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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 6, 2013 -> 01:02 PM) Breaking two girls hearts in a week. You can definitely say I've learned a valuble f***ing lesson. Next time don't listen to these "man up" tards and just keep your mouth shut. And then, if you've legitimately learned something, don't do it again. Ever. It's ok to learn from your mistakes and just keep silent about something like that. Coming clean did nothing good for anyone involved. Not you. Not her. And not the other her. Nobody won, everybody lost. It didn't make you feel better, it didn't make them feel better. Manning up, as some put it, accomplished absolutely nothing. You could have learned from your mistake, and moved on without hurting or potentially losing the one you actually cared about, and never repeated such a mistake. While there shouldn't be a next time, if you truly learned, if there is...just stifle yerself, Edith.
  2. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 5, 2013 -> 05:57 PM) Did Apple's backing shine and sparkle when you put light to it? NO! I was just saying I had no idea how cool the design on the back actually was until I saw it with my own eyes. Anyways, this is a high quality phone, but it is wider than my Galaxy Nexus, which I could easily use with one hand. The fact that this has a glass backing and is wider makes me a bit uncomfortable when using it with one hand outside. I ordered a 3M carbon fiber skin for the back though, so I shouldn't have to worry about the back cracking after I apply it. Just don't drop your damn phone. I've never used a case on any of my phones, and I've yet to break one. Sure, they get dinged up a bit, maybe some micro scratches, but nothing serious...but taking that beautiful phone you just got and stuffing it into an ass ugly case makes me angry. And I don't care what case you got...in comparison to that phone, it's ugly. I didn't mind the glass backing of my older iPhones, either...and I wouldn't mind it on that Nexus...it's just something that doesn't bother me. I view phones as delicate electronics, sometimes beautiful ones. I don't go around dropping portable hard drives, watches, or any other semi delicate products, either...I don't know how people break their s*** so much (but they do)...just be careful with it, damn it. Also, keep in mind most people replace their phones every 1-2 years anyway, so who cares if it gets some dings, dents, or micro scratches...nobody can notice that but you, the user of the phone. It's like being bothered that the underside of your cars bumper got scratched...nobody can see it anyway...so who cares.
  3. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 5, 2013 -> 11:10 PM) iFunbox. lol iDump. Or on Windows, you can use iExplorer.
  4. QUOTE (chw42 @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 05:19 PM) Got my Nexus 4 today. Pictures and videos don't do this phone justice. You gotta see the glass backing for yourself, it looks f***ing awesome. You mean the glass backing everyone that uses Android's railed on Apple for using for years? Now it's cool, though?
  5. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 10:35 AM) I'm assuming that your post was geared toward me. It's somewhat dangerous to let it play out because I'm technically still involved with my girlfriend. How on earth do I play it out without being suspicious/shady? Spend time with and her see where it goes? As I said, I won't really know it's a crush/fad unless I continue to talk to her. Depends on the kind of relationship you have with both...are you exclusive, or are you supposed to be exclusive? If not, date both...and say nothing to either.
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Feb 4, 2013 -> 10:37 AM) I disagree - some of the best marriages start as work relationships. This cuts off a huge segment of able-bodied females. Like others said, and I didn't really get into, it does depend on the size of the company. And by and large, while a few of you here seem to be exceptions to the rule, over my career I've seen this blow up on people 99% of the time, especially at smaller companies.
  7. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 3, 2013 -> 03:41 PM) I'm not sure why my age is relevant per se but I'm 27. I met her at work. Say nothing beyond this. Stop. Do not pass go on this one. Don't get involved with people you work with or at the same company as...it's never a good idea. And the reason you feel the way you do is because she's new...and your using this "common interests" excuse to justify it, it has nothing to do with these interests...it has to do with her being new/different from what you have.
  8. QUOTE (Jake @ Feb 3, 2013 -> 09:58 AM) I understand that some industry powers are not eager to allow research to happen -- that's not good. Our legislation should instead be for funding/making legal research on the topic. This happens in every industry, but the research gets done either way. Same can be said of the tobacco industry and their unlimited money, but the research happened anyway. Same can be said of the pharma industry...again, the research happened anyway. And with this industry, the research will still happen, regardless of how much they try to prevent it. It always does.
