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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 4, 2012 -> 10:07 AM) Yet it's abhorrent for Zimmerman to think that Martin was up to no good? GMAB. You can't have it both ways. It's either acceptable to stereotype or it's not. He was a 'white' hispanic gun owner. it's ok to stereotype that group. Come on, you know better.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 4, 2012 -> 09:53 AM) It's not that he shot them "because they were black." It's that it's a reasonable conclusion that he went to tell some 'thugs' to turn their 'music' down while armed with a gun and, due to his prejudices, interpreted something they did as a threat against his life worthy of shooting a teenager to death over. If you check that article or others and look at the comments (which Y2HH wisely advises you not to!), you'll see people who support the shooter with a similar interpretation of the likely events. I'll readily admit that I'm making some assumptions here and judging it in a harsh light. Racism isn't just guys in hoods lynching people, though. It's not explicitly thinking "man, I hate me some n*****s." It's attitudes and prejudices and judgments and beliefs ranging from disgustingly, openly racist to low-level soft bigotry in the way things are perceived or told. It doesn't take a huge leap, imo, to come to the conclusion that a middle-aged Florida white guy who felt the right to tell a bunch of black teens he parked next to to turn their music down and who eventually shot at and killed one of them had some underlying racist beliefs. That doesn't make him someone who goes to klan rallies or posts at StormFront, but it doesn't mean there's not a racial aspect. Who knows, maybe he tells a bunch of white kids blasting Brad Paisley to turn their music down, too, and is armed when he does so. Make that death metal instead of Brad Pailey and it could happen. Racism is also jumping to race as the first and only reason that anythgin happens. Black kid gets shot by a white guy? Racism. Hispanic denied a house loan? Racism. Muslim group denied a mosque building permit in the middle of a residential area? Racism. Too many race hustlers out there screaming at the top of their lungs to defend the victim, if they are a minority, simply because they are a minority. I also never read the comments at the newspaper sites and so on. Made that mistake a few times, doesn't matter the story. A$$holes on parade, both sides of whatever issue it is.
  3. http://www.buzzfeed.com/jtes/new-photo-of-...the-night-of-tr I guess the prosecutors didn't think this picture would help the defense claim that George was attacked.
  4. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Nov 26, 2012 -> 02:33 PM) e. A new house because I'm tired of driving 4+ hours to/from work everyday. Dude, is it 4+ hours total both way or are you some sadist doing that one way? I feel your pain, or used to. For about 18 years I went 90 minutes, at least, each way. If I stayed late an hour late I could cut my drive home down to just about an hour. But one accident on I-55 or I-294 before I moved and you can add an extra 30 minutes whatever way I was going. I can barely remember a car with less than 100k miles on it. I hope you get that wish. I now have a 6 minute commute, it is awesome!
  5. Figured out the issue, here it is. A little big to fit under the tree, but would fit nicely in my garage.
  6. 1974 Plymouth Satellite. It is black with the 440ci under the hood. 10ft body, but runs fast. Will have to wait until I strike it rich in Vegas this march, however, as that is well beyond our present limit. I tried uploading a pic but it keeps telling em I am over the limit.
  7. QUOTE (Jake @ Nov 21, 2012 -> 10:42 PM) I don't think Muslim-Jew relations need to be this bad. If someone can soften on Jerusalem enough to accept the status quo (nothing getting torn down). Neither religion really calls for this level of intolerance. I actually know more about Islam, but parts of the Qu'Ran even talk about Jews and Christians getting into Heaven and how you shouldn't be bothered by other people living their lives the way they wish. I don't know how some of these things got lost in translation, but every religion does it. Do you just ignore all the politicians, news media, imams, school texts and so on that call for the destruction of Israel? The daily death threats from Iran? You have nothing like that towards any arab country from Israel. Jews treat Palestinians in their hospitals. What treatment do you think a wounded Jew would get in a Pali hospital?
  8. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 17, 2012 -> 01:09 PM) The whole time I've been thinking how the hell can the HEAD OF THE CIA not know how to get away with it? If there is one guy in America who should be able to do this and not get caught isn't the head of the CIA? A couple of nice tips for anyone looking to keep a relationship secret that I learned from the good General Create a gmail account, and you both use the same one. Compose messages but do not send. Then the other person comes along, reads it, and deletes and creates a new draft. No emails are even sent. Open a dropbox or similar and just leave documents there. Nothing stored on your hard drive. Should Mrs. tex be concerned?
  9. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 17, 2012 -> 07:39 AM) http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/report...ael_663502.html This opens up another can of worms. Guess Egypt forgot what happened last time it attacked Israel.
  10. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 15, 2012 -> 05:05 PM) no. this one is on Africa. No, it is Bush's fault. isn't everything?
  11. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 9, 2012 -> 11:42 AM) It's ironic that most GOPers would have preferred that Chrysler and GM go bankrupt (including Romney), yet that's the single biggest issue which killed their chances in Ohio. The unemployment rate in Ohio is much better largely because Detroit survived largely intact. Even the gambit of trying to convince people Chrysler was sending jobs to China was not only countered, the CEO let every Chrysler worker in Michigan and Ohio have time off to vote. You are under the misguided assumption that a bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler would have led to tons of auto workers being out of jobs. That just isn't the case. With a restructuring of the contracts and debt both entities could have emerged from bankruptcy in better shape than they are now. Yes, there would have been concessions from the unions, but they would still have jobs. And with the renegotiated contracts and vendor deals, you have a thriving business. One that doesn't have government fingers up its ass telling it what to do.
