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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:25 PM) Y2HH have you ever worked in a food service industry? I have.
  2. In the end, I think my point is you don't need to be nutritionist to know if somethings bad for you. I think step one is caring. Even rich people smoke...and they know it's bad for them. Most of the time, they just don't care until they have to care...something changed in them that they suddenly care. The same applies to food. People tend to not care about the damage they're doing until the damage becomes apparent. And correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't the black females life expectancy in this country the highest of ANY others?
  3. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 04:32 PM) would romney's $10,000 bet have been legally enforceable? It's possible that it depends on the state he's in. Aren't oral contracts enforceable in certain states, and not in others? In such a case, it may be prudent for them to prove they wer joking. Then again, I'm not a lawyer. So I don't actually know...I just wanted to add my 2 cents that are worth far less then that.
  4. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:17 PM) how do you know all this, out of curiosity? is a fatty slab of meat healthier than a plate of vegetables cooked in a whole stick of butter and covered in salt? I guarantee millions of americans would say those vegetables are healthier even though it's not true. And those people cooking those vegetables in a whole stick of butter KNOW it's not good for them. Again...they don't care. And why should they with you and the other caregivers building in excuses for them to feign ignorance?
  5. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:09 PM) Many impoverished people have no idea what constitutes a healthy meal to begin with. Education levels are often not as high. It's not as simple as people just not wanting to eat healthy. They may have no clue as to what's actually healthy. "What's wrong with a burger? Meat, cheese? I've always been told that's good for you. French fries are a vegetable." It's doubtful that the poor are subscribing to the latest gourmet cooking magazines, copying quinoa recipes. See, this is the part I think is incorrect...to a degree. I think impoverished people, at least in the USA, DO know what's bad for them. They simply don't care...especially when the society surrounding them builds in excuses for them. You'd be hard pressed to find me a single poor person in Chicago that doesn't know a big mac is worse for them than a plate of vegetables. I know I have no scientific data to back this...but I refuse to believe even the stupidest people are THAT stupid. I think they're ignorant, because society allows them to be. Maybe even wants them to be, because it gives them the opportunity to "pretend to care".
  6. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:13 PM) explain how I was wrong when I said that availability, cost, and misinformation are the factors that play a role in impoverished folks' poor health. There is no country in which more is available to a person than this one. We waste more food in a year than most developed countries consume. What we need to do is stop spreading misinformation. I'm not saying education wouldn't help...but let's not pretend it doesn't exist. Let's not pretend that in some cases it's even necessary. You don't need a PHD to understand that a fatty slab of meat is worse for you than a plate of vegetables. This is excuse making at it's WORST. Most people, INCLUDING poor people, know what's good for them. They simply don't care. And you making excuses for them to not care is actually part of the problem.
  7. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 06:07 PM) you were doing so well until that. Um, no. You're flat our wrong. Edit so new readers understand context: You are contending that a person REQUIRES a "health food store" to eat healthy. You're wrong. Period. Wrong. 100% wrong. This is a f***ing lie. Stop spreading it.
  8. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 05:58 PM) Because affluent white people in this thread are downplaying impoverished people, insinuating that they're too lazy to find healthy food. All they have to do is google "food store" near their home...duh! Oh wait, they can't afford internet at home so no way to google. And the search results come up with PetSmart and some food & liquor stores anyway. Oh well...they must be too lazy cause it ain't hard for me to find healthy food. Wow, the world has stopped spinning, I agree with BS! Like I said in my previous post, you do NOT need a "health food store" to eat healthy. You simply have to WANT to do it. I know, for a fact, I could eat 500% more healthy than I do. I simply don't. But I also don't buy into our excuse laden society where I'll blame you and everyone else for my choices if something went wrong. I know exactly what I'm doing. I try to do better...I really do...but I also know I could do MUCH better than I am. And I don't need a whole foods near me to do it. The corner store would suffice if I so chose.
