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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 02:35 PM) Mostly because Duke's proposal is repugnant and I'd like to see you explicitly repudiate it. You'll never have zero fraud, zero loss, zero overhead. At some point, you hit diminishing returns in a quest to cut the costs. For example, look at the mandatory drug-testing: because it's based on prejudicial assumptions that those on assistance use illegal substances at substantially higher rates than those not on assistance, it ends up costing the state more money than they save from kicking the handful of people that test positive off of the rolls. The sorts of ideas that Duke proposed? Full public disclosure of every expense? Judicial review and micro-management of every aspect of their lives? That would be incredibly expensive, far more expensive than whatever fraud/abuse you'd cut down. So even from a simply pragmatic standpoint, you'd need to do a cost-benefit analysis. Increased social stigmatization, increased costs, increased case loads, increased bureaucracy, invasion of privacy, false-positives that keep aid from needy people. So, SOME fraud is OK with you, because you can't stop all fraud, and requiring all these welfare recipients to jump thru all sorts of legal hoops to justify their need for aid is just wrong. Yet, you have no problem with trying to eliminate guns, even though you can't stop all gun crime, and have no problems making legal gun owners jump thru all sorts of legal hoops to justify their need for a gun. OK, got it.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 4, 2013 -> 10:56 AM) For the SNAP benefits, they do: http://www.dhs.state.il.us/page.aspx?item=30357 For the cash assisstance, you're right, they don't. People need cash to pay bills, pay the rent, etc. etc. How large and expensive of a bureaucracy do you think you'd need to create to track and judicially review every one of those expenditures? SNAP benefits cannot be used to buy: Hot foods ready to eat, Food intended to be heated in the store, Lunch counter items or foods to be eaten in the store, Vitamins or medicines, Pet foods, Any nonfood items (except seeds and plants), Alcoholic beverages, Tobacco Except when they go to the corner liquor store that accepts the LINK card and sells them booze anyway, but rings it up as some food item they happen to carry. I have seen it, often. Or they ring up $100 in 'charges' and the store hands them $70 cash. I have seen that as well, but not as often. It also doesn't prevent them from buying potato chips, pop tarts, candy bars or anything else that is 'bad' for them.
  3. You might find someone to give you a few bucks for it, but nowadays, without any kind of authentication, people won't shell out big bucks for anything. Maybe if you had a picture of one of the guys signing the actual item, you might get something, but otherwise, keep it yourself.
  4. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 26, 2013 -> 08:55 AM) http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/c...0,7138741.story Something will get done, but pro-gun activists obviously have all the leverage. He'll try and get language inserted that bans guns within 100 feet of schools, any government building, parks, etc., and by the time he is done, there might be 10% of the state left not covered by his 'exceptions'. Then he will get smacked down again as that type of restriction goes against the very nature of the ruling. Just like they will get smacked down if they try and require special insurance to carry, as that is the same thing in spirit as a poll tax, keeping poor people from exercising their rights. The problem is the emotional arguments that can only be backed up with emotion, and those people tend to view the 2A as an inferior amendment. But we got a whole bill of them, they all need to be respected, until changed thru the proper means, not by knee-jerk reactions to tragedies.
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 12:32 PM) Exploiting the worker class, pick up your gold gop membership card. Actually he quoted me $300 plus parts, I paid him $400 plus parts for a job well done. What card does that get me?
  6. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 03:01 PM) Yeah that's an incredibly unlucky turn of events. You played the hand perfectly and got boned. On top of that, you had the 2nd-nuts, you have to play like you have the best hand. Sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes, well, he eats you. Eh, I played it, someone wanted to gamble and won out. But it was still fun. And I knew where my money went, or at least a portion of it.
  7. People were playing both very loose and very tight. Lots of over-betting and lots of people folding at slight raises. For the first preflop, anything more than 2x people for the most part were folding. I figured 2x would get 2 or 3 callers. As long as an ace didn't show on the flop, and i got that third 10, thought 4x would get one caller with maybe 2 pair. Which it did. Didn't think he would hit that 2 pair. That's why it is called gamblin'! And Hickory, you are right, some people do just what you said. You can usually find out who those are within the first 10 hands or so and adjust accordingly. usually.
  8. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 11:24 AM) Turn in your GOP fan card. I didn't pay union wages. Cash, baby.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 09:15 AM) wanted to make a donation this morning but the website's down http://www.helpsavepets.org/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi Weird. I will let my wife know. She is going in today to drop the proceeds off and I will have her let them know what is up. I know they update the pictures on Monday with new arrivals, but didn't think it took the page down when that happened. Thanks.
