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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jan 9, 2017 -> 01:03 AM) Ah good point. I do feel like that's a trait of politicians that their egos just don't allow them to admit that their policy didn't resonate with the people. i think you have to have an ego just to BE a politician. Comes with the territory. For some it is worse than others. Humility doesn't (usually) win elections.
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 8, 2017 -> 04:13 PM) Well unfortunately, as expertly demonstrated by the example you gave, he's guilty of asking Americans to be good human beings, and it's very sad that we have failed at that. Invite them to live with you. Show us by your example.
  3. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jan 7, 2017 -> 11:37 PM) Obamacare on the surface is not a bad concept. People should be able to get insurance without the for profit insurance companies telling them sorry, but you'll cost too much because of your pre existing conditions. You pretty much needed a job or to be married to someone with a job to get proper insurance before. So accessibility to good insurance is something I think we all can agree on. The major problem arose when they allowed those bloody insurance companies to try to get theirs when it should have been f*** you from the get go. You should not be able to profit off the health of the people, period! I wasn't saying Ocare was bad OR good, merely that with any of his failed policies, Obama prefers to blame his messaging rather than the actual message. Never a 'gee, the general public really doesn't like my idea to bring in 10k Syrian refugees, most of them being males of military age'.
  4. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 7, 2017 -> 03:42 AM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/obama-says-sande...-212438322.html A truly great president would not blame Bernie Sanders, his supporters or GOP obstructionism for his inability to convince America of ObamaCare's ultimate success. Obama's entire 8 years has been him claiming that if he could ONLY have explained his s*** to us better, we would all realize the extent of his wisdom and bow to his brilliance. Seriously, they always claim they only failed because they didn't get the 'message' out correctly. Maybe he did and people didn't like it. That thought never seems to enter his mind.
  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 5, 2017 -> 09:31 AM) The Lobster. f***ing terrible. Holy crap, i saw that also. Thankfully I didn't pay for it.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Dec 28, 2016 -> 06:55 AM) Steep is an absolute blast. I'm also very much enjoying Battlefield 1. I just got that for Christmas but haven't loaded it up yet. Finally starting to get the hang of COD Infinite Warfare and don't want to leave just when I can be over even. How is the play on that so far?
  7. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Dec 22, 2016 -> 04:56 PM) AD is a respectable poster and this was completely unnecessary. I don't know about 'respectable', but thanks.
  8. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 22, 2016 -> 03:16 PM) Haven't seen one. Not one. Have you? To quote my own post, "You know there are people out there trying to find a way..."
  9. QUOTE (ron883 @ Dec 22, 2016 -> 03:43 PM) Looks more like you're trying to create an issue out of nothing so you can get mad about itm. Go back to watching Fox news. I'm sure they found a teacher in bumf*** who wants to get rid of a christmas tree. You can get mad about that war on christmas atrocity I may have been gone a while, but you, sir, are an idiot. First, I don't have to create an issue to get mad about something, I have enough anger issues on my own. Second, I don't watch Fox news, and the fact that you assume everyone who disagrees with you politically does shows you to be an ignorant ass. Have a nice day!
  10. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Dec 20, 2016 -> 04:09 PM) Come on AD, why the f*** would this be Trump's fault? Did you forget the /green? yeah, been gone for a while, but if I would have remembered, would have had to make it half green. You know there are people out there trying to find a way...
  11. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2016/12/19/ru...-in-ankara.html "The gunman could be heard shouting in Turkish "Don't forget about Aleppo, don't forget about Syria," the BBC reported, citing a translation of video of the incident. Russian officials told Turkish newspaper Hurriyet that the perpetrator was believed to be an Islamic radical. The gunman could also be heard yelling "Allahu Akbar." Russia is assisting the Syrian government in its campaign against rebel forces in that country." Can't wait for this to be trump's fault.
  12. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Dec 15, 2016 -> 08:52 AM) There was just a HS tournament at Town & Country last weekend. We only sent our varsity team but looking at their scores, they did not bowl like they normally do. They ended up in 2nd place overall but it looks like the scores were down for a lot of the girls. Most of them normally average 190+ and I saw a lot of scores in the 160s and 170s. I don't know what it is about that house since I've never actually bowled there myself, but it sounds like it's pretty difficult shot. It tends to dry out fast. The adjustment from game 1 to game 3 is sometimes pretty drastic. I have had my best game there (298) but have also had tons of splits on what appear to be legit shots.
  13. Ok, after the first third of a season here, I have a very mixed bag going on. I bowl in 2 places, Town & Country in Joliet and Orland Bowl. last year I ended in the mid 180's both leagues, maybe 3 pins higher in Orland. This year, my average at orland is up to 195, but my Joliet one is down to 170!!! For the first 2 months it was in the 160's. I have no idea of the difference, I just seem to be getting less favorable pin action on my pocket shots in Joliet. Most of the league is down a few pins, but mine is somewhat drastic. I did have a 590 and 606 series the last 2 weeks, so perhaps there is light at the end of that tunnel. I know there are times when my feet, knees and arthritis hands play against me, but it hasn't been any more than normal, so far. Sucks getting old, but beats the alternative.
  14. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 10:29 AM) Comey: Here's a ton of evidence about repeated violation of federal law at the highest level. Thus, we're recommending no criminal charges. Haha that presser was fun. He really should just resign. A disgrace of a lawman. We have officially reached 2 levels of laws, one for us, one for politicians.
