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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Mar 28, 2013 -> 12:58 PM) At the end of the day I think this is all just the kid trying to show the world that he is just as "tough" as his dad and grandpa. Once he wrings some concessions out of someone (more oil, more food, etc) he'll crawl back into his hole. A sniper bullet would be cheaper.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 03:15 PM) They're not the same thing but the AP is about as mainstream news as you get. Yeah, but if none of the papers choose to RUN that story, it just dies.
  3. I would have to say I love most parts of my job. I am running a print shop and have total control as if I was the owner, but I don't have to see the dwindling checking account balance every day! 6 minute drive from home, 10 minutes during school year (go thru 4 school zones). I have a company car and gas card, and can pretty much take off whenever I want as long as I have my time covered. Boss lets me donate printing the the animal shelter I volunteer for and generally doesn't come to the store very much. If I only didn't have to deal with people it would be prefect!
  4. Let 'em kill each other. Less for us to worry about.
  5. Asshats in power, killing other asshats that want power, neither of which like the US very much. Pass the popcorn and stay out of the way.
  6. While the articles I read didn't say it, I hope they at least have to register as sex offenders so that follows them around forever. You have 18 year old guys who had sex with their 17 year old girlfriend stuck on that list forever, it would seem that these two guys deserve to be there as well.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 1, 2013 -> 04:16 PM) Obama announced approval of Keystone XL today. Boo. The oil is coming out of the ground anyway, why would you rather the work and benefits go to some other (China) country? If it is the pipeline itself that has you worries, then maybe streamline regulations and make a refinery a bit closer....
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 05:50 PM) Alpha is right Did hell just get a little bit colder?
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 05:47 PM) I see, so you don't need the defense department, that's why my this one fails. You'll defend yourself! Somewhere along the line you assumed that I objected to any taxes. I had said that I feel that I pay enough or even too much. Your analogy still doesn't work. Millions of things in government that I don't use. I know you can't pick and choose what your tax dollars go to specifically, but I can object to what I feel are bad, bloated or unneeded programs. Still have my first amendment rights, even though you all keep trying to screw with my second.
  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 05:12 PM) If you don't pay there, I think they will come after you with guns and force you to pay or haul your butt to jail too. But either way, I definitely think you should take your protest to one of these stores, take a bunch of items, and refuse to pay. It's the only way to demonstrate you commitment to your policy that paying for services rendered is awful. I won't pay for services that I don't need, so your point doesn't quite work. I don't go into Walmart and pay for the groceries of the person in the next aisle or for check cashing services when I pay with cash. Your analogy doesn't work. You are usually better than that.
  11. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 04:51 PM) Since you clearly disagree with this policy, I think you should try civil disobedience. You should start by trying it out at Walmart. It was just pointed out that you don't pay they come to your door with guns and force you or haul your butt to jail. No thanks. And why do you have issues with Walmart? Target is just as bad, in fact, around here, even worse.
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 04:33 PM) Well fortunately for me we live in a functional democracy with taxation powers so I will keep literally robbing you at gunpoint for all of your monies. Don't pay up, and that's what happens.
  13. I am reading the Reagan Diaries right now. only thru the first year, but even back then, he notes that EVERY time ANYTHING comes up in the house or senate, the Democrats start screaming for tax increases. My how nothing changes. Also noted how the press twisted everything he said, how the various labor groups would all say good things to his face then diss him to the media and he thought Menachem Begin was kinda a prick. Also notes that while Al Haig does a good job, he seemed to have a bit of a fragile ego, thinking everyone was working against him. big time Jimmy Carter hate as he keeps finding things that Carter didn't do or didn't tell them about before leaving, including not handing out medals to people who were awarded them and hiding memos from the CIA and State about middle east dealings. Also trying to find moles left over in State Dept. as everything they talk about regarding Cuba ends up in the press the next morning.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 03:29 PM) Yes, that's how public policy works. Yup. Force your views on everyone else. if you feel guilty about not paying more, balta provided you a link, go pay. I pay enough.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 12, 2013 -> 06:22 PM) Link. There ya go, liberal readers, your opportunity to put your money where your mouth is. Pay more to the government voluntarily, it's easy! If you think you are not paying enough, here is your opportunity to rectify that. In reality we all know that while they may feel they are not paying enough, they won't voluntarily pay more unless they can get everyone to pay more. For the children, of course.
