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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 28, 2016 -> 11:40 AM) It was essentially the House version of a filibuster. It's definitely for publicity, but it didn't hold up any legitimate business or post a threat to anything, and Republicans have used a similar tactic before. yeah, I don't recall Newt sitting on the floor looking pained to be there, chanting slogans and getting lunch. They broke rules, probably hoping for Ryan to have them removed by security so they can make it a race thing. let me say that part again, THEY BROKE THE RULES when they didn't get their way, acting like children. Par for the course for liberals.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 27, 2016 -> 04:36 PM) It's interesting calling a sit in lead by a civil rights legend childish it was childish. It doesn't matter who was doing it. Some sit it. They even had it catered. No sacrifices like in the old days.
  3. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 11:51 AM) We ended up tied for 10th in the tournament. 10 more pins and we would've been in 4th. That missed 10 pin really sticks with me now. We relive all the ones we miss. I look back on my year ended, and we had 10 games we lost by less than 10 pins. All 10 games gets us first place, half gets us second, 3 of them gets us 3rd. Oh the pain. Why can't I forget the ones I missed instead of forgetting what my wife asked me to get at Meijer?
  4. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-36...l#ixzz4BwslqaT7 Doctor listed on psych-evaluation carried out on Omar Mateen by G4S says she never saw him and was not living in Florida at the time it was conducted Psychologist, Dr Carol Nudelman, said she didn't evaluate Orlando shooter Omar Mateen for his position at security firm G4S in 2007 However, her name appears on the document in Florida's state records that cleared him to carry a firearm as a private security guard G4S officials called the discrepancy a 'clerical error' and said Mateen had been evaluated, but by a different psychologist Company didn't move Mateen to unarmed position despite evidence that concluded comments he made were serious enough to transfer him
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 12:17 PM) How do y'all evaluate a repair shop? I thought I needed brake pads (65,000 miles) and went looking at local shops. The dealerships in my area all require appointments. There is a Goodyear shop less than a mile or so from my house. A small looks like it has been there forever shop with lots of cars outside. And a really nice looking independent shop with pretty good reviews. I try to use my customers when i can, otherwise I also go by word of mouth. I value recommendations from people I trust more than reviews. But i do look at them as well, realizing that people are more apt to leave negative reviews than good ones.
  6. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 23, 2016 -> 11:42 AM) I can appreciate that argument. It still makes me shake my head in disbelief. I assume that the prosecutor was using "rough ride" in the cop vernacular not the standard English meaning. So they would need to define it and prove the definition was used by the cops involved. i had read a story that the prosecutors main witness was a guy who claimed to be an expert in rough rides because of 'stories he heard' and having been in the system himself a few times. Wasn't there, he just 'knows things'. Can't find that link now, but if I do, I will post it.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 22, 2016 -> 02:40 PM) Trump called Hillary perhaps the most corrupt candidate ever. He just blasted her personality as well. The gloves are off. Do you find that to be factually untrue? he is probably correct.
  8. EvilMonkey

    Yeti Coolers

    Woot.com has Orca coolers on sale today only. Look like Yetis, cost more than normal as well. http://www.woot.com/offers/orca-extra-heav...w_cnt_gw_dly_tl
  9. QUOTE (raBBit @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 11:15 AM) Remember last week when people were mad the Sox didn't use Putnam? He was hurt. They just didn't want the other teams to know. Should that have been in green? Just wondering, because this isn't like hockey where other teams can go target his injured area.
  10. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 21, 2016 -> 10:45 AM) You know why. Allah forbid you unfairly portray Muslims in the US. Yeah, shoulda put that in green, I guess.
  11. When you change it from Allah to God you change the power behind the words. if you read that a gunman shot several people shouting 'God is great!" you think White Christian. You hear gunman shot several people shouting 'Allah is great! you picture a Muslim. Why would you want to change that perception?
  12. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 06:46 PM) I could think of a couple things. One being to reveal some of the protocol that law enforcement uses in these situations. Another maybe evidence against someone else that they do not want the person to know before a case can be made against them. That wouldn't explain changing Allah to God.
  13. EvilMonkey

    Yeti Coolers

    QUOTE (Leonard Zelig @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 02:09 PM) I think I have that same one. You can get replacement hinges, not sure about wheels. Ah, just gifted the beat up one to the older son. He is the one that broke the wheel and hinges, he can deal with it now.
  14. QUOTE (JenksIsMyHero @ Jun 20, 2016 -> 12:48 PM) Why is the Obama admn censoring out portions of the Orlando shooter's 911 calls? It's pretty routine. Killer tells us he does it for Allah, and we say 'no you didn't'. it's like a bad Monty Python skit. "I am a terrorist!". "No you aren't." "What? of course i am!" "Nope, you are just a crazy lone wolf" "But I tell you I AM a terrorist. I killed people in the name of Allah and pledge allegience to ISIS!" "Doesn't count".
  15. EvilMonkey