  15. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 5, 2016 -> 10:22 AM) Nigel Farage, leader of the UKIP and one of the leading voices in favor of Leave, is resigning. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/...ruining-uk.html It's nice of Farage and Johnson to push for this vote and then bail out shortly after it passes. or, nice of politicians to leave when the accomplished what they said they would instead of sticking around like that annoying next door neighbor who doesn't know when to leave. And he is still staying in Parliment to oversee the transition, so not leaving entirely.
  16. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2016 -> 03:52 PM) Brexit: UK cannot have 'single market a la carte', say EU leaders 'Leaders made it crystal clear that access to the single market requires acceptance of all four freedoms - including freedom of movement' Shockingly, almost every argument put forth by the "leave" side has turned out to be a lie. Kinda like Obamacare...
  17. The story is also only her side of it. No mention if they had issues prior. And as for unemployment, they were interns, and if paid, probably not on long enough to warrant unemployment.
  18. GREG!!!!! This post is for you, since i recall on at least ore than one occasion you (and me as well) have complained about our youth of today. I actually laughed after reading this. Welcome to the real world, Class of 2017! http://www.askamanager.org/2016/06/i-was-f...dress-code.html I really love this line from her letter" We were shocked. The proposal was written professionally like examples I have learned about in school, and our arguments were thought out and well-reasoned. We weren’t even given a chance to discuss it
  19. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2016 -> 09:35 AM) I know multiple people who have gone into the trades, both friends and family. It can take years on the wait lists to get into places like the pipefitters or electrician schools. And yet thousands of jobs are unfilled for lack of people to do them.
  20. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2016 -> 08:50 AM) Britain confronts a wave of racist incidents after the Brexit vote As they (as well as the rest of the EU) ignored and swept under the rug the racist incidents committed by its many 'visitors' from outside the EU.
  21. EvilMonkey


    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2016 -> 08:09 AM) There isn't exactly a ton of available space in trade schools, and job prospects for someone with no advanced education or trade training are pretty poor. Mike Rowe would disagree with you. He is always highlighting job fields in the trades that are desperate for help. http://www.mikeroweworks.com/_pdf/mrwfrecips.pdf
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 03:59 PM) You tried calling me out by name for saying things I never said that were pretty easy to check. You're also not answering the question: do you think the Republicans were "childish" in 2008? Is every instance of BREAKING THE RULES! childish? Yeah, the one that correctly noted that it was a publicity stunt to get some attention for their policy goals, the same as this latest round. yes, they were probably childish. Back then I was more in the 'take the high ground' mode. i would have probably not said anything so as to avoid having to try and defend it. Now, with the increasingly combative nature of liberals, I don't care. Play by the same rules.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 03:42 PM) That's an article you're quoting, not a SoxTalk poster. Was it childish when Republicans did it? Did you get very upset that they BROKE THE RULES then? I was actually arguing with Tex over school funding in that thread ( I reread about 10 pages there) and TBH didn't even notice it then, or I am sure I would have commented in some form or fashion. I can't tell you now what i would or would not have said then. Oh, and just an FYI, at least one of those lines there was from an actual poster.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 01:23 PM) Seems like it was largely just ignored here. Going back to the old dem and rep threads, everyone was focused on the Presidential campaign. There were a handful posts in the rep thread starting at the bottom of the linked page, but nothing really negative. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...6038&st=435 http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...6039&st=315 Notably absent are any posts condemning it as "childish." Democratic aides were furious at the GOP stunt, and reporters were kicked out of the Speaker's Lobby, the space next to the House floor where they normally interview lawmakers. "You're not covering this, are you?" complaining one senior Democratic aide. Another called the Republicans "morons" for staying on the floor. The Capitol Police are now trying to kick reporters out of the press gallery above the floor, meaning we can't watch the Republicans anymore. But Minority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) is now in the gallery talking to reporters, so the cops have held off for a minute. Clearly, Democrats don't want Republicans getting any press for this episode. GOP leaders are trying to find other Republicans to rotate in for Blunt so reporters aren't kicked out. Democrats faced a choice here - should they leave the cameras on and let Republicans rip Pelosi & Co. on C-Span, or should they leave the cameras off and let the Republicans have their "tantrum," as one Democratic aide characterized it, with the cameras off They do it so they can go make videos for their campaign and they can go "hey, look what I'm doing over here in Washington for our district!" So in just one post there were morons and tantrums. If you want to play the semantics game, nobody said 'childish'.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 12:19 PM) I don't care if they "BROKE THE RULES!!" of procedure in the House, pretty lol that anyone really would. In 2008, Republicans did something similar for even longer, running their own version of the House AGAINST THE RULES! (gasp!) in order to press for a vote on issues they wanted. Using what power/tactics you can when you're the minority party to draw attention to your causes isn't acting childish any more than early 1900's labor sit-ins and 60's civil rights sit-ins were childish. John Lewis "BROKE THE RULES!" when he participated in those, too. Did the media applaud the R's then? Did you think it was a good thing that the minority party did whatever they could, or did you make snide comments about how childish they looked? Goes both ways. It was still childish and Mr. Lewis looked like he would rather be anywhere else than sitting on the floor, and the fact that he as one of the participants doesn't make it any less childish.
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