  16. I like the deal. Works for me! (Also not my money!)
  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:25 PM) The average monthly benefit per-person is far less than $200/month http://www.fns.usda.gov/pd/18SNAPavg$PP.htm The minimum, at least in Mass (what I could google), is $16. The maximum for an individual is $200. I just went to IL Snap page and tried to sign my son up for food stamps. If he wanted to do it, he would be eligible for $200 a month in assistance. I am sure every state has some differences, I am telling you what I just found out here in IL.
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:19 PM) There's a reason why the "live on $4 a day" challenge exists in the first place. if you go and try and apply for SNAP, the minimum amount you would get is $200 a month. That comes to $6.66 per day, a 50% increase of your $4 per day.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:07 PM) Do you guys go to a grocery store that you drive to, or do you live in a place where your only source of groceries is the corner convenience store and it's an hour+ bus ride each way to get to the nearest grocery store (and you're limited to what you can carry home, and you've just finished up your 2nd 29 hour a week job when you head there?) Is it your point that only poor people in the city are on welfare/food stamps? That all people getting food stamps don't have cars?
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 08:35 PM) So are you up for the eat on $4 a day challenge? With this diet I am on it probably is close to that what it costs.
  21. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 04:51 PM) The governments loves to dip their hands in the cookie jar. Glad things worked out. If that is indeed the date, I'll make plans to be there to support your cause.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 05:34 PM) The survey found that higher-calorie, energy-dense foods are the better bargain for cash-strapped shoppers. Energy-dense munchies cost on average $1.76 per 1,000 calories, compared with $18.16 per 1,000 calories for low-energy but nutritious foods. The survey also showed that low-calorie foods were more likely to increase in price, surging 19.5 percent over the two-year study period. High-calorie foods remained a relative bargain, dropping in price by 1.8 percent. Although people don’t knowingly shop for calories per se, the data show that it’s easier for low-income people to sustain themselves on junk food rather than fruits and vegetables, says the study’s lead author Adam Drewnowski, director of the center for public health nutrition at the University of Washington. Based on his findings, a 2,000-calorie diet would cost just $3.52 a day if it consisted of junk food, compared with $36.32 a day for a diet of low-energy dense foods. That is just wrong. What did this guy do, go buy peas one at a time from Whole Foods? Buy a can of Campbells Soup and a few bananas, there is lunch for less than $4. You can buy a whole roasted chicken for $6 and another $1 for a can of peas. Dinner for 2, or more. $36? Yeah, right. And that $3.52, 2000 calorie diet would be one bag of potato chips.
  23. Just an FYI, after all the accounting was done, and paying the state their 3% of the GROSS take (still can't get over that one) we made out with just over $1400! That does not count those who donated without going, as I don't see those numbers myself. Thank you again. next event is July 6th. The location isn't set in stone yet, but looks like it may be at St. Andrews again. I will post more than a week ahead of time when we have the papers signed, maybe I will see some of you there. I had 12 people, that I know of, show up for me that didn't normally show to these things, one won $240 and one won $110. Neither one was me.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 02:00 PM) That's already how SNAP works. You can also receive cash Link benefits because not everything a person needs is sold at a retail store. Like rent, bills, tuition, etc. lol nope No, you are wrong. SNAP limits a few things that you can't buy, but it doesn't say you can't buy junkfood, candy or soda. I think he was hinting that you should only be able to buy meat, potatoes, veggies, bread, etc with the card. Have an approved list of items that can be bought with it, and that is it.
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