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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Jake @ Aug 4, 2012 -> 10:17 PM) The government may not be the best entity ever, but they don't have much of an interest in having me dead. No more than an insurance company. I'd rather healthcare be less profit driven, not more. In the UK, where socialized medicine rules, doctors kill patients because they cost too much to care for or sometimes simply because they need the beds. And good luck suing them for wrongful death. So it seems that the government CAN have an interest in having you dead. Now what ya gonna do? The first 2 paragraphs http://www.lifenews.com/2012/06/20/shock-b...ients-annually/
  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 3, 2012 -> 04:30 PM) I'm sure in many places it is. But then my challenge to the religious is...if you don't want me to lump you in with the people who went to chick fil a yesterday to revel in how much they hate the gay...do something about it! Change your leaders. Create other public groups. When the bishops and the Vatican try to smack down the nuns for daring to question whether the current tax policy is consistent with Jesus's teachings, do something about the bishops! Jesus preached peace all the time, and we've gone to war in his name more times than I can count. The public policy persona of the Religious in this country is "Hate the gays and stop abortion". If you don't like me saying that...great. It's not my responsibility to change it, it's not the media's responsibility to change it...that's what the people who represent the religious in this country want to focus on...if you want that changed, it's the responsibility of the religious to change it. And it's been like that for all my adult life...to the point where one would think "Hmmm, maybe they don't want to change it". OK, I seem to recall saying something similar to Muslims and getting bashed to hell from you and every other bleeding heart liberal on here. If you don't want me lumping you in with all the terrorist assholes then do something about it. Change your terror-inciting leaders, create groups other than CAIR that don't support terrorists. When the subject of women's rights comes up, don't make them have to use the back door. It's been that way most of my adult life...to the point where one would think "hmmm, maybe they don't want to change it." Way to go both ways, Balta.
  3. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Aug 2, 2012 -> 08:46 PM) lol. That's what soxtalk has become. It's politicstalk for the most part. Lame as hell. This is supposed to be a sports board. We could trade for strasburg tomorrow and it wouldn't generate 40 pages of this dumbs***. Most of the posters that live in filibuster rarely ever post in pht. We need to get rid of fili asap. It's a SPORTS board, people. If you traded for Strasburg tomorrow, by the 3rd page everything that could be said about it would have already been said, and the remaining 30 pages would be people repeating it since they don't want to go back and read what everyone else posted. Unless I can catch a thread early, by the time I see them, someone has already said what I was going to say, several times, no need for me to repeat it yet again. I often leave these threads as well when they become that way, as this one has a few times.
  4. My mother worked the office of the local grade school for over 20 years, and just HATED the rampant abuse of the free lunch system. People would come in and fill out the forms, claiming to be unemployed, but then have work numbers on the emergency call sheets, show up in nice cars, expensive nail jobs etc. And like mentioned above, most of the kids getting the free lunch always had cash available to buy the 'extras' afterwards. And the worst part if the school was not allowed to verify the information. So even if the person filled out the form, handed it in and told them they lied completely, they still got the free lunch. What a system.
  5. And the violence from the tolerant left continues. West Virginia CFA gets bomb threats. How many more to come..... http://www.journal-news.net/page/content.d...g.html?nav=5006
  6. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jul 30, 2012 -> 02:38 PM) But oh they just have to keep b****ing about semantics. Isn't that what YOU are doing? Marriage, civil union, civil union, marriage...
  7. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 11:38 AM) Because our minor league system blows. Yeah, people been saying that for years, but it seems to keep producing players that produce in the bigs, Like this year. If it blew so much last year, we got a starter and most of our bullpen out of it. And really, the 3 guys that went for Greinke? Come on. Prospects are just proscpects, until they actualy produce in the bigs.
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 28, 2012 -> 09:21 AM) Still think it would take Viciedo to get Johnson. Greinke went for 3 minor leagers, why does everyone on this damn site think it will take half our starting lineup to get ANYONE from another team?
  9. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 25, 2012 -> 01:16 PM) Most Muslim sects don't give women the same rights as men. How many of them haven't been allowed to open mosques specifically because of said discrimination? Don't forget that they also want to kill gay people. Chick Fil A may not LIKE them, but they sure don't want to kill them.
  10. I would have preferred he tried for 'death by cop' and pulled his gun when they arrived. Saved everyone the hassle and cost of a trial.
  11. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jul 19, 2012 -> 01:52 PM) I wasn't arguing anything regarding the Swift Boat folks. I said that the forged document that Dan Rather uncovered doesn't make the rest of the story wrong. Considering the whole story was based ON the forged document, how is what you say true?
  12. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 18, 2012 -> 12:59 PM) Romney had still created the culture at Bain and picked the replacements who took over for him. LIke the guy who was in charge when GST was closed, Jonathan Lavine, who is a major bundler for the Obama campaign. While still working at Bain. Maybe he should give back all that tainted money from anyone connected with Bain.
  13. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 17, 2012 -> 01:01 PM) Most of the data in that file is laughable. Even one page of data is more experience than Obama had when he ran for office.
  14. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 12, 2012 -> 04:46 PM) From what I heard, I thought Theo didn't care about the salary and only wanted back the best prospects they could get. They'd be very willing to pay almost all of Dempster's salary, at the right cost of talent. They aren't worried about cutting salary, they are only looking at increasing the talent for the future. prospects are just that, prospects. trade away!
