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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 29, 2012 -> 07:55 PM) Saying it isn't a crime doesn't mean it's a good idea, and the fact that a 17 year old wound up dead should raise the honest question of whether or not the concealed carrying is a good idea. If the 17 year old was tryign to bash the other guy's head open on a sidewalk, I say it was a good idea. At least for George vs the alternative.
  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Apr 29, 2012 -> 02:31 PM) Sure we can help Mexico collect taxes owed to them. The Mexican Nationals that deposit in the US are now more likely to be kidnapped when criminals know their net worth. And banks in the US have less capital to lend out. Of course one of the accounting types here can explain what happens when 40% of a banks deposits are withdrawn at about the same time. I'm guessing that isn't pretty. But yes if any American has money deposited in Mexican banks and not paying taxes on the interest, we can prosecute them. I'm certain there are a lot of Americans depositing in Mexican banks. So what you are saying is that the Mexican government is so rife with corruption that when banks report to a government body that the information is readily available to cartel and other unsavory characters to use for nefarious activities? i can believe that, seriously. With the oil down there the country should be rich, with no need to send its poor northward. But we all know it isn't
  3. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Apr 29, 2012 -> 08:44 AM) I don't have anything here but the thought has crossed my mind to have a safe. I wouldn't even tell my kids it existed. My kids know it is there, but they do not know the combination. I have taken both of them out shooting with me before. I am teaching them to respect the power of guns and what they can do. No need to be afraid, but need to respect. So far they like shooting but the 13 year old isn't fond on the shotgun. The older boy is a pretty damn good shot with my rifle tho.
  4. When I was a kid there was just a gun rack on the wall on my parents bedroom. I owned my first shotgun when I was 12 and have been hunting and shooting since. I grew up around guns, was taught to respect guns and while they were never kept around the house loaded, we all knew where the ammo was if we needed it. Wonder how we all managed to live with those dangerous guns not locked up? My current situation is I have a gun cabinet with a padlock housing the shotgun and rifle. They are unloaded, and ammo locked in the drawer below. The 1911 is in the safe under the bed that can be accessed in about 15 seconds. The gun is unloaded but one of the clips is always full. Have to rotate those so you don't wear out the springs. There is also a baseball bat, courtesy of the White Sox bat day, sitting next to the bed.
  5. I think Rubio has the best initial impression of them all, but damn they had better vet him hard and fast, just to be safe. I have heard many of his speeches, and he can talk circles around just about anyone. I would say he would make Biden look like an idiot in a debate, but Joe already does that to himself.
  6. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 06:12 AM) the real racists are the blacks, of course! Ps you still aren't getting the issues at play I get the issues at play, Al, Jessie et al can't get past the single issue, which the media was all to happy to play up. You can't ignore all those players, much as we all wold probably like to, simply because YOU can see thru the racial crap.
  7. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Apr 5, 2012 -> 12:36 AM) So what should Obama have said, that would have been more appeasing? How about something like "i understand the tensions and passions arising here, but until all the evidence is in, let's not make any rush to judgement. " By proclaiming that he could have been his son just plants him firmly on the side of those that want to make this about race. His comment 'personalizing' the issue did NOTHING to help it and instead only inflamed the race baiters even more. Why did he even have to say anything at all? Obama himself has said that he can't comment on everything, but he sure picks and chooses the ones he wants to comment on with a racial and/or political lens.
  8. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 06:07 PM) According to Alpha and Genius this is about race. So it stands to reason that they are upset because a white person was attacked and the black person was not arrested. How can we live in a society when criminals like Martin are allowed to roam free? Thankfully we have heroic citizens like Zimmerman who saved society from criminal acts of Martin. The real question is, why is Martin not being charged posthumously, should he not stand trial for his crimes?! What has America come to, when a black teenager can walk through a gated community unarmed and not be arrested? I definitely can see that the Sanford police have gone out of there way not to charge Martin with a crime. Im thinking of doing a million white man march. Were all the white men can get together and protest this outrage. WHO'S COMING WITH ME! I didn't make it about race,Al, Jessie and the race-baiters did, every news outlet that jumped on pointing out race right away, and getting it wrong, Obama did when he interjected himself into this, every black politician that tries to 'keep it real' by wearing hoodies while addressing congress did, the racist Justice Department did when it butted in and so on.
