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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 08:42 AM) Op-ed on the efficacy (or lack thereof) of "Pay for Performance" hospital models http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/28/opinion/...ctors.html?_r=0 (can we make this a healthcare catch-all thread?) It was, you all renamed it to annoy me.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 30, 2013 -> 08:10 AM) did a modified (bowflex) version of this this morning, good workout. Mind sharing some of your other routines? I know I've done one other of yours in the past, and my biggest hurdle is coming up with a routine that I can stick to. I can share all of them. Keep in mind my primary focus with these workouts is weight training, with time constraints in mind so the workouts (usually) won't take more than 30 minutes, which is one of the reasons why I target a single body part per day. Though I do this for more than just time reasons, logically, the body has a finite amount of resources at it's disposal daily, and doing more than a single body part per day decreases your recovery efficiency, as the resources it has will get spread thinner the more you do, which impedes fast/full recovery. So, with that in mind, I'm looking for maximum time and resource efficiency. I find that for me, personally, targeting one major per day produces maximum results. I've probably explained why I do my workouts in this order before, but I will again just in case... Shoulders Arms Legs Back Chest That split gives every major/minor group a full 48 hours to recover before they'r reused, IMO, this increases recovery efficiency while maximizing available power for that workout. People tend to mix/match body-parts because they find it convenient, but I find it inefficient. For example, doing Biceps and Back on the same day will impede your ability to maximize either body part. Every back exercise you perform (major target) requires the use of your biceps (minor assist), therefore, if you've blown up your biceps, any/all further exercises you perform on your back will be compromised, and visa versa. The same goes for chest and triceps/anterior delt (front shoulder). Yesterday was my back routine. Warmup: Lat Pulldowns: 50lbs @12 reps Row Machine: 50lbs @12 reps Workout: Try to focus on your back when doing this, and pull from your elbows, not your hands to prevent over-assisting with your biceps, keep in mind our focus here is our back. I know the pull from your elbows, not hands doesn't seem to make sense, just try to concentrate on that when performing these exercises. Wide arm pullups: Bodyweight/no assist @ 10 reps Bodyweight/no assist @ 8 reps Bodyweight/no assist @ 6 reps That's these: If you can't do all of these in a row, break it up into smaller sets...so like 5, and then 5 more is fine...just make sure you end doing a total of 24 (or more, up to 30, which would be 3 sets of 10). Row Machine (uses pullys/cables): 90 lbs @ 10 reps 100 lbs @ 8 reps 110 lbs @ 6 reps That's this: On this, slow controlled motion is our goal...don't worry about throwing around a ton of weight, it's not as important as really feeling it in your upper back throughout the motion. Lat Pulldown Machine (uses pullys/cables): 130 lbs @ 10 reps 140 lbs @ 8 reps 150 lbs @ 6 reps That's this: Lower Back Extensions: 10 reps 8 reps 6 reps That's these: Bent over dumbbell row: 55 lb db to fail (completed 10) 65 lb db to fail (completed 8) That's these: Finish (if you feel that you have anything left, if not, skip this): Hammer Strength iso-lateral row: 1 45lb plate and 1 25 lb plate on each side to failure (5 completed) That's this: That should be enough to really nail every area of your back, of course, more or less weight can be used depending on where you are in terms of strength/bodyweight. A bigger person may need to use a lot more weight than I do when performing some of these movements, etc.
  3. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    The best British tv show was, is, and always will be Fawlty Towers. These modern shows suck balls, and if you like them, so do you. Including this dumb ass Downton show...what a steaming pile. Seriously, it's nothing more than the current "I'm cultured" show Americans that like trying to feel superior to everyone else watches, despite knowing it sucks major monkey balls. Oh, and Breaking Bad is aptly named for a bad show.
  4. So this makes him what, now...79lbs wet?
  5. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jan 29, 2013 -> 10:11 AM) Well the Sox were #1 after 2000. It produced a buttload of decent to good relievers, a few journeyman starting pitchers, a CFer who had his moments, a 3Bman who had an incredible calendar year, and some dude named MB. None of the guys listed are why the Sox were ranked #1 at that time, which is my point. Wasn't our "best pitching prospect" at that time that huge pitcher that was like 7'10" tall that could barely touch 90? I forget his name because of how awesome he was. And Joe Borchard...wasn't he a can't miss 5 tool player that turned into an actual tool? The only reason anyone remembers him at all was because of that home run he hit at the cell.