  9. Stop with with white bulls***, please. There are more white people on welfare than any other race, and not only because of the higher population...but because of the interior of the country devoid of big or even small cities...MOST of those people are on welfare. Do me a favor, drive through a ghetto in Chicago...it's bad. Don't get me wrong...it's bad. Now drive into hickerville Kentucky, on roads your gps doesn't even know exist, and you'll see what bad actually is. I have...I'm one of the few that's taken these back roads to the point that I said, wow...I felt unsafe in a Chicago Ghetto...if our car broke down here, I don't think we have a chance. I'm talking chainsaw massacre creepy. I go to these towns on my travels, and I have to tell you, these people look at me like I'm Bill Gates rich, when I'm SO not. I also have some news for you. You do NOT need health food stores in this country to eat healthy. You simply have to want too do it.
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 12:25 PM) This is why it was always a double-edged sword. Good in the short-term to boost spending and help the economy, but bad for the programs it's used to fund. I'm glad it wasn't made permanent, though it probably should have been phased in via targets. This is somewhat the same problem with people accepting jobs that calculate bonuses into their annual salary. I always tell people to say no to such offers, because bonuses can be taken away, unless of course you have no bargaining power to begin with, then it doesn't matter I guess. As I tell the college kids...find something you like doing that people *need*...not something they want.
  11. QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jan 11, 2013 -> 11:47 AM) Did everyone enjoy their 2% SS tax "increase" today (this was my first pay period of the year)? I didn't notice it... :/
  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 9, 2013 -> 02:01 PM) Verizon has their own software in their OTA builds that checks whether or not you subscribe to tethering. It isn't the same, but part of the reason Verizon likes locking bootloaders is to enforce stuff like that. There is no longer a need to subscribe to tethering on Verizon, it's default and just uses whatever bandwidth you have available now...that's the lawsuit he was talking about.
  13. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 9, 2013 -> 05:59 AM) I thought they lost an anti-trust suit over that tethering stuff? They allow tethering. Bootloading/rooting isn't the same.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jan 8, 2013 -> 08:42 AM) New threat to America's budget: Smokey the Bear! http://www.krqe.com/dpp/news/politics/gop-...key-balloon-cut Almost $30,000 a year! That's like half-way to eliminating the deficit, right? While I think he's being ridiculous, he has a point if you look at the big picture instead of nitpicking his highlighted point. You merely mirrored him by doing the exact opposite in this ongoing game of reductio ad absurdum, because when you say 30,000$ a year, you'd be right if you only looked at that ONE thing. While he was pointing to that one thing, he was using it as an example of one of many, and you know that...and combined, they actually WOULD make a difference. Now, who gets to say what's worth spending money on and what isn't when it comes to their importance? I don't know. Maybe Smokey the Bear isn't important to you, but he might be to me. It all comes down to what's important. IMO, if you have starving kids in the country, and you're spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on things like this, maybe your priorities are out of whack.
  15. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jan 7, 2013 -> 10:15 AM) Everyone says things like this - like they are more man than the real father of that daughter. He has responsibilities, he has to take care of his daughter for a long time still, he has a grieving wife. Statements like the above are so stupid given how you portray yourself as a bigger man than the real person dealing with these issues. If I were in the situation, I would be sick with rage until the day I died. I'd want justice - but you can never find true justice in a situation like this. He has to provide for his already hurt daughter. He has to be there for her. Not in a prison cell. Um, sorry but you're wrong. In no way am I portraying myself as the "bigger or better" person here. As a matter of fact, I went out of my way to portray myself as the smaller person that would take things that far for no real reason other than to assure those asshats pay the price. Edit: And to further clarify, I realize how stupid said actions would be. I even acknowledged the consequences of those actions. It wouldn't be something I wanted to do...it would simply be something I had to do. And there is no explanation as to why.
  16. This sick s*** makes me hate people. I can't even watch these sub-human pieces of garbage speak. BS is right...I'd have to be carted off to jail for multiple murders, because if that I was daughter, none of those f***ers would be alive to be laughing about it like it's a big f***ing joke. It wouldn't even be a choice, it's just be something I had to do.
  17. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 6, 2013 -> 12:05 PM) I've been following this disgusting case in the last few days after my wife told me about it. This is an incident that would probably get me the death sentence if this happened to my daughter since I'd likely murder these boys with my bare hands. Exactly as you said. However, you wouldn't get the death penalty because of the circumstances, but you would go to jail for the rest of your life.
