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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 15, 2012 -> 02:46 PM) Nope, that's a silly strawman of what people who want to try to do something to stop these routine mass shootings actually say. Really? That's not what I got out of that story at all. Nor does it make any damn sense. From posts you made Not 'your' words, but you posted them as if you agreed with them.
  2. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 15, 2012 -> 12:23 AM) refer to the second page of this thread. none of them died. thus guns = more deadly than no guns. ruins all 2nd amendmenters arguments EDIT: by this thread, i meant the other gun thread... http://news.ca.msn.com/world/china-stabbin...-schoolchildren So congrats. Knives kill a few less than guns. Get rid of guns, knives next? Then bats?
  3. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 15, 2012 -> 02:37 PM) Gun dealers/background checks will be blamed. The CNN reporter said he walked into a Colorado gun shop (he was covering Aurora/James Holmes) and was able to buy an automatic rifle for $800 on the spot with just a driver's license. Di they actually say this? because I read a piece that he TRIED to buy a gun and was turned down because his background check flagged him for something.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 15, 2012 -> 02:23 PM) Wow, look at that, the gun made zero difference because the guy (thankfully) realized he could actually have made the situation worse by trying to play the hero in a shootout. Kinda like what happened when Gabby Giffords was shot in the the head. I thought everyone who carried was a gun-toting crazy man hell bent on recreating wild west shootouts at a moments notice? And at least according to this guy, the gunman shot himself after seeing another armed person there aiming at him.
  5. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 15, 2012 -> 02:17 PM) This story has changed 50 times already. Authorities found three guns next to Lanza's body in one of the classrooms, a law enforcement source told CNN. All three -- a semi-automatic .223-caliber Bushmaster rifle and two pistols made by Glock and Sig Sauer -- were owned by Lanza's mother, the source said.source, www.cnn.com The most recent CNN reporting was that there were 3 guns found inside the school. They wouldn't disclose which one he used to commit suicide with. It's possible that he had OTHER guns inside of his mom's car that he drove to the school and parked (and left inside the trunk)...which weren't used directly in the attack. That might be part of the confusion. Part of the confusion is the media's rush to report to satisfy the public's hunger for information. They just report whatever they hear as fast as they hear it. it was reported at one time he used a machine gun, 2 pistol, 2 pistols and a rifle, then the rifle was in the trunk. probably take weeks until we get the actual story, actual gun(s) used, amount of shots, etc. Then we can hear all the wonderful new laws everyone wants to pass that would have prevented this.
  6. http://www.kgw.com/news/Clackamas-man-arme...-183593571.html
  7. sem·i·au·to·mat·ic [ sèmmee àwtə máttik ] 1. reloading automatically: automatically ejecting a spent shell from a weapon's chamber and replacing it with another round each time the weapon is fired 2. partially automated: operated partly automatically and partly manually 3. semiautomatic weapon: a weapon that is semiautomatic. One trigger pull, one shot NOT a machine gun. NOT an automatic weapon. MOST pistols and rifles sold are semi-automatic. Identifying guns with that phrase is meant only to instill fear or cause confusion with people that don't know the difference.
  8. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 14, 2012 -> 04:10 PM) It happens all the time at legal gun shows. You can't LEGALLY get a gun at a gun show without the waiting period and background check. Even at auctions, which I just got my 3rd one at last month, you still need to fill out the transfer forms and wait 3 days.
  9. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 14, 2012 -> 03:50 PM) Rational people will agree. Gun-totin' NRA folks will disagree and scream that "bad people will get guns anyway". Meanwhile, our children are being murdered by psychopaths who can easily buy a gun at a gun show. Not legally. Still need background checks and have the 3 day waiting period.
  10. Just a nit here, but most guns are 'semi-automatic'. All that means is one trigger pull, one shot, pull trigger again, another shot, no need to reload like a bolt action rifle or cock again like a shotgun. Using semi-automatic is just trying to throw a scare word in the conversation that has almost no meaning.
  11. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 11, 2012 -> 08:33 AM) I couldn't answer this if I tried...I'm not sure I know what constitutes being a republican anymore aside from being an evangelical religious creep. Well, that constitutes the liberal view of republicans, and the ones the media likes to show on TV.
  12. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 11, 2012 -> 01:01 PM) Expect Jackson and Sharpton to chime in: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-22...-bra-pants.html Seriously though, how is that racist? Do only black females have big boobs and big butts? You will probably hear from that dumbass Whitlock on ESPN tho. He thinks everything is racist. Bill O'Reilly is racist for calling him a coward for not wanting to come on his show. He calls EVERYONE who won't come on a coward.
  13. Balta, you keep throwing out the false assumption that you are at more risk simply because some people may be carrying a concealed handgun. The incidents of people with legal carry permits committing crimes or any such thing is so small at to be not statistical at all. If it were a larger number you would hear about it day and night from the Brady Campaign, Bloomberg's mayor group and every other anti gun group out there. It just is a false premise that you are starting your argument with. You are not at more risk simply because someone may be carrying a legally concealed handgun.
