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Everything posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Dec 23, 2012 -> 08:10 AM) Dude, give it a f***ing rest. You are the perfect example of why we need more gun restrictions. Every one of your posts is filled with delusions and I get angry just reading them. I'm honestly ashamed to live in this country because there are so many stupid, crazy, extremists like yourself that get an equal say in political matters. You can't even have a rational discussion without rambling on about some nonsense unrelated the issue at hand. This country is doomed and it's because of people like you who can't accept the smallest amount of change without screaming about their freedoms being taken away by the big bad government. Also, stop calling Chicago a "war zone". I don't care if you got mugged in Lincoln Park on your way home from Starbucks, it's f***ing insulting to the people actually who live in areas with high gang activity and are at risk on a daily basis. Well, well...aren't you intolerant of others? While I may agree that some of Duke's posts are a bit over the top, saying things like your ashamed to live somewhere because of "extremists" like him, and implying that he shouldn't have as much political say as you is pretty extreme in and of itself, and goes against everything this country stands for. Personally, I think it's awesome we live in a place where people can have unpopular opinions, but that's a different post for a different time. Back to my original point, you love cherry picking things he says, such as calling Chicago a war zone, and then telling him it's insulting to others that actually live in areas with high gang activity...but it's ok for you to call him an "extremist"? Watch as I do the same thing to you as you: Extremists drive planes into buildings and kill innocent civilians, and it's a f***ing insult to the men and women of our military that face *actual* extremists on a daily basis when you compare a forum poster to one of them. See how easy that is to do? As for a few of the things you said, you can always leave this embarrassing country that gives others a voice you deem inferior to your own, since it seems as if you've missed the point of being here in the first place. ...and second, and more importantly, he deserves equal say in policial matters, regardless of what you or others may think of his opinions. What makes your opinions more important than his aside from nothing? What's funny is you don't even see how intolerant you were being with this post, not to mention condescending, because you actually believe your opinions are better than this and that his opinions have no insight, and should carry no weight whatsoever. This country was designed with the very thought of keeping people such as yourself at bay in the case they rise to power. To prevent people from forcing their opinions on others because they "know" they're superior opinions. Now, before you start with an angry retort, do understand that I understand your thinking here...I've been there...it's easy to reply to a position you find extreme in an angry fashion on a forum such as this, especially during a heated political debate.
  2. QUOTE (MAX @ Dec 23, 2012 -> 02:58 AM) Neither one seems remotely interested in representing me, a fiscally responsible, socially liberal person. Fiscally responsible and socially liberal is kind of an oxymoron.
  3. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 05:25 PM) While Y2HH's point is valid, I agree with SS, ridicule these people for their idiocy. I purposely didn't post a link to her website, rather to another one to not give her more traffic. At least you did it right then!
  4. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 05:30 PM) An overwhelming number of Americans want to see stricter gun regulations. I'd imagine that includes people from both major political parties. Well said.
  5. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 04:46 PM) I'm not convinced that Heller prevents meaningful regulation. We CAN do SHOULD implement meaningful regulation/restrictions here, but our situation is very unique and cannot be compared to any other countries rules/regulations, as we have to do it in a way that remains constitutional. I believe it can be done...and I think if there was ever an opportunity to make it happen, it's now. In other news, some kid in South Dakota just shot his friend with a shotgun and killed him after an argument over a paintball game.
  6. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 04:30 PM) And what a solution it has been! Clearly, there are no examples in the world of gun laws in other countries that has led to lower gun violence. We can only compare things to alcohol and drunk driving, which liberals wouldn't want to curb because they drink and are lazy. Meanwhile conservatives don't want to regulate law abiding citizens, except gays and women. Other countries don't have that pesky f***ing Bill of Rights to contend with...if only we could just do away with it!
  7. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 12:49 PM) If this was possible politically... we wouldn't be having this discussion. If most of these things were possible politically, we'd have about 4 total posts in the 'Buster.