  18. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 10:31 PM) The Note 1 is big. The Note 2 is actually not that bad since they made the dimensions a little friendlier, even though the screen size is larger. And you really are exaggerating on the size. It looks small compared to a Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire. Is it a little bit too big? Yeah, I think so, I'd rather have my phone fit in my pocket comfortably rather than barely fit. But I wouldn't mind having one if it was cheap or free. This guy gave some pretty good insight on the phone: Well, in fairness, you just compared a phone to a tablet. So of course it's smaller than those...to me, that's like comparing a compact car to a pickup truck...IMO, they're different tools for different type jobs. But, like you said, if it was free...I wouldn't say no, either.
  19. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 05:26 PM) All phone makers are increasing their screen sizes, correct? Apparently, people do want all in one devices. People do want a large browser that makes calls. If they didn't, screen sizes would remain static, no? Maybe I'm not so rare. If Apple started telling people they need bigger phones, soccer mom's would be talking on tablets. They don't because they want you to buy more than one device. The Note seems to be a step in the direction of having an all in one device. Maybe there is a market. Yes and no. Obviously there are markets for bigger AND smaller screens, and business wise, neither market should be ignored so long as it produces profit. The difference is, the sub 5" market is the bigger market, by far, especially in the states. The 5"+ market is bigger in China...but be that as it may, screen sizes will not remain static for any foreseeable future, but that doesn't mean there isn't a happy medium. Believe me when I say you are rare. The plus 5" phones have sold -- combined -- less than 10 million units worldwide. Meanwhile, Apples 4" iPhone 5 and Samsung's Galaxy S3 at 4.8" have sold a combined near ONE HUNDRED MILLION units...in the US alone. Worldwide they are probably orders higher than this. The differences aren't minor...they're major. And this is discounting Apple and Samsung's previous models when having this discussion, this is merely US numbers of S3's and i5's. I'm not saying there isn't a combined market that you're looking for...it exists, but it's a niche market at best. At least for now it is, that doesn't mean it won't become a more major market in the future. But right now, let's face it...even with a big screen a tablet is NOT a desktop replacement, and an oversized wanna be tablet phone like the Note/Note 2 sure as hell isn't. At lest...not yet. For a practical real world example, neither could replace my desktop for my work right now...nor will they for the foreseeable future. Forgive me, but sending emails and browsing the web is not a real Internet job...it's marketing job...and for that market, it may be adequate...but for the rest of the IT industry, it's not an acceptable alternative. It's not even close.
  20. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 02:51 PM) Ok. Lotsa issues to deal with here. First, use centimeters, it's so much nicer. Anyway, you're correct in several important ways, but fault systems like New Madrid are so complex its hard to say exactly what things matter. The San Andreas fault moves along at about 3-4 centimeters per year. It's a very well defined system along a plate boundary. Generally, if you do the same math you do here and say "how long does it take about 5 meters to build up", you get an answer of about 100 years, which would give you a 100 year recurrence interval. (By the way, 1906...107 years ago, and 1857 was the last quake on the middle section of the San Andreas just north of L.A.). Unfortunately, the Earth never works this way, even when it seems to be simple. Give you a few examples. The Southern Section of the San Andreas, down by San Diego, hasn't broken in over 300 years. Honestly, it doesn't make sense why it hasn't. There should have been enough motion on that section to produce several large earthquakes. A good rule of thumb in geology, I've found, is that once you calculate a recurrence interval for a fault...you'll find that the fault is overdue by a factor of 4. The other complicated thing that happens...not all the motion between the 2 plates happens on the San Andreas. About 20% of the motion winds up absorbed by North America. It's created a series of faults around L.A. and out through the Mojave desert, that are on their own capable of producing large earthquakes. 