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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 13, 2011 -> 02:35 PM) That name isn't Jewish sounding in the slightest...? Quick Google search shows its just a guy's name, he's Arab, goes to Washington Governor's University. UM, OK, perhaps I should have put that in GREEN, but I thought that was pretty obvious. An ARAB guy posts a pic on yfrog of people protesting, with no caption or evidence who is protesting or where they are at, and it gets linked into a story claiming that Christians are being mean at the Arab Fest.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 06:57 PM) He's just a dumb extremist British politician using this as an excuse to tar policies he's railed against for decades with s***ty arguments. The riots are going to result in using this authoritarian crack-downs in the UK. they're already talking about limiting social networking sites. Pretty hilarious given how vital of a role they played in the Arab Spring and how their ability to thwart oppressive governments' attempts to block communication was widely cheered in the West. Never let a good crisis go to waste, eh?
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 12:31 PM) Well you're just not doing it enough. When will you take back your religion from these radicals? First, you assume that is my religion. I just am always amazed at the amount of Christian/Catholic/Jew bashing that goes on in relation to all the Muslim ass-kissing. As for your news story, I did look at the link, clicked on the photo, noticed who posted it, and so on. You had 'reporting' that identified motives without asking them, reported 'observations' without attributing them and generally decided they were gonna be the bad guys from word one. Kinda like when reporters add 'Some say...' to stories, when it is really 'I say...'.
  4. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 11:36 AM) Wait, what does xenophobic Evangelicals harassing Arabs have to do with the validity of making all Muslims responsible for the actions of a few? lol also That sight couldn't be more one sided it it tried. And as for the signs, they link a yfrog account from someone named Haroonmihtar (sounds Jewish to me), with no caption or anything indicating who it was or where it was at. Those could be athiests at a religious conference for all you can tell. And I do denounce death threats. They only serve to make whatever side is making them look bad.
  5. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 11:09 AM) lol Hey moderate Muslim from Michigan, you need to head over to the Middle East and straighten out the extremist Muslims. Such a reasonable request! They have enough to worry about in Dearborn. Remember when Terry Jones went there? He needed a police escort. Why is that? Several Christians were arrested for 'disturbing the Peace' outside the Dearborn Arab Festival. How's that tolerance working out there? I will applaud those that DO try, but even they are subjected to threats for daring to speak out. http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ss...elists_arr.html http://www.clickondetroit.com/news/22220316/detail.html
  6. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 11:15 AM) When did you perform your census on Muslims that illustrates specifically how many of them hate us and want violent deaths bestowed upon us? I have no census, just asked where the line was.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 10:37 AM) No, that's a pretty bad attempt at excusing alpha's views of Muslims. But please feel free to flesh out this great comparison. And you claim to know my views from an avitar? Must be a detective.
  8. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 12, 2011 -> 10:13 AM) lol Is a tiny minority of one religion, with most of the more radical adherents located halfway around the world. but don't let that stop you from painting a billion people with your broad brush of ignorance. Is 20 million tiny? 40 million? At what point do you become concerned?
  9. QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 04:15 PM) there's no point fighting this fight - Alpha's views are the kind of views that are just plain hurtful to decent human interaction, and do nothing to move us forward. People like him haven't learned tolerance, even though we've gone through human rights upheavals time and time again with slavery/women/blacks/gays... people just don't learn because they're still scared of what they don't understand. Alpha's one of these people. No point trying to fight him, but you can sure as hell pity him. Keep bowing down to the alter of multi-culturalism and your head will get chopped off. The group in question here I don;t like SUPPORTS slavery, treats women like property and kills gays. And you want to be nice to them. If there are so many 'main stream' muslims in this country, perhaps they should then rise up and take back their religion from all the fanatics.
  10. QUOTE (Soxy @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 10:53 PM) No the abortion bombers/whatever aren't celebrated and cheered by most Christians (unless you count Yahoo! commenters), but I don't think terrorist actions are cheered by most Muslims either. At what point does 'most' matter? If it is 20 million, but that is only 5%, does that make it ok? After 9-11 you saw mass cheering in Muslim communities around the world including here in the US. As for Yahoo commenters, they are 99% trolls anyway just looking for a fight.
  11. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 08:50 AM) 1) It contradicts itself. Christianity suppresses gay rights at the top but Christianity is 'no threat' to any at the bottom. 2) There are less adherents of Judaism than Taoism OR Paganism, so why doesn't Judaism get the 'statistically insignificant' dig? 2. Christianity isn't killing anyone (at least not in the last few decades), and the few people who HAVE done stuff in the name of Christianity (abortion clinic bombers, etc.) are not supported and celebrated by the masses for their actions. Don't have funds set aside to pay the families of abortion clinic bombers after they get caught. And despite Christianities 'suppression' of gays, they hate the 'sin' not the 'sinner'. Islam would just kill them and be done with it. 1. Do you disagree with any other parts, or the main premise of the thing, or do you just want to play semantics? They get that treatment because ti makes the pic 'work'. Just like they got thrown into the original, just to make it 'work'.