  9. QUOTE (Jake @ Feb 2, 2013 -> 11:36 PM) Allowing them to label their product to make it look good is completely different than mandating that everyone else label their product to make themselves look worse. Agreed. And if we've learned anything from the past, looking at the label "organic" for instance, it's a lot of grey area. There are 4 labels for Organic: USDA 100% Organic USDA Organic (which is ~95% organic) Made with Organic Ingredients (which is ~75% organic) Aside from the 100% organic label, which you almost never see...those are all completely clear. So, if you read a label, made with Organic ingredients, it means 25% of whatever it is, isn't organic at all...which IMO, invalidates trying to eat organic in the first place, not to mention paying a premium for something that's not what it's trying to appear to be. But I agree with Jake's point here...it's a witch-hunt when there is absolutely no science backing it. And considering the people trying to promote this usually lean on science, it's funny that when science doesn't fit their ideological opinions, it's no longer of importance.
  10. QUOTE (3E8 @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 07:04 PM) 45lbs for the Arnold press is tough, your front delts must be really well developed. I had to eliminate any kind of compound shoulder presses from my routine because it was causing me a lot of shoulder pain for some reason. Luckily the barbell upright row gives me a good burn in my side delts, but no pain. For another rear delt option, I recommend sitting on the pec fly cable machine backwards and moving your arms from your front to sides. The gym I go too doesn't have a pec fly machine that can be turned like that, so I have to do the dumbbell bent over variety. I'm surprised compound movements are hurting you but the upright row isn't...it's possibly the harshest movement you can do on your shoulders which is why I'm considering replacing it with something safer. 45lb db's for Arnolds are pretty rough, which is why I was only able to do 8. If/when I follow up that set with more, odds are I'll only do 6 and then 4. That exercise in my routine is to failure, so if all I can do that week is 4, 2 and 1, that's all I'd do.
  11. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 02:37 PM) Its an odd story, a lot doesnt make sense. I cant figure out how they released him as I assume he only had his prisoner jump suit. Dunno...but it's in the paper: http://www.suntimes.com/news/17933245-418/...in-chicago.html The Tribune's report is even more detailed...and making everyone look even worse: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/b...0,7468985.story
  12. I don't know where to put this, but since this state is owned and controlled by Democrats, I'll credit them... "A convicted murderer from Indiana walked out the front door of the Cook County Jail to freedom after he was mistakenly released by Illinois authorities after a court appearance here on an unrelated charge, authorities announced Thursday. Steven L. Robbins, 44, was serving a 60-year sentence for murder and carrying a handgun without a license in Indiana, the Indiana Department of Corrections said." ...awesome.
  13. Y2HH


    QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 12:47 PM) I second this motion. I still don't get this... Why?
  14. QUOTE (iamshack @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 01:18 PM) Please stop using my likeness in these routines, Y2H... You must be referring to my use of : ...my bad.
  15. Today was my shoulder routine. Warmup: Hammer Strength iso lateral shoulder press: 25 lb's each side @12 reps Workout: Focus on your shoulders when performing these exercises, keep it slow, even and under control at all times. Remember to accentuate the negative on the final rep of every set (which means come down extra slow on that rep). Shoulders are my favorite workout, so this one may go past 30 minutes. Hammer Strength iso lateral shoulder press: 1x45lb on each side @ 10 reps 1x45lb & 1x25lb on each side @ 8 reps 1x45lb & 1x35lb on each side @ 6 reps That's this: Dumbbell upright row**: 35lb db's @ 10 reps 40lb db's @ 8 reps 45lb db's @ 6 reps That's this: ** Only do these if you have NO shoulder problems. This is a dangerous movement, and can lead to injury, especially if you have pre-existing issues. I do, however, think it's one of the very best trap exercises there is. That said, even I'm considering dropping this from my routine. Arnold presses: 45lbs to failure (completed 8 reps) That's this: I will sometimes do 3 sets of these to failure instead of moving onto the next exercise, OR one set and move on to the next exercise like I did today. Machine iso lateral shoulder press: 10 reps at 12 setting, one arm at a time, accentuating the negative on every rep (20 in total) 8 reps at 14 setting, one arm at a time, accentuating the negative on every rep (10 in total) This is similar to the hammer strength machine above, but it uses cables, instead. These are performed one arm at a time, concentrating on the negative (resistance) portion. Again, these new machines don't list weight, but some arbitrary numbers...I'd say it's about 35lb to 45lbs on each side depending on the setting. Dumbbell lateral raises: 15lb db @ 10 reps (performed one side at a time) 15lb db's @ 8 reps (performed both sides at the same time) When I perform these, I try to focus on keeping my pinky finger higher than other fingers on my hand, as we are trying to target the lateral (middle) delt. That's these: Bent over dumbbell lateral raises (targets the posterior delt): 15lb db's @ 10 reps 15lb db's @ 8 reps That's this: Gauntlet Dumbbell Shrugs: 55lbs @10 reps 60lbs @10 reps That's this: What these are, are normal dumbbell shrugs where on every rep count, you'll hold it at the top of the lift for that many seconds. So, for example, 1, back down, 2 (hold it for 2 seconds at the top), back down, 3 (hold it for 3 seconds at the top), etc...all the way up to 10 seconds at the top. Keep in mind when doing these, don't be that guy in the gym that does shrugs wrong...do NOT roll your shoulders, this is a straight up/down movement, all rolling your shoulders does is mess up your rotator cuff. Finish (if you feel that you have anything left, if not, skip this): Machine iso lateral shoulder press**: 10 reps at 16 setting (~50 lbs on each side, this exercise was already performed above, but one hand at a time) Rotator cuff exercises: 5lb db @ 10 reps That's these:
