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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 2, 2012 -> 04:28 PM) and if the top 1% were paying their fair share in taxes, this wouldn't be the case. If I were to make $1 million bucks, how much to you would be my 'fair share'?
  2. I recall several liberal pundits claiming that Issac happening during the convention was a 'sign from God' that he didn't like the Republicans. Then Issac moved on and left them alone, it became 'how can those Republicans party while Issac hits states next door', completely ignoring the actual President who was doing fundraisers all over the country. Then after the convention Romney goes to the effected areas, forcing Obama to change his schedule to do so as well. NOW, on the eve on the DNC, it seems that rain has tried to wash away the narcissist-in-chief's sand sculpture of himself, and they have to furiously rebuild one side of it. So, is this a sign that God hates the DNC? http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside...ay-mount-obama/
  3. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 04:10 PM) I'm sure we've all known our share of jocks who embellish their athletic accomplishments (e.g., how much they can "bench", etc.) to "one-up" everyone else and make themselves sound that much better than you. Personally, I've aways hated those kind of douchebags. It looks like Paul Ryan is one of them. http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archiv...on-time/261866/ What is it with these VP picks? Really? That's the best you got to worry about?
  4. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 01:00 PM) The taxpayer is paying their salaries. Yup, taxpayers pay their salaries. http://articles.orlandosentinel.com/2012-0...eacher-incident And the teacher? Suspended (probably with pay) them moved to a different school.
  5. Should be an over/under for how many batters they walk after getting the guy to 0-2. I realize the value of a pitch out of the zone, but when our guys miss, they really miss. not close enough for them to even consider swinging at it.
  6. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 03:34 PM) I don't get what you mean, you talking about McCain? Did someone else run against Obama?
  7. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 03:22 PM) "presidential election" Even at that your guy ran against a corpse, he SHOULD have won.
  8. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Sep 1, 2012 -> 03:04 PM) God forbid I point out that Stewart tore into the RNC. I know you would never ever call out the DNC if something stupid happened there, like a senile old man yelling at a chair or Republican Congressmen of states so far in debt saying that they know how to fix the country. How about your senile VP going up to a table full of greek people and introducing himself as Joe Bidenopolous. http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberm...los-133992.html
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 30, 2012 -> 03:21 PM) hey man, it's technically true that, despite firing almost its entire workforce and scheduling the shutdown of the plant in 2008, the plant didn't complete close until 2009! That's all Ryan's trying to say, that Obama is responsible for the plant laying off those last 57 people that knew their jobs were gone anyway. He just forgot a few of the minor, irrelevant details. He is saying Obama said he would keep the plant open and he didn't. Ryan didn't ay it would have been a good thing if he used stimulus to keep it open, or any such thing. And it doesn't matter what you infer. Just that Obama broke a promise. And you can cry about 'effective' dates all you want, factually it closed in 2009, under Obama, after he said he would keep it open for 100 years. Same with the debt commission. It doesn't matter how Ryan voted, Obama set up this commission then ignored everything they said. Defend it with a reason WHY he let the plant close or WHY he ignored the commission, not your old 'well they did it too' argument.
  10. QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 05:45 PM) Everyone! It's all there in coded words! Every Dem is a raving anti-Mormanite! (I am making fun, of course, at just about every liberal commentator hearing racist code words in just about anything anyone says about Obama) I guess golf jokes are now racist as well. http://freebeacon.com/msnbc-anchor-gop-sen...to-tiger-woods/ What next? Any guesses? I just found it. Apparently saying he is from Chicago is now racist because, you know, there are a lot of black people there.
  11. So when Obama or Biden give their speeches during the DNC, will Wolf point out that there were 'several facts that the fact checkers will have fun with if they want", or will he stay mum on that point? Because he sure couldn't wait to get those words out of his mouth tonight once Ryan was done. edit. Since I posted this he said it 5 more times in less than 2 minutes. Geeze Wolf, STFU and report.
  12. I wish people could give speeches without the crowd standing and clapping after every few lines. it has been that was for as long as I followed politics. Has it been that way forever? Whether it Obama's State of the Union of Ryan's speech as the RNC, I just wanna hear it. A few spots of applause, ok. But every few lines just sucks, takes away from the flow of the words.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2012 -> 12:03 PM) Without looking, can you name any of them? Mia Love and Davis are the two I can recall, and I believe there were 2 or 3 others.
  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 11:19 PM) What is his specific stance on teachers? Teachers need to be paid more. Is it true almost all teachers are females now? Why is that, Kev? Educate me pls. Because if you have a guy teacher, especially if he is single, there are always those that look at him and wonder if he is a pedophile or a pervert. Since they have all these government programs (quotas) to get more women in math and science fields, I think they should have a title 9 to get men into teaching fields. We should get equal representation in the teaching profession. We need government intervention now to remedy this tragedy.