2 of them happened in the 1990's, Landers and Hector mine, both magnitude ~7 earthquakes. So, when things are moving, they don't necessarily move simply. You can build up stress on many different faults close in next to each other, and that motion can be released in complicated patterns that are impossible to predict. So, to New Madrid. Its not at a plate boundary, so right away we have a problem, because that means the motion is much harder to figure out. It's probably being driven by the rocks nearby relaxing after the last ice sheet's weight was removed (think of it like a pillow on your couch popping back up after you stand up). Everything's trying to move upwards, but some parts have to move upwards more than others. In a couch cushion that's easy, in real rocks, it's hard, because rocks are hard to break. If we do that same math, 1 cm a year, gives a recurrence interval of 500 years for a 5 meter displacement. That actually doesn't work that badly, there's good evidence for earthquakes at abour 1450, 900, and 300 a.d. (give or take 50-100 years on the dates). Prior to that though, we lose some of the record, but everyone seems to find a big swarm at around 2350 b.c. But think about this...if the Southern San Andreas is 3x overdue, then doesn't that mean there would need to be 2-3 quakes, at some point, to make up the difference? These systems are messy. It's been 200 years since the last swarm. It could be another day, it could be another 200 years. The best way to talk about these winds up being in terms of probability. The numbers I see say, for example, the southern San Andreas ought to go within 50 years, so there's about a 2% chance per year of it being the year. New Madrid ought to go within the next 500 years, so maybe there's a 0.1-0.5% chance of it going per year, if things work that way. That means it's 1/4-1/20 as likely to go as the southern san andreas. That's still a fairly substantial risk...and it's hard to do that math better. Since we don't have a complete record of every quake, there could have been a 2000 year gap in there that we haven't been able to measure. Or, movement could be particularly fast right now because of how the surface is adjusting to the ice removal. In terms of the insurance though, the area itself is much worse than L.A. The area around New Madrid is flat and old crust. Remember how that small East Coast earthquake was felt in canada, 1000's of km away? Old, slow crust translates energy through it much easier than broken up materials like L.A. So, a New Madrid quake will cause damage over a much larger area. Furthermore, the material around those sites (St. Louis, Memphis) is all river sediments. River sediments are terribly weak under earthquake stresses (they're the materials that undergo liquefaction). They shift all over the place and lose their strength. L.A. has other problems, but Structure collapse will be a much more major issue if the New Madrid area goes. Roads, buildings, infrastructure will take a major hit over a very wide area. That's in addition to the fact that L.A. has simply built their buildings to a higher standard than New Madrid. So yeah, there's still a substantial earthquake risk in the heart of this country. It's probably comparable to the risk facing Seattle or Portland. L.A. is more likely, Seattle/Portland would be more powerful at the source but weaker once it hit the cities, New Madrid would be particularly devastating to structures because of what the area is made of. Thank you for this, I find this fascinating. Let me ask you a question...and bare with me, I've been drinking a little, so these might be rapid fire questions. Being that the New Madrid, albeit very stable at the moment, has produced very huge quakes in the past and suddenly went dormant (didn't it reverse the course of the Mississippi it hit so hard at one point?), why don't we take extra precautions on our Nuclear Power Plants to defend them from such a recurrence of a quake? It's my understanding, that in comparison to an equal Richter scale quake that once hit the Candlestick Park area of California (I'd like to say San Andreas?), if the same sized quake hit the New Madrid, wouldn't it's area of affect be absolutely massive in comparison? As I understand it, the Nuclear Power Plants in our area would actually be hit and possibly go into meltdown because of a similar quake. Why are scientists THAT convinced it won't happen? Is it because of the lack of rock formations at New Madrid that keep it contained? Or have I simply been massively misinformed on this?
  21. QUOTE (TaylorStSox @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 12:11 PM) I have an HTC One X. While I love it, I wish I would have went with the Note 2. I want a tablet that makes phone calls, not 2 devices. I use my phone as a media device and web browser, on the go. Most people are not in this market, you're one of the very rare that is. I, on the opposite end from you, do NOT want a tablet that makes phone calls, it's too obnoxious, big, and bulky. They also look absurd when held up to your ear. It's almost as obnoxious as the bluetooth morons that walk around with BT earpieces in their ear even when they're not in use. That bugs the s*** out of me.