  8. QUOTE (Jake @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 01:55 PM) You're right. The only thing you need to "change" to make a muscle grow is progressively increase the resistance. The only benefit to occasionally changing things up is if your original design was flawed to the extent that you were neglecting certain muscles. Even then, it wouldn't be productive to completely change your workout very often if you plan on making specific muscles grow. If you want to get sweaty, then sure, just sweat in every different way you want to. For someone that wanted to improve their physique via muscle growth, their workouts need not look that much different from month to month. There are certain lifts and movements that should always be in your routine if possible. This is exactly what I was trying to say.
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 11:15 AM) Bored or something? Because you are seriously splitting hairs on marketing terminology. I am, that's why I was annoying Reddy.
  10. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 11:18 AM) which... prevents... your... plateau... No, it does not.
  11. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 08:52 AM) **Hmm. What's Y2HH getting all worked up about? I'll go read the post he's referring to.** /irony I'm not really worked up, just pointing out that when we re-post links to absurd stories on places like Facebook, or other popular social mediums, we often have the opposite effect of what we intended to have. While we want to point out how absurd something is, and hope people ignore that person from that point forward, all we really did was help sensationalize them and their opinions, generate revenue for that person, and help spread their name. I often believe that when people write things so absurd, that's exactly what they wanted.
  12. QUOTE (ptatc @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 10:51 AM) These are reasonable restrictions. No one needs a magazine of more than say 5 shots for semi-auto weapons. I'm not sure how you can keep guns out of people's hands and please most people. Most violent gun crimes are committed with illegally obtained weapons so it may not do too much. However, I'm all for things like this that could reduce the opportunity for mass killings. Exactly. Reasonable restrictions are fine, and should be put into place. This applies to just about everything around us.
  13. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 08:48 AM) honestly i hate when people say this. You can have an OPINION on something like abortion when it comes down to whether or not you THINK the fetus is a person or not. THAT'S opinion. When it comes down to guns being designed to be used to intentionally kill large numbers of people, that's NOT an opinion, but a FACT. Just like it's a fact that cars are not made for the same purpose as a gun, thus car-related deaths are not comparable to gun related deaths in just about any respect. It's an opinion, since not ALL guns are designed for such purposes. Some are. Some are not. So like I said, thank you for proving me right with your open mindedness on what constitutes an opinion of the ONLY intended use for a gun. You made that easy.
  14. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 09:50 AM) http://news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57560112...ung-under-fire/ the patent is actually much broader than just "pinch to zoom" These stories are often poorly written and they convey the wrong message via their inaccurate headlines. All this really means a review is in progress to invalidate, which can take years, be appealed, etc. Headline: XYZ patent invalidated! Reality: XYZ patent is still valid, but a lengthly review of said patent has been ordered. The patent in question in this article still stands as valid, however, until officially overturned. The way they write these articles, it sounds as if the patent is already invalid when it isn't. My opinion on patents is we need a complete overhaul worldwide on how patents work, but especially in the US and other countries like China, who simply steal other peoples ideas since they're almost impossible to be held accountable.
  15. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 08:53 AM) hold on hold on.... you said switching up your workout is good because it works muscles in different ways, thus why i feel so incredibly sore, but that muscle confusion (i know it's a fancy term, we don't have to call it that if you want) isn't at all real? I agree that they've overhyped and oversimplified it to be consumed by the masses, but boredom isn't the reason my biceps are sore this morning without doing one curl. The way it's sold to consumers, it's doesn't really exist. You aren't confusing anything. Overloading a muscle is what makes the muscle grow, period. You don't have to change up your workout to continue making a specific muscle grow...all you have to do is continue overloading the target muscle. Changing workouts prevents people from getting bored of the same routines, thus they stop pushing themselves without really realizing it. The problem with the term is that it's sold as a method of "preventing plateau", by "confusing" the muscle, when that's not what it really does. If you want to consider muscle confusion as simply changing up to different exercising, that's fine...but that's not what they sell it as.