  15. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 11, 2012 -> 02:39 PM) Oh look, the GOP are wasting everybody's time and money by voting to repeal the ACA...in an act of absolute stupidity...all to put on a "show" to their constituants. Which will then be struck down by the Senate...wasting even more time. Good thing our government has so much money to spend it doesn't matter. And meanwhile Harry Reid continues to deny a floor vote for an Obama budget, continuing that classic Republican obstructionism. They are there to vote on things, and yet that nasty Republican refuses to even let them vote at all. Oh wait, Reid isn't a Republican.
  16. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 3, 2012 -> 04:38 PM) Prosecutor declines to charge him. Says he had a small amount of ambien in his system but said it couldn't be determined whether it was enough to cause the accident and said it was more likely his behavior was the result of suffering that seizure. And if his name was Balta or Alpha Dog his ass would be behnd bars already, regardless.
  17. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jul 2, 2012 -> 04:23 PM) Not sure how much medicine/medical care can stop the country from being fat and needing more treatment later in life. Give them time, they will figure it out. Bloomburg already tryign to. Remember, they know what is best for you.
  18. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 2, 2012 -> 02:27 PM) Why LOL? Really a funny situation to mock here. I'm saying the bill of $997,000 was for the initial surgery of the poor baby. I'm asking a simple question, asking people to educate me on why our system is so great when in Europe a friend of mine walked into a hospital for emergency care, had to stay a couple days and there's no bill. Free. As far as not treating the baby and throwing him on the street to die ... educate me again. If you have no insurance and head to emergency room, a.) will they treat you at all? b.) if you do get treated and they immediately find a brain tumor on the MRI, you mean to tell me they will do brain surgery for free? I don't think so. I think they tell you about free clinics, etc. I'm asking if Europe's system is better; cause it seems so. 997,000 bucks?? For one surgery? What is his tax rate over there? Or is he a ward of the state? I'll wager it is a lot more than whatever rate you are paying here. So it isn't 'free', he has been paying for it all along. An exchange student that used to live with us from France recently closed his business because the taxes were killing him. He wasn't even sure how to tell me what the rate was but when we tried adding up what he made vs what he had to pay it looked like it was a little over 60%. Not counting the taxers on good, and the VAT on just about any purchase you make.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jul 2, 2012 -> 09:09 AM) That means that whatever decrease in deaths there might be associated with actual self defense cases, they are swamped out by an increase in deaths overall from people who unsuccessfully attempt to defend themselves or have accidents. As opposed to the people who were killed without trying to protect themselves?
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 2, 2012 -> 05:04 AM) This is a political argument, not a constitutional argument. I never said it was. I said if it was a tax, to own it. You can't claim it as a tax to get it past the court, then try and go to the people and say 'nah, just kidding, it's not a tax'. it is a very poitical argument, which is why every Obamanaut is out there trying to tell the people that it isn't a tx, when they just argued that it was to get it passed. it is a tax. There are people who won't like hearing that, of all political stripes. But Dems got it, they should own it. Dems passed a tax on the American people. Come on, this is Obama's crowning achievement! Oh, and even more along the classless Dems crowing about this, there is a shirt for sale on the Obama campaign sight that says "Universal healthcare: still a BFD" yup, classy alright.
  21. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jul 1, 2012 -> 04:30 PM) So in other words the exact same thing it does now, except raise everybody's taxes first and then give credits for people who have insurance. Identical outcomes. Identical tax receipts. But somehow this is better? Yes, because then you can't hind behind the farce of it NOT being a tax increase. Kinda like putting that computer on sale for 10% off, after you jacked it up 20% first. Any way you slice it, the tax burden that is now there was NOT there before. So this bill increased taxes.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 30, 2012 -> 11:55 AM) If I do not cash in the mortgage interest deduction tax credit, I am paying a higher tax rate. Under the exact same standard you used, agreed to by the Chief Justice I might add...I'm being forced to buy a mortgage. Which is confusing since I don't have one. Semantics, again, but you aren't being charged MORE for not owning a home, homeowners are being charged less. For the Obamacare tax to work that way you should be gettign a tax break for owning insurance, not being taxed because you don't.
  23. So now that the Supremes declared it a tax to make it pass muster, the Obama camp is telling everyone that will listen that it is NOT a tax. Sorry Obama, if it was a tax to be legal, you can't magically make it NOT a tax because that would look better for you.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 29, 2012 -> 10:22 AM) the joke is that the threats of "I'm leaving the US!!!" are pretty funny because literally every other wealthy western nation in the world has more of a socialized health care system than we do. Have you really been seeing threats of "I'm leaving" other than some rubes in a chatroom? because it is usually the Democrats that run, like Indiana and Wisconson legislators, when they don't get their way. Or the CBC during the Holder vote. And 17 idiotic tweets doesnt' count. You can find 17 people to say Ohman didn't suck.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2012 -> 01:14 PM) Absolutely nothing wrong with disagreeing with it and fighting it policy-wise. The court "called balls and strikes," as Roberts said in his confirmation hearings, but did not interject into policy. Republicans are free to continue to press for the law to be repealed via the legislature. But that's not what DeMint is saying. He's saying the law is still unconstitutional regardless of this ruling. He's specifically disregarding what this ruling has said; the analog would be that it was struck down but Obama still pressed forward on implementation anyway. And he's calling on governors of states to simply refuse to enact the policies proscribed by this law. State nullification sorta died out after 13A, but he wants to bring it back. Kinda like him telling Justice what laws NOT to enforce. Still no outcry there either.
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