  9. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Apr 3, 2012 -> 05:52 PM) I can't believe the cops let those 2 black teens go without even charging them with a crime! Oh, they're in jail with multiple felony charges? Yeah, kinda hard to claim you stole his car for self defense, when he is laying on the ground with is head split open.
  10. 50 year old white man beaten with a hammer by two black teens and left for dead in the street 6 miles from Sanford, FL. Currently hanging on, barely. No word from Al 'Let's escalate this baby!' Sharpton or Jessie. http://www.wftv.com/news/news/deputies-men...-sanford/nMHW6/
  11. Just a couple of weeks ago, Nicholas Kristof at the New York Times claimed he'd interviewed a former underaged prostitute. She said she'd been pimped when she was 16, often via ads her pimp placed in "Backpage.com." Backpage.com is owned by Village Voice Media -- yes, publishers of the venerable, lefty Village Voice. Backpage.com seems to have a lot of ads for escorts. It's franchised in a few cities. Village Voice countercharged that Kristof had "concocted" the story, because the girl in question was not 16 when Backpage.com existed -- that is, it simply did not exist in 2003 when this girl was 16. It later existed, when she was older, but was only published in a few cities, none of which she lived in. Kristof rebuts "I didn't know there would be any math" in this journalistic career, and also claims she was pimped up and down the east coast, and worked in a few places where Backpage.com was published. A little later than 16 years old, but who cares about such details? (Answer: I do. The fact that she was 16 is what makes this a child sex-trafficking story. Without that, it may be a sex trafficking story, but it's not a child sex trafficking story.) So, shock: Leftist media is involved, hypocritically, in the exploitation of women; another member of the leftist media cooks a story and juices it up and then, when the facts come out, claims the facts don't really matter. It's a gestalt thing or something. Now, here's where it gets biased (as opposed to merely dishonest and shoddy). Goldman Sachs, until recently, owned a stake in Village Voice Media. They decided to sell this off recently. Whether this is about the Kristof cooked story, I don't know. Ann Romney has a blind trust with Goldman Sachs. A blind trust. Meaning she has no idea what they're investing in. Further, of course, it's Goldman Sachs itself which owned the stake-- not their investors. The firm owns things on its own account. So what are the headlines? Ann Romney trust invested in fund that exited sex-site firm (reuters) http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/04/03/...E83201V20120403 Mitt and Ann Romney? Sex Traffickers? (The Examiner) http://www.examiner.com/liberal-in-baltimo...sex-traffickers Anyone still think they are 'lazy'? The contortions needed to come up with those headlines are amazing. Could have easily been 'Obama White House staff filled with Ex-Child traffickers' since he has so many former Sachs people working for him. Hell, they could have NAMED Goldman Sachs and Village Voice somewhere where the most people see it, but that would be taking too much away from the hype. If two arch-liberal organizations were involved, how can a passive conservative blind-trust investor be blamed for the actions of liberals? And why is she the focus here, rather than the actual active participants? Oh yeah, politics.
  12. Just somethign to bring up, all thru this thread I see Zimmerman referred to as 220lb to 240lb or more. But yet I have read several articles that have Zimmerman listed as 'average build'. Being as short as he was, an average build wouldn't be 220+lbs. And I saw the same video you all saw at the police station. If he was 220 and that short, he wold be a squat little fireplug of a man. Another story had said the higher weight amount came from his 2005 mug shot and booking and that he had since slimmed down radically. Just throwing it out there that Zimmerman man not have been as 'imposing' as some of you are making him out to be (sans gun, at least) and perhaps the closer weight difference coupled with Treyvon's half a foot height advantage could have emboldened him to aggressively confront Zimmerman.