  12. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Aug 11, 2011 -> 04:42 AM) This is off topic, but I have finally been able to read your avatar. Wow. Take a nice, thoughtful image and s*** on it much? Nothing in it is untrue, so I don't see the problem.
  13. how doth thou feel about Mrs. Bachmann and her closeted husband in that regard? You say that as if being gay is a bad thing. And since it is something you really have no idea about, maybe an 'allegedly' would be in order.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 02:02 PM) Not really for two reasons. first, at least there you're dealing with the first-hand claim of "I was spit on," so you're calling the Congressman a liar in that case. That's different from telling ss2k5 that there's not a lot to support "people spit on soldiers and called them baby killers." In the later, ss2k5 isn't being called a liar. Second, there's video from the even that shows the Congressman clearly reacting to something and wiping his jacket and his face. I'm more inclined to believe it was spittle from someone angrily shouting than deliberate spit, though. You had first hand accounts back then. Maybe you should have asked for that 'hard proof' a few decades ago, when it was fresh. As for the 'spitting' incident, the guy who first 'reported' being spit on and called names later refused to say anything after he got called on it. So I am inclined to believe it didn't happen to him. Especially since he has had no problems in the past bringing race into just about any circumstance.
  15. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 02:03 PM) They've got no skin in the game; they don't deserve to vote. That's fine. Take away those 1500 and also take away the millions that don't pay anything, unemployed, welfare and generally getting it all back on refunds. That's a deal I would make.
  16. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 8, 2011 -> 10:34 AM) The burden of proof is on someone making a positive claim ie "this event happened" because it's impossible to prove a negative. Kinda like all those black congresscritters who claimed they were spat upon and called names. Not one bit of proof, despite the abundance of video cameras there and the massive reward offered for proof.
  17. QUOTE (Andrew @ Aug 6, 2011 -> 01:05 AM) You can't operate an S-Corp without paying taxes the whole f***ing way. At best, you can try to recoup some of those payments and yes - they do translate to deductions against the principals filing. But so what? The government ALWAYS gets its money first, holds it, and gets to play without any return of lost income on revenue earned while they essentially borrowed it interest free (and penalizes too for anything more than 5 minutes past due). Your statment also says nothing about the MASSIVE responsibility, stress, and bulls*** that goes with running an S-Corp with your name (and those that depend on you) directly attached to it.... I guess I'm trying to figure out if you think there's a problem here. S-Corp principals get banged left right and upside down all year while trying to make payroll, benefits, and keep people working while PAYING RIDICULOUS TAXES THE WHOLE WAY, just to maybe....get a piece back, and there's no interest on that $ the govt had 12 months to play with (and misuse). Is that unreasonable? For me, (most years since 2001) I've pulled in less during the year than top/decent producing sales employees, only to count on the year end to break even... Your summary has some basis in fact, but little in reality, my friend. Not really. I had an S corp, and for a few of those years I unfortunately had such massive losses that I got back every penny I paid in taxes. Yes, the Feds got to hold onto it for a while, but I got it back, so by definition, I paid no (income) taxes those years. And yes, most of the years my top employee made more than I did.
  18. QUOTE (kitekrazy @ Aug 4, 2011 -> 12:35 AM) http://msn.foxsports.com/mlb/story/MLB-inv...80311?gt1=39002 Check out the comments. He is not doing a Pete Rose and betting on baseball so what is the big deal? The guy is playing poker and that has nothing to do with baseball. As bad as I hate the Yankees and anyone playing for them I must say Bud Selig is wrong in this one. People have to live too. A couple mil in the hole to the wrong people, who knows where it could lead.
  19. Pitch 1: Watched as it goes right down the middle Pitch 2: Swung and missed at a low & outside slider/split finger pitch Pitch 3: Pot luck. Taking pitches is one thing. This team takes waaaay too many pitches that are right there, begging to be hit, and then follows THAT with swinging at garbage.
  20. If they owned a small business classed as a subchapter -S corp., then any business losses (or profits) would be counted for or against personal income. So they could make $1 million, but if business losses totaled enough to wipe out the taxes on that, they pay nothing.
  21. Oney didn't make Teahan suck. But he is still a tool.
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Aug 1, 2011 -> 05:32 PM) He has been in worse spots before and has never, *never* lost an election. Tex, liberals will let you know who they are scared of most, because they are usually trying to convince everyone else that they are bad for the job.
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