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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 19, 2013 -> 08:21 AM) Clear sucked in Woodridge 2 years ago, pretty much unusable even though I was supposedly only a mile from the tower. When it comes to wireless, no matter what company you go with including Verizon and AT&T, the best idea is to always ask around what people have and how good it is. I know in some areas AT&T sucks and in others it's really good, and that goes for all the carriers. IMO, the best idea with this type of thing is to try to research real world use.
  2. QUOTE (flavum @ Mar 17, 2013 -> 12:11 PM) I don't blame the girl at all in all of this, but it seems like young people don't know how to drink. The goal shouldn't be to get black out drunk. Bad things happen. Cautionary tale. While I agree that kids don't know how to drink, as I sure as hell didn't at that age, there were plenty of situations in which I was making out with a girl at a party and she got black out drunk the same night yet I never felt inclined to, entitled to or in the right to have non-consensual sex with her. I was more interested in seeing if we could get together another night. Not to mention the thought of filming it, laughing about it and sharing it. Talk about sick. That alone shows me these sick f***s felt untouchable and simply didn't give a damn.
  3. QUOTE (chw42 @ Mar 15, 2013 -> 05:57 PM) How will your pocket activate touch? I'm fairly sure it's only active when the screen is on. Anything otherwise would be a huge waste of battery. Unless you accidentally turn your phone on in your pocket (not likely), I don't think it can happen. I've been in plenty of circumstances where I put my phone in my pocket with the screen on still...I simply don't put it into sleep mode, because it will do that on it's own. You can also accidentally press any number of hard keys that activate the screen while it's in your pocket, and I don't need my pocket having the ability to touch/mess with things. It's just another feature to add for the sake of adding a feature. I actually don't want my screen to be touchable through cloth for this reason, so I don't see it as a positive feature, or even a useful one.
  4. QUOTE (chw42 @ Mar 15, 2013 -> 09:26 PM) You don't want expandable memory. I know that sounds weird, but there are good reasons that Google decided to only ship phones with internal storage (other than the fact they want you to use their web services). The issue with SD cards is that it can be a hell of a lot slower than internal, depending on what cards you buy. If you've ever used an Android phone with an SD slot, you will understand how messy it can get. Some apps fail to scan the SD card, even some music apps and you end up trying to figure out how you can get your music to show up right. I would love some extra space on my Nexus 4 and put a ton of videos and movies on there, but I'd much rather have it in the form of a 32 GB internal rather than an SD card slot. I honestly don't think not having LTE is a big deal. You're getting 42 Mbps HSPA+, which usually means anywhere from 10 Mbps to 25 Mbps on a consistent basis with T-Mobile (should be around the same for AT&T, not sure though). People say HSPA+ has bad latency, but it's not really bad (70-100 ms pings), it's just not as good as LTE's ping times. Now I've never owned an LTE device, so I may be blind in terms of just how awesome it is, but I don't feel like I'm really missing out. Unless you get 50 Mbps on Verizon, I don't think LTE is that much better. And it's looking like Motorola will come out with a Nexus-esque phone at Google I/O and they'll sell it at a fairly cheap price. I may be looking to buy that when it does come out as well if it's as mind-blowingly awesome as some say it will be. I agree on the expanded memory issue, it's just not that necessary, and adds complexity/non-standard directory structure, except for a minor few applications, such as photography or video, most of which your phone isn't necessary for anyway aside from a select few "check this out" circumstances. People offload data onto drobos, or pc's/macs, not their phones. HSPA+ is ok, but it's not LTE. This is the same as when people said their DSL was fast enough and they didn't need cable or fios. You don't until you have it, then you won't want to go back. I had hspa+, and while its theoretical speeds are great, you never get them. My slow speeds are now on par with perfect HSPA+ speeds, without the latency. It's good enough for now, but the fact is, they're building out LTE networks now, and HSPA+ networks are stagnant, and no new work/expansion is going into them. It's time to move on.
  5. @BS, I think you may have ended up being right about that new Sony phone becoming the new standard bearer of high end Android phones...the GS4 looks more like a comparison of iPhone4 to the iPhoen4S. I may have to take a look at the Sony phone, despite it being ... bleh ... Sony, and then waiting to see the new Motorola X and the iPhone 5S (which I assume is what it will be).
  6. QUOTE (chw42 @ Mar 13, 2013 -> 11:03 PM) They're doing some eye-tracking feature along with some hover features. I don't know how useful they'll actually be though. The phone itself will be a great piece of hardware, that much I do know. Samsung has hit the same wall Apple hit, there isn't much more to actually do with smart phones right now, aside from minor spec bumps, maybe a few screen size tweaks, etc...the rest of this is just feature creep, where you start adding features to distinguish your device from competitors by throwing every idea you can at it, even if some of these ideas aren't all that intriguing.
  7. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Mar 15, 2013 -> 08:32 AM) I thought I read somewhere that the S4's touch screen will work even if you have gloves on. It will. But this poses more of an issue with me than not, as this also means your pocket can activate touch, etc...I've never seen the need, even in cold weather, that I can activate my phone with gloves on. It seems counter to the idea behind non-accidental touch. Seems like a "feature" to add simply to have a feature to add, but I don't think it's a good one. I hope others don't follow suit on this idea and keep it the way it is, I don't need my phone doing random things in my pocket because any sort of touch can activate things.
