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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (KG#1 @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 12:12 PM) Well, we are now 5 weeks into the season and I have had back-to-back 600+ series. Got my average up to a 188. Anyone else into their bowling season and doing anything good? Finally got my new ball drilled last week. 232, 228 and 158 for my first night. Last game, between the 10 bowlers on the lanes, there were 12 shots that appeared to be pocket shots that left the 7-10. I got 3 of those. Got a 181 average on my Tuesday league, and 176 on Saturday league.
  2. QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 9, 2011 -> 06:30 PM) I think you are totally wrong on this one. Cooper didn't decide when to bring in relief pitchers in games. If you can prove that one you are the smartest baseball mind of all time. I would be glad i it was all Ozzie because he certainly sucked at it.
  3. QUOTE (Marty34 @ Oct 9, 2011 -> 03:59 PM) Here's a list of teams I can see bidding for a SP with one year left before free agency: That's why you give the team interested an opportunity to negotiate an extension before the deal.
  4. QUOTE (Tex @ Oct 8, 2011 -> 02:34 PM) No apology necessary. At work, death is a positive result for you. So just like someone who only owns a hammer sees ever problem as a nail, you embrace the death penalty. The quandary as I see it is we feel this guy is evil (and I agree) because he values life so little he would attempt to kill someone with such premeditation and in cold blood. Then as a society we do the same thing. We value life so little we will kill him in a premeditated and cool blooded fashion. With perhaps an even more twisted and cruel manner. We will set a date and allow him to sit in a cell and count down the days until the moment of his death. I believe it would say more about our society when we place such a high value on life that even this murderous scum is allowed to live. I'd prefer he stay locked with a picture of his victim on his wall until God takes his life. I see no reason why he should ever be allowed to walk free again. Happy to do that if he didn't get cable TV, better health care than half the country, library access and a host of other things. Solitary with just the picture would be fine with me. No AC and 68 in the winter and no special food for 'religious' reasons. if you went and killed someone you already proved that you don't follow your religious beliefs too closely, so you can eat whatever we give you. but we know that will never happen, prison will get sued the moment their food is cold or a bug crawls into the cell.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 12:35 PM) He talked like s***. Doesn't matter what color he is.
  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 7, 2011 -> 12:32 PM) Really? Yes really. His English was terrible. Do you think otherwise?
  7. If he surrounds himself with good people I think he will do well. He doesn't need 'yes' men, but baseball men. Be nice to have a manager we can understand for once also.
  8. QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 07:12 PM) Every time I see a picture of Herman Cain I have to decide between an uncontrollable urge to douche (despite the lack of a vagina) and bleaching my skin out of embarrassment. How about when you see Al Sharpton or Jessie Jackson?
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 6, 2011 -> 10:11 AM) Any system you can possibly imagine or propose would work better than this stupid mess where 2 totally unrepresentative states are given inordinate power for no obviously good reason. As long as both parties and the media are willing to accept that mistake, then there will be other states trying to leapfrog. Hell gets colder, as I agree with you here.
  10. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Oct 5, 2011 -> 09:16 AM) I think Romney won't bring Christie on when he gets the nod. Geographically it doesn't make sense, and it doesn't do a lot to excite the base of GOP voters - and this is going to be a lot more like 2004 than 2008 - where its a race to bring out the base. Rubio for VP
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 23, 2011 -> 11:11 AM) . And then there's the idea that more guns = more likely use of guns. If I fly off the handle and have a gun, I can shoot you. If I don't, I can't. That idea is for weak minded people that think everyone is a psycho waiting to happen. The basic idea has been shot down in every state with a concealed carry law as crime rates drop.
  12. QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Oct 4, 2011 -> 08:36 PM) Gun safety isn't hard. Don't point the gun at anybody even if you're sure it's unloaded, keep your finger off the trigger until you're going to pull it, never hand someone a loaded weapon, and even if you are sure it's not loaded, clear it before you hand it to someone. Also, know what you're shooting at and know what's beyond that target. Maybe the class should cover self defense laws within the proper jurisdiction, but except for that, I pretty much just summed up what the class should cover. I have been hunting and shooting since I was 10. I was taught the above things before I was allowed to touch a gun. It's all about respect. The finger off the trigger is a big thing that many people forget.
  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 4, 2011 -> 10:13 AM) George Soros is the Democrats biggest funder? If so...can I say that the Tea Party are all committing Treason because their biggest funder has subverted the Iranian sanctions? Even in the story link you posted, it shows that the KOCH companies did not break the law, and in fact went above the law in ensuring that they complied with the sanctions. Foreign subsidiaries are free do just what they did, and many have, including G.E., an Obama favorite. That story could have been written with any of 50 different companies named in place of the Koch brothers, but then it wouldnt 'appear' to be as bad.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 4, 2011 -> 09:50 AM) He can call him whatever he wants. But its entirely reasonable to expect a business/consumer backlash against his stuff, and an entirely reasonable business move for ESPN to end its association with him in response. Then again...that sort of stuff is so prevalent on Fox that he probably just got himself a weekend talkshow contract if he wants it. Did you guys miss the part where the hosts apologized for Hank's comments? That stuff is prevalent, in your mind, perhaps.
