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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 09:59 AM) Teacher saves 2 students from armed thugs....with a concealed weapon: http://www.wxyz.com/dpp/news/man-shot-near...hool-in-detroit Oh, but that's one in a million, an outlier, doesn't count, didn't happen, was a planted story by the NRA.......
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 03:03 PM) Have you ever been in a situation where, for any reason, you've needed to fire off more than 10 bullets consecutively? Who are You to judge what I NEED? Seriously, it is none of your business. YOU are not the arbiter of magazine size, or of what I need, or want.
  3. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 02:43 PM) It doesn't take long for an honest sale to end up in the hands of criminals. Out of how many total, Tex? Or are you assuming that they all go bad? You going to screw with hundreds of thousands of private sales because of a few bad ones?
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 10:52 AM) Again, do you see where the logic of criminals will not follow the law so we should not have the law fails? Do you see where making drugs illegal does restrict the supply and make them harder to get? You seem to have skipped past that. More like criminals don't follow the laws already, so why make more laws that only serve to f*** with the law abiding people even more and do nothing to actually help the situation that you are so SURE the government needs to fix to begin with. Gun magazine restrictions will do NOTHING to prevent crime or murders. All they will do is now make criminals out of otherwise law abiding people who don't want to give theirs up. My Glock came with a 17 round clip. That is not 'high capacity', that is standard capacity.
  5. QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 09:08 PM) Who is this healthy Grady you speak of I was wondering the same thing.
  6. QUOTE (Jake @ Jan 31, 2013 -> 06:37 PM) I'll be hightailing it out of the USA if we go into a full-blown war over this. Your avitar should read 'small ears, BIG EARS'. Would be accurate without digital manipulation.
  7. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 09:05 AM) An armed guard at a school stopped a shooter. WE MUST BAN ALL WEAPONS. http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/world/5574244...e-says.html.csp On that note, I was flipping through the channels the other night and stumbled upon Bill Maher and a panel discussing the gun control issue. I learned a new fact - the call for armed guards in schools isn't new, and actually was started by....a democrat! Bill Clinton. But it was a GOOD idea then, BAD idea now.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jan 31, 2013 -> 02:40 PM) The Chinese hacked the NYT... http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/31/technolo...&%2359;_r=0 And found no intelligence to steal.........
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 08:24 AM) Former Gov. George Ryan was released from prison today. To a half-way house for an undetermined amount of time, though thought to be about a month.
  10. Glad my wife didn't care what I got her. Especially since we were poor. $350 was her engagement ring, because all the rest of our cash went to keeping a roof over our heads, and getting HER a new car. She still doesn't like expensive jewelry, thankfully. I got her a ring for our 20th anniversary that I had made from a piece left to me by an aunt, appraised a little over $5k, and she is afraid to wear it!
  11. Apparently the major player behind this victory is Miguel Estrada. Back in 2001, Estrada was nominated to a seat on the U.S. Court of Appeals D.C. Circuit. His nomination was successfully filibustered by Democrats for over two years, until Estrada withdrew his name from consideration in September 2003. Payback is a b****, eh?
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 02:49 PM) The NLRB is currently understaffed to the point that it can't hold a quorum and is not able to function. Which is why Obama made the recess appointments, because Republicans refuse to allow a confirmation vote on anybody for exactly that reason. Note that, if a confirmation vote, or a vote to "advise and consent" were actually held, many or all of these appointments would be confirmed. I don't know if Obama's recess appointments truly are legal, but the system's currently broken. The filibuster is s*** and should be eliminated forever. Elected majorities should be able to govern effectively and institute their policies and appointments with simple majority votes, whether it's Democrats, Republicans or anyone else. I'll be just as in favor of abolishing this non-constitutional subversion of democracy when the Republicans eventually retake the Senate. Even if Obama's appointments weren't legal because of the BS pro-forma fake Senate sessions, the recent ruling is still hack-tacular and essentially removes the Recess Powers from the Constitution. Since the ruling is in conflict with other district courts, this is sure to go to the SC. Waaaaaaaaa! That's all I see there.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 27, 2013 -> 07:50 AM) I don't think you know why he made those recess appointments! The "rules" allow the minority senate party to essentially nullify executive positions through extra-constitutional parliamentary procedures. E.g. the republicans flatly refuse to allow a confirmation vote on anyone for cpfb. Well, those are the rules. You are just b****ing about it because for the moment they happen to be bad for your side. If the situation were reversed you would be screaming your lungs out about how Bush has no respect for the law, etc. The NLRB is a joke anyway, at least the way it was currently staffed.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 26, 2013 -> 11:33 AM) Now combine this with the recent DC court ruling on recess appointments (essentially eliminating them through some hack originalism), and you've enabled a minority party in one house of one branch to shut down much of the executive branch. NLRB can't function without a quorum, CFPB can't work without a director, there's tons of other executive and judicial vacancies. Then follow the rules to make appointments.