  22. QUOTE (chw42 @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 11:46 AM) The Nexus 4 actually does have LTE...it only works on band 4 though (1700/2100 MHz frequencies I believe). So it currently only works on Bell, some AT&T markets, or future T-Mobile LTE networks. The inclusion of LTE into any Google device from here on out will have to do with how Google and carriers deal with each other. One of the reasons there is no LTE on the Nexus 4 is because of how stubborn and slow Verizon was with updates. And I feel as if the S3 could be even smaller, the physical/capacitive buttons are really a waste of space. Unfortunately, for the most part, those aren't American LTE bands -- but it'd probably work in Canada. When I say LTE, it has to support all the American LTE bands or it does nothing for me. And believe me, I understand how the carriers can be...Google needs to make a strong arm push against them like Apple did...Google has the money and power to accomplish this now, so they should push for it. These half asses implementations of LTE won't cut it. I agree with you on the physical/capacitive buttons, they should do away with all but one of them somewhat like Apple has, specifically for things like reboots, etc...especially with Google going more the way of Apple to save design space and not allowing removable batteries or external storage.
  23. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 10:01 AM) WOW. the autocorrect on my tablet did wonders in my last post. HAH! yeah man it's weird to have a condition that 1) most people don't think is as big a deal as it is and 2) doctors don't really understand it's basically just a long road of learning what things trigger it and what things don't. i'll go for periods where it's really good, then boom - voice goes to crap for a couple weeks. really not fun. haha but hey, if it hadn't happened, i probably wouldn't be in the shape i'm in now. I turned to fitness when I couldn't sing/audition/etc Yea, there are a lot of debilitating things that people don't really consider debilitating. They simply make everything you do less enjoyable, and they make you, as a person, more irritable. The triggers are the hardest part, I've tried everything, but even when in a controlled/strict diet, I'd find one day nothing I ate caused it, and the next day those very same things did. For the most part, adding gum chewing into my routine has really helped keep the acid down, even when I'm not using PPI's, which completely solve my issue. When I'm on them, I have absolutely no troubles at all...but I'm always weary of relying on drugs, especially long term, when it comes to controlling things like this. So unless it gets bad, I tend to stay away from all of that. A friend of mine is also a comedian/actor, so I know the life quite well...not an easy one for sure. Though he has landed some background roles on shows like Chicago Code, Boss, etc...but it's not as glamorous as people seem to think. Even on TV shows, only the top few actually see the money that people assume everyone on those shows get.
  24. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 5, 2013 -> 08:55 AM) Unfortunately my reflux is atypical and not controlled by PPIs and tums because it's actually not the acid I have a problem with, but pepsin that gets into my larynx and burns the tissue in there. Called LPR or Silent Reflux. It's also on the cutting edge of medical science and no one knows exactly how to fix it. But the goal with be to eat as alkaline as possible. I already was interested in veganism, so it seems likened a good time to try it. Came hurt. Unfortunately, extremely strict vegan diet may be your only choice...I feel for you, as it is, with controllable reflux it really sucks to have it...because practically anything and everything can cause it...and does.
  25. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 4, 2013 -> 10:56 PM) Haha no argument would be had. I'm mostly doing this to see if it heals my reflux issues that have been killing my acting career. right now I'm just using NOW Pea Protein and shakeology Shakeology tastes good. Pea Protein tastes awful. I have reflux too. I did the vegetarian thing a bit, but it didn't help me...I still had it randomly. Vegan is something I couldn't do...it goes too far for me. No cheese, no cream in my coffee, no ice cream...no pizza...no thanks. And no, vegan friends, if there is no cheese on the pizza it's not a pizza. It's a difficult lifestyle, and I commend those that can do it...because it takes dedication. I could do without all those things, but not for an extended period of time...like, I don't have to eat any of those things every day, or even every few days, but I do like it once in a while. I think it's a defect in my esophagus versus what I eat...because I can eat something and be fine...and the next day eat that very same thing and it happens. 2 things helped my reflux, one...drugging it. Every so often I'll use 14 days worth of OTC Omeprazole 20mg. They say that you shouldn't take it more than 14 days of this at a time, but my doctor put me on it for like 5 months straight so my throat could heal up a bit. It did. I had no adverse side effects when I stopped, either. When I'm not using that, I chew gum...all the time. It cuts down on your acid reflux big time because it floods your throat with saliva. It works, trust me. And if something happens to really give it to me bad, I'll eat a tums to knock it down before it does damage. A combination of those two things have really controlled it for me the last year.
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