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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (God Loves The Infantry @ Sep 6, 2011 -> 05:19 PM) People need to start going to prison for this one. But when it is Democrats involved, it is always the intention that matters, the nuance, the background. They were trying to get rid of that pesky second amendment by ginning up stats to help their case, so if they broke a few laws, got a few people killed along the way, well, it was for the greater good. They meant well.
  2. I wonder if this was financed with any of the aid they get from us and Europe? I bet it could easily house a few hundred 'refugees'.
  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 5, 2011 -> 12:49 PM) Horse's mouth. The one thing the host didn't ask is why he's taking that money and using it to slash the top tier tax rate. If the top tier payers don't have any of THEIR deductions, they may still end up paying more, even if it is at a lower rate. Eliminate Buffet and his 'I pay less than my secretary' type of people, because they won't need to hire an army of accountants to hide and shelter all their money, they will pay regardless.
  4. It was almost a month later that Pierre started hitting. a months worth of suck that possibly could have been replaced by Dayan. He could have sucked too, but we'll never know.
  5. http://www.theunion.com/ARTICLE/20110830/B...10839991/-1/RSS Seriously, WTF?
  6. Been bowling in an every-other-saturday night league with my wife and cousins for the last 19 years. Just signed up for a men's league on Tuesday nights here in Joliet, first time I will be a weekly bowler in about 20 years. High game only 290, but I did have 17 strikes in a row once (ended with 11 then started with 6). Average been sitting in the mid 170's last several years, which is why I joined the men's league to see if I can raise it with more regular play.
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 30, 2011 -> 08:51 AM) Because you guys don't post them? Seems like the "Expected" result of the "Debt ceiling deal" to me. To you, me and most sane people. Read almost any news story and you will see that phrase preceding 'rise in unemployment', as if the newspapers never heard of such a thing happening before.
  8. QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 29, 2011 -> 09:18 PM) So how come this s*** isn't thrown in our faces every single day like W.? And this week, it's even lower. I just like how it's always 'unexpected', just like every time unemployment goes up.
  9. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2011 -> 02:29 PM) Well, that's good to know. Weren't THEY the ones responsible for either rebuilding those or approving the plans for whoever did?
  10. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 27, 2011 -> 03:46 PM) Pathetic http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-20...ts-predict.html image the health care costs for all these people BUt havent they changed the definition of obese? I'l lbe honest, I am not a small guy, but according to the feds, I should be like 185lbs. I haven't been 185 since I was in high school, and the best shape i was in ever I was riding about 215. I was playing club volleyball every day, practicing with the girls basketball team every day (they only had 9 players, needed more for a full practice, so I got a workout!) and on tennis team. Certainly not 'over-weight'.
  11. I wonder how this helps the children? Oh wait, it doesn't, it just makes a bunch of whiny ass losers feel better for a few moments to destroy school property to 'make a point'. If caught, the person should get MAXIMUM penalties, fines, jail time. http://www.620wtmj.com/news/local/128458763.html
  12. http://www.facebook.com/MichaelYonFanPage/...123097424378854 Reports of soldiers ordered to patrol with the chamber empty. really?
  13. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Aug 25, 2011 -> 08:53 AM) What does it mean to "proactively defend yourself"? They're allowed to attack anything they want if they there's a possibility it could be a threat? Isn't this the thinking that got us into the giant mistake that is the Iraq War in the first place? There have been reports of soldiers WATCHING people bury IED's and could do nothing but report on it because of the ROE. Also reports of soldiers being fired upon and not able to return fire, until they can get an OK from someone higher up the chain.
  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 12:48 PM) The people I read who actively work on clean energy policy are aghast at that NYT article that Mr Genius cited. In particular they're frustrated at the part I've bolded, how in their efforts to write an article saying that green jobs haven't shown up, they limited themselves to 1 city in the san fran area, but then missed massive job growth throughout the rest of the eare. Talk about a bait and switch. The NYT cites the Brookings study, but then pulls out one tiny piece of it to make the exact opposite argument of the study. As Climate Progress wrote, Brookings actually found nationwide: On top of that, median salaries for cleantech-related jobs are $46,343, or about $7,727 more than the median wages across the broader economy. But you’d never know that from the NYT hit job.Link2 So the NYT doesn't like clean energy, AND they don't like shale oil. Where do they think energy comes from? Unicorn farts? Wait, that would probably release methane and contribute to 'global warming'.