  6. Not that I think much of the White Sox farm system, but let's try to keep in mind that these "farm rankings" are a huge steaming pile of bulls***... Granted, this is the Cubs, but these same people ranked their farm in the top 10 five years in a row (even hitting #1, #2 and #3 in consecutive years). 2001: Cubs #2 2002: Cubs #1 2003: Cubs #3 2004: Cubs #7 2005: Cubs #10 ...that really seemed to make a difference. From http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/featu...ntrankings.html
  7. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 08:43 PM) Given who he works for, I don't think he'll be hurting for outdoor expertise. Probably not, but those people tend to lean more on the hardcore side of the camping experience, which may not help him. I also have experience camping with a 6 month old, all the way up to a 1.5 year old. I've done every type of camping, and over the years I've realize what to pack and not pack, etc.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 06:00 PM) I'm pretty new to camping. Started last year after moving to Seattle. So far the family and I have car camped at Rainier, Mt Baker and the Olympic Peninsula. My team at work is trying to coordinate a backpacking trip in the Cascades this spring. Been at this for more than 30 years, if you ever have any questions let me know!
  9. Y2HH

    2013 TV Thread

    QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 12:43 PM) What is Downtown Abbey about? I see I have access to it on amazon prime. It's Downton like "Down-Tin".
  10. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 12:30 PM) Do you Oatsters use a Mason Jar, sealed Tupperware, or just cover a cereal bowl with foil or saran wrap? Does it matter? Thanks Just put it all in your refrigerator without any kind of container and mix it...it shouldn't' fall through the grates.
  11. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 09:59 AM) We've done both sides... but always drive. This year is Ely, American side, specifically Crane Lake. Then into the western part of Quetico, with a boat hop to the border from the US side outfitter. But I've also done the put in from Canada, which is like 5 more hours of driving (or more). Either way it is a long drive. We've looked at flying before, but it is somewhat impractical and way more expensive. I haven't been able to do a trip like this for a few years now...and it'll be on hold again this Summer as well...next year, however, I may have to make a return trip. The best part of that area is you can go there and never see the same route twice if you so choose (aside from the starting points, anyway.) Oh, and if you've never read this...it's awesome. http://www.amazon.com/Lost-Wild-Danger-Sur...ost+in+the+wild
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 26, 2013 -> 08:21 PM) In case he doesn't say so himself...he's given the impression that his employer would not be particularly thrilled about him attempting to bypass their security provisions. I automatically considered that.
  13. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 08:26 AM) Canoeing in Quetico (Canadian side of the Boundary Waters), for a week, in August. That's the only one on the books for this year for us. Looking forward to it. It is amazing how different planning these sorts of trips is now, compared to 20 years ago. 20 years ago, doing a trip like that meant a simple map and a compass that only worked some of the time (Canadian Shield iron problems)... now, you can lay a route, campsite data and portage locations into your GPS unit ahead of time, along with background maps with contours. Do you drive out there, or fly in to get to the Canadian side? Last time I went, we left out of Eli...I figured that was enough road travel at that point and it was time to get in the boat.
  14. QUOTE (Tex @ Jan 28, 2013 -> 08:05 AM) We finally switched from backpacking / tent camping primarily to a pop up camper. I liked the floorplan with a coach, dinette, stove, fridge, and two king size beds. We picked it up from a neighbor who was having their third child and needed some cash. It was in very good to excellent shape. I have a mixture of excitement and mourning the loss of simpler camping. But when we are on the road for 6 - 8 weeks the tent thing was getting rough. We have a weekend trip set for South Padre (we have Super Bowl Monday off), a week at Big Bend NP for spring break, four or five weeks somewhere between northern Mexico and Isle Royale NP on Lake Superior then meeting up with my folks in St. Germain Wis. for a week on Big St. Germain Lake (resort cabin). I can't believe how empty my storage unit became when we started pulling out camping gear and loading the pup. I was in the St. Germain area last summer, I like the northwoods quite a bit. I'm still a tent camper, but as age continues to set in, I can see making the change someday too...hopefully later than sooner in this case, however.