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 10, 2012 -> 12:32 PM) While I understand slowing growth could be considered a win, you are right. The other thing I dislike are announcing $100 bazillion dollars in cuts spread over 20 years I will agree with you here Tex.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 10, 2012 -> 09:52 AM) If they decide to issue $100B in tax credits or spend an additional $100B on roads, the budgeting result is the same. Refusing to look at tax expenditures in the same light as spending leads to circular "starve the beast" logic, which, while nice for conservatives, is bad for public policy when people don't actually want to gut all of those programs. If you're actually concerned about deficits (nobody really is, it's just cover for other policies), then you should be treating both sides of the ledger the same way. You didn't spend any money on tax cuts. You got a pay cut, so you 'made' less. Use all the accounting gimmicks and names you want, it wasn't the Feds money to begin with. Not work within the budget you have. People have to, government should as well.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 10, 2012 -> 09:40 AM) Tax expenditures and tax cuts can be classified exactly the same way as spending w.r.t. budgeting and balance sheets. Whether I cut you a check directly to subsidize your mortgage or I give you credits to reduce your tax bill, the end result is identical. No it isn't because you did not have the money to begin with. The only result is you take in less, which means the government should be spending less. However we all know that is doesn't spend less. Ever.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 9, 2012 -> 02:14 PM) Actually, the past 30 years, the only thing we've "Spent money" on is tax cuts. Government spending as a share of GDP was basically stagnant from 1980 until 2008. It blew up in 2008 because wall street destroyed the economy...but the only new spending has involved transferring money from domestic upkeep and programs and putting it into prisons and wars. Wrong, you don't 'spend' on tax cuts, that is crappy way of thinking. You just don't TAKE monkey because of tax cuts. Stop thinking of other people's money as the government's money. It isn't. The government spent more than it took it, pretty simple. And blames that on the fact that people actually want to keep money they earn.
  18. QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 8, 2012 -> 08:09 AM) And Alpha, while you are in search of Democrat hypocrisy, let us look at political backers and their views on taxes and how they relate to what they do. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet http://www.forbes.com/sites/clareoconnor/2...pay-more-taxes/ The nice thing about this is all of the conservative billionaires who avoid paying taxes by keeping profits out of the US are also doing what they believe is best. Helping the world's economy while keeping dollars out of the US treasury. Romney followed his beliefs by not paying any US taxes for years. His top backer is making a killing building casinos in China. God Bless America! To be fair and balance I was trying to find a Chinese flag for Alpha, but since everything seems to be outsourced to China by US companies, the above US flag was probably made there. Jim, the day those millionaires drop their army of accountants and lobbyists who do nothing but try and SAVE them from paying taxes, is when i will believe they actually want to pay more taxes. Besides, raising taxes doesn't work. http://www.oc-breeze.com/2012/12/07/25235_...ns-in-november/ This, after passing a massive tax increase of the people and businesses. Guess those that could, left. Wonder how long until California tries to pass a leaving California Tax.
  19. QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 7, 2012 -> 12:57 PM) I responded to a post that called out Dems, and especially Obama Dems, for loving to tax while evading personal taxes. The OP has posted probably 100 times that Dems receive free passes from the media. I didn't bother to reply in any meaningful way, I just made a fast and sarcastic post. The poster is well known for taking any and all shots at Obama and defending all Republicans by screaming media bias. I really shouldn't have even responded. "This poster'? Now I am offended that you didn't even refer to me by screen name. (inset green ink there) No response about the post I was responding to, or just singling out the conservative?
  20. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 6, 2012 -> 09:10 PM) ...... example? cuz I can think of Romney off the top of my head. Turbo Tax Tim Geitner and Kathleen Sebelius to start. Also, http://voices.yahoo.com/obama-administrati...rs-6763250.html
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 6, 2012 -> 08:54 PM) if it were JUST the money, he wouldn't be doing it NOW as opposed to two years ago, or in a few more years... it's not like that option hasn't been available for him and wouldn't be at the end of his term. side note, why do republicans - those who preach personal responsibility - LOVE bailing from their terms as elected officials? guess they don't hold the responsibility of public office as highly as others... Why do Democrats, especially ones that like to raise taxes and work for the Obama admin, LOVE to cheat on or forget to pay their taxes? Guess they don't hold the responsibility of paying taxes as highly as others...
  22. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 6, 2012 -> 03:05 PM) By Mitt Romney. By Obama, silly.
  23. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 6, 2012 -> 01:34 PM) $$$ I like how he implies he can better lead a conservative movement via a thinktank than as a leading Senator. Him and Evan Bayh should team up! Well, we were told that you can't change things from the inside........
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 4, 2012 -> 10:49 AM) I don't know how many people are actually screaming that versus that being a strawman to avoid actually addressing racism. Go read some Ta-Nehisi Coates. He touches on this subject frequently and is far from shrill or quick to jumping to accusations of racism. Go read some jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, almost any liberal talk show host, Jason Whitlock, the BCC, NAACP, Rainbow PUSH and so on to see the quick jumps to racism on the part of the white man. The louder voices are the ones that get the airplay, what people hear.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 4, 2012 -> 10:27 AM) See, the thing is, there's a pretty good history of blacks getting violently assaulted because of racism, of hispanics and other minorities getting f***ed by banks and realtors because of racism (Wells Fargo just settled a huge case about that this year!), of people opposing mosques being built simply because they are mosques and that'd be "letting the terrorists win," not anything to do with zoning. Too many people out there screaming at the top of their lungs that racism isn't really a problem in this country anymore. In this case, there's really no doubt that the victim was completely innocent. The guy's story is complete non-sense--a group of teens had a shotgun and pointed it at him, but in the time it took for him to fire off 8 rounds, they never bothered firing once? And then they managed to ditch the weapon? Or maybe this dumbass had a racial bias and was pre-disposed to see them as a threat. And too many people screaming that racism exists in each and every action taken by a white man. (no reference to the guy shooting the kids because of music, more in general)
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