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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Nov 17, 2011 -> 05:02 PM) So my secretary said some Chicago occupiers are trying to mess up the commute home for people. Anyone experience this? Dunno if they were hitting Union Station or what. Edit: Looks like they tried to stop traffic on a bridge: http://chicago.cbslocal.com/2011/11/17/occ...-street-bridge/ Do they really think this HELPS them somehow?
  2. Everything hitting the headpin like a a laser beam tonight. 5 splits first game, second game I chopped 5 potential spares. Third game I get a 221. Go figure. I hate nights like tonight.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 15, 2011 -> 12:43 PM) I think the final quote in this excerpt sorta sums up the policy here pretty well. If you are ordered to clear the park, it isn't clear the park, except for the press.
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 12, 2011 -> 05:38 AM) WHY the f*ck is the STATE ever responsible for deducting voluntary insurance premiums, charitable donations, etc., THAT is bulls***, any way you look at it. They should have NO reason to do that. Same thing or different? I have premiums for a voluntary short term disability and hospitalization automatically paid out, a donation to the United Way, and membership dues to a professional organization I belong to. VOLUNTARY. Union dues deductions, NOT VOLUNTARY.
  5. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 11, 2011 -> 06:40 PM) It sounded so simple in the beginning. Replace expensive home health workers with relatives at a much smaller salary. And then take forced kickbacks to the Democratic Fundraising Organization. Oops, I mean to the SEIU. Oh yeah, same thing. WHY the f*ck is the STATE ever responsible for deducting dues for the union, THAT is bulls***, any way you look at it. They should have NO reason to do that.
  6. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 03:21 PM) Well this should win you friends, Herman Cain. http://hermancainpac.com/2011/11/herman-ca...E2%80%99s-ugly/ Hey Rex? FYI, that was a hoax site. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2011/11/09/1...-lie?via=recent Several lefty sites have said sorry to their readers. Should have instead said sorry to Cain for the vitriol they spewed regarding that specific joke site.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 10, 2011 -> 11:54 AM) You understand that this calls into question the motives of anyone who accuses someone powerful of abuse or harassment? You don't think her motives would be questioned if she were confortably rich? All being poor does is give her one more possible motive. Because we all know that poor victims NEVER make s*** up looking for a payday. That poor stripper in the Duke case? 100% truth, peeps. Don't be hatin'!
  8. QUOTE (mmmmmbeeer @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 02:10 PM) It's so refreshing to read this board. I live in GA in the 19th most conservative county in the US (according to Daily Caller). I'm pretty much a centrist but to these people I'm a commie bastard. You would not believe how much Cain is loved and adored here...it's ridiculous. No matter what the idiot says or does, someone is there to defend him. These folks are going to be devastated when Romney takes the nomination. I don't love Cain, just asking questions. I still think I may vote for Newt, if he actually makes it to the Illinois primary. But there are people like what you describe for most candidates.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 12:51 PM) According to Ms. Allred's statement, she has taken this case pro bono. She still got access. Yah for the little people!
  10. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 12:43 PM) I'll preface this with.. I think Herman Cain is a joke. However here's how he should have handled it, in my opinion. - Yes, nearly 2 decades ago there were allegations that I had behaved inappropriately with a few co-workers/employees of mine. - I believed then, as I do today, that I did nothing wrong and that the allegations against me were false. - We had determined, at that time as a business executive and not as a politican, that it was in our best interest to settle these matters without incurring lengthy court battles and legal costs. - Had I known that more than 20 years later, these allegations would resurfice, and that I would become a politician seeking the highest office in the land, I would have chosen to fight these false claims at that time. I'd also try to make an analogy, carefully, of someone who receives a ticket and decides to pay the fine, rather than go to court and fight it. (obviously the severaty of the claim is 1000x worse, but that's why I said carefully) The coverup seems to always be worse than the crime.