  10. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Feb 25, 2013 -> 07:52 AM) Ironic you post this, because on last night's episode of the World Poker Tour, a guy with pocket tens cracked pocked aces by flopping a set, even though the fourth ten was in somebody else's hand. Unreal. Was doing well in the first tourney, had about $25k (started with $3k), got pocket 10's. Blinds were $300-600. I raised pre flop to $1200, got 2 callers. Flop 10, 2 3. I bet $2500, got one caller. 4th street was a jack. All in, he called. River was another jack. I had a boat, 10s over jacks, he had jack 10 under for the higher boat. Boo. And 4 other times throughout the night I got killed on 10's, had 2 people get runner runner straights on me for big losses and so on. I did make it to 18th out of 150 or so in the late tourney, but no cash. Oh well, at least I know where I donated to!
  11. Pocket 10`s, oh how I HATE you..........
  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 23, 2013 -> 12:04 PM) Good luck, AD! Hey! I can't find my earlier Vegas thread, so might as well ask you here. I have a friend who keeps raving about a place called Whisky Dicks out there. Comments?
  13. If anyone goes and wants to say hi, I will be wearing a brown tshirt with the Help Save Pets logo on the front, and playing. We had more than enough volunteers that I didn't have to work the event beyond helping to organize it. I will also have with me a few printouts of the email that gets you the extra chip for multi table tournaments in case you couldn't find it on the website and print it out. Thanks in advance for anyone who shows up. Let me know if you enjoyed it and how you did! I am off to play in the Chicago Poker Classic at Horseshoe today for a warmup.
  14. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 04:51 PM) I am huge poker player. Unfortunately it's too short notice. I'll give a donation and hopefully if you get the dates for the next one, I'll bring an army. Good luck! Thanks Pettie4! There will be 3 more, one in April and 2 in the fall, so I will make sure to gove more than a weeks notice next time.
  15. QUOTE (Swingandalongonetoleft @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 01:19 PM) Amazing Picture. I could stare at that for hours. I was only a kid at the time (12-ish?), but the most visually stunning night sky that I've ever seen was during the summer months in Crivitz, Wi (the northeastern-most point of Wiscinsin, right under Michigan's UP.). I actually think back to that night from time to time, and at times it almost feels like my mind is exaggerating what I remember, but I know it's not. Amazing what you can see without lights around. Awesome picture.
  16. QUOTE (BlackJack @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 10:47 AM) The Fix ‏@TheFix How the immigration issue could tear the Republican party apart. http://ow.ly/hVmSf Nick Confessore ‏@nickconfessore Hagel update: Senators now asking Hagel to respond to stuff some guy says he heard Hagel say once but no one else remembers They should just ask him to recite the alphabet and see if he can even do that without stepping on his own dick and sounding like a moron. 2 to 1 the answer is no. Seriously, the guy is a moron, not very bright and full of anger towards what is our only ally in the area. He sees conspiracies involving Jews everywhere.
  17. We just did a smaller redo on our kitchen. Kept the cabinets, got new laminate counters, sink and appliances. I have relatives in the trades who know people, so I had a guy who was a semi-retired union carpenter come in and remove the old stuff, install new counters, sink, faucet and all the plumbing underneath for $400. Then wife and I painted and got 2 new lights as well. Home Depot wanted $1100 for the same install. Also did a full restore in my previous house, new cabinets, flooring, the works. What a pain in the butt, especially since my house was older. Good luck with your project.
  18. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 10:50 AM) Not sure of your skill level, but tips for beginners: 1) An ace with a nine or worse is a very weak hand and novices lost a lot of chips playing such hands 2) Suited cards are overrated. Don't play hands just because they are suited, and if you have good cards that happen to be suited don't blow a lot of chips chasing flushes. 3) Bet/raise with strong hands rather than just checking/calling Weak aces suck, especially when you are in the blinds, and an ace comes out on the flop, but every other card is higher than that 4 you have underneath. Good tips for the beginner. The last one is hard for them to do, hard for a lot of people to do. You don't raise that pair of kings to force out the weak ace, and an ace comes out on the flop, time to pray.
  19. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 08:41 AM) Not really interested in the poker, but looks like a great organization, just made a donation. Good luck! I thank you, and the dogs and cats thank you!
  20. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 07:51 AM) Sounds like a great time! I run charity poker tournaments for a local church down in my neck of the woods, so if you ever need any help with blind/payout structures I'd be glad to help, but it sounds like you have everything pretty well covered. Thanks Hickory, but we contracted with the Chicago Charitable Games who essentially run everything except the bank for us. They have been doing this for years and have it down pretty well. Don't you just love all the IRS rules involved in this? I love how the State of Illinois want 3% of the GROSS proceeds, simply because it involves gaming. Charity be damned!
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 08:11 AM) Can't make it this weekend, but I'll drop a donation. We're looking for a puppy, too, so I'll check out the available adoptions. We will be running them with this same group 3 more times this year, just don't have dates and places yet. And all the available animals are on the website at helpsavepets.org. It is updated often as we adopt out just under 1000 a year. Currently have a 4 year old male beagle named jack at my house recovering from heartworm. He won't be n the list for another 2 weeks or so until the medicine has had time to work. Then he goes out looking for a new home!