    Yeti Coolers

    Got a new one for Father's Day! The old one had the hinges broke after several years and a cracked wheel.
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 18, 2016 -> 03:19 PM) Well, it's been a week so the Orlando shooting story has maxed out. Everybody knows everything about the killer; all the stories have been told; all the vigils have been held. In other words, rinse and repeat is coming. This story is done for now, unless the wife gets charged with something. Now we move onto the next. Nobody knows where it will take place or when, but we know one thing, it's coming cause nothing has changed or ever will change. Only thing that's happening is those planning the attacks are doing so even as we speak. Well, here is a rumor I heard if you want to do some digging. What I heard was that the security company the guy worked for has itself been investigated for some shady dealings, but because it does a lot of work for both the US and British government, some 'problems' get swept under the rug. Like removing the shooter from the terrorist watch list. Also heard that he has an accomplice who was inside preventing people from leaving while he rampaged throughout. Have fun with those.
  17. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 18, 2016 -> 07:57 AM) How can you help defend this nation from foreign troops if the government doesn't know what you have? George Washington felt we need a well regulated militia to defend a free State. Are you turning your back on that? How can you be a part of that well regulated militia without the people who will regulate you know what you have? They only said you had to have a minimum. they didn't go and make sure what everyone had. You could have more than that minimum and that was fine. Tell me that minimum, I'll go well above that.
  18. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:58 PM) Thanks, Alpha. Are you against registration (ignoring, for the moment, that it's not passable legislation at the federal level at the moment)? That seems like the only way you can really track private sales... I personally am against it. The Feds have no business knowing what I own or how many of them. I believe it makes it easier for them to try and take them should things go sideways. There are cases in court now where State troopers in MA are accused of illegally accessing a gun database in that state when they pull motorists over and if they are gun owners, demanding to be allowed to search the car, making threats if they are told no, and so on. You couldn't guarantee that the list wouldn't be used in bad ways, so no list. You sort of have a defacto registration already, just not one that some guy can go hack. Every store keeps the records of their sales, serial numbers and to whom. So if a gun is found at a crime scene, police can have records searched at local stores looking for ownership info, The serial number will tell them which store had it, the store can then go find who they sold it to.
  19. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:44 PM) Seems ridiculous to me on a private sale. They justify it because they have to submit the paperwork, run the NICS check, log the gun as inventory in and then inventory out and maintain those records in 100% perfect state for ATF or risk fines, jail and/or closure should something be wrong on the forms.
  20. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:38 PM) We also have to consider that some of these sales represent an exchange of less than $100. So the economics of registration is so much different than cars. How much is reasonable to spend registering an item that costs so little? Gun shops will charge from $30 to $60 for a transer fee. Most I have seen are $40.
  21. QUOTE (illinilaw08 @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:29 PM) Alpha, I'm admittedly not savvy on the intricacies of gun purchases, but my understanding is that a private seller can transfer a firearm to a private buyer without need for background check, licensing, etc. Assuming that my understanding is correct, doesn't that kind of undermine the system and allow for guns to fall into unqualified hands? Is there a problem with licensing and titling firearms like we do with vehicles? You are correct, private sales do not need a check. That is what politicians who clamor for universal background check are talking about, but they always make it seem as if nobody anywhere gets any check whatsoever. There are private sellers that make people do background checks. And if the sale is across state lines, it is supposed to go thru a licensed dealer and a background checks. What little studying has been done, however, shows that most criminals steal their guns or buy them from some not so clean people. The type that would ignore any universal background check laws.
  22. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:23 PM) Background check people want to extend it to private sales. I don't care about background checks. I would prefer a much more thorough credit score like system that would never get implemented Long rambling facebook post? Knock to your gun credit score Drunk in Public? Knock to your gun credit score Domestic Violence charge? astronomical knock. Credit score drops below 650, state takes your gun, pays you interest for time held. If your gun credit score improves you get gun back and on probation until you get out of the yellow zone. There are versions of this that could be especially helpful, like colorful yellow bracelets that say "Hey, I just got my gun back, but I'm the yellow zone". A few states have tried checks for private sales. The bills originally started out pretty simple as in 'you sell to person A they need a background check from NICS before you can sell'. However by the time each of those got voted on, they were loaded with so many extra stuff that made them draconian, such as some examples I mentioned before. Seattle has rules that seriously make it a felony if I let you hold my gun. And you would have committed a felony by handing it back. That is how loosely they defined 'transfer'. it would be a felony for a father to let his son shoot his gun, even if he is of age. That to me isn't the so-called common sense. As for your credit score idea, interesting, but would never fly as it would be considered registration.
  23. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 03:14 PM) Do you believe that anyone should be allowed to own any type of gun or are you an anti? Quit playing semantics tex. By antis I usually refer to people that want to ban all or almost all guns. edit: To answer that, no i don't believe EVERYONE should be able to own ANY type of gun. People who have gone thru the legal system and have lost their rights are forbidden already, and automatic weapons are also a no no. There should also be a way to prevent people with certain mental health issues from obtaining them, but you would need to figure a way to balance that with medical privacy laws.
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 02:51 PM) I agree with you that it isn't going to happen, but people actually advocating for it to happen puts appropriate pressure. When the only pressure is background checks, it's easy to stall. When background checks are the lesser of pressures from people actually wanting to buy back all guns (me), it may finally start doing something. What kind of background checks are you referring to? because you do go thru one now with the NICS. Antis always scream about 'universal background checks' as if nobody ever gets checked and I would wager that most have no clue what they mean or are asking for. So a real question, what are you referring to?
  25. QUOTE (bmags @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 01:32 PM) That said, unlike others, I literally do favor a gun buyback and constitutional amendment to overturn the 2nd amendment. I'll settle for less, but it's time. I get there is a nostalgia factor. And I think there is plenty of room to allow people to have guns, but the 2A is so absolute that it obstructs it and I'd favor removing that right of citizenship. Thanks for being honest about it. And i think you are not unlike the others, you are just willing to admit it.
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