  11. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 9, 2011 -> 12:31 PM) They do not have access to great legal counsel *and* people will discredit what they say based on their financial situation. Gloria Allred, or however you spell her name. She doesn't work for free, so she got access somehow. And should we believe her MORE because she is poor? And I just saw this on a blog, but can't find a direct link, will post here for you all to view. Now if this stuff is true, is it character assassination to point it out as a justification for debating the merits of her claim? ----------------------------------------------------------------- As Ms. Sharon Bialek has placed herself in the public spotlight through making patently false allegations against Herman Cain, it is only fair to compare her track record alongside Mr. Cain’s. In stark contrast to Mr. Cain’s four decades spent climbing the corporate ladder rising to the level of CEO at multiple successful business enterprises, Ms. Bialek has taken a far different path. The fact is that Ms. Bialek has had a long and troubled history, from the courts to personal finances – which may help explain why she has come forward 14 years after an alleged incident with Mr. Cain, powered by celebrity attorney and long term Democrat donor Gloria Allred. In the courts, Ms. Bialek has had a lengthy record in the Cook County Court system over various civil lawsuits. The following cases on file in Cook County are: · 2000-M1-707461 Defendant against Broadcare Management · 2000-M1-714398 Defendant in lawsuit against Broadcare Management · 2000-M1-701522 Defendant in lawsuit against Broadcare Management · 2005-M1-111072 Defendant in lawsuit against Mr. Mark Beatovic. · 2007-M1-189176 Defendant in lawsuit against Midland Funding. · 2009-M1-158826 Defendant in lawsuit against Illinois Lending. Ms. Bialek was also sued in 1999 over a paternity matter according to ABC 7 Chicago (WLS-TV). Source: WLS-TV, November 7, 2011 In personal finances, PACER (Federal Court) records show that Ms. Bialek has filed for bankruptcy in the Northern District of Illinois bankruptcy court in 1991 and 2001. The respective case numbers according to the PACER system are 1:01-bk-22664 and 1:91-bk-23273. Ms. Bialek has worked for nine employers over the last seventeen years. Source: WLS-TV, November 7, 2011 Curiously, if Ms. Bialek had intended to take legal action, the statute of limitations would have passed a decade ago. Which brings up the question of why she would make such reprehensible statements now? The questions should be – who is financing her legal team, have any media agreed to pay for her story, and has she been offered employment for taking these actions
  12. Not quite sure how to word this, but here goes. Several people on here getting pissy about the 'character assassination' of the women in regards to the Cain Incident(s). Just wondering what you would have him (or his proxys) DO? In a strictest he said/she said circumstance, that is about all he can do. Or should he just shut up and say nothing? Or just a simple 'they are wrong, I am innocent'? While I agree that sometimes it can go to an extreme, but is not the character of the accuser as important as the character of the person being accused? If someone IS getting paid for interviews, and is in bad financial shape, people deserve to know that, as it MAY be a basis for her allegations, or to exaggerate something that did happen. If someone has accused others if 'inappropriate conduct' a few times before, is that not also important in determining the makeup of the accuser's statements? I guess i just want to know what you would have him do?
  13. It's a blog, but still an observation that is kinda wierd with the Cain stuff going on. http://theothermccain.com/2011/11/05/f-mic...upy-dc-protest/
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 09:36 PM) Who is in charge of any movement like this? Who is there to denounce them? . Tex, they can't hide behind their supposed lack of leadership. They have 'executive committees' and a power structure like the very corporations they despise, they just don't make it public and try to make a display of 'inclusion', while trying to silence dissention in the ranks. SOMEBODY is taking in the money and deciding what to do with it. People keep trying top smear the Tea Party for a few nuts, yet when a whole group goes rampaging thru a town, we just supposed to take is as an exception?
  15. Oakland spending million(s) to deal with this crap, and the mayor likes this. Not to mention how much money was lost when they tried to close the port, and trashed businesses. Talk about someone needing to be removed from office... http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...2.DTL&tsp=1
  16. More law-abiding goodness. http://www.thedenverchannel.com/news/29683079/detail.html
  17. http://www.myfoxny.com/dpp/news/ows-protes...f#ixzz1cqEFzH62 Guess he wants some corporate goodies, eh?
  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 01:59 PM) You realize it'll take me about 13 seconds to fill up a post of tea party Obama=Hitler images, right? Most of them are LaRouchies and they were all asked to LEAVE, not embraced by the rest.
