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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 3, 2011 -> 12:46 PM) No, you should realize that there's nothing inherently wrong with a gay couple raising a child. I never said there was, quit inferring some gay hatred on me that perhaps you yourself harbor. i said that one positive example does not rule for all, just as one negative example shouldn't either. Read what is written, not what YOUR intolerance leads to to see.
  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Dec 2, 2011 -> 08:48 PM) No, that is ONE EXAMPLE of when lesbians have a kid. Should people post negative examples and claim that is the norm as well? (You knew I would post this, didn't you?)
  3. I am driving a rental car for a while since some woman totaled my car while it was parked on the street. The rental has Sirrius/XM, which I haven't had for a while. While listening, I float thru all the stations, stopping here and there. Stopped on the 'Left' channel and listened for a moment. Heard Ed Schultz about as calm as I ever heard him for about 15 minutes, but still ranting about how everyone needs to pay their fair share of taxes. Then, he goes to a live read commercial for a tax company, that is to help people get out of paying taxes that they owe. I was just thinking, how hypocritical, advise your listeners to AVOID paying their fair share. I know they don;t get to choose the commercials they read, but they DO get approval of whether or not to say "i use this company/product" or the actual words "I endorse this", which he did say.
  4. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 1, 2011 -> 11:09 AM) . So don't go thinking this was a perfectly fine map the GOP employed, and then the evil courts corrected them. The courts' map is probably more fair and closer to regional reality. Thought nothing of the sort, I know whatever party in power tries to maneuver it to their advantage. I think it is wrong, however it is done. Making districts that contain '70% minorities' or '75% of one party voters to be a safe district' is just wrong if there is no cohesiveness in the district. I think the law just says it has to have x amount of people, not x amount of Republicans, Mexicans or other. Having districts that worm across the state just to make up some desired population density is wrong.
  5. They should just create an overlay of the amount of districts with equal size, then add and subtract to keep whole towns together and that be the extent of the rigging. The people elected are supposed to represent everyone in the district, so the idea that you need to create a district just for latinos or blacks is frankly just racist.
  6. Republicans offer reward for photo of Obama and PA gov during his trip there today. http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/republi...-173127437.html
  7. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 30, 2011 -> 08:29 PM) Thank y'all for the education. Just a side note, and not exactly directly to this, but I'm still generally unclear on the law, but in an a global thought, should we scrap a law because some people have still done what the law is designed to protect? People and corporations break laws, but should be then just give up and not try? I see scrapping the law if the purpose is no longer supported, but not scrapping a law because people have gotten around it. Some people seem to think that way when the topic is legalizing drugs...................
  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 29, 2011 -> 06:39 AM) The sad truth is...the harder you make it to earn a living as a Congressperson, the more likely it is theyll take bribes or leave to become highly paid lobbyists selling their previous connections. $174k per year, office and staff allowance. They pay 6.2% into social security and 1.3% into the Civil Service Retirement & Disability fund and are then eligible for a defined benefit of up to 80% of their salary. Nice perk, well worth the 7.5% Office staff allowances from $700k on up to $1.6 million (in 2003, I am sure it is more now), office expense allowances of $180k a year (again, 2003) and a generous postage allowance. Yup, hard to make a living as a congressman.
  9. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 29, 2011 -> 08:47 AM) In case anyone was curious, here is a review of Gingrich's Economic Plan. Dramatic, inventive and interesting in some places, unrealistic in other places, scary in yet others. I think a lot of that is the long campaign season and the need for every candidate to appear 'different' from all the other candidates. They come up with this s*** just to get press time. I would like to see one candidate say "yeah, that idea XXX has about YYY is pretty good. I actually agree with that."
  10. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 05:08 PM) voters are idiots nah but the problem is, the fact that they can stay in office indefinitely is part of what leads to the problem of not being willing to challenge the status quo because of fear of losing your job. if they were already guaranteed to lose their job, they'd probably do what was in the best interest of the people and not themselves - but this is a topic for a different thread. As long as they still get their state pension they will do whatever they want to. Take away the pension, put them on SS like everyone else, then let them try and get a real job after they screw the state/country up.
  11. I would prefer a 'debate' where they talked about only one topic and at length, throwing ideas back and forth instead of sound bites. Limit to 2, MAYBE 3 people at a time and have at it. Immigration/border control. GO! Give each person time to respond, and have questions asked by the other person(s) there, not some moderator who may or may not have an agenda.
