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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. Yes, it is a blog, but is a legal professor at Cornell, so take it for what you want. He claims that the prosecutor is overreaching for the perjury charge in an attempt to pressure George. The key section are these where she edited testimony for her Affidavit of Probable Cause. The text used in the affidavit: Q. And you mentioned also, in terms of the ability of your husband to make a bond amount, that you all had no money, is that correct? A. To my knowledge, that is correct. Q: Were you aware of the website that Mr. Zimmerman or somebody on his behalf created? A: I’m aware of that website. Q: How much money is in that website right now? How much money as a result of that website was — A: Currently, I do not know. Q: Do you have any estimate as to how much money has already been obtained or collected? A: I do not. The text as it appears in the actual transcripts: Q: How much money is in that website right now? How much money as a result of that website was — A: Currently, I do not know. Q: Who would know that? A: That would be my brother-in-law. Q: And is he — I know he’s not in the same room as you, but is he available so we can speak to him, too, or the Court can inquire through the State or the Defense? A: I’m sure that we could probably get him on the phone. Q: Okay. So he’s not there now. A: No, he is not, sir. Q: Do you have any estimate as to how much money has already been obtained or collected? A: I do not. So she could have honestly not known at that time, offered up the brother in law for the details and was not taken up on the offer. First allegations of her trying to go after critics of her handling of the case, now altering testimony like she was a MSM reported, what next? http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/06/perju...l-overreaching/
  2. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 11:49 AM) 100% agree. We need to shift our post-high school education model to something that's not dominated by the liberal arts schools. They are good for social development, terrible for career development. But THOSE schools tend to be non-union staffed and considered 'for profit' schools, so according to all sorts of government bodies, they are bad.
  3. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 10:18 AM) You need that piece of paper to get a good job and to have room for advancement. The flipping burgers for 20-30k had to be a joke right? You cant live in a city off that wage, maybe with your parents or way out in the boonies somewhere. Its proven college degrees earn you upwards of a million more than a person without that piece of paper over your working lifetime. My only advice towards people (and I eat out and go out a lot) is that cash is king so save what you can but please leave a little bit extra for yourself out of that. You cant take it with you and you never know when you are going to kick the bucket. If you are pouring every dollar you have into that house you think will appreciate, dont dont it. And sign a prenup. The Wendy's 1 mile from my current work is looking for a dayshift manager and paying $29k a year. I didn't say you could make $30k flipping the burgers, I said do it for the experience and try to move up, you could be making $30k in 2 years, all while gaining experience AND making money. Instead of spending $25k a year for school and making no money. Some fields yes, you need that piece of paper. Even back in my college days, I had some computer classes I had to take at night where I was the only 'kid' in the class. Everyone else was from Bell Labs and knew this stuff easy, but they had to have that paper to prove it.
  4. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 09:50 AM) I wasn't really sure where else to put this, but a bunch of separate but related threads on Reddit (and other similar service) got me wondering about the modern family dynamic and how everyone appears to believe how much things have changed for the worse... For example, you'll often hear thing like, "Before Reagan, a family could be raised on a single income...today, it takes two college degrees to do the same, not to mention the mountain of debt accumulated from those educations...", etc...of course, many of these are pointless claims riddled with political rhetoric. That aside, I wonder what there may be too this, and if it's the people, not necessarily the time... It's obvious it costs more to raise a family than it did back in the day, but much of this is through choice. I remember growing up and my family had no cell phone bills, no cable bill, one television etc...so many of these added expenses are through modern choice versus actual necessity. The reason I'm wondering is because I know a LOT of couples that both have degrees, and often make more than I do because of their dual incomes, but seem unable to do what I do on a single income...raise a family, pay the mortgage, pay my bills, etc... Sometimes I wonder if it's the person/people versus what they ACTUALLY have, but think they don't have...because they often spend their money so trivially, they don't even realize they're doing it. I do realize that some people accumulated a mountain of student loan debt to get degrees that would take forever to pay off that debt...but didn't they know BEFORE they graduated the average of what such a degree would pay them and think about that? It's all about choices. Eating out and stopping off for that coffee or doughnut eat thru your money faster than people realize. My 18 year old son is finding that oout the hard way. He only has a part time job at the moment, and for the first month after every job shift he would stop off at Taco Bell or 7-11 for something. Then 3 weeks later he didn't have enough money for gas to get to work and had to come to me. I showed him his checking account online and pointed at all the $5 and $7 debit card charges and just left him there looking at the screen for a few minutes. He still hasn't learned.