  19. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 5, 2011 -> 10:43 AM) Agreed. About the same as the Tea Party. Tex, the two groups are NOT the same. There is NO equivelency whatsoever. One group respects the law, one breaks it. One worked within the rules, one flaunts them with impunity. One actually has to have permits for security, sanitation and so on, the other gets off scott free. One chases away the fringe LaRouchies when they can and anyone carrying Hitler signs, one encourages it and even has nazis marching with them. One respects commerce one tries to shut it down because to them all capitalism is eeevil. Hate Wall Street and banks all you want. these groups are just a mess.
  20. "Oh, we won't do THAT..." They don't want jobs, they want handouts.
  21. After the first few weeks, the OWS protests got co-opted by every fringe group out there. You got Commie, Nazis (patrolling the Oakland one with GUNS, but not reported in the MSN) Anarchists, drug dealers, rapists and people just looking for a had out. I think one of the OWS kitchen staff described them as 'Professional bums'. The people who originally had a point are overshadowed by the LARGE amount of crazies that are there now. And how can you take anyone seriously that communicates with 'up twinkles' and 'down twinkles'?
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Nov 4, 2011 -> 08:05 PM) Versus millions of liberal Americans who didn't say it was OK. And have they really been saying it for years? His job approval rating never really suffered for it, so apparently it didn't bother people too much. (the formatting messes up when I paste, go to link to read) http://www.pollingreport.com/clinton-.htm NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll conducted by the polling organizations of Peter Hart (D) and Robert Teeter ® . "In general, do you approve or disapprove of the job Bill Clinton is doing as president?" Approve Disapprove Not Sure N 1/13-15/01 66 31 3 1,018 12/7-10/00 66 29 5 2,107 10/00 60 35 5 RV 9/00 60 35 5 RV 8/10-11/00 58 36 6 802RV 7/27-28/00 60 35 5 1,009RV 6/14-18/00 58 37 5 1,740RV 4/29 - 5/1/00 59 35 6 1,003RV 3/2-5/00 61 33 6 1,213 1/25-26/00 65 30 5 1,010 12/9-12/99 61 34 5 2,014 10/23-25/99 60 34 6 1,003 9/9-12/99 58 37 5 2,025 7/24-26/99 63 32 5 1,007 6/16-19/99 58 37 5 2,011 4/17-19/99 58 36 6 1,006 3/4-7/99 66 31 3 2,012 1/16-18/99 68 29 3 1,011 12/19/98 ^ 72 25 3 510 12/15/98 * 68 28 4 507 12/3-6/98 65 31 4 2,106 10/24-27/98 68 29 3 1,025RV 9/10-13/98 66 31 3 2,005 8/20/98 * 69 27 4 503 8/15-16/98 * 70 24 6 837 7/29/98 * 68 27 5 501 7/25-27/98 64 30 6 1,006 6/18-21/98 63 30 7 2,006 4/18-20/98 6629 * NBC News Poll ^ NBC News Poll, conducted Saturday afternoon, following the House impeachment vote
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 4, 2011 -> 02:56 PM) Remember when they covered up Weiner's sending of a pic of his dong and definitely didn't make it one of the biggest news stories for at least a week? Yeah, they covered it up right up until he was forced to admit it was him because of all the work done by others NOT in the MSM. Then they had no choice.
  24. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 3, 2011 -> 04:11 PM) I really don't want to know what "Stuff" this guy has. Grow up and ignore sexual harassment settlements? Congrats North Chicago Suburbs. Well, we were told for years that sticking a cigar into an intern's poos didn't matter and all that mattered was job performance. All he may have done is OFFER to stick something in, that we know of, so far. And you know as well as everyone else that companies and insurance often settle even when there is no wrongdoing just to avoid publicity. And I do hope these allegations come out, so we can see how bad, or not bad, they are. One I read he asked a woman if she wanted to go back to his apartment. Ooooh, that's bad. Now if he said 'come back with me or I fire you', that IS bad. His camp should just spill it all out and move forward. Like everything else, its the coverup that kills ya.
  25. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 2, 2011 -> 10:48 PM) Yea, i'm pretty sure that story about Newt is bs. Which one. That he asked for a divorce in the hospital, or are you accusing the daughter of lying?
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