  15. QUOTE (kev211 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 10:30 PM) Serious question for all you republicans. If you don't want to pay teachers a good salary(and you don't if you want to get rid of their unions) how the hell can your keynote speaker stand up there and talk about making sure the teachers are the best of the best and having standards and evaluations they must meet? Making sure the students come first etc etc. Here's how to fix education. Pay teachers what they're worth and the best people will become teachers. Anyone with any kind of talent is going into other professions because they wont make as much if they're a teacher. Make teaching a respectable profession and pay them like it and you will have good teachers. Edit: I'm a first year teacher who just graduated college and want to know the answer to this question. Well we pay politicians 6 figures and look what THAT gets us. ANd we spend more per pupil in education than many countries that have better results, so again, look what that gets us. Money isn't the answer.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 05:36 PM) Who has said anything about Mitt Romney's religion in this campaign? Everyone! It's all there in coded words! Every Dem is a raving anti-Mormanite! (I am making fun, of course, at just about every liberal commentator hearing racist code words in just about anything anyone says about Obama)
  17. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 05:01 PM) Thanks for responding Alpha Dog. For some reason people tend to ignore a lot of my questions. Romney does deserve respect this week. If Wolf doesn't want to cover the convention he shouldn't be there. Maybe I should take a page from the Dem playbook. 'cheap' and 'say what you will' are coded acist comments and anti-religious meant to cast dispersions on Romney's religion.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 23, 2012 -> 08:51 AM) Why do the Romney campaign and Republicans keep blatantly lying? Because it works. don't worry, the dogwhistling welfare queen-meme is still alive and well! Yeah, I'm sure her cousin told her legit stories about women coming in and telling the nurse all about their welfare babies. Totally believable. Romney campaign alleges that obama is shredding welfare requirements, democrats disagree. Both sides. And Obama ads feature Republican Women for Obama. Only problem is most of the women in the ad are registered Democrats.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 04:36 PM) Do you guys agree with me, though, that that is childish and bushleague of Wolf Blitzer (is that his real name?) to actually comment on a harmless interview with the Romney kids right after it is over by saying, "Say what you want about Romney, but he has a good family" and laugh at one of his kids calling Mitt frugal and Wolf saying, "that means he's cheap." Wolf had a look of disgust on his face that suggested he really didn't want any part of making Romney look legitimate and not somebody who'll be steamrolled by his beloved Obama. Yes. The 'say what you will' line is bush league, as well as the 'cheap' comment. Romney probably donates more than Wolf makes, and to causes other than the church. Would Wolf lend a guy the money to buy a house he was renting? Not many people on any side would.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 03:58 PM) Do I need to go find the clip of him gushing over how manly Bush was in his "mission accomplished" flightsuit and codpiece back in 03? He probably threw up during the break.
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 02:41 PM) And again, great illustration of why I don't respect your guys complaints about the Liberal Media. Anyone who ever says anything that doesn't toe the party line doesn't get counted. Bill O'Reilly goes along with the Republican official talking point line an overwhelming majority of the time, but he doesn't get counted as a partisan. The entire Fox morning show basically repeats that day's RNC talking points, but they don't get counted as partisans. Gretchen Carlson spends almost all of her time backing up the Republican line, but gets angry when the guys go off into pure sexism, and that makes her count as the show's token liberal. The entire news division sets their coverage to follow that day's talking points, but that's not being partisan. Yet, Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer, and Pierce Morgan (who worked for Newscorp in Britain and was probably involved in the phone hacking scandal) get counted as Democratic partisans. Anyone who follows the Republican line 95% of the time gets counted as a Democratic partisan because of that occasional straying. It's like me calling Daily Kos a republican site. It's nonsense. WHo said they weren't? Jenks said there was one ANNOYING partisan, and my reference to O'Reilly was that I have seen him actually give liberals chances to talk and listen to what they say (on occasion, otherwise he is a hack), when someone like Matthews would s*** his pants if he had to agree with a conservative, ever. I AGREE that Foxnews is partisan, except for maybe the 5 minutes of actual NEWS you get every hour. Same with CNN and MSNBC. But even with the straight news, you get it slanted to one side or the other. Look at headlines. Fox is Romney-Ryan Hit Tampa As GOP Convention Opens, CNN is GOP sticks to Obama-bashing. MSNBC is Convention seeks to repair GOP erosion with women and Latinos. Now, will you see a headline on CNN next month saying 'Obama sticks to Romney/GOP Bashing'? No, you won't. Likewise if there is a negative spin during the dnc, I am sure Fox will have it headlined as well.
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 28, 2012 -> 08:52 AM) the media (as a whole) isn't on one side or the other, y'all just like to think it is. You've got Fox on the GOP side and NBC that leans left, and then everything else is scattered somewhere in between. The reality is the media is in the hands of big business, and that's the root of what's f***ing up this country. No unbiased information = uninformed public = bad choices The actual NEWS isn't always biased, but when CNN and Fox News have half their shows as 'opinion shows', then yeah, the whole network gets a slanted view. I can tell you that I have seen liberal politicians get a fair shake on O'Reilly, but I think Chris Matthew's head would explode if he couldn't be a condescending arrogant ass to every conservative he comes across. The token liberal on FOx may BE Alan Colmbs, however you spell that, but the toke conservative is who? Some guy that is actually a registered Democrat? When forced to, the media will report on what makes it money. When not, they pick their favorites.
  23. I don't mind Hawk's ranting, as long as he stops sooner rather than later. I don't want to keep hearing about it 6 innings later.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 25, 2012 -> 10:26 PM) F***ing pathetic. The Obama camp makes fun of it themselves selling "Made in America: shirts and mugs with his pic and that caption on it, and specifically reference the issue in the description. So what is it, you can only joke about birterism if you are black, democrat or both? Unless you are going to be outraged at them joking about it as well, sound like some pretty ginned up rage to me.
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