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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 24, 2012 -> 08:33 AM) Here's my problem with complaining about his phrasing. Let's imagine the President were to say this phrase: "Now saying I have sex with goats, that's just not fair". Is that poor phrasing? Because you can immediately take that quote, edit it into "I have sex with goats" and run that in an ad exactly the same as was done here. The meaning isn't remotely unclear, the phrasing is fine, if you include the 10 words around the quote. If "accidentally leaving yourself open to quote mining if 10 words are stripped off from an otherwise clear statement" is stupid phrasing, then we've reached a whole nother level of inanity. Like the media playing stupid trying to get the veep candidate to explain to them what 'legitimate rape' is so that Obama can mine the crap out of that. You know they were fishing for that.
  2. http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2012/08/22/cop...lurs-into-skin/ BUt in liberal land, that's ok, because her intentions were good. Fake but accurate and all that.
  3. Just finished having ortho-whatever surgery on my right knee. I'll let you know the details of that bill when I actually see it. But all the bills prior to that? Billed $220 for a doc visit prior to the surgery, where he told me the results of the mri, we talked about surgery and then scheduled the surgery. I saw the doctor for less than 5 minutes. The bill, even at the reduced insurance rate, was $222. Even if you factor in 10 more minutes for him to dictate his notes about it, that comes to $888 per hour. Just how is screwing with insurance companies going to fix THAT? The visit prior to that one where we scheduled the mri was billed at $185. The damn MRI was almost $2k before the insurance negotiated rate drop. Can't WAIT to see what the surgery bill will be. And for the follow up visit on Friday. And the therapy afterwards.
  4. The Dem party is becoming a stateside version of Baghdad Bob. http://m.washingtontimes.com/blog/watercoo...ting-crowd-siz/ The takeaway line: However, President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are not drawing the crowds they once could. The New York Times reported that the Obama campaign said that it is intentionally limiting crowd size at their events because of security and cost: Tanks? What tanks? There are no tanks here!
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 17, 2012 -> 09:45 AM) Probably not a coincidence! The rules are a joke and will never amount to charges. Anyway I'm not sure what that has to do with these guys lying their assess off. Swiftboat 2012! So now not only do you know their inner most motivations, you just happen to know they are lying as well. You should be a police interrogator or something.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 17, 2012 -> 05:26 AM) It seems pretty clear if you listen to this interview! You also have some of the people in this group involved in past leaks, like going on Hannity's show and defending the Valerie Plame leak by discussing details of her training, assignment and cover. But I'm sure they're all just a bunch of disinterested, honest guys, right? Nothing partisan here. Also Scott Taylor just happens to have run for office as a Republican two years ago. But completely non-partisan, I'm sure of it. Oh and it's just coincidence that they share office space with a Republican consulting firm. Total coincidence, nothing at all partisan about this. So when you have a huge SuperPAC being run by former White House staffers, who are logged in as visiting the WHite House many times after they have left and whose ads so closely mimic the White House talking points and actions that they even share the same guy in an ad wearing the same clothes (the guy who claims Romney killed his wife), that's just coincidence, right? And not collusion, which is illegal? Come on, since you can read intent from what you see, tell us!
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 16, 2012 -> 06:58 PM) I dunno, but why are they lying about their motivation? So now you know people's intent. Awesome.
  8. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 16, 2012 -> 05:34 PM) http://www.mediaite.com/tv/msnbcs-toure-to...ation-of-obama/ So sad. Perhaps the one that sees code words everywhere is the real racist. Yet they hear Biden talk about puttin' people back in chains and don't understand what the fuss is about.
  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 15, 2012 -> 04:51 PM) Obama is already in full attack mode. Has claimed Romney is a murderer already. How much lower can Obama go? Don't forget felon, tax cheat, in bed with Nicaraguan (however you spell that) death squad leaders and a Mormon.
  10. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 09:50 PM) Biden out making a fool out of himself, again. Too bad he was giving a campaign speech in Virginia when he said it. http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/waterc...rth-carolina-w/ Don't forget him telling the people that the eeeevil Republicans want to 'return y'all to chains'.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 02:24 PM) That is not how people interacted historically. You lived in small communities and things were not handled with one-for-one spot trades of "I need 1 cow, here's 20 chickens." Think of how you interact with your friends and neighbors. Do you demand immediate recompense if you lend them a hand? Do you say "sure, I can hold that ladder for you, but it'll cost you 3 eggs and a cup of flour!" That's not to say that barter never happens, but it never formed the basis for a market economy. to quote from my link I posted earlier: You claimed markets do not exist without states. And that the first markets sprang up from taxation. You didn't quantify it, just stated it as fact. Whereas bartering has existed without the state for quite a long time. Your snide insistence that bartering was an immediate quid pro quo is just more you trying to be snippy. If you needed new shoes for your horse and you were a farmer, you got them from the blacksmith in return for some of your crops when they came up. And you example of holding a ladder is just f-ing stupid. Do you refuse to hold a ladder for a neighbor unless he pays you? If so then you are truly a tool. When I interact with friends and neighbors, I don't demand payment to be a nice person. You then implied that they only form from failed economies or in prisons. Tex works on the border down there, I bet there is a lot of bartering going on down there. And unless your definition of a failed economy is poor people, you are wrong. And there are people in businesses that barter all the time. There are whole associations set up for it. I had many people wanting me to do that when I had my own business, but the franchisor really didn't like that since they couldn't get their slice from it. I don't think Bloomingdale, IL was a failed or restricted economy.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 01:02 PM) I continue to think that the GOP proposal of me paying for my healthcare with a couple of chickens seems impractical... Nice tangent, although in some rural areas people DO pay for medical services that way. Bartering existed before states were even a concept.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 11:47 AM) Markets don't really exist absent states. The first markets sprouted up as a result of taxation: soldiers are paid in coin, taxes must be paid in coin, ergo citizens must trade goods and services with soldiers to acquire the necessary coinage to pay their head tax. That doesn't imply state-control over the economy or central planning or any of that, but the notion of a "free market" independent of government is ahistorical. You have apparently never heard of bartering.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 11:33 AM) I did miss substantiation for the claim that they tried to rush the stage! http://www.jsonline.com/blogs/news/1660129...ort=newestfirst http://www.mediaite.com/tv/paul-ryans-iowa...st-keep-coming/ http://content.usatoday.com/communities/on...a-state-fair-/1 The hecklers apparently tried to jump on stage with Ryan. See how you can slant reporting by just leaving out a few little facts?