  16. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 08:16 AM) And here I thought muscle confusion was just fancy marketing. That's because it is. You cannot "confuse" muscles. You can only overload a muscle, causing it to begin a rebuilding process to become bigger/stronger. Billions have been spent by that industry to perpetuate the 'muscle confusion' lie. The only thing changing up a routine (aka muscle confusion) actually does is prevent workout boredom, and causes you to use a wide array of muscles. If that's what you want to call muscle confusion, fine...we can say it works. But all that actually is, is working out properly. IE, a full body workout is better than doing bicep curls every day. Has nothing to do with "confusion", however.
  17. QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Dec 20, 2012 -> 08:24 AM) I disagree Exactly.
  18. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 12:48 PM) Libertarian columnist Megan McArdle has just wrote the most idiotic idea ever on the internet...she says we should start training kids to rush gunmen to prevent further attacks. Unbelievable... http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/12/18/1...dex+(Daily+Kos) The best thing about the Internet is it gave idiots a very loud voice. The worst thing about the Internet is it gave idiots a very loud voice. The next best thing about the Internet is it gave those of us who read these stores the ability to ... 1) not read them, 2) not spread them, 3) not make the writer of them famous By spreading these stories, they become sensationalized regardless of reason...good or bad...ad revenue rises for that writers page, and they've now found a successful voice in posting absurd thoughts that people will continue to read and spread for them. It's like a virus. The best thing you and everyone else can do when they read absurd stories on the Internet is to NOT spread them. When the village idiot says something stupid, don't go spread the village idiots word around the neighborhood...because he's an idiot.
  19. This thread has arrived at exactly where I expected it to arrive. Which is: Agree with my opinions and I'll agree you're right. The #1 talking point of the "open minded".
  20. QUOTE (Jake @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 03:38 PM) Open and honest. Also known as "the tease". Or the, "I want some attention".
  21. QUOTE (Reddy @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 01:19 PM) sooo i've been doing the new Les Mills Combat program (just dabbling in it to learn the workouts, starting for real January 1). Did one of the workouts yesterday that focuses on boxing and tae kwon do, with a little muay thai and karate thrown in for good measure. I had no idea what a good workout this kind of stuff is. Not a single pound of weight in my hand, and yet today my biceps, shoulders and upper back are more sore than they've ever been after P90X. This MMA stuff is solid. That's because you're used to doing P90X now, you're conditioned for it. After a spell, you'll be conditioned for this, too, and it will also stop hurting. I played Hockey for years, but I always *loved* baseball...at the time, I was in shape enough to play hockey every single day...so one day we decided to play baseball...and the next day I thought I got hit by a truck. I simply wasn't in the same condition for those movements.
  22. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 11:39 AM) Then they shouldn't be scared about losing lots and lots of users. Having something free is a great way to attract lots of interest and use. People will use things when it's free that they won't pay a small amount for. If that is unacceptable to a company's long term business model, then it needs a different long term business model. 100% agreed.
  23. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 09:57 AM) You can objectively look at both (all, let's not fall into the trap of treating every position as a binary choice!) sides and still routinely and regularly support policies that would be considered leftist or liberal or conservative or libertarian. There's nothing inherently good about assembling a mix of those ideologies, and in fact it may be philosophically incoherent. On the other hand, as I said, there's nothing inherently wrong with happening to find yourself there, either. Ah, ok...I see what you're trying to say.
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 09:54 AM) Wouldn't it be great, if instead of that money going to a bankrupt company's lawyers, that money was spent developing new products that benefit future consumers? No? Oh, right, our IP system is working wonderfully. Heh, you won't get an argument from me about our IP system being broken...it's pretty severe. But this is what happens when the laws of your country are written for lawyers by lawyers.
  25. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Dec 19, 2012 -> 09:51 AM) Seriously. That is AOL chat debate right there. It also completely misses and ignores everything I said about being a centrist being able to objectively look at both sides and choose one. In the case of deciding whether to kill 100 Jews in a concentration camp...I'd choose the side that was going for zero, in that specific case. But it highlights exactly what I was attempting to highlight...it doesn't tie me into a forced and bad decision simply because I'm on one side or the other. It allows ME to choose what's right/wrong and go that direction.
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