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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 10:21 AM) This. I get why people are drawn to it, how it can help people, but the cons most definitely outweigh the pros. I have no problem with religion so long as people don't take it so literally, which, I don't believe it was meant to be taken. I have a problem when people take their religious beliefs past the realm of reality, where it's plain as day that what they're saying, and what's actually happening around them are completely opposite...it's like...stop...SHHHH. Stop pretending you don't see these things...admit they're there, admit they exist, and move on.
  2. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 10:18 AM) The same people, if they do get a gym membership, just pay for it monthly and never go. I'd love to see statistics on the amount of gym memberships that go unused. People are just lazy. What's funny, is once you get past that hurdle of starting to work out, for like a week or two, it becomes so addicting that you never stop. Do you always enjoy the influx of "leaf turners" and "new years resolution" people that fill up the gym this time of year? They'll be gone in a month. And you're right...it IS addicting, because your body craves that feel, and the chemicals it produces naturally...it's intoxicating in a different kind of way. The only times I stop going to the gym/working out are when I'm physically unable to do so...which can happen. I feel for those people, especially those that are always like that...but most people don't have that excuse.
  3. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 10:13 AM)
  4. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 10:10 AM) And we're back to my points from page 1 - very good post. People are lazy and make excuses. Losing weight is so f***ing easy, you just have to put down the fried chicken and get your ass to the gym for an hour a day. (or put down the cake, or the mcd's and jog in place at your home or go up and down some steps or go for a run out side or do pushups). There's so many ways to exercise; the excuses are just for the fat and lazy. Exactly. Same for people with the, "I can't afford a gym membership", excuse, which I can understand...but that doesn't mean you shouldn't work out. Seems for most people that if they can't get to a gym for whatever the reason may be, it means they don't have to work out...and it's not their fault! You don't NEED a gym to work out. You don't need weights to work out. You don't need anything to work out other than the physical ability to do so. Just do 20 minutes a day...hell, do 20 minutes 3 days a week...but do SOMETHING.
  5. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 09:54 AM) Other than the fact that it works perfectly with podcasts? It just does both, but it's neither more one than the other, and it's the best podcast app out there in my opinion. Oh well la-de-da!
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 09:32 AM) Stitcher That's like a radio app more than a podcast app.
  7. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 14, 2013 -> 09:04 AM) i agree with just about everything here - but the fact that the government subsidizes the very industries that cause unhealthy foods to be cheaper than healthy foods IS a huge part of the problem in terms of cost and availability, regardless of personal responsibility - which I do believe in even though I'm a liberal. Shocking. I know. It would be impossible for me to say your argument doesn't have some degree of weight behind it. So, I agree to a point. But more than the unhealthy/cheaper choices, I personally believe that more so than any other factor, is people tend to ignore the new reality in which they live. People exercise less than then they once did, as their jobs, and even daily life REQUIRED more exercise. Things as simple as washing dishes has become an automated process with dishwashers. Even kids...smart, educated kids from educated families...they watch too much TV, and play too many video games because the parents are too busy trying to hold down 56 jobs so they can own 2 houses, 4 cars, take fancy vacations, etc, etc...everyone has time to f*** and have kids...but it seems nobody has time to raise them themselves. As for things like making sure sure they do things like exercise...meh, who has time for that? Because, you know, the little amount of time most modern parents spend with their kids, the TV acts their new "baby sitter", because who the f*** has time for that s***? To me, it's excuse after excuse. Take me for example...I'd LOVVEEEE it if my wife worked...as my job alone gets us by, if she had money coming in it'd be PURE cream off the top...we'd have the money for all this extravagant stuff that we don't really need. Sure, our daughter (and the second one on the way) would suffer, but we'd have all that extra stuff people worry about. How about no thanks. How about we raise the kids we decided to have so long as we can afford to NOT sacrifice them in the name of extra spending money. WE chose to have them. WE will raise them. Not some nanny, not their grandparents...US. And right now, that means we don't get to take extravagant island vacations. I took them camping 3 times last summer, once to South Dakota, once to Northern Wisconsin and once to Southern IL. That was our vacation time. Yes, sleeping in tents, not hotels. Also, I have no netflix, and only basic cable...because we cannot afford a 200+$ cable bill every month, unless of course she went to work...then we can have all that extra crap. The reality is, we've become a society of wanting our cake and eating it too. We want to sit in an office all day instead of being a laborer, but we don't want to exercise. We want kids...but who the f*** has time to actually raise them? It's much easier to just blame someone, such as the government, than actually doing something about it DESPITE living in a country where you actually CAN do something about it...like exercising, or living with a little less to stay within your means.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 13, 2013 -> 11:16 AM) Best app for podcasts on Android? Podcast Addict.
  9. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 13, 2013 -> 06:08 PM) and... we're the fattest... because of our food... supply... i'm confused on how what you said is different from what i said We're the fattest because we can be. You'd rather hear excuses in our excuse laden society, because it's an easier route to take. But it's all choice...and the choice the majority of us make is to not care/be lazy/blame someone or something else. It's NOT because of our food supply, considering the choices that exist in our food supply, which are nearly endless. It's because we eat WAY more than necessary, but never burn it off because we'd rather sit around and watch TV. First world problems. I have an idea, get off your lazy asses and work out...society has changed, and office jobs are a new reality...if you sit around all day long at a desk -- like most of us do -- then you need to supplement working out into your life. Period. Unlike the generations of industrial workers before us, we don't put on hard hats and get 8 hours of exercise just by doing our back breaking jobs all day long.
  10. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 07:05 PM) a big mac of 1000 calories vs $5 of fruits and veggies equally maybe 200 calories if I'm being generous. We're not talking the difference between full and stuffed... It's 590.
