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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 24, 2011 -> 09:59 AM) The irony of course is that Indiana recently implemented one of the harshest voter ID laws in the nation to keep poor people from voting. How exactly do these laws in general and in Indiana specifically keep poor people from voting. The same poor people that need a license to drive or an id to cash their welfare check at the currency exchange or to buy booze.
  2. Yeah, voter intent! If intent matters with a damn dimple in a chad, I guess it matters here. LOL
  3. I seem to remember Balta or someone telling us all that vote fraud never occured. http://www.newsmax.com/US/Voter-fraud-New-...12/22/id/421895
  4. EvilMonkey

    USPS Stories

    I have been doing several EDDM mailing with the PO the last few months. The first one we did, it turns out the piece the customer provided us with was 1/4" too short per the specs on one side. They took it anyway, and were nice about it. Saved me the hassle of explaining to my customer that they didn't read the size requirements before sending me the items to mail, and having to load 10,000 pcs back into my car.
  5. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 22, 2011 -> 11:38 AM) This, coupled with Carters "oh that whole unprovoked attack on the South that killed four people is just a friendly reminder that their nation deserves respect." Come on. That was a pretty dumb thing he had said about that. They just like a gangbanger demanding respect at the end of a gun. What you get isn't respect, it is fear and/or loathing.
  6. There has to be a middle ground here. Carter's note sounds like he wants to take him to dinner. You don't have to say "Good riddance and hope you go soon as well", but you don't have to blow kisses in his ear either.
  7. The popular guess is that the son does some sabre-rattling to show he is in command, sink a SK ship or something to try and show he da man and deserves respect!
  8. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Dec 19, 2011 -> 11:11 AM) Nothing will change in North Korea. They will still be living in 1984 land. Only 10% have electricity and running water. You give them too much credit for 1984. Shave a decade or 10 off that you may be in the ballpark!
  9. Maybe the son will just take the cash. bolt for a real paradise and throw the keys to South Korea. Even being raised by that crazy-ass dad of his he has to know what like outside NK is really like. Being only 26, perhaps he just want to 'sow his oates', so to speak.
  10. QUOTE (farmteam @ Dec 18, 2011 -> 10:26 PM) Lennon had it wrong. We'd still killing over which Atheist organization has the better name. I think that was a South Park episode.......
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 11, 2011 -> 04:37 PM) One less place I'll be shopping at. There are about 35 companies that have pulled their ads. Better get checking that list, wouldn't want you to impugn your integrity.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2011 -> 03:24 PM) I count at least 4 seasons where the bad guys were Muslim extremists. Season 2, Season 4, Season 6, and Season 8. Oddly I only watched the odd numbered seasons until the 8th. Kinda funny.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 16, 2011 -> 03:21 PM) The last episode aired 5 days ago and I for one hadn't heard about Lowe's pulling its ads until this week. The publicity boom hadn't started when the last episode aired. However: This is probably also true. I watched 2, it was awful. I will admit I went into it with a negative bias, but it was still very bad. And the one where the guy had to get rid of his 14 year old dog because his Muslin wife didn't like dogs and her dad wouldn't pray in THEIR house if a dog was there just killed me. I been searching for that dog ever since.
  14. CAIR and other Muslim groups didn't seem to have an issue threatening the show 24 when it decided that ONE year out of its entire run, the bad guys would be Muslim extremists. I guess it is only good when applied by one side?
  15. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Dec 16, 2011 -> 03:17 PM) http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed...-ratings-272479 Yet it lost more viewers AFTER the Lowe's debacle. Maybe because the show sucks? Just sayin.
  16. No argument from me. Happy birthday!
  17. When I lived in the very far southern portion of cook county I hated it. We had nothing in common with the rest of cook county, until they emptied all the Chicago projects into mine and the surrounding suburbs turning them all into s***. The amount of taxes we paid for things like County Hospitals, which were all in the city, was an astronomical part of our tax bill. I am so glad I finally got out of Cook County.
  18. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Dec 9, 2011 -> 09:29 PM) Maybe Verlander like numbers, but all the scouting reports have him at 89-93 and the HIGHEST at 96. Buehrle is lucky if he can sniff 93, yet people here wanted to sign him for boatloads of cash. Location, location, location.
  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 9, 2011 -> 09:59 AM) Unless the Marlins have signed Fielder when I wasn't looking, they're still no offensive juggernaut. Don't worry, Ozzie knows when to call for a bunt!
  20. I like Mark but am glad they didn't sign him for that kind of money. And I don't think it was because we had Dunn, Rios, etc. He just isn't worth that in this stage of his career, especially in years 3 and 4. I can see him having a good year this year. After that, not so much. Money better spent elsewhere for the Sox.
  21. QUOTE (ScottyDo @ Dec 8, 2011 -> 10:05 AM) He's referencing the fact that everyone (myself included) has been lamenting the status of our minor leagues as barren and disgraceful. Yet, in our barren, disgraceful farm system, Doyle isn't even in the top 10 on any list I've seen, so losing him should upset nobody. You are correct.
  22. So the Sox have no prospects in the minors, yet every time we lose one they are an All-Star waiting to happen. Got it.
  23. I find it funny that some of the people here b*tching that we didn't get 7 players for Santos are the same ones in the other thread saying we would be lucky to get a bag of balls for Danks. Most closers have a short shelf life. With Reed in the wings, I just hope the guy they got is as good as they hope.
  24. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 3, 2011 -> 05:05 PM) Huntsman and Paul elect to avoid the Trump Fest Debate. Huntsman and Gingrich to have a 1-on-1 long form debate soon, Gingrich's idea, and Newt wants the same with other candidates too. Wasn't someone asking for something like this just recently? Yep! For those who want more than a 6 o'clock sound bite, this is the way to go. True, you can get TOO much information sometimes, but i want to hear more than just '9-9-9', 'cap, trade, whatever' or 'yes we can'.
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