmerman's act of following Martin led to the confrontation. As a result, Martin is dead. Anyone that fails to see the tragedy in Martin's death... I just don't know what to say... Look at a map of the neighborhood. the sidewalk was between the rows of houses, not bordering the street. That is why Zimmerman had to get out of his car. The only reason to be on that sidewalk is if your house is on that sidewalk. Being unrecognized, he is suspicious.
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:11 PM) In what world is Zimmerman a "cracker". And you pay for the consequences of your actions. If you are not willing to live with them, dont do them. Simple advice to live by. Travon's and his 'friend's'. or did you not hear that part of the testimony?
  23. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 12:03 PM) My impression is that Zimmerman shouldnt have started it, so he deserves some sort of punishment. And do you think that his life will even be the same again? Looking over his shoulder for that one crazy-ass douchbag that thinks he is gonna up his street cred by taking care of this crazy-ass cracker? Yeah, he is still alive, for now, but unless he moves across the country in some sort of witness relocation type of thing he will be punished every remaining day of his life, guilty verdict or no.
  24. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 12, 2013 -> 11:53 AM) I dont either. I believe walking down the street and following after being told explicitly not to creates a dangerous situation that you need to take responsibility for if it turns sideways. Plenty of people walk down the street with guns in Florida every day, Id say 99% of them do not fail to follow a 911 operators instructions. But lets just keep pretending that in this world the facts are: George Zimmerman was walking down the street, minding his own business. Out of nowhere a large teenage boy attacked him knocking him to the ground. George screamed for help as the teenager bashed his skull into the pavement, fearing for his life. After no one responded to his pleas, George asked the teenager to stop hurting him and the teenager replied "I am going to kill you sucker", then George, with no other option, pulled his gun and warned the teen again. At that point the teen turned into a zombie so George did the only thing he could, he shot the zombie teen and saved Florida from a zombie apocalypse. lol I believe the dispatcher testified that he never told him NOT to, because if they told someone what to do or not to do they could be open to all sorts of liability issues.
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