  15. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jan 21, 2013 -> 12:34 PM) ...and that said, if I lost my job, and the only job I could find paid 57k, I'd take it, and do whatever was necessary to cover our cost of living, including making sacrifices to be able to afford it. The first thing that'd be gone is our basic cable bill. I don't even have netflix. It's stuff like that, that on a single salary, we can't afford without going into the red. I refuse to live life in the red. If I can't afford something, such as having movie channels...we don't have it. This is something that I see most people these days don't do. They simply live in debt, out of choice...NOT out of necessity. Been there, done that. After closing my store, and 16 months of unemployment, took a job at Office Max making $10 per hour. Getting that was hard enough, as the manager feared i would jump ship first chance I got. So I promised him 6 months minimum, and in exchange he got someone to run his print area that he didn't have to babysit or worry about. It was a good tradeoff for both of us, as I trained 2 people to replace me, and almost 6 months to the day I got an offer from a resume I had sent out almost a year prior. Also did part time work as an alarm/security systems installer during the week for extra cash, 2-3 nights a week. Cancelled Netflix, XM and got rid of smart phone for a stupid phone. You do what you have to do. I applaud your commitment.
  16. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 21, 2013 -> 10:27 AM) Or maybe there are people sitting on their couch, because this isn't their dream job. So now you and Balta are going to argue that they are not sitting on their couches doing nothing, they are just holding out for better pay? It is always something. Not enough pay, too much personal cost involved, gotta drive too far, hours are bad, hours are not enough, advancement opportunities not there......
  17. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 21, 2013 -> 10:24 AM) They are working with community colleges to provide the training for free or very little cost. You start at $12/hr, and many skilled machinists can make $60k a year. THAT requires long term planning, or at least medium term planning. The instant gratification is not there, they should be starting at the $60k!
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 21, 2013 -> 10:19 AM) That doesn't seem like a "personal responsibility" thing. They want skilled, trained labor for $12/hour. Which is better than $0 per hour.
  19. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 20, 2013 -> 06:46 PM) there's nothing about me that qualifies as "big time". I'm a struggling actor in NYC. lol also this post is a bit incoherent. you're arguing that the mentality Y2HH and I were talking about doesn't contribute to the problem? this overprotective pampering of kids that's going on these days? If you ever watch these early shows of American idol you can see it evident there. All the people who come in there full of self confidence because 'everyone thinks I am a great singer' and then they sound like fingernails on a chalkboard, and can't BELIEVE it when the judges try to politely tell them they suck. They should be thanking these judges for telling them the truth instead of lying to them to save their self esteem or something.
  20. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 20, 2013 -> 12:25 PM) I'll take a stab at a more thought out and serious post and watch the points get misconstrued, twisted, and lost "Wussification" would indicated American society is becoming less violent, less physical. I'm not certain that is true. Road rage, serial killings, and overall violence all seem to be increasing, not decreasing. Now, some may see any attempt to stop that (watching how children play, well regulating guns, etc) as unnecessary or a bad thing. damn gotta go before I finish. Here's the start Tex, I think you just HEAR about it more now thanks to the 24 hour news cycle.
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 01:54 PM) absolutely, but a blanket statement that rape doesn't matter because there are worse things that have happened to the whole of human kind throughout history ignores the fact that for that victim, that's simply untrue. and it's pretty gross to say what Duke said. shockingly. OK, NOBODY said rape didn't matter. Just said that it didn't compare to the same level as a few other things. YOU took it to assume that he was saying rape didn't matter, So the problem seems to be one of comprehension on your part.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 01:08 PM) so ignorant. to that girl, and that girls family, WW2 pales in comparison. WW2 means jack s*** to anyone who wasn't alive at the time. Yes, you are so ignorant. Just look at his point and try to not argue about his choice of material to compare. You know what he meant, you are just being a dick in arguing that point. I'm glad that the stopping of the Nazis means nothing to you. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 19, 2013 -> 12:53 PM) Keep minimizing rape! Which I have no idea why you even brought up in the first place. Compared to WW2, it IS minimal. It's called a comparison. I know you know what that is, you just like ignoring things that make your point harder to get across.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 18, 2013 -> 04:55 PM) That's great, you still dragged the holocaust into this for some dumb reason. Maybe I thought it was a bigger tragedy than a blockade, just throwin' that obvious one out there.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 18, 2013 -> 03:42 PM) No I think he's confused because you say Carter has said the blockade is "one of" the greatest human rights tragedies on earth (right now? ever?) and therefore Carter must think the Holocaust is a speed-bump. Unless you were going for self-parody there, it kinda signals that your argument is pretty unhinged. No, it signals that I don't rank the blockade anywhere near even the top 10 human rights tragedies, much less 'one of the top'. I wonder where Carter would rank the suicide bombing of grade school in Israel at? or would he even acknowledge them at all? In his eyes, the other side can do no wrong.
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