  15. Finally Obama did something right. Wonder where he found the balls to go against the Unions on this? http://www.investors.com/NewsAndAnalysis/A...s-On-Agenda.htm
  16. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 3, 2011 -> 11:12 AM) But not as much cheaper as before. The growing trend is a deceleration of the offshore hiring (not that the number is going down - but that the rate is decreasing), and now they are looking at South-sourcing and what not. The pay gap with places like India and China is declining pretty quickly, and with the added overhead of overseas management and the inherent quality and communication problems that often occur, the trend is slowing down. That, and the fact that while the shareholders may appreciate dividends, the consumers really don't like talking to someone named 'Mitch' or 'Barbara' that has an Indian accent so thick you can't understand them.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 2, 2011 -> 04:25 PM) And how many good things have come from that? Sanctuary cities seem to make a lot of illegals pretty damn happy. Selective enforcement on immigration cases by INS makes a lot of illegals happy. Selective prosecution in the Justice Dept on discrimination cases seem to make progressives happy. Seems the side in power now chooses to ignore a lot of laws.
  18. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Sep 30, 2011 -> 12:51 PM) I think this may be part of it too. I can almost guarantee that I was turned down for some openings when I was unemployed because they knew I was going to leave the second I found a better opportunity. I was basically applying anywhere and everywhere. Even when I knew I was way over-qualified for the job. I KNOW it was a part when I was looking. When I finally got the interview to run the print center at Office Max, he outright told me he was afraid I would bolt in a second. I promised him that I would not leave for at least 6 months to finally get the job. And almost 6 months to the day, my current job found ME from a resume I had sent out just before landing the Omax job. I gave Omax a chance to match, but considering that I get the use of a company car, they weren't likely to do that.
  19. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 1, 2011 -> 12:18 PM) Code Pink actively funds and supports terrorists? Code Pink is in tight with Hamas, was even guaranteed safety by Hamas when they tried to to their 'Gaza Freedom March'. Code Pink even proudly claims to have delivered tens of thousands of bucks in 'humanitarian aid' to Hamas-controlled Gaza. You really think any of that actually gets to the poor, starving people? Oh, almost forgot. We could also eliminate CAIR under his hypos.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 1, 2011 -> 11:02 AM) Ok, so were going to get into hypotheticals here. Hypothetical: American citizen joins the mob. Travels to Sicily to plan a crime or murder of a us citizen. Is this a military strike target? If you know where the meeting is, do you blow it up based on the accusation? It's the same level of "imminent threat" talked about here. Or how about a US citizen that supported the Irish republican army in the 80's. Giving money to actively support terrorism against a us ally and verbally exhorting people to join in and support the revolution back home. Actively supporting and funding bombers against a us ally, based on this standard the president would be able to strip that person of citizenship and have them killed with no due process. Same level of decaying obedience to a violent foreign based group. Your second hypo doesn't work, otherwise we could exterminate all the Code Pink whackos who keep supporting every enemy the United States has. They actively support and fund terrorists all the time. As for the rest, the mob meeting isn't likely to be inside a hostile country surrounded by hundreds of fanatical followers. You would actually have cooperation from local law, and the likelyhood that they would blow themselves and you up in the process of attempting to capture them is remote.
  21. Would be nice to see someone try and defend Ozzie without mentioning KW. Just because you think one sucked doesn't make it OK that the other really did.
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Sep 24, 2011 -> 01:49 PM) I just received notice from Homeland Security and Border Protection that the vehicle was seized at a border check point. I'm trying to make sense of the notice. I am but worrying also. Good luck with that.
  23. I wonder how they will blame the delay on the Tea Party? What happened to 'pass this bill now'? http://thehill.com/blogs/floor-action/sche...-bill-until-oct
  24. QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 17, 2011 -> 08:59 AM) KELSO, Wash. – A Kelso man arrested for allegedly assaulting a guard and vandalizing a rail car at the Port of Longview was the same person who confronted a TV news crew last Thursday, police said. Ronald Stavas, 45, was arrested Monday night and booked into the Cowlitz County Jail on four felony charges: burglary in the first degree, assault in the second degree, intimidating a witness, and sabotage. At his initial appearance in Cowlitz County Superior Court Tuesday morning, bail was set at $50,000 for the crimes, which allegedly occurred on Sept. 8. Raw video: Longshoreman confronts KGW news crew A witness told police he recognized Stavas after seeing video on KGW-TV of an angry man who confronted a news crew at the Longshoremen union hall. Tension has been growing amid the union and the port, over the right to work at a new grain terminal in Washington state. Hundreds of Longshoremen stormed the Port of Longview on September 8, overpowered and held security guards, damaged railroad cars, and dumped grain that was the center of a labor dispute, according to Longview Police Chief Jim Duscha. A federal judge later ordered union protesters to stop using illegal tactics. Also arrested on Monday was Shelly Porter, 39, of Longview. She was charged with criminal trespass for allegedly blocking a train. KGW is the Portland sister station of KING 5. The funny thing about that is it is one union pissed that a different union has the jobs, not 'scabs' or non-union workforce.
  25. QUOTE (VictoryMC98 @ Sep 16, 2011 -> 02:14 PM) And whoever the GOP puts into office in 2012... won't be? And that makes it OK? Because that sure seems to be what you are saying there.
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