  13. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Mar 25, 2012 -> 11:08 AM) In April of last year, Zimmerman called 911 to report a "suspicious looking 7 to 9 year old black male" in his neighborhood. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012...-abuse-911.html He also called him numerous other times for people who were NOT 'suspicious looking 7 to 9 year old black males' and other things. Considering the apparent wannabe cop nature of Zimmerman, I would venture that black or white, he would have followed the kid. Also, people seem to be assuming that he had his gun out when he confronted Treyvon. Nobody was there but those two so we don't know. When the confrontation happened, the gun COULD have been in his hand, or in a holster, or in his wasteband for all we know. Perhaps Treyvon felt he could take Zimmerman since he didn't see a gun, until it was too late? ANd why is it every picture I see of him is at least 4 years younger than he actually was? And lastly, with the New Black panthers outright posting a bounty on his head and calling for his kidnapping, WHY is Eric Holder not saying/doing something about THAT? It's almost as if the NBP think they can get away with it without penalty because of a precedent or something. Whole case stinks for all involved, and got worse when the race hustlers got their hooks into it.
  14. The nanny-staters always have to have a boogyman. Can't mind their own business, got to get all up in everyone else's. F*ck off, I will eat a steak if I want to, and enjoy it. My buffalo burger for lunch Friday was awesome. And a bone to the vegheads, I had bacon-wrapped asparagas over the weekend. Mmmmmmm, bacon.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 4, 2012 -> 12:17 PM) Please just stop. This makes absolutely no sense. Your post acts as if just now, for the first time, someone had a conspiracy theory. Get real, they are all over. Truthers, birthers, randi, stories about how Clinton killed some cabinet members top shut them up. But OMG, some lunies think Breitbart may have been killed for political reasons and the world is just too much for you.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 2, 2012 -> 01:34 PM) Apparently there's a growing conspiracy at foot that someone (OBAMA!!!) murdered Breitbart. I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I guess when drunkard Randi Rhodes falls on her face but blames Rethuglicans for it, and the liberal media and blogs run with it like a dog with a steak, anything can get traction. Now, if they guy currently in possession of the Obama videos has some sort of 'accident' before they are released.......
  17. QUOTE (farmteam @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 03:34 PM) If I understand Y2HH and SS2K5's posts correctly, they would say that verbalizing "fair and valid" criticism is inherently mean spirited if the person just died (and feel free to correct me if I misinterpreted ya'll). I'm just saying that, while I agree with that staying silent out of respect for the loved ones is appropriate, I can certainly understand if some people choose to answer the question of, "How do I properly show respect for the death of a person who, in life, I thought was a terrible individual?" with "Well, he relinquished that right to respect when he denied another that same right." You can just shut up instead of satisfying your urge to denigrate the person even in death. Is there really a balancing need to bring someone down in death because you don't like their political views? Is there this cosmic need to balance out the far right fawning with some far left vitriol? Can you really 'justify' it because the target was previously an ass to someone else who had died? Maybe the family of Ted Kennedy has a free pass, but everyone else? no.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 12:42 PM) Instead, "they" create new entitlements and programs to use the surplus. Fixed that for you.
  19. QUOTE (farmteam @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 11:11 AM) My thoughts on Breitbart's passing are more or less what Brian said -- I thought the guy was a verminous douche, which doesn't mean I wanted him to die, and I will treat his death with dignity. However, can you not admit that this is slightly different than "the other side did it too" since it wasn't just "the other side" but Breitbart himself who was engaging in the same behavior that, in your words, is "not right?" HOw is that different? He was mean to someone after they died so it's ok to be mean about him? Sounds the same to me. And you can assault his character, think he was an asshole when alive, but to express glee that he is dead is just wrong. That is reserved for a few special evil people in the world.
  20. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 10:38 AM) Comments like this? Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement. So another one of the 'that's ok, the other side did it too' defenses? Still not right.
  21. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 1, 2012 -> 09:34 AM) Acorn strikes again. Read some of the comments on the news sites and you would think that by the glee some are expressing.
  22. Boy, if we only began drilling our domestic oil ten years ago......or perhaps had a new pipeline to bring oil from Canada.
  23. Would probably see a significant savings by keeping the gas tax here instead of sending it to Washington first, where they put all sorts of strings on it in order to get it back. More hands touching it, more opportunities for waste and fraud.
  24. QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 20, 2012 -> 07:23 AM) fixed That was pretty lame, especially for you. Must have been busy chasing Cookie and Buttercup or Bambi or whatever their names were.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Feb 17, 2012 -> 01:15 PM) This is a giant handout to the banks, plain and simple. But Obama is evil and hates Wall Street. He does. But he loves their checkbooks.
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