  12. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 8, 2012 -> 10:24 PM) Like freedom to marry who they love, freedom to choose what to do with their own bodies, and freedom to go see a doctor without having to declare bankruptcy? I was thinking more like free birth control, free abortions, free citizenship, free phones but you can go that way since that is about the limit of your vision.
  13. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 8, 2012 -> 09:22 PM) Rush Limbaugh says it's impossible to beat Santa Claus. How bout the Republicans of which I am one, coming up with a candidate that women actually tolerate, blacks actually tolerate and Hispanics actually tolerate? A candidate that doesn't make them puke. Didn't Obama win HUGE in all 3 categories? But old white rich men like Romney and the Republican candidates. Only problem here is the old white rich men own a lot of businesses and this gives them an excuse to continue laying people off, outsourcing and all that ridiculous stuff. Let's see, which of those groups do Democrats give lots of free stuff to.......
  14. I think whichever side wins it is going to be by a bigger margin than anyone predicted because people are lying in polls. There is so much attention to polls I can see people making crap up just for fun.
  15. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 26, 2012 -> 05:26 PM) ending the double-dipping and pay-rush at end of career nonsense is a good idea, but only fixes a tiny part of the problem. The first part of your post is the meat. Need to go to some sort of 401k-type plan, and get away from pensions, but... if you do that in one fell swoop, you will take money away from those already on pensions. The solution is going to be painful no matter what at this point, unfortunately. A gradual move to 401k-type plans, no new pensions for new entrants, will have to have another cash flow from somewhere. Where? I think local and smaller governments can find a way out, a painful way out, but still a way. You can perhaps figure a cash value of the current pension obligations and pay that into a 401k for current members. Big hit now, but much smaller hits going forward. Then end them for all. I am sure there would be legal challenges to that, but you never know. The double-dipping stuff is a drop by comparison, but drops add up. And drops that are PR friendly add up more in some people's minds.
  16. Should make it so that all new employees are on ss like the rest of the country and just stop pensions for all new hires. Phase them out, get rid of them. ESPECIALLY elected officials. And end the double, triple and so on dipping they get when they hold more than one elected office. Damn Emil f-ing Jones probably has 7 or 8 different pensions coming whenever that crook retires. THAT is not right.
  17. Is this any slimier than Gloria Alred trying to open yet another divorce case proceedings to dig for dirt?
  18. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 18, 2012 -> 08:52 AM) I don't know what RedState or Hot Air is, so I don't need to step away from them. I'm tired of reading your liberal spin in the filibuster where you pretend like certain issues are 100% clear or that there's no counter argument when that's not the case. Those are sites that people who live on Koz or DU like to references as right-wing extremist places.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 12, 2012 -> 03:01 PM) I am completely on-board with a massive jobs program structured around infrastructure that needs to be built and rebuilt anyway. Why is it when Democrats talk about 'jobs', they always seem to be jobs that only benefit construction workers, teachers or other civil service employees?
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 10, 2012 -> 09:21 AM) Aren't most of the guns in the hands of gangs stolen weapons? Also fwiw this proposal is coming from Preckwinkle, not Rahm. That picture of her in the article looks like she really has to take a crap but nothing will come out. That, or she is trying to channel Muhammad Ali.
  21. QUOTE (Tuna @ Oct 8, 2012 -> 11:42 AM) . Thanks tuna. This stuff is so interesting. No problem, buddy. You guys keep me up to date and entertained with White Sox news/rumors/opinions every day, it's the least I could do. I agree, it has been interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  22. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 3, 2012 -> 12:53 PM) So I added it up. We have 206.5 total hours of voting time available in Indiana. We are such oppressors. I wonder if turnout will hit 50% again? And probably still mailed military ballots out late.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 2, 2012 -> 02:21 PM) So when does Joe Biden quit getting let out in public? Well, when Biden overheard Obama saying that debate prep was a drag so he showed up in heels and a miniskirt. If that doesn't keep him inside, nothing will.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 1, 2012 -> 11:57 AM) You started with the assertion that if they'd only give up eating out, they could easily afford a $60 cleaning. When pressed on that a little, you threw out a percentage assumption that falls right in line with what you were saying in the first place. Sure, it was phrased as a "question," but, rhetorically, it really wasn't. This is clear because you need that percentage or something close to it to justify your initial statement. You're right that you have yet to state any facts and are just carelessly throwing out "questions" and assertions to justify your slandering of the poor and uninsured. The burden is still on you to make your argument. Or you could actually address the larger point instead of focusing only on $60 dental checkups. The larger point that you want to be ultra-generous with everyone else's money but not your own? I did, you ignored it.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 1, 2012 -> 09:18 AM) So no legwork to back up your assumptions that allow you to hand-waive away the entire issue, then. Oh well. So, no donations from your own pocket, eh? And if you read what I wrote, I asked a question, not stated a fact. Comprehension seems to elude you often.
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