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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 04:13 PM) So you don't call the cops on every single person walking around your neighborhood at 8PM because that's not exactly suspicious activity. Do you have evidence that George did that? or just that he did it this once? We know he has called the cops, but no mention of race in any of those other calls. otherwise your throwing 'every time' in there is just creating a condition that doesn't exist.
  2. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 04:05 PM) I'm sure you can see the difference between "walking on the sidewalk" and "disappearing around the side of an empty house that has been broken into before" or "walking up the driveway of an empty house." Two of those things are suspicious behavior. One of them is absolutely not. he spent 20 minutes walking around a neighborhood in the rain appearing lost. A neighborhood that isn't that big.
  3. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 04:02 PM) I dont know what he meant by "these assholes". I assume he was implying that he believed Martin to be a criminal, which he wasnt. It just shows that Zimmerman was immediately prejudiced against Martin (for whatever reason, race, age, clothing) and that Zimmerman's perception was warped. And I lived in the suburbs, on many nights at 8pm there were lots of kids wandering the streets in hoodies, etc. You know who I would have thought was suspicious? The 28 year old man in a car who is watching teenagers. That seems like a Lifetime Movie waiting to be written. Again, I assume if you have a child, you would find nothing odd if he came home and said: "Hey dad there was this man following me around in a car, I then ran and he chased me" Im sure your response would be: "Hey asshole stop walking around the neighborhood, thats suspicious" Well a few years ago while at the Joliet mall with my sons, the older one was off on his own for a bit, then came back and told me that some guy was following him so he came back to me, kinda nervous. So I confronted the guy who turned out to be mall security, and was suspicious of my son as he matched a description of kids who had been shoplifting, white, long hair, black clothes. After a few minutes the guy left. Maybe my son should have shot the security guy in fear for his life? nah, he went to an adult, in this case me, instead of trying to be macho and handle it on his own.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:59 PM) No, Alpha gets his family into the basement, grabs his gun, but stays his ass inside after calling the police. Since I was outgunned, your damn right.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:58 PM) So instead of asking if he could help the guy, he calls the police. This doesn't happen if he's not a young black male. Nice to know you are a mind reader.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:57 PM) You call the cops on every single individual you don't recognize in your neighborhood who's walking on the sidewalk at 8PM? You think that the simple act of being outside and not being known by you warrants being harassed by the police? If I see kids I don't know checking out that empty house, or walking up the driveway, I sure keep my eye on them. When they disappeared around the side, I walked a bit to see that the side door was open, so I called. Yeah. And like Jenks said, you just love to ignore context. recent breakins, unknown person, all that adds into perceptions. But you just look at race, it seems.
  7. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:54 PM) Alpha, What do you think Zimmerman meant by this statement: "Zimmerman: Okay. These assholes they always get away" Kids in general? And hilariously Zimmerman refers to Martin as a "kid" in his phone call. Yet its unfair to label Martin as a kid? And the kid wasnt suspicious at all. Wearing a hoodie, walking at night around where you live, those are not suspicious actions. He was wandering around as if lost or looking for something. Not suspicious at ALL for someone who lived there. And if you are assuming that by assholes he meant blacks, then just who is it that is obsessed with race? Again, if he had said 'asshole backs kids', or stronger language, then you have something different. Assholes are assholes, regardless of color, sex, religion or sexual orientation.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:44 PM) lol, sure, Zimmerman would have called any random person he didn't immediately recognize in as a 'suspicious' person. He was targeted because he was black. Somebody walking on the sidewalk at 8PM in light rain doesn't warrant "a closer look" unless that person happens to be black. If he is UNKNOWN, then yes, why not? I have an empty house across the street from me. When I see kids walking by checking it out, I get suspicious of them. It has been broken into before. And I did call the cops on one group and 3 of them got busted while inside the garage. They were 2 white guys and a hispanic, btw.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2013 -> 03:38 PM) http://www.documentcloud.org/documents/326...-zimmerman.html It was the first thing the dispatcher asked him. Why is it supposed to matter if he mentioned it in his first two sentences or his third? And of course a dispatcher would ask for a description if you're calling in a 'suspicious' person. Well, if he started his call 'there's some guilty looking black kid walking down the street...', it would be worse than 'there is a suspicious kid walking down the street'. Race shouldn't matter in most of your arguments you have used throughout here. The kid was suspicious regardless of his color. Unrecognized, looking lost, recent break ins, dark, raining, all enough to warrant a closer look.
  10. I actually have one travel agency as a customer. Every time I deliver they seem like they are bored stiff. I often wonder how they are still in business.
  11. I keep reading here that Martin was tailed for 20+ minutes. I recall seeing a map of the community, it wasn't that damn big. 20 minutes he could have been home two times over. Also, if I recall the full conversation, when Zimmerman called the cops, he never mentioned the kid might be black until he was prompted by the dispatcher for a description.
  12. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jun 24, 2013 -> 09:34 AM) Somehow someway it always comes back to oil. I thought it was always George Bush's fault?
  13. Every check of Bergeron for the rest of the series needs to be led with a knee or the butt end of the stick to the midsection.
  14. if he goes to a newspaper or his superiors, he can be a whistleblower. Going off to China and considering retirement in Russia makes him a traitor in my eyes. We can catch China doing the same stuff red-handed, and the 'court of public opinion' really doesn't do s***, since they are all afraid of China. However the US gets caught doing this and we are expected to prostrate ourselves before the world in shame.
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