  11. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:59 PM) You must not be familiar with non-taco bell Mexican food. Actually, I am...and it's still not good for you. 1) I hate Taco Bell. It's the worst fast food in the multiverse. 2) I grew up going to Kanoon Magnet School on 22nd and Kedzie. I know mexican food to the point you wouldn't understand. Still bad for you.
  12. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:58 PM) Right! So you need MORE of them to give you the same amount of energy as a $5 burger! Thus why it is more expensive to eat healthy! All kidding and messing around aside...that's part of eating healthy. You will never feel "stuffed full". I try to eat "vegan/vegetarian" a few days a week...I actually do this (vegan if possible, but if it's too complex and there is cheese or something involved, I don't say no)...and on those days, I feel so hungry all day long it's not even funny. Obviously, tonight is not one of those nights.
  13. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:52 PM) What oasis of humanity do you live in where they have BW3's! Must be an affluent white paradise! There are actually 3 of them very close to me. I'm going to the Willowbrook location. This simply highlights my point about education sometimes not mattering. I know BW3's is bad for me...but I'm choosing to go anyway. Wings+Beer=Living. I'm ok with that once in a while.
  14. Damn, I'm out of time...and Reddy is one of the people I really like having arguments with. I have to go to BW3's shortly and eat a bunch of chicken wings. Poor chickens. Oh well, I'll get over it.
  15. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:45 PM) You, of all people, should know we need to take lifestyle into this equation as well. Why do you suppose hispanics have such a high life expectancy? One guess of mine, anyways, would be that they probably work in jobs that require more labor. Instead of sitting on their asses in offices all day, they are on their feet doing things, lifting things, burning more calories and fat, raising their heart rates, using their muscles, etc. I could be wrong, but that would be a guess. Historically, humans have had much more active lifestyles because they had to. If you burn 3000-5000 calories a day, guess what? You can eat a lot more meat and fat and get away with it than a person who sits in an office all day. Now when you get into the modern diets built on processed foods, this starts to become problematic regardless of your activity levels, but it still certainly helps if your job requires you to live a more active lifestyle. Hence the idea of the "farmers diet". Meat, milk, eggs, bacon, etc...only they burn 7500 calories working the fields all day long...hence why they're always skinny, despite their completely fatty diets.
  16. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:43 PM) only it does. calorie to cost/wise Only it doesn't. Let's just play your game, because it'll be easy to destroy you. 1 big mac meal...let's say medium sized, with tax 5$. For 5$, at any local store, you can buy an entire head of cauliflower for ~99cents. 5 limes for ~50 cents. And have 3.50 left over. I'd quote you more prices, but I haven't been to the store in a few days...but I guarantee I can buy a bunch more. And comparing calorie count is a s*** argument, since vegetables, by their nature, have less calories than fatty meat.
  17. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:42 PM) when did i initially say this what a racial thing? yes i used harlem as an example, but i agree that bumblef*** mississippi is also terrible - and obviously worse according to the charts! Hispanics' diets are actually really high in rice, beans, and REAL foods. It's a food-based culture, and it just so happens that those foods tend to be very healthy. Most mexican food is absolutely TERRIBLE for you.
  18. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:40 PM) AND that McDonalds costs less than vegetables. Only it doesn't.
  19. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:38 PM) I agree. Tell me that someone in some of the more impoverished areas of THE CITY OF CHICAGO cannot buy vegetables instead of McDonald's, and I don't think you could possibly convince me of that. I think it goes back to the earlier point that this is simply not a priority for them. They have more pressing concerns than heart disease in 30 years. Exactly. But we need reasons for why and how. So let's just a) make them up, or b) make excuses as to why. Reddy even just posted charts that destroyed his own argument, where it shows the life expectancy of poor mexicans and poor blacks rising dramatically...of course, he will deny this...but that's what his charts showed.
  20. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:36 PM) poor whites. lack of availability, cost, and misinformation along with a terrible health care system, bad genes, and drugs (meth, etc) But the poor mexicans keep rising... Maybe it has more to do with lucky genetics than anything else...including diets. And I realize you of all people think diet is the cure all for death. It's not.
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:34 PM) the graph also shows poor white folks' life expectancy dropping DRAMATICALLY. so... why's that? Watch how easy this is... And poor black folks' life expectancy is rising DRAMATICALLY. so... why's that?
  22. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:33 PM) actually hispanics outlive all of 'em. so... you're even more wrong. EDIT: what a dumb graph that didn't bring the numbers with it! well... hispanic is the green line. and it's higher than the rest. Here's the article: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2012/09...ncy.html?ref=us And the trend is that whites are going down. And everyone else is going up. Because that makes sense.
  23. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:31 PM) ... I ... you... you were... wrong.... Ok, so they don't outlive ONE other demographic...but somehow outlive all the rest...despite everything going against them. My point stands...whether you like it or not. And just to clear it up for your white guilt...uneducated black females outlive YOU.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:29 PM) you're hella wrong. So hella wrong...that they outlive WHITE males. You failed.
  25. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:25 PM) dude HOW DO YOU KNOW THIS? you're literally just hypothesizing. I coach people every day on nutrition, and you would be AMAZED at the amount of misinformation. Any time someone tells me they eat "clean", I tell them I want to know what that means to them, and give me a breakdown of a daily diet. It's almost never ACTUALLY clean. I also see it every single day in NYC in these impoverished areas where you'll be in a Subway ordering a sandwich and the woman next to you goes "no cheese, that s***'ll go straight to my ass" while a split second later she wants a ton of mayo and sauces. people are stupid. They're actually getting some of that misinformation from you.
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