  15. QUOTE (lostfan @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 10:37 PM) Was it you who blocked Soxtalk at my job? Damn you. In any case we won't go out of our way to discuss what happened with an individual poster on the open board, we try to keep that kind of thing to PM. You can always use a public proxy server to get around that...or various other means.
  16. I found the gym Reddy and BigSqwert go too...
  17. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 07:13 PM) bulls***, we all know you do aquatic zoomba SECRET aquatic zoomba! Wtf with you people and secrets.
  18. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:48 PM) My bad. I thought you mentioned your typical weekly diet in one of the threads recently. I may have...I don't mind you refined minds knowing my secrets. For all you actually know, I'm not only doing Yoga every day, but I'm an instructor.
  19. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:25 PM) Ive still got a chip on my shoulder for being suspended for saying "get your heaf out of your ass". Y2HH thats why im on my crusade. If Duke did get suspended, then I'll drop it. Stop b****ing...for a while there, Lostfan was having to suspend me every other week. I finally told that dude, NOBODY PUTS Y2HH IN THE CORNER. He unsuspended me and we hardly see him now.
  20. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:26 PM) Dude, you eat vegan a few days out of the week. Stop being such a p**** and eat your meat and potatoes! I only do that for breakfast/lunch. Also...I DONT BROADCAST THAT. Than you for ousting me. But seriously, nobody I grew up with knows about that.
  21. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:32 PM) No its a good way to show ownership of your property. Much like a brand on a steer, an engagement ring is a way of showing other guys that "This property is mine." The problem is, as someone else went over in this thread...most people don't know anything about diamonds anyway, so you could get a massive fake and impress more people with it than you will with a real one. Just lie and say it's real, then take the extra money you saved and buy something you can actually use in the future. I spent a bunch of money on clarity, cut and quality, not to say I minded at the time because I like incredibly high quality stuff...but unless you know diamonds, the difference in cost between a D and E is huge, and you probably can't tell anyway. While I like knowing I got the best I could possibly afford at the time...it was still a waste of money since her ring looks less impressive than many others of FAR lesser quality (aside from the shine/sparkle it has...when clean it really sets itself apart), the fact is, after you've been married a few years...you don't clean it much anymore...so nobody can tell.
  22. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:31 PM) For the record, the entire thing is bulls***. That is all. It really is. Even back when I was single and had the money to excessive stuff like this...it was absurd. I don't want to say I wasted a bunch of money because it was for my wife, but I did. :/
  23. Y2HH

    Engagement Rings

    Man, I'm glad I'm not in the market for this today. Not only because I'm married and have no money for frivolous stuff like this these anymore , but because gold and platinum prices are about 3000x higher today than they were when I bought my wife her ring, not to mention diamond prices are also of the charts.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:21 PM) Why do you find yoga feminine? You just sound like a typical self conscious, insecure jock when you say that. PS I'll bet a ton of pro athletes do it. That's probably why. I grew up in a blue collar family in a blue collar neighborhood, despite becoming white collar...I still carry a lot of that mentality. This is an example of that mentality shining through. I'm outwardly a "typical guy" type, it's what I grew up in...it's what I am. I can deny it, but when I see guys do yoga, or talk about it...the first thing I say to myself when walking past them is...'what f***ing b****es'.
  25. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 25, 2013 -> 04:15 PM) Yoga is extremely difficult, which is why men dont do it because it makes them look like p*****s in front of a group of yoga pants wearing hotties. A lot of things are extremely difficult...Yoga just happens to be very a feminine thing IMO, despite how hard it actually is. And it is DAMN hard. Also, to Reddy, women don't like sensitive men...they just say that so people think they're not shallow. Sensitive men are put into friend zones...the insensitive guy she always b****es about to her sensitive friend...that's the guy she sleeps with.
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