  16. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 09:01 AM) Sad to see 30 Rock go. One of the more underappreciated comedies in recent memory. It had fantastic and intelligent writing, a great cast and won several awards but never seemed to really take off in terms of popularity. Didn't think it was the best finale possible, but I'll remember it as being one of the favorite sitcoms of the recent past It needed to go...show wasn't all that great the last few seasons...it's like they were phoned in because they were out of ideas.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 1, 2013 -> 08:41 AM) I don't buy that. 70K at launch should keep 95% of users happy. I'd guess an average person has 30-50 apps on their phone. So instead of 125 fart apps, they may only have 25 to choose from? Big deal. As long as they have the major apps they'll be fine for now. I don't mean lack of apps in a sheer numbers regard, I mean a lack of quality apps. Most of these apps were rushed to platform, so they'll be half-assed ports that are missing features. Even windows mobile has this issue and their app store touts like 500,000 apps. My friend had one, and any app he had, it was better on both android and ios to an extent I can't quite explain. It was just like low quality garbage if it wasn't something that was built in. With all of these platforms, what you have are developers that dedicate time, and they're going to dedicate it to #1 - iOS, #2 - Android, then #3 and #4 will get whatever leftover time they have, which leads to delayed or feature weak releases.
  18. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (farmteam @ Jan 31, 2013 -> 10:56 AM) You ever watch Freaks and Geeks? That was set in 1980. Nope.
  19. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 31, 2013 -> 09:59 AM) I have no idea what the 80s looked like. I thought they were making Keri Russel look like Kelly from Saved By the Bell. Obviously that doesnt make a lot of sense as that was the very end of the 80s, not 1980. They captured the 80's well in the movie Boogie Nights, I'm sure there are other examples, as well. Cloths were very baggy, ultra colorful, hair was terrible, etc... For a while there, colors like hot pink and neon green were worn by guys and girls alike.
  20. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 11:31 PM) Agreed although I did enjoy the episode. Aside from that one complaint, it's good (so far). I just can't stand it when shows or movies want to take place in a certain era, but hardly bother trying. It's like, let's play a few 80's songs and people will think it's the 80s all over again. I just like being reminded of how stupid we actually looked in the 80's.
  21. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (TomSeaverFan @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 11:38 PM) Sometimes I get a thrill out of watching old TV series on cable that my mom and dad told me they watched as children. I have examined many episodes of Mr Ed, Leave it To Beaver, Andy Griffith, All in the Family, Dick Van Dyke and Dennis the Menace and The Munsters. I would say I have laughed out loud at some things that took place on The Munsters, Dick Van Dyke and Mr. Ed; I have been entertained but not overwhelmed by Andy Griffith, did not like Dennis the Menace and have been intrigued but somewhat bored by Leave it To Beaver. Any of you like any of these series? I've watched them all, but All in the Family is still funny to me...and at the time it was ground breaking.
  22. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    Ok, watching the beginning of The Americans...highly stylized musical action...but what f***ing 1980's is this taking place in? The hair, clothes...everything is just...wrong, hell, it's not even close. If you don't want to make something in the 80's, then don't. The acting and story seems ok but the 1980's setting is a joke at best. No girl, woman or otherwise had anything close to Russle's hair style back then. Not to mention the clothes or anything else. Nobody that lived in the 80's seems to be in charge of this show.
  23. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 06:45 PM) At $200, I'm not sure how well it will sell. I mean, honestly, would an average user rather have this phone over an iPhone or Galaxy S3? I seriously doubt it. RIM should have sold the phone at a lesser price to boost early adoption. Even a $50 advantage over the iPhone would have put them in a much better place IMO. Have to agree, with the head start ios, android and to an extent, even windows mobile 7/8, there just isn't enough incentive here, especially considering the total lack of apps.
  24. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    I also must admit I'm intrigued by this The American's show...I shall have to give it a try.
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