  22. QUOTE (Tuna @ Feb 21, 2013 -> 12:36 AM) I have a standing Friday night poker game (we play once a month), the email to see who's available goes to about 40 people. I'm going to send this out to them, pretty sure you'll get a good turn out from these guys. I'm playing Friday night, but I have a christening Sunday morning and then my nephews bday party in the afternoon, if I can get out early, I'll be there. Good luck! Thanks Tuna! I have a home game as well, but we end up about every 6 weeks or so. Several of our players are first responders and often have weekend shifts, so takes a few extra weeks to make a full table. Enjoy!
  23. My wife and I volunteer for a charity called Help Save Pets, a Humane Society in Plainfield, with locations also in Hinsdale, Oswego and Channahon. We are a no-kill shelter, with an all volunteer staff. However we need money for food, vet bills and so on, so we do fundraisers! One of them is a poker tournament! or rather, a whole day of poker tournaments. On February 24th (this Sunday) at St. Andrews Golf Course, West Chicago, IL, Help save Pets and Chicago Charitable Games will be having a day of POKER! First tournament starts at 2 PM and they run all throughout the day. I will post the schedule from the website here, but you can also go to the webiste yourself and look. The site is http://www.chicagocharitablegames.com/even...ils.php?cID=694 If you go, and want to play in any of the multi-table tournament games, there is a 'coupon' you can print that gets you an extra $1k chips. You have to sign up for their email to get it, however I don't know if it will send it to you in time. If not, I have the email and can forward to anyone interested. You just print out the coupon page and when registering for the multi table ones, you get more chips. Anyway, the text from the site is below. My comments in red. If anyone shows up, I thank you in advance, and wish you luck. Unless you are in a hand against me, then I hope you go down in flames. ****************************************************** Multi-Table Tournament Schedule... $20($16+$4) Early Bird Tournament at 2:00PM This will be a $20 freezeout tournament with no re-buys. This will be a normal NL Holdem Tournament. All tournament entry fees will be added to the prize pool, Players will start with $2000 in tournament chips + bonus, Blinds will increase every 12 minutes. This one has anywhere from 70 to 200 people in it. Fairly loose play since it is the cheapest of the ones offered, but still pretty popular $60($45+$15) MONSTER STACK Tournament at 5:00PM This will be a $60 tournament with no re-buys. This will be a NL Holdem Tournament, with a bonus for an additional $1000 in tournament chips and an optional add on for $5 for an addtional $1000 in tournament chips. All tournament entry fees will be added to the prize pool. THIS IS A MONSTER STACK Tournament: players will start with $14,000 in tournament chips + bonus + add on Blinds will increase every 20 minutes. ***This is the biggest stack tournament for the money that CCG and its hosting charities will offer. Like it says, you start with a big stack. You get people raising a lot early since they have such large stacks, but usually not outrageous. 1.5X BONUS STACK 15 min levels! $40($30+$10) NO MAX Late Night 1.5X BONUS Tournament at 9:00PM This will be a NEW $40 tournament. This will be a normal NL Holdem Tournament, with a bonus for an additional $1000 in tournament chips. All tournament entry fees will be added to the prize pool, Players will start with $6000 in tournament chips + bonus/add-on Blinds will increase every 15 minutes.This tournament will be not be limited to the first 40 players, and will stay open until the 4th blind level for alternates and blind off seats. I have never played this one, but am told it attracts the best players. CASH GAMES OFFERED: $2-$4 & $5-$10 Limit Holdem $1-$2T (max buy in $300), $2-$5T, $5-$10T $1-$2 & $2-$5 PLOmaha H/L and High Plus several other ring games spread on demand!! YELLOW BALLOONS INDICATE THE CASH GAME AREA Click here for more information on Cash Games... I don't do the cash games, but others swear by them..... SIT N GO (SNG) TOURNAMENT INFORMATION: all sit n go tournaments start with 10 players, and run all event long. $20 TURBO Sit N Go: RED BALLOONS INDICATE THE NEXT $20 SNG $1,000 in starting chips + $3 add on for additional $1k 10 Min Blinds (blinds start 25/50) Payouts: 1st = $100, 2nd = $50 I do these if I have time between multi table games. They usually last about an hour with good play. $40 Sit N Go: GREEN BALLOONS INDICATE THE NEXT $40 SNG $3,000 in starting chips +$3 addon for additional $1k 14 Min Blinds Payouts: 1st = $200, 2nd = $100 $80 Sit N Go: $5,000 in starting chips +$3 addon for additonal $1k 18 Min Blinds Payouts: 1st = $400, 2nd = $220 ******************************************* We have 4 events scheduled throughout the year, dates and locations of the other three still TDB. Thanks for reading, hope to see some of you there.
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