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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (G&T @ May 28, 2013 -> 07:36 PM) What do you think would have happened if they answered truthfully? Well if they answered positively for drug use, I can see many unasked for visits to a councilor, letters home to parents, locker checks and so on. Once they have info that you do drugs, they would HAVE to do something to avoid any liability should use share drugs with a fellow student and something bad happens. Translate: Let's see if the trouble makers and problem kids will self-identify so we can 'fix' them now.
  2. I hope that teacher prevails. No way you answer something like that truthfully, with your NAME ON IT. "We just need to know so we can help." Yeah, heard that before.
  3. My comic-geek designer talks about this to me all the time. I don't think Stark would be shamed into doing anything unless it effected the bottom line. Also seems like it is mirroring the TV shoe Heros way too much.
  4. Tyler looks like he is crapping his pants every time he comes to the plate now. Deer in the headlights. Has to be thinking that if he doesn't start hitting soon he goes back down to minors and is pressing ever harder, and that just doesn't work. Swings at balls in the dirt and watches ones down the middle of the plate. And seems to be carrying those struggles over to his defense now as well. I wish I knew a solution, as I think he has SOME hitting ability in him, certainly better than he is currently showing.
  5. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ May 23, 2013 -> 09:09 AM) He was left off the hook a few times. He walked a few batters and we just didn't capitalize. That third inning was a chance to do some damage. There were a couple of well hit balls that just were hit right at defenders or defenders made spectacular plays. I gave Boston credit for adjusting outfielders to where our guys were hitting the balls. Several shots looked like they were tagged, just right to defenders.
  6. I would like to see my relief pitchers not go 2-0 all the damn time. Or if they throw balls, they are at least close enough to the zone to make the hitter at least THINK about swinging at them, instead of worm-burners like my golf drives.
  7. The marksman should have been a better shot and saved everyone the time and expense of them living.
  8. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ May 21, 2013 -> 06:26 PM) What exactly did they withhold? That witness came forward shortly after the shooting and the media reported on it. It's not like no one knew about him. My bad. I read May 21st, totally missing the 2012, thinking it was 'today'. Makes a lot more sense now.
  9. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/buster/trayvo...-witness-758903 This was just released to the defense a few days ago. How can they withhold evidence like that from the defense?
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 19, 2013 -> 12:43 PM) I brought up the under-staffing point when you asked why the rules for tax-exempt organizations aren't better enforced. It wasn't in relation to who is or isn't responsible. If you can say with a straight face that politics played NO part in the extra scrutiny that conservative groups got, you are simply beyond hope. Short staffed or not (and I call bulls*** on the IRS being short staffed), decisions were made that had political ramifications all the way thru. BEYOND whatever 'one' person did as you keep claiming. Did that same one person cover it up until well after the election? No, there were a lot more people that helped with that. All should be gone. All.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 18, 2013 -> 08:20 AM) Actually that is wrong. That woman ran the department, but there was a different single individual that reviewed flagged applications through December 2011. Then she should be fired for gross incompetence. it really doesn't matter, she should not in any way, shape or form be employed by the IRS anymore. And you keep bringing up that it was a 'single individual' that did this, while ignoring the many many individuals, like her, that ignored the wrong doing and/or tried to cover it up.
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 17, 2013 -> 04:52 PM) Because there's literally 1 guy that was ultimately responsible for reviewing files flagged by others. And anyone who gets investigated complains of unfair discrimination. Actually I think it was one woman, Sarah hall, who just got PROMOTED to head the Obamacare dept at the IRS instead of being fired.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2013 -> 04:23 PM) Just remember...the b***ing about selective enforcement is almost certainly going to scare the IRS into no enforcement whatsoever. And Congress and the FEC won't step in to fix that either. So why can't is scare them into enforcing BOTH sides equally? If it is a cultural thing inside the agency, then fire them all and start over. You have rules, enforce the rules. For everyone. Otherwise you are as bad as NBA refs.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2013 -> 04:19 PM) And again, there's the problem. We have a system that's a complete mess and completely unenforceable, but nobody cares about that, they only care if they're being slightly disadvantaged relative to the other side. Even when people make a good point, that the full system is completely f***ed, as soon as I agree...they go back to playing the victim on behalf of their side. A few people have agreed with you that the whole system is a mess. However that mess allows for selective enforcement, or non enforcement, at the whims of 'low level employees'. At the very least, that needs to be fixed. better would be to get rid of those things entirely, like you mentioned, and a few others. We can't agree with you and b**** at the same time?
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 17, 2013 -> 04:07 PM) No, I think that's exactly Balta's point, these rules are seriously SELECTIVELY under-enforced. Fixed that for you.
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