  8. Google has updated Google Chrome (V25) and Google Maps (V1.1) for iOS. Jailbreaks, be warned, the new version of Chrome has a bug in it that for some reason it REQUIRES you to have anonymous usage data turned on, or it will crash after loading it. If you have this happening to you, uninstall, reinstall and enable anonymous usage data, and it will begin working. Google is aware of the bug and said it will be fixed in the next version of Chrome they release on iOS...but when that will be, who knows.
  9. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 01:13 PM) I need some advice. I've been doing these workouts I saw in a mens fitness mag but I feel like its missing different variations of curls. It's 2 workouts that I'm doing both twice a week. Exercise 1 has me benching, overhead press, deadlifts, dips, and pullups (that I do with a resistance band to mimic the motion). Exercise 2 has me doin speed squats, romanian deadlift, and barbell lunges. Where should I add in some curls? Any other tips are appreciated as well. Whenever/wherever you want. If you do curls (bicep), be sure you do triceps extensions too. Your bicep is only 1/3 of your arm, your triceps is actually the remaining, bigger portion.
  10. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (kev211 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 01:10 PM) This just isn't true. That day will be the last finals day. I could see this happening in elementary school. I know, I'm just messing with ya. But in grammar school (or elementary school as you call it), it's probably what will happen the last few weeks of makeup time for the strike and other such make up days.
  11. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:47 PM) I was present for U of I's first snow day since the late-1800's. No, you weren't. I was, and you weren't there.
  12. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (kev211 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:27 PM) I just don't think you should get that upset over it if it doesn't matter. I'll enjoy my day off but I'd rather have it in june. Don't worry, you'll have it in June when you have your students do absolutely nothing on that makeup day in June. Let's not pretend that's exactly what happens in June, too. I went to school for years...and I don't think I ever did anything in June, regardless of makeup days. Ever.
  13. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:16 PM) Oh gawd, not the liberal made-up welfare king everyone hears about but no one really sees... Also, I love snow. If it's going to be cold, I'd rather it be snowing/snowey out. I agree on the snow thing...I hate sheer cold more than I hate snow itself, at least snow is pretty.
  14. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:01 PM) i'm glad this thread is still going It's just been renamed the "snowmageddon" thread in Slam. It snowed a few inches, stop the world, AFK.
  15. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:13 PM) Buh? I'm also posting on soxtalk? Yes, but you're en unemployed welfare king, who's wife b****es about having to grade papers on her "day off", because grading papers is so hard.
  16. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 12:08 PM) your point? I sense a bit of jealousy on their part.
  17. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (KyYlE23 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:47 AM) so......It is snowing I know, I canceled work in anticipation of this snowstorm 3 days ago. That's probably why I'm so bored.
  18. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:26 AM) No, just you were. Gotta be tough. I have no idea what this even meant.
  19. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:25 AM) And that's why Hitler was defeated. Those extra days American kids spent in school gave them the strength and knowledge to defeat Nazi Germany and Japan. Today they would destroy us in a war. Well, today, they probably would have invented the A-bomb a decade before us...so they probably would have.
  20. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:21 AM) Who is "they?" CPS? They were on strike for, IIRC, a week and a couple of days. There are dozens of suburban districts that have closed today as well. This is the first snow day my wife's school has called in the two years she's been there. I think you're projecting an awful lot onto this situation. Shut up, these fish are biting on the bait with reckless abandon. Check out my trophy IlliniKrush whopper!
  21. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:22 AM) Because he was a brave soul who drove on LSD during snow storm 2011. If he can do that, these kids should all be in school! Riiiight, because every school is on LSD. Fail again.
  22. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:18 AM) You're better off as an adult because you didn't have an extra snow day or two as a 2nd grader? LMAO. Actually, yes. You see, it's your exact mentality that's wrong. You laugh at what I said, honestly and seriously, makes you and people like you the exact problem our children face. Keep making excuses in the future. When that Chinese kid that WENT to school has your kids job, look back at the plethora of missed days they had over the years and keep on laughing. I sincerely weep for the future created and enabled by people like yourself.
  23. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:18 AM) Uh, it's not about how quick the information could be disseminated, it's about how quickly parents could make plans for childcare. Why is a snow day called based on reasonable weather forecasts the night before causing you to flip your s*** so much? Ah yes, so canceling at 3am makes all the difference in the world! I know I was up at 3am calling for babysitters. Fail.
  24. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:17 AM) I think you're overexplaining a single snow day that was called when it was anticipated we'd be getting 6-10 inches overnight less than 12 hours prior to the start of the school day. That's also quite the grand conspiracy to pull in so many different principals and superintendents. It's not a single snow day, that's the problem. Weren't they already on strike for a few weeks early this year? Maybe they'll be in school until August this year! That should be a great way to learn em'!
  25. Y2HH

    Snowmageddon 2013!

    QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Mar 5, 2013 -> 11:17 AM) If we had this many snow days in the 20s & 30s, I guarantee we would have lost World War II. In the 20's/30's, I doubt school EVER closed, regardless of weather.
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