  12. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 02:59 PM) Entirely possible something will come out later. Wouldn't surprise me. But nothing you list here rises to that level either. You want to jail people for bad policy? Then just jail all of Congress while you are at it. Then vote in new ones, and jail all of them within 6 months. Don't get me wrong, I really don't like the guy, and you may turn out to be right later. But I'm not ready to call for someone to be jailed who has yet to even be indicted or investigated for anything illegal. It was more my wish, an exaltation of joy and probably a prediction, so I will leave it at that.
  13. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 02:32 PM) Their overall message is get the money out of DC. ie legalize bribing. When Jack Abramen(sp) goes to jail for it, comes out and says it worse then when he went in.. that's a problem. The only time I see it on the news, is when the Cops are using force and the news anchors trying to pin it as if the OWS crowd was the ones who riot. Just reading the various signs at the events I see them wanting student loan debt forgiveness, big businesses to fail, Jews to die, GWB is to blame for everything, anarchists and union members working together and several rich actors trying to say they are also part of the 99%.
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 01:05 PM) I don't really like him either, but... jail? Just curious what you feel he did to deserve that. How about one of the major players in the housing mess that helped to start this mess we are in? Every time a reform package came up, he squashed it. Helped put his boyfriend in a cushy job in the very industry he was helping 'regulate'. And I am sure more will come out later, just as it did when Murtha finally croaked, revealing what a crook he actually was. And I am also sure there are people with an R that the same can be said of.
  15. QUOTE (Reddy @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 11:19 AM) when are GOPers going to realize that it's actually republicans who generally own the media outlets in this country? baffling. I would be interested in hearing your logic in support of that statement. Unless the sky is pink in your world and then you can just keep them to yourself.
  16. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 28, 2011 -> 09:35 AM) Thank you. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/11/28/...E7AR17P20111128 Jail needs to be his next home.
  17. If they were warned beforehand that they were gonna get sprayed, and they said "ok", should they be as outraged as they are that they actually got sprayed? Just shows that they got the result they desired.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 12:30 PM) He explicitly advocates for eliminating union janitorial jobs and replacing them with non-union child labor. As an example, then goes on to say take any job that teaches you how to work, show up on time, etc.
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 08:13 AM) Are you really now accepting the right wing criticisms of occupy? There is only no real organization when it suits them as in to avoid responsibility.
  20. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:30 AM) You need to take in the whole meaning of advocating against child labor laws and in favor of young children working beca use they are poor. He also was specifically ranting against union workers, and the whole idea of ending poverty by firing adults from decent-wage jobs and replacing them with children is pretty funny. He was arguing against laws that restrict children 9-14 from working. You can't get around that. His idea is just dumb, anyways. Again, how is this man taken seriously? I worked at 14. I worked before that. Weeded bean fields at 12, mowed lawns at 12, lied about my age and got a job at Dairy Queen when I was 14 (didn't need to provide your id then, just fill out a job app), worked in a bowling alley at 16. Again, he isn't advocating for 10 year olds to go working at the Ford plant down the block. And do you think it is a BAD thing to teach poor kids some work habits that may benefit them more later in life than anything else?
  21. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 07:15 AM) Exactly, screw the first amendment and 200+ years of court rulings that almost always have sided with demonstartors when the government cracks down. Yeah, no need to follow the laws, they mean well. I didn't see such unflinching support when Tea Parties tried to hold rallies. I saw governmental obstacles all the way, insurance requirements, bonds posted, permits to be paid for and so on. There are ways to protest, and they broke all those rules along the way. PLay by the rules and protest all you want.
  22. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 06:16 AM) he is calling for dropping the minimum age to work and replacing union janitors with school children. Read the interview. You need to take the whole meaning of what he is saying. Get off you ass and work, learn responsibility, take that burger job, whatever, just do it. Quit letting people tell you that you shouldn't. He used janitors as an example.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 21, 2011 -> 06:20 AM) Some ordinances were violated, so clearly any and police use of force is justified. No, clearly they should have enforced the laws right off the bat before things got to the point they are at now. By trying to coddle them because some politicians in charge sympathized with them they made things worse.
  24. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 10:19 AM) How am I blowing his statement out of proportion? He is literally advocating for displacing unionized janitors with poor children under the age of 14. He is saying stop thinking you are too good to work at McDonalds because everyone needs to start somewhere. Geeze, over-react much?
  25. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 19, 2011 -> 01:39 PM) Unreal. Where are we? China? If it were China they would have been arrested the first night in most cases for breaking the laws, and not let out on ibonds or have charges dropped.
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