  15. QUOTE (lasttriptotulsa @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 02:16 PM) How was it a poor choice to re-sign with the team that won the division handily last year? Was he supposed to have the foresight to see that they were gonna be riddled with injuries? What's wrong with wanting a classy player like Thome to have the chance to finally get a ring? Sure we have a slight chance to make the post season, but he would be much better off in Philly or somewhere like that. Nothing wrong with rooting for Jim, but not gonna do it at the cost of helping one of those other teams. And it WAS a poor choice, in hindsight. He took a chance, and it didn't work.
  16. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 12:28 PM) That has been my point this entire time. It does not benefit the Sox to claim him, so why do it? It only serves to screw him out of a chance to win a title. WHat is does is screw the Yankees/Red Sox/Phillies/Brewers/Braves out of someone to help THEM. I don't give two s***s about any of those teams, why would I want any of them to get BETTER? Sorry Jim, you chose poorly at the beginning of the season, regardless of how they 'looked' at the beginning.
  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 09:11 AM) Well, first of all, this stuff isn't cheap. It is very, very, very expensive to process this stuff into oil. The companies that began developing the tar sands only hit profitability when oil prices spiked after 2005. So, we're going to pay more for oil from this source; if oil prices were to drop, they'd scale back production at these sites. And secondly, no, they really can't sell this stuff to China. You lose so much mass in the enormous number of processing steps that at current price levels, its not profitable to ship this heavy tar overseas for processing. This pipeline would enable direct shipment of the stuff to the refineries in the gulf area that have already been processing heavy oil (From the gulf), limiting the transport costs. Those are issues for them. They will extract this oil regardless of our participation. It seems to me that the opposition to the pipeline will do nothing except shift jobs elsewhere. The oil WILL be processed, WILL be used and jobs WILL be had, why can't America be the beneficiary.
  18. QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ Aug 23, 2011 -> 11:37 AM) If people around baseball have as much respect for the man as they seem to, they'll let him get to the Phillies. That man, more than any other player in the game, deserves to be given that chance. Then perhaps he shouldn't have sign with the Twins in the first place?
  19. Make the claim, Twins won't let him go for nothing, end of story.
  20. NY Times editorial staff wants to stop the Canadian XL oil pipeline from Canada to Texas. Why? "We have two main concerns: the risk of oil spills along the pipeline, which would traverse highly sensitive terrain, and the fact that the extraction of petroleum from the tar sands creates far more greenhouse emissions than conventional production does. " So, Canada is going to produce this stuff regardless of whatever enviro concerns you, me or the NY Times editorial staff has. If we block it, they can just sell to our Chinese overlords, and kiss goodbye the thousands of jobs it would create directly and indirectly. And we would continue to pay more for oil from other sources. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/22/opinion/...mbers.html?_r=1
  21. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2011 -> 03:26 PM) Worth noting though is that Congress would have to pass that tax. Just have department of Health & Human services change some rule or regulation that requiers a fee before an abortion can be provided. Or change the head of the EPA and have the fetus classified as hazerdous waste and require abortion providers to jump thru all sorts of EPA hurdles in order to stay open.
  22. Perry can just win office and then provide 'incentives' to get the behavior he want with Taxes like the Democrats do. Don't like people being independent and driving cars? Tax the gas more, make bigger cars more expensive, they drive less. Want people to eat healthier? Junk food tax, ban salt, ban taste, etc. Don't want abortions? Tax the crap out of the service. You are not denying it but merely incentivising people to make a certain choice, just like car size and food content. If Obama can go around the law with all his department heads (EPA, Sec of AG) making rules instead of laws, so can conservatives once they get it.
  23. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 17, 2011 -> 10:04 AM) It's certainly ok for a conservative politician in office to do this. Unfortunately it would be unacceptable and an outrage for President Obama to call on Americans to join him at Meadowland stadium to pray to Allah. But yet he still hosts Ramadan dinners at the WHite House while completely ignoring Easter. Religion for liberal politicians is OK when it can get them votes, bad when it has anything to do with a Republican.
  24. “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” Obama said in Philadelphia. “Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans.” So he wants to shoot people who have knifes! What else could he mean!!!!
  25. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 14, 2011 -> 07:03 PM) So you would have voted for John Kerry, a decorated soldier who served in a combat zone, instead of someone who used his daddy's connections and "served" part time, state side, in the national guard. Cool. But Kerry dishonored his service with his actions once back home.
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