  15. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 09:37 AM) Elizabeth Warren Faces Down Tea Party Heckler Liberal favorite Elizabeth Warren was set to give a speech before a group of volunteers in Brockton, Mass., on Wednesday night, when she was interrupted by an apparent Tea Party supporter who had some less than kind words for the Senate candidate. So, no confirmation, let's just go with it since he made a scene. Good reporting there. And seriously, is Warren really a 'favorite'?
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 14, 2012 -> 08:00 AM) Yeah, thankfully we don't have any examples of actual people directly associated with the Romney campaign trying to disrupt Obama campaign events. Otherwise, the outcry would be enormous. I mean, could you imagine if they had something like the official campaign bus driving around constantly honking their horn at multiple different Obama events? That'd put the official campaign on the same level as these numbskulls. It'd just be pathetic. The media would be all over it, it'd be the number one story for weeks. Especially if they kept doing it. I mean, after that, if anyone voted for Romney, they'd just be tolerating that kind of bizarre, childish behavior. Tolerating the intolerant, someone might call it. Thankfully, I can't find any evidence of that ever happening and I entirely made it up. Balta, I think you missed the part where it says they tried to rush the stage. That is a bit more than heckling. According to USA Today it is 'spirited'!
  17. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 13, 2012 -> 07:08 PM) In yet another attempt to end free speech in the US, Obama zealots charge stage during Ryan speech in Iowa. Try to shut down his speech. very sad. more info to come. USA Today calls the crowd at that event 'spirited'. Imagine if a tea party member had tried to rush the stage when Biden was speaking. I bet there would be more words than 'spirited' to describe them.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 13, 2012 -> 01:55 PM) How come the Veep candidate is exciting Republicans more than the presidential candidate. Why didn't Ryan try to get the nomination if he's so great? Romney is too unlikeable (way too rich, comes across as snob) to have a chance at the White House. Campaign has been going on for what seems like years, this is somethgin new and exciting! Plus we are finally getting down to the wire here, so from now on everything will be amplified.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 11, 2012 -> 09:56 AM) Picking the guy who wants to end Medicare as his VP kinda makes that easy. Forbes says you are wrong. http://www.forbes.com/sites/aroy/2012/08/1...inst-paul-ryan/
  20. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 11, 2012 -> 01:16 AM) I don't like Romney at all, but do you actually think Obama is a good president? I disagree. No he thinks hispanics are that racist that they will somehow consider this a snub and not vote for Romney, and simply vote for race. The hispanic vote, especially in Florida tends to be pretty religious, very family oriented and anti-Castro. Three things Republicans also are. Don't be so sure yet. The swing part of Florida will be home much Obama can scare old people into thinking Romney wants to kill them.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 10, 2012 -> 01:16 PM) Outrage that nobody cared or heard about or maybe even expressed as actual "outrage" until six months later? Yes, that was my point. 6 months later, they expressed outrage.
  22. If I am piecing the stories together correctly, apparently at a meeting of the CBC about 6 months ago, Allen West brought in Chik-Fil-A for everyone. Then shortly after this all started, the CBC sent him a letter saying how they were all 'offended' that he would bring in that 'horrible food'. Allen West responded that if it was so horrible, why was there nothing left? (manufactured) OUTRAGE!!!!
  23. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 9, 2012 -> 05:10 PM) http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fi...c161d_blog.html It's admitted in the ad she wasn't diagnosed until 2006. The plant went bankrupt in 2001. I think Politico had the exact date, I can't remember where I read that. The woman still had insurance at HER job even after the husband was let go, so that is another 'distortion'. Remember Jenks, it's all semantics when defending the chosen one.
  24. Did any of you hear the quote from Sheila Jackson Lee regarding thr landing? Since the control center is in her district they apparently often have her there during important things. She asked them if it was landing near where our astronauts planted the American flag...........
  25. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 09:11 PM) $3.6 trillion is not 10% higher than $3.52 trillion. The Congress hasn't even passed a budget this year. THIS year? How about none under Obama.
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