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 09:54 AM) Yeah, but the alternative is being a telemarketer or flipping cheeseburgers or bartending. You can't even get a sales position these days without a degree. Also, at 18, you are thinking more about the fun you'll have in the coming years in college than about the repercussions of borrowing for a degree. These days, in most cases you just have to go to college if you want a rewarding position. It's not a choice. Flip burgers for a few years, learn the biz and you can get promoted to manager in a few years and be making upper $20's low $30's 3 years after you graduate high school. Work for a corporate owned store and there is potential to go into those ranks as well. College today is almost a joke, depending on what you are going for. A History major is just a fancy name for the next barrista at Starbucks. I have a senior in college right now working for me as an intern and she is dumb as a box of rocks. Zero common sense and no clue how the world works. She is a marketing major and can spout off all the marketing buzzwords you want, but it isn't helping her. I have had 3 salespeople in the last 3 years and the best one only finished high school.
  6. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 7, 2012 -> 12:43 PM) Not ignoring that. Although that would be countered by the 15-20 million dollars in independent expenditures from the various super PACs that supported Walker. From the data I've seen there was roughly an equal amount of funds spent independent of the campaigns on either side of that divide, although if there is an edge, it would lean Republican. Well then that sounds a lot more like it was close to even than the 'he was outraised 10-1'. Doesn't matter who personally raised the money, spending seemed pretty close to even.
  7. Are you forgettng the $21 million the Unions spent in the state? Just because he didn't 'raise' it doesn't mean it wasn't to his favor. The unions spent like mad, and nobody seems to be reporting that.
  8. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 6, 2012 -> 02:06 PM) Legally, if you register in one state, the other state is supposed to take you off the voter rolls. This is not always done with a lot of accuracy. As late as 2007, I was listed as a registered voter in Indiana, despite not having lived there since 2000. I would bet that a high percentage of college kids vote in more than one place, most without realizing that they are not supposed to do it.
  9. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 6, 2012 -> 12:06 PM) Actually, I love how you think me pointing out poor strategy equals me saying the system is broken. Especially one sentence after I say that I dislike recall elections and I feel that elections should have consequences. The recall advocates didn't play the game the best way possible. And yeah, that may very well have depressed under 25 voting by more than you may think. Would that have made the difference? Probably not. But it definitely was a handicap that the recall advocates never needed. If you want to go with the system is broken meme, you can point to the fact that Scott Walker had a year to raise unlimited funds to this effort, and the recall candidates themselves had just a few weeks by state law, IIRC. But I also think that this is a bulls*** excuse too. It's all a moot point anyway when Walker gets his indictment in the next year or so, following Illinois Governors straight into federal prison for the shady s*** he did in Milwaukee before he was governor. If a college kid is registered to vote in their home state, can they change their registration to vote in Wisconsin? And if so, how long until they can change it back? Or do they just vote in 2 different states, breaking the law in the process?
  10. So the judge AND prosecutors are completely ignorant and hod NO idea of funds going to the website or even the website itself before this? Everyone here knew he had a website set up and was getting money, even if we didn't know how much. If the money is there for legal defense I see no reason why this has to be considered his for bail purposes. edit: Although I will admit that the 'coded' conversations were pretty damn lame and serve no purpose except to make him look bad. COuld have had that conversation with his lawyer present and they couldn't have listened in.
  11. Wel they did only make the original one gay, so Ryan shouldn't have anything to worry about. Although he does get his power from a 'power ring' and they practically have to fist the lantern to get it to work, so maybe there is something to it. And wasn't one of the green lanters named Guy Gardner or something like that?
  12. EvilMonkey

    De Aza

    According to Maddon, there is no way a pitcher can miss by 3 or 4 feet and throw behind a batter, that has to be intentional. But a pitcher CAN miss by 6ft or more at 2/3 the distance and that is just a bad throw. I used to have some respect for Maddon as a manager, but the way his team has behaved first with Boston and now the Sox has shown them for the whiny little beyoches they really are.
  13. With Planned Parenthood receiving almost 500 million in federal assistance, how can they get away with airing campaign ads?
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ May 29, 2012 -> 08:26 AM) There are those Americans who are convinced that Hispanics are working behind lines to help Mexico reclaim the Southwest in an elaborate "reconquista." When that is one of the stated goals of LaRaza, and when LaRaza continues to gain mainstream acceptance and positive news in the media, you can see where some people just might get that idea.
  15. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 27, 2012 -> 05:59 PM) And yet they're letting him ride along with them and indulging his wannabe fantasy? It said he did the ridalongs a year ago. He then saw how badthey were and became a pain in the butt to them. Just curious, why no mention of the fight club video Travon was in?
  16. Happy birthday Milkman, KYyle and my baby brother Juddling!
  17. Happy birthday Milkman, KYyle and my baby brother Juddling!
  18. Some states have jacked around with what qualifies for a DUi nowadays that it is pretty easy to get one. However falling asleep drunk at a light seems like it would get you nailed regardless of how influential MADD is in the state.
  19. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ May 17, 2012 -> 11:20 AM) Has anybody else been getting an exorbitant amount of phishing/spam e-mails recently? I always got the occasional one, but the last week my work e-mail has just been flooded with e-mails from Amazon, AT&T, Verizon, Citibank, etc.... All fake of course. The last week or so I get several a day telling me that my Amazon order was successfully cancelled, containing several links, all to places other than Amazon.
  20. So when an Obama PAC decides to run more adfs against the Koch brothers or something highlighting Mitt's Mormonism, or something somebody Mitt once worked with decades ago did or said that was racist or criminal, you all will be b****ing about that too, right? About how bad it is, how out of bounds to be attacking someone not even in the campaign, etc.? Just want to get that straight. The attempted bribing of the pastor to shut his trap by a a friend of Obama who just happens to be on the receiving end of a lot of governmental money is off limits. Got it.
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 12, 2012 -> 06:29 PM) (I'd say that the media was just as easy, if not easier, on W, and considering he started a war when they let him off easy...well, that's my reply). You can say that, and would be wrong. Yeah, reporting the daily death counts so people wouldn't forget was letting him off real easy. I will admit that for a brief while after 9/11 they were pretty hands-off, but then they over compensated after that.
  22. Leave it to the supposed racist free party to always make it about race. http://campaign2012.washingtonexaminer.com...ce-issue/537146 When will this over the top s*** end? Seriously. it ISN'T always about race. Assholes are assholes regardless of color, sexual origin or religion. If someone sucks at their job, and they happen to be well then they suck at their job. if you disagree with a black president, 99% of the time you would still disagree with the very same words/positions if they came from a white President. Get over it. Those who only see things thru a racial prism are the true racists.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 3, 2012 -> 06:18 PM) That 10% is doing a great job passing every possible bill they can to defund reproductive health clinics, throw up barriers for abortions and shame those who may seek them. WHy should something that is elective be taxpayer funded? if medically needed to save the mother, that is one thing. If just because they don't think the time is right, well then, why can't they pay for it themselves? I for one don't care what you do to yourself, just stop trying to get me, in the form of taxes, to pay for it.
  24. QUOTE (iamshack @ Apr 30, 2012 -> 10:15 AM) I'm not necessarily sure I agree with that...the distinction really is there is no benefit one can argue occurs due to being intoxicated and being behind the wheel of a vehicle, while the pro-gun lobby can at least formulate arguments for why there is a benefit to carrying a gun. If you looked at it from a strictly statistical standpoint though, as they do with driving while intoxicated, I am sure they could frame an argument that there truly is no safe way to carry a concealed weapon. And yet hundreds